A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora


Registration Number: 8126 111 016


Batubara, Khairunnisa. Register Number: 8126111016. Phraseology In Air

Traffic Controller’s Communication. A thesis. English Applied Linguistics
Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. 2015.
This study deals with the phraseology in air traffic controller’s communication.
The objectives of the study are (1) to find out the types of phraseology used in
communication between ATC of KNIA and pilot, (2) to identify the patterns of
phraseology used in communication between ATC of KNIA and pilot, and (3) to
know how the phraseology used in communication between ATC of KNIA and
pilot. The source of this study is an air traffic controller of KNIA. The data of this
study are the communication between controller and pilot which spoken in
statements or commands called phraseology (words and phrases). The research
design is qualitative research design. The instruments of data collection are voice
recorder to record the data, camcorder to interview then observe the subject and a
camera is used to capture some photographs to show the real situation in
conducting as part of field research method. The findings of the study are drawn.
(1) The types of phraseology used by ATC in this study are five; they are General
Phraseology (GP), Radar Control Phraseology (RCP), Area Control Phraseology
(Area CP), Approach Control Phraseology (App CP), and Aerodrome Control
Phraseology (Aerodrome CP) as standard phraseology, and also Non – standard
phraseology. (2) The patterns of phraseology used by ATC in communication
with pilot are commonly systemized but sometimes it depends on the situation

faced by controllers, there is no certain patterns used. (3) ATC commonly use
standard phraseology which has been standardized by ICAO. ATC may combine
the types of phraseology based on the condition and situation needed. In another
case and situation, ATC sometimes used non – standard phraseology in
communication with pilot, that’s why phraseology is the unique language used by
ATC in their daily job, interact with pilots in a communication in order to prevent
collisions, organize and expedite the flow of traffic, and provide information and
other support for pilots.


Batubara, Khairunnisa. Nomor Registrasi: 8126111016. Phraseology dalam
Komunikasi Pemandu Lalu Lintas Penerbangan (ATC). Tesis. Program
Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas
Negeri Medan. 2015.
Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan phraseology dalam komunikasi pemandu lalu
lintas penerbangan (ATC). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui
jenis phraseology yang digunakan dalam komunikasi antara ATC KNIA dan pilot,
(2) untuk mengidentifikasi pola – pola phraseology yang digunakan dalam

komunikasi antara ATC KNIA dan pilot, dan (3) untuk mengetahui bagaimana
phraseology yang digunakan dalam komunikasi antara ATC KNIA dan pilot.
Sumber dari penelitian ini adalah pemandu lalu lintas penerbangan (ATC). Data
dari penelitian ini adalah komunikasi antara ATC dan pilot yang diucapkan dalam
pernyataan (laporan) atau perintah yang disebut dengan phraseology (kata atau
frasa). Rancangan penelitian ini adalah rancangan penelitian kualitatif. Instrumen
– instrument yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah perekam suara
untuk merekam data, perekam video untuk mewawancarai lalu mengamati subjek
dan kamera untuk mengambil beberapa foto yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan
situasi yang sebenarnya dalam melakukan penelitian sebagai bagian dari metode
penelitian lapangan. Temuan penelitian sebagai berikut. (1) Jenis-jenis
phraseology yang digunakan ATC dalam penelitian ini ada lima yaitu; General
Phraseology (GP), Radar Control Phraseology (RCP), Area Control Phraseology
(Area CP), Approach Control Phraseology (App CP), dan Aerodrome Control
Phraseology (Aerodrome CP) sebagai phraseology standar, dan juga ada
phraseology yang tidak standar. (2) Pola phraseology yang digunakan ATC dalam
berkomunikasi dengan pilot umumnya sistematis tetapi terkadang semua itu
tergantung pada situasi yang dihadapi oleh ATC, jadi sebenarnya tidak ada pola
tertentu yang digunakan. (3) ATC biasanya menggunakan phraseology standar
yang telah dibakukan oleh ICAO. ATC dapat menggabungkan jenis phraseology

berdasarkan kondisi dan situasi yang dibutuhkan. Dalam kasus dan situasi lain,
ATC kadang-kadang menggunakan phraseology yang tidak standar dalam
berkomunikasi dengan pilot, itu sebabnya phraseology adalah bahasa unik yand
digunakan oleh ATC dalam pekerjaannya, berinteraksi dengan pilot supaya
terhindar dari tabrakan, mengatur arus lalu lintas, dan memberikan informasi
kepada pilot.



Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
First of all, the researcher would like to say thanks to Allah SWT that
has given the charity and health for the researcher to accomplish this thesis.
Blessing and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought
human being to become civilized and educated in terms of science and
Second, in completing this thesis, the researcher faced a lot of troubles
and without much help of the following people, it was impossible for her to
bring this thesis into existence. Therefore, the researcher would like to thank

especially for her beloved parents, H. Samruddin Batubara and Hj.
Rosmawati Sirait, and also her husband, Juhari, S.H., M.H., for their
loves, prayers and more supports both moral and material before, during and
after her academic years at Postgraduate School, UNIMED, and also much
love to her beloved son as her prince; Muhammad Mitsaqillahi Al Haque
Abna Juhari who always stand by her along the day with much laugh and
Third, the researcher absolutely gives her special thanks to Prof. Dr.
Busmin Gurning, M.Pd. and Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum. as her first and second
advisor who have given her supports, advices, motivation, and suggestion in
conducting the thesis and also their patience in guiding the researcher to be
better and better in completing the thesis.


Forth, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., and Dr. Sri Minda Murni,
M.S., as the Head and Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program
who have given the researcher the opportunity to conduct the thesis.
Fifth, Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S.,
Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., as her reviewers and also examiners who have

given the researcher questions and suggestions to improve the thesis and also
all lecturers especially those of English Applied Linguistics Study Program for
their guidance advices, suggestions, and encouragement during the year of her
Sixth, Farid Ma’ruf who gave her much helps, guidance, and also
cooperates with the researcher to make some procedures in completing the
Seventh, the General Manager of Airnav Indonesia, Kuala Namu
International Airport, North Sumatera and the Head of Air Traffic Service who
gave her a golden opportunity to conduct the thesis in doing observation
around controlling tower of Kuala Namu International Airport.
Qori Khairunisa and Husni Harahap as Air Traffic Controllers (ATC)
and also her friends who support her in finishing this thesis and also guide her
in understanding about phraseology.
Her beloved younger and youngest brothers, Habibul Khoir Batubara
and Ikhwanul Kiram Batubara, thanks for supporting her.
Her kind aunties, who have given her motivation to always work hard
and pray for God everytime.


And the last but always forever, her closest friends in a Gank “Kismis”
Azizah Noor Husda, S.S., M.Hum., Isra Mitari, S.Pd., M.Hum., Kartina
Ramadhani, S.Pd., M.Hum., Sri Minda, S.Pd., M.Hum., Khairil Amri, S.S.,
Ricky Drimarcha Barus, S.Pd., and also Dahlia Sirait, S.Pd., M.Hum., and Lila
Novra Dini Saragih, S.Pd., her partners in discussing everything in
good directions, always be her friends from the first semester until now, for all
colleagues of A1 LTBI academic year 2012 (XXII) and also all friends who
always support and cared her in finishing her thesis including all participants
who have helped her in finishing this thesis.

Medan, 6 Juli 2015
The Researcher








TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………


LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………..


LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………………


1.1 The Background of the Study………………………….…
1.2 The Problems of the Study………………………….........
1.3 The Objectives of the Study…………………..…….........
1.4 The Scope of the Study..………………….……………...
1.5 The Significances of the Study..………………………….


2.1 Theoretical Framework…………………………………....
2.1.1 Air Traffic Controller (ATC)….................................
2.1.2 Phraseology in Air Traffic Controller..……………..
2.1.3 The Types of Phraseology used by ATC…………...
2.1.4 The Patterns of Phraseology………………………...
2.1.5 Communication……………………………..………

2.1.6 The Communication between ATC and Pilot………
2.2 Relevant Studies……………………………………………
2.3 Conceptual Framework……………………………………..



Research Design……………………………………………
Source of Data…………………………………………….. .
The Instruments of Collecting Data………………………...
The Subjects of the Study…...……………………………...
The Techniques of Data Collection………………………. ..
3.5.1 Observation……………………………………………
3.5.2 Interview……………………………………………. ..
3.6 The Procedures of Data Analysis…………………………..
3.7 Trustworthiness……………………………………………..


4.1 Data Analysis…………………………………………………
4.1.1 The Types of Phraseology Used in Communication between
ATC and Pilot …………………………………………
41 General Phraseology…………………………...
41 Aerodrome Control Phraseology………...……..
43 Approach Control Phraseology…………………
44 Area Control Phraseology…………..…………..
45 Radar Control Phraseology……….…..…………
46 Non – standard Phraseology………...…………..
4.1.2 The Patterns of Phraseology Used in Communication between
ATC and Pilot………………………………..………….
4.1.3 The Phraseology Used in Communication between ATC and
4.2 Findings…………………………………………………..…….
4.3 Discussion…………………………………………………..….. 57
5.1 Conclusions…………………………………………………..….
5.2 Suggestions……………………………………………………...
REFERENCES…..……………………………………………………………. ……




1.1 The Background of the Study
Language is a means of communication. Montgomery (1995) commented
that language informs the way of people think, experience, and interact with each
other. Language can be learned as a system of communication. Systematic
knowledge about language and practical awareness of how it works is
fundamental to the process of building mature communities.
The term ‘language’ can be used in a very broad metaphorical sense to
refer to any system of communication. Fiske (1990) stated that communication is
one of those human activities that everyone recognizes but few can define
satisfactorily. Communication is not a simple mechanical matter of passing
information from one person to one or more others but rather is a complex,
multilevel event.
In field of aviation, the language exactly used by pilots, air traffic
controllers, and other personnel associated with the aviation industry. Although
the term may encompass a wide variety of language used in every situation,
including the language of airlines mechanics, flight attendants, or ground service
personnel, most research and teaching focus on the more specialized
communication between pilots and air traffic controllers, often called



Thamrin (2001) in his thesis Analisis Kesalahan Ujaran Pada Komunikasi
Lalu Lintas Penerbangan, observed the error in aircraft communication, the
causes of the error, and the reason of the error communication. But in this
research, it refers to the language use in aviation which is a communication
between air traffic controllers and pilots.
The researcher interests with the language used by ATC which is called
phraseology. The reason shows that phraseology is not only the words or phrases
spoken by everyone but phraseology is a language as a means of communication
between controllers and pilot which had been standardized and also had certain
meaning in conveying the statements or another speech functions (such
commands, offers, or questions).
Cowie (1998) stated that in linguistics, phraseology is the study of set or
fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multiword lexical units (often collectively referred to as phrasemes), in which the
component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or
otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used
independently. Phraseology is the branch of linguistics; it refers to the language
used by air traffic controller (ATC) in communication with pilot as the functions
of conveying the meaning in language use.
Commonly, pilots use English as the main language (another language can
be also used in certain situation but English is more suggested deeply) in
communicating by radio telephony in the cockpit of airplane, while air traffic
controllers use language which is called by phraseology, in communicating by
radio stations in grounds (airport). Both of them constantly give and take


information each other. Such as the weather, air traffics, and some instructions as
long as the operation of flights are running. Moreover, pilots also know how to
say by using phraseology even it is not their main language.
The system of communication used by pilots is actually aviation English.
It means the language used by flight attendants and other general aviation
personnel, like many forms of English for specific purposes, uses conventional
English pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, and interactional patterns, but adapts
them to the purposes of the particular domain and context. The system of
communication used by air traffic controller is a more specialized and restricted
variety, for which the language patterns are tightly regulated by professional and
international standards. It is called phraseology, as mentioned previously.
Phraseology is the words or phrase used by ATC which conveys a certain
meaning in communication with pilot.
In this research, phraseology is used as a means of communication
between controllers and pilot. This communication is absolutely different with
common speech in daily life. In phraseology there are words and phrases which
have certain meaning that had been standardized so that among controllers and
pilot should have their own understanding in doing communication.
Example: C: Indonesia 070 copied visual contact continue descent 2000
report runway insight
P: Descend 2000 feet call you runway insight Indonesia 070
From the example above, phraseology used by controller and pilot has
their certain meaning in their communication. It had been standardized to be a


language as a means of communication among them. See that a controller gives a
commands or information to pilot to do what his/her mean.
The language used among pilots and flight engineers in the cockpit is often
a hybrid of specialized technical language and everyday language and may use
varying amounts of English or other languages. Whereas the demands for the use
of English by other aviation personnel vary widely by country and context, the use
of English as the international language of air traffic controller is officially
mandated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The ICAO is
a specialized agency of the United Nations, whose role is to set standards for
aviation safety and security. According to ICAO policy, pilots on international
flights and air traffic controllers in airspaces that receive international flights must
demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in English, in addition to the
language used by the station on the ground.
In the procedure of Annex 10 Vol. II ICAO mentioned that pending the
development and adoption of more suitable form of speech for universal in
aeronautical radiotelephony communications, the English language should be used
as such and should be available, on request from any aircraft station unable to
comply with all station on the ground service designated airport and routes used
by international air service. Thus, phraseology is a part of English which has its
own meaning used in a communication.
And then, the English language should be the basis for the development of
the requisite phraseology. Words with Latin roots should be given preference in
developing the phraseology. The last one is the language normally used by pilots,


air traffic controllers, and other personnel associated with the aviation industry
and other language that may be used on request at a station in the ground should
come from a part of the AIP (Aeronautical Information Publications) and other
published aeronautical information concerning such facilities.
Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) always keeps contact with pilots by using
English and phraseology. As the world becomes more and more global, language
becomes a key factor in the efficiency of pilots and ATC communications. The
use of standardized phraseology is one of the most important factors involved in
the use of language in communication between ATC and pilots.
The phrases or words which are used in communication between ATC and
pilots are called by phraseology which is a group of phrases which may contain of
one or more simple words. The phrase is absolutely built in English, simple and
never been overused. For example: phrase means let me
know that you have received and understood this message. It is one of general
phraseology used in every operation of airplane belongs to the air traffic.
Another example of phrase used in ATC and pilots as the language use in
communication like , .
Those phrases are used in the surroundings of airport (vicinity of aerodrome; from
land to 2500 ft.). These phrases are used in communication while the airplane is
on the ground or airport to make a move to fly away or landing.
The example phenomenon of communication between ATC and pilots can
be seen onto Sukhoi Superjet 100 in Gunung Salak, Bogor (Indonesia), when the
communication ran between ATC and pilot, pilot asked ATC to get down from


10.000 ft. to 6.000 ft. Then ATC agreed and stated ‘cleared’, but unfortunately the
accident happened. For another one which makes a near miss refers to US
Airways in Ronald Reagan Airport, Washington DC. In this case, ATC got
confused to take off 2 (two) planes which in the same time 1 (one) plane got to
land. So that’s why controllers and pilots should make a good communication in
giving and receiving information by using their own language which is
Mell (1992) stated that pilots and controllers’ communication needs in
situations for which phraseology is not enough requires the usage of natural
language though constrained by phraseology’s rules of clarity, preciseness and
concision. This form of natural language is referred to by the ICAO as plain
language and is prescribed as a last resort when phraseology has reached its limits:

ICAO standardized phraseology shall be used in all situations for
which it has been specified. Only when standardized phraseology
cannot serve an intended transmission, plain language shall be used


ICAO standardized phraseology should always be used in the first
instance (2010).

From those all phenomenon and evidence, the researcher focused in
finding the types of phraseology and then identifying the patterns based on the
types of phraseology, from those substances then the elaboration of how the
phraseology used in communication between ATC of KNIA and pilots will be
described as the investigation of phraseology used in controller’s communication.


This reason strengthened the researcher to derive the language used in aviation by
doing a research to find more information of the communication between ATC
and pilots. As the data to be analyzed, the researcher recorded the communication
from controller while controlling the aircrafts on the airspace with pilot which is
called as phraseology (words and phrases in statements or commands). The data
used to find the phraseology as the means of communication of controllers.

1.2 The Problems of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the problems of the study were
formulated as the following:
1) What are the types of phraseology used in communication between ATC
of Kuala Namu International Airport (KNIA) and pilots?
2) What are the patterns of phraseology used in communication between
ATC of KNIA and pilots?
3) How is the phraseology used in communication between ATC of KNIA
and pilots?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study
From the problems stated, the objectives of the study were identified:
1) to find out the types of phraseology used in communication between ATC
of and pilot
2) to identify the patterns of phraseology used in communication between
ATC of KNIA and pilot


3) to know the phraseology used in communication between ATC of KNIA
and pilot.

1.4 The Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is concerning with airline field or aviation. In other
words, this research limited the observation on the phraseology used by ATC in
Kuala Namu International Airport (KNIA), North Sumatera, or the use of
language in communication between ATC and pilots in KNIA as the functions in
conveying the meaning. Phraseology in this research referred to the speech
functions which included the commands and statements as the communication
among them as the meaning of communication.

1.5 The Significances of the Study
Theoretically, the study is aimed at enriching the theories of phraseology
especially the use of language of Air Traffic Controller (ATC), the phraseology
used in communication, the patterns of phraseology used in communication
between ATC and pilot, and the dominant phrases or words used in
Practically, the findings of this study aimed at contributing the information
about language used of Air Traffic Controller (ATC) as the process of
communication by using phraseology for students, lecturers, and those who are
interested in this field.



5.1 Conclusions
This research focused on the phraseology used in communication between
ATC and pilots as the investigation to identify the types and the patterns of
phraseology used by ATC and pilot. Thus, based on data analyzed, the
conclusions are described as follows:

There were five types of phraseology used by ATC in communication with
pilot in this research; they were General Phraseology (GP), Area Control
Phraseology (Area CP), Aerodrome Control Phraseology (Aerodrome CP),
Radar Control Phraseology (RCP), Approach Control Phraseology (App
CP) as standard phraseology, and even non – standard phraseology.


Mostly the statement was built by using General Phraseology, it might be
the first or could be in the last statement. There was no specific pattern used
by ATC in making a command but it should be based on what condition or
situation found in communication between ATC and pilot. The patterns can
be built as the needed of ATC whether he/she would like to give commands
or information, the most important one is to know the call sign of aircraft
identification and where to go or what should do around the air space.


Phraseology used by ATC was commonly used standard phraseology which
had been standardized by ICAO. ATC might combine the types of
phraseology based on the condition and situation needed. In another case
and situation, ATC sometimes used non – standard phraseology in



communication with pilot. Thus, between ATC and pilot, there was no
worries occur when they communicate each other as long as they can get the
point what they mean. It is possible that one time the non – standard
phraseology can be the regular phraseology used in controller’s
communication whether the words or phrases will be standardized by ICAO
or not.

5.2 Suggestions
Related to the conclusions, suggestions are delivered as follows:
1. Although this research is aimed at enriching the theories of
phraseology especially the use of language of Air Traffic Controller,
the phraseology used in communication, the types of phraseology used
in communication between ATC and pilot, and the patterns of
phraseology used in controller’s communication, moreover the
researcher expects there will be another research who interests in doing
the next research about this study as the expand of this study and
creates another phenomenon.
2. Phraseology is a unique language use in aviation. However everyone
sometimes does not get any understandings about that. Moreover, this
study hopefully can give a contribution to all readers, even this is only
in the academic surroundings, but an educated one who has understood
can give the explanation about how phraseology exist in a language as
a unique and special language including in English.


3. As the results of this study are aimed at contributing the information
about language used of Air Traffic Controller (ATC) as the process of
communication by using phraseology for students, lecturers, and those
who are interested in this field, however this research can be useful for
everyone who has ideas in enriching this research especially the use of
English for specific purposes.

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