An Eror Analysis On Student'Paragrafh Writing : A Case At Fist Grade Of Smk Islamiyah Ciputat

( A Case Study at First grade of SMK Islamiyah Ciputat )

A "Skripsi"
Presented to the Faculty ofTarhiyah and Teacher's Training
In a partial fulfillment of the requirements
for degree of Strata l (SI)

Lany A'maliyani



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(A Case Study at SMK Islamiyah Ciputat Academk Year 2007/2008)


A "Skripsi"
Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teacher's Training
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
for degree of Strata 1 (SI)

Lany A'maliyani

Approved By



Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.pd
150 041 070



The Examination Committee of the Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers Training
certifies that the 'Skripsi' (Scientific Paper) entitled "AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON







102014023799, was examined by the Committee on April g•h 2008, and was declared
to have passed and, therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title
of 'S.Pd. (Bachelor of Ans)' in English Language Education at the Department of
English Education.
Jakarta,April g•h .2008



Drs. sG。オセゥ@
>:IP. 150 2-+6 289


>:cncn'2 Suncnusih. S.Pd.
NIP. ! 50 293 232


I. Drs. \ lunir Sonhaji. M.Ed



NIP. 150 050 682
2. Drs.A.1'.l. Zaenuri M.Pd

>:JP. 150 188 518

Acknowledge By:
Dean ofTarbiyah and Teacher's Traiuing Faculty



All praises and thanks be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the world, the
gracious and merciful for his blessing , love and endowment that guide me to his
way, especially to complete last assignment and let me have the opportunities to
improve my self to better and better. Shalawat and Salan::t is given upon to our
prophet Muhammad SAW, the best leader in the world, who has taken us to the
way of the truth and brought us the light oflife.
In this occasion, the writer would like to express her great honor and
acknowledgement to her beloved family, the most person in life, her beloved
father (Bunyani) and her beloved mother (Sara Maria), who always give support,
motivation and moral encouragement to finish her study.
In writing this "skripsi", the writer would like to express her enormous

appreciate and gratitude to Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd, as her advisor who has
kindly spent his time to give his valuable advices in developing the topic chosen
and guidance to finalize this skripsi .
The writer absolutely realized that she would never finish this writing
without the help of some people around her material or spiritual. Therefore, she
would like to say gratitude to the following people:
I. Prof. Drs. Dede Rosada MA as the Dean of faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teachers' Training, UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta.
2. Mr. Nasrun Mahmud, the head of English Education Department and Mrs.

3. All lecturers in English Education Department, who introduce the world of
Education, knowledge, and have given contribution and support.

4. The Head Master, The English teacher, The staff and the students of SMK
Islamiyah Ciputat, who has given the opportunity for the writer in doing
5. The Librarian ofUIN Jakarta, and all of my friends ofEngli>h Department

generntion of 2002. Thanks for the wonderful friendship while studying

Finally, a special thanks is dedicated to 'My Umbrella', for his
outstanding assistance in my hard times during the study and for reminding
me to keep standing still. (you're always in my heart .... ). May Allah guide us
and give us all happiness throughout our lives.

The Writer





TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. m


A. Background of study........................................................


B. Identification of problem .................. .............................


C. Limitation of the problem................................................


D. Method of Study ............................................................


E. Organization of the writing .............................................


A. Idea of Writing ................................................................


1. Meaning of Writing ..................................................


2. Types of Writing .......................................................


3. Process of writing ...... .......... ........ ........... ...................


4. Teaching of writing ..................... .............................. 10
B. Paragraph ... .. ... ... .. ...... .. ... ......... .... ..... ... .. .. .... .. ..... .. ... ... .. .. 13

1. Some Definition of Paragraph .................................. 13

2. Types of Paragraphs................................................... 14
3. Arrangement Sentence in a Paragraph ............ ...... .... 15
C. Error ................................................................................. 18
1. Definition of Error .. ...... ........ ...... ........... .......... ......... 18

2. Differences Between Error and Mistake ................... 20


A. Brief History ...................... ............................. ...... .......... 23
B. Vision and Mission .......................................................... 24
C. Achievement ................................................................... 25
D. Stndent ............................................................................ 25
E. Teacher ............................................................................ 26

F. Extracurricular ................................................................ 27
G. Facilities .......................................................................... 28


A. Research Methodology .................................................. 29
I. Place and time of the research .................................. 29
2. Techniqne of Sample Talcing ..................................... 29
3. Technique of Data collecting .................................... 29

4. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................... 40
B. Research Finding ............................................................ 30

Description of Data ................................................... 31

2. Data Analysis and interpretation ............................... 41


A. Conclusion ...................................................................... 40
B. Suggestion ........................................................................ 40



A. The background of study

Language is the instrument of communication 1• We can talk and
understand each other by using a language in the word of communication, and
we as a social human who always needs a communication between each other
either oral or written. J. Donald Bowen also stated in his book that "A second
language is never really learned until a person can use it to communicate his
ideas. As an educational ideal, communication implies proficiency in both oral
and writing skill" 2
As an i11temational language, English has become one of impmiant
subject in Indonesians school. The department of education has decided that
English as a foreign language has to be !oughts in Indonesians school. It used
to be toughts from junior high school up to university. But now, English also
has been tough from elementary school. The students realize that English
language has a high grade of benefit. With mastering English the students can
develop their knowledge; science, technology, art and relation with other
countries. So, the aim of English learning is to enable students to
communicate without hesitation, and the purpose of communication will be
achieved easily.

Drs. Abdul Chaer, linguistic umum (Jakarta

r>:rlition 1QR?\

Penerbit Rineika Cipta, second


In the process of learning language, in this case English language there
are four basic skills, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These
four language skill should be acquired by anyone who learn English language.
So, they can use language perfectly, especially the skill of expressing their
ideas in the language in oral and written. Each skills has it's purpose, a
listening skill makes the students understand the spoken language. A speaking

skill makes the students able to communicate their though, feelings and ideas
to another persons orally. A reading skill makes the students understand the
meaning of the passage written by the author and get the author main point
through the passage. Writing skill makes the students can express their idea in
written form.
In English teaching, a teacher has to think a su:itable method, subject
material and how to apply it's in the classroom. He/she demanded to be a
teacher who success in teaching foreign language, especially teaching V'Citing
subject. The teacher should be a creative to teach this subject in various ways
and stimulate students in order they feel comfortable in learning it and
understand the material. Because writing is a complicated skill which involves
some component such as ; content, form, grammar, style and mechanism.
Writing requires think and thinking is also complicated and hard. On the other
hand, according to William Francis Mackey writing involves:
1. The ability to shape the letter of alphabet (graphic)
2. knowledge of the right combination of letters (spelling)
3. Skill in expressing one self through the written word (composition) 3


In learning writing skill, students of any level of language, this skill
become the most difficult one especially when they want to write a paragraph .
The problems that sometimes can be faced by students in make a good
paragraph are: students have no idea to write they want to write, confused in
using the right words to right sentences, or another problem that although the
students already have a main idea/topic sentence they am still confused how to
develop them correctly so, they can't make good paragraph that have relation
each other. As a result, it will lead them to produce many error.
Most of the students commonly make mistakes in their learning, but
it's logically acceptable. The expert considered that doing some mistake or
error are parts of learning process it self. The teacher should be aware of this
problem and prevent students from making the some error by analyzing th:'
learner's error it self.
Based on this situation, the writer choose this topic as the title of her
research, so the writer is able to know more about writing skill and also to
analyze the error made by students in their paragraph writing .

B. The Identification of problem

What is the dominant e1rnr on student's paragraph writing?


C. The Limitation of the problem
To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem, the study will
be limited on Error analysis of Mechanics, Word Choice, Grammar,
punctuation, on students paragraph writing.

D. The Method of Study

The writer used field research. She used the second year of SMK
ISLAMIY AH CIPUTAT as an object of this study, observing the process of
teaching learning English to overview the real problem, especially teaching
writing and to get a valid data to support this study.

E. Organization of the writing
The organization of the writing is intended to enable the writer her
self to discuss the problem, and to help the readers understand what they read.
Here is the explanation for the organization of the writing.
Chapter I

: explain the introduction which consist of five parts, they
are The background of study, The identification of
problem, The Limitation of The problem, The Method of
Study, Organization of the writing.

Chapter II

: Divided into part of the theoretical framework, it consist
of First, Writing. In this part the writer discusses some
definitions of writing skill, kinds and types of writing, the


paragraph, including some definition of paragraph, types
of paragraph, function of paragraphing, the arrangement
of sentence in a paragraph. Third part of chapter two is
Error analysis, in this part the writer discusses meaning of
error, differences between Error and Mistake and the goal
of error analysis.
Chapter III

: The research methodology and findings, it's consist of the
research methodology and research findings. In research
methodology the writer discuss purpose of study, the
place and time of research, the technique of sample
talcing, the technique of data collecting, the technique of
data processing and data aru1lysis. In research findings,
the writer discuss about the description of data and the
analysis of data and interpretation.

Chapter IV

: Conclusion and suggestion.


A. The Idea of Writing
l. The meaning of Writing

Sometimes people write something to convey their ideas or express
it through writing. Writing is an element that can not be separated in
human life, because writing activities reinforce and fix other habits and
skill of language learning. One of important aspects of learning to write is

an awareness

of self to practice



understanding the meaning of writing is a must.
According to oxford advanced learner's dictionary, writing is "to
make letter< or other symbols (ideographs) on a surface4 • It means that
writing is to make written that contains words, letter or symbol which have
In another word, Walter T. Petty and Julie M. Jensen said 'writing
is the mental and physical act offonning letters and word" 5. Marianne C.
Murcia also stated in her book that writing is "the ability to express
one's ideas in written form in a second or foreign language" 6


A S Hornby, Oxford Learner's Dictionmy of Current English (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1987), p.996
Walter T Petty and Julie M. Jensen, Developing Children's language, (New York,
A lhrn ..,_..,.,.:i D,.,.,.,.. ... Thlf""

1()0(\\ -



From all definition above, it can be conclude that writing is an
activity or process of the physical act in expressing ideas through forming
letters or word in a good sentence.

2. Types of Writing

To anange writing there are many kinds of Writing. According to
Vivian Hom the kinds of writing can be divided into:
a. Description
The writer of Description appeals to a reader's imagination and
perceptive sense.

It uses

concrete language to

p011ray the

characteristics of object. It is to collect sensuous detail. It normally
takes on of three forms. Description tells how something looks or feels
or sounds. It talks about such features as size, shape, color, sound or
taste. A purpose of this kind is the same: to appeal to the imagination,
the emotion, and senses.
b. Nanation
NruTation or story telling is writing about succession of events,
incident or a series of incidents in which action dominates. The
simplest kind of nanation follows chronological order. It can be found
in Novels, short stories, biographies, and autobiography.
c. Exposition
Exposition is writing that gives information or explains


clear as possible with logical explanation and support. It consist of
editorial, essays, info1mative and instructional material. Exposition is
writing with a referential aim.
d. Persuasion
In this kind, a writer attempt to persuade his reader to accept
his opinions or his view concerning some controversial subject through
various argumentations. It is also used to make a case or to prove or
disapprove a statement or proposition. It includes advertisement,
leaflet and brochure 7•

3. The process of writing
As the writer has stated that writing !' an opportunity to convey
ideas and to communicate ideas to other people, but writing is not a simple
process, it's hard work. Sometimes people/students cannot communicate
their ideas systematically to others in a written language. They find that
their writing is bad and ineffective.
To make writing effective, the students/people should know some
steps in process of writing that there are three steps in writing: prewriting,
writing and post writing8
a. Prewriting : this step includes discussion of the proposed writing- the
theme or topic, ideas, and related words, feelings, and thoughts. A

7 セ@ "


writer may bring all of or her experiences to bear on the composing act
in this prewriting phase.
b. Writing : this step includes pausing and rereading as the writing is
accruing, interaction with others, consulting resources, talking to
oneself, and refommlating the ideas and organization of


c. Post writing : this step involves repeating some behaviors from the
composing phase tmtil contemplation and approval signal that the
product is satisfactory.
Besides of the three steps in writing above, Alice Osima and Ann
Hugue also divide the process of writing into three stage:
a. Planning is an orderly produce used to bring about a derriere result. As
the first stage in writing process, planning is a series of strategies
designed to find and produce information writing.
b. Drafting is a procedure for drawing up for preliminary sketch. As the
second stage in the writing process, drafting is a series of strategies
designed to organized and develop a sustained piece of writing.
c. Revising is a procedure for improving or correcting a work in progress.
As the final stage in writing process, revising is a series of strategies
designed to examine and re-evaluate the choices that have created a
piece ofwriting. 9


Those are the three stages in writing which are able to identify
some predictable stages in the evaluation of their writing process. In
approach process to the teaching of writing, writing should be taught as a
process when learners in their classroom. The students start for choosing
topic or finding ideas, identifying purpose, organizing, making draft, and
evaluating it to publish their writing.

4. The teaching of writing
To teach writing subject in English to students is not easy. It needs
various approaches a teacher demanded to make the students understand
and apply writing matters in practice.
Besides the knowledge about some steps in writing,
students still need the help from their teacher to develop their ideas in
some paragraphs correctly. It's teacher responsibility to teach them by
using different approaches based on their needs.
There are many approach for teacher to teach writing in
class. Teachers may combine and develop some approaches to the teaching
of writing, as Raimes has written in her book that there are some
approaches in teaching writing: 10


a. The controlled-To-Free Approach
In the 1950s and early 1960s, the audio-lingual approach
dominated second language learning. Teachers :>tressed their teaching
activity in mastering grammatical and syntactic forms.
In this approach, first the students are given sentence exercises
then paragraphs to copy grammatically by, for instance; changing
question to statements, present to past, or plural to singular.
This approach stresses three features: grammar, syntax, and
mechanics. It emphasizes accuracy rather than fluency or originality.
b. The Free-Writing Approach
In this approach, students should put content and fluency first
m their composition and not wony about form. In this approach
teachers begin their classes by asking students to write freely on any
topic without wonying about grammar and spelling.
c. The Paragraph-Pattern approach
The paragraph-pattern approach stresse:s in organization of
writing. This approach is based on the principle that in different
cultures people construct and organize their communication with each
other in different ways. Even if students organize their ideas well in
their first language, they still need to see, analyze, and practice to write
in English well.
In real classroom, students are asked to copy paragraphs,

' '


d. The Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach
Students see the connection between what they are trying to
write and what they need to it. This approach, links the purpose of a
piece of writing to the forms that are needed to convey the messages.
e. The Communicative Approach
This approach stresses the purpose of a piece of writing
students writers are encouraged to behave like writers in real life.
Teachers using the communicative approach, therefore, have extended
the readership. They extend it to other students in the class, who not
only read the piece but also do something with it, such as respond,
rewrite in another form, summarize, or make comments-but not

The Process Approach
In this approach, the students do not write on a given topic in a
restricted time and hand in the composition for the teacher to correct.
Rather, they explore a topic through writing, showing the teacher and
each other their drafts, and using what they write to read over, think
about, and move to them on to new ideas.
Teachers who use this approach give their students to try out
ideas and feedback on the content of what they write in their drafts.
They find that then the writing process becomes a process of a
discovery for the students: discovery of new id::as and new language


B. Paragraph
1. Some Definition of Paragraph

In written form, English is divided into paragraph to distinguish
one main idea. A paragraph is "a group of ウ・ョエセ@

which develop one

central idea. 11 • As conventionally defined "a paragraph contains a topic
sentence and supporting materials; it begins with capital letter, the first
line is indented and it concludes with an end stop 12 • According to
Elizabeth cowan "paragraph is composed of a sentence or a chunk of
sentences which the writer has grouped some definite reasons" 13 • Alice
Osima and Ann Hugue said paragraph is a group ofrelated statement that a
writer develops about a subject. Each paragraph is separate unit marked by
indenting the first word form the left-hand margin, or by living extra space
above and below the paragraph 14 •
The definition above can be conclude that paragraph is a group of
sentences developed based on a subject that has related statements and
defined reason, which begins by indenting the first word from the lefthand margin, or by leaving extra space.
In order to make statements with paragraph, the paragraph must
have unity and for unity, he/she often requires a topic sentence. The
paragraph must have coherence within it self, and a series of paragraph

Martin L. Arnaudet and Mmy E Barrett. Paragraph Development. (Englewood Cliffs
prentice-Hall. lnc.1981) p.1
William D baker. Reading and Writing Skills. (New York M