Auto Trading (Car) Management System.



Nowadays, the sell car businesses have been developing very fast. The use of
manual ways of handling sell car record management has been a problem for the car
shop. As the car shop's businesses increase, this could result in failure of organizing
their business systematically. Therefore, ATMS is developed. ATMS is a system to
handle the basic task and activities for the car shop. The main function in ATMS is
staff, customer, supplier, car model, stock car, sell car record information
management, search car location in warehouse, calculate loan amount and monthly
payment, and report generation and ATMS maintenance. This research have been
carried out to find out the methodology used to develop ATMS, the literature review
of existing system, the project planning for ATMS, analysis phase for ATMS, design
phase for ATMS, implementation phase for ATMS and testing phase for ATMS.

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