Pharmacy Management System-Medicine Selector For Minor Illness And Stock Alert System.




Pharmacy Management System - Medicine S lector for Minor Illness and
Stock Alert Syst m PMS application is to help pharmacist to manage phannacy in
the syst matic ways. M dicine selector for minor illn ss means the system
application that giv s the suggestion for th m dicine to the pharmacist from the
symptom that request by customer. The medicine selector for minor illness is choose
because of the advice from pharmacist Mr. Samsuri bin Talip at Farmasi Murni
Ayer Keroh. The examples of minor illness are fever cough and the other problem
that effect to human respiratory system. The other minor illness is small injury that
cause when playing in the sport, like football badminton and hockey or the other
popular game in Malaysia. Pharmacy is the one of the medical facilities to serve the
people of certain population for their healthcare. Before this pharmacy uses the
manual syst m to manage the medicine stock. It needs the pharmacist assistant check
the medicine twice a week to check expire date of the medicine in the storage and the
medicine that out of stock. The pharmacist assistant take out the medicine that rise
the xpired date and keep it at the saD ty place to avoid mistake the expired medicine

to be sell. If there is the out of stock of the medicine the purchase order form is
filling by the pharmacist to order the medicine from the medicine company. The
manual system that use is not very reliable to the pharmacy management today.
Therefore the new approach of system application is needs to make the pharmacy
management more efficient and effective. Within PMS application the medicine
stock that is rise at the expired date will been detected and the pharmacist assistants
no need to ch ck medicine twice a week anymore. They just login to the system and
check it at the list of the medicine that display by the system. For purchasing the
order pharmacist can generate it automatically from the system when the medicine
stock that out of stock.

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