Robot can be classified in two categories that are mobile robot and fixed robot [1]. The purpose of this chapter is to explain description for the previous project mobile robot which are mostly used in difficult task or dangerous environment. It also reviewed existing technologies and theory of mobile robot. Besides that, in order to create hardware of the mobile robot the suitable materials must be known and selected.


2.1.1 SR04 Mobile Robot

Figure 2.1.1 : SR04 Mobile Robot. Author : David P. Anderson. Institution : Department of Geological Sciences, Southern Methodist University. Description : SR04 is a small mobile robot suitable for exploring human habitats unattended. Two 12-volt DC gear-head motors maneuver the robot in a dual-differential drive configuration, balanced by a non-driven tail wheel caster and powered by a 12 volt 2.2 amp-hour sealed lead acid battery. Sensory input is provided by in order of priority: front bumper switches, IR collision avoidance, stereo sonar ranging, photo detectors, passive IR motion detection, and shaft-encoder odometry [2].

2.1.2 LEGO® Mindstorms NXT

Figure 2.1.2 : LEGO® Mindstorms NXT Author : Pmocibov Description : This quite simple robot made with LEGO® Mindstorms NXT set is programmed in NXT-G LEGOs visual programming language to Avoid Obstacles using the Ultrasonic Sensor. The idea was to make a labyrinth with white, black and blue coloured walls. Coloured walls help our robot to find its way out of the labyrinth saying it to which side it should turn. White wall means „turn 90˚ right“, black one means „turn 90˚ left“ and blue one means „stop“. Robot used light sensor to measure an amount of reflected light from coloured wall and then, depending on the colour of the wall, it turns right or left on spot. A.O.U.S. then again drives straight ahead until it spots another wall and then does the turn. Action is repeated until the robot comes to blue wall when program stops [15].

2.1.3 Marcel Robot

Figure 2.1.3 : Marcel Robot Author : Jordan Bridges 2007 Description : Marcel was designed to use no programming, and no sensors to detect obstacles and take an action to avoid them. It used a series of gears including a differential gear to switch the direction of the right wheel when an obstacle obstructed the robots path, making it turn right to avoid the obstacle. The robot has a long rail across the front that gets pressed down when it bumps into an object. This rail is connected to a mechanism that lifts two gears off of the differential and the right wheel axle, and engages a stationary gear below the differential to force the gears inside the differential to turn, reversing the right wheel; this process happens as long as the front rail is depressed. When the rail releases, the gears return to place, the stationary gear moves away from the differential, and the robot resumes going forward [16].

2.1.4 The TriWheeler

Figure 2.1.4 : The TriWheeler Author : Chang Calvin Liu cl457 and Yi Tommy Fan Tang yft2 Institution : School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University. Discription : The TriWheeler is a radio-controlled robot with three wheels. The lack of the fourth wheel is far from the only thing that renders it distinctively different from typical radio- controlled units. In addition to the capability of being freely controlled with a remote control, The TriWheeler has a smart autonomous mode that allows the unit to move freely without running into major obstacles. Furthermore, The TriWheeler features 3 speeds and the cruising speed could be easily adjusted using the remote control on the fly [18].