Comparison On Data Driven Algorithms To Maintain Color Constancy In Industrial Camera For High Intensity Environment.



I hereby declare that I have read through this report entitle “Comparison on Data Driven Algorithms to Maintain Color Constancy in Industrial Camera for High Intensity Environment” and found that it has comply the partial fulfillment for awarding the degree of

Bachelor of Mechatronics with Honors


Supervisor’s Name: Pn. NurdianabtNordin @Musa Date: 8 June 2012






A progress report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Mechatronics Engineering

Faculty of Electrical Engineering




I declare that this report entitle “Comparison on Data Driven Algorithms to Maintain Color Constancy in Industrial Camera for High Intensity Environment” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted for any degree and

is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree


Student’s Name: Abdul Rahman b Abdul Ghani Date: 8 June 2012




First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Pn. Nurdiana bt Nordin @Musa for the guidance, enthusiasm and motivation given throughout the progress of the project of the comparison on data driven algorithms to maintain color constancy in CCTV camera for high intensity environment. She has been motivating and inspired me to successfully complete my project. Her guidance, advice, encouragement, patient and support given throughout this project are greatly appreciated. I would also like to thank my parents for always be there to support me all the time and give me the courage and strength that are necessary for me to carry on with this project. Thanks for their encouragement, love and emotional support that they had given to me. I would also like to thank my friend who had given me the advice, courage and support in completing this progress report. Their views and tips are very useful. Last but not least, I would like to thanks all the lectures that have been very friendly and helpful in providing me with the necessary information for my project.




Today, industrial camera had been widely used especially for monitoring and safety. But, under the high intensity environment such as strong daylight or the intense light of surgical rooms, industrial camera has difficulty maintaining the original essence of the image. In high intensity environment, the image will have a strong shadow, highlight, and the color of the scene will tend to deteriorate and influenced by the color of the high intensity illuminant. Therefore the need to maintain the original color of the scene is inevitable. In this project, two data-driven color constancy algorithms which are gray world method and retinex method are tested against the high intensity environment. The performance of these methods will be compared by analyzing the high intensity image with the image under a normal intensity environment by using a histogram and three types of error which is angular error, Euclidean error and root mean square error. The result shows that 75% of the angular error for the retinex method is lower than the angular error for the gray world method. Hence, retinex method will give a better result compare to the gray world method. Retinex method also can decrease the effect of highlight and remove the effect of strong shadow better than gray world method.




Kamera Industri telah digunakan secara meluas terutamanya untuk tujuan pemerhatian dan keselamatan. Akan tetapi, dalam keadaan persekitaran cahaya terang, sebagai contoh di waktu panas terik matahari ataupun bilik pembedahan, Camera Industri akan mengalami masalah merakam gambar dengan tepat. Dalam keadaan cahaya terang, gambar yang dihasilkan akan mengandungi pantulan cahaya yang terang, bayang-bayang menjadi lebih gelap dan warna gambar akan dipengaruhi oleh warna cahaya yang lebih terang. Oleh kerana itulah pentingnya untuk mengekalkan warna sebenar gambar. Di dalam projek ini, dua jenis algoritma digunakan iaitu kaedah retinex dan kaedah Gray World. Dua kaedah ini digunakan untuk mengembalikan warna asal pada gambar yang mengalami masalah pencahayaan terang. Hasil ujikaji antara kedua-dua kaedah akan dibandingkan antara gambar cahaya terang dan gambar pada keadaan pencahayaan yang biasa menggunakan histogram dan tiga jenis ralat iaitu ralat sudut, ralat ‘euclidean’ dan ralat ‘root mean square’. Hasil kajian menunjukkan 75 peratus daripada ralat sudut untuk kaedah retinex lebih rendah berbanding ralat sudut untuk kaedah gray world. Kesimpulannya, kaedah retinex akan memberikan keputusan yang lebih baik berbanding kaedah gray world. Kaedah retinex juga dapat mengurangkan kesan cahaya terang dan kesan baying-bayang pada gambar dengan lebih baik berbanding kaedah gray world.











1.0 Problem Statement ... 14

1.1 Objective ... 15

1.2 Scope ... 15


2.0 Introduction ... 16

2.1 Color Constancy ... 16

2.2 High Intensity Illuminant ... 19

2.3 Shadow and Highlight ... 21

2.4 Histogram ... 22


3.0 Introduction ... 23

3.1 Flow diagram ... 23

3.2 Set the Equipment and Specification of the Test ... 25

3.3 Capture the Ball Image ... 25

3.4 Mask and Crop ... 29



3.6 Retinex method ... 35

3.7 Compare Image ... 38

3.8 Compute the Error ... 39

3.8.1 Angular Error ... 39

3.8.2 Euclidean Error ... 39

3.8.3 Root-Mean-Software Error ... 39


4.0 Result ... 41

4.0.1 500W Spotlight Light Source ... 42

4.0.2 500W Spotlight Light Source With Shadow ... 48

4.0.3 Table of error ... 54

4.0.4 Pie chart of error ... 58

4.1 Discussion ... 60


5.1 Conclusion ... 62

5.2 Recommendation ... 62





Table 1 Table of comparison of Retinex method with Gray World method ... 19

Table 2 Table of Common Lux Reading ... 20

Table 3 Table of Error of 500W Spotlight Light Source ... 54

Table 4 Table of Error of 500W Spotlight Light Source with Shadow... 55

Table 5 Table of Error of 150W Spotlight Light Source ... 56




Figure 1 Image of standard illuminant ... 21

Figure 2 image of Effect of Highlight and Shadow ... 21

Figure 3 Common Histogram ... 22

Figure 4 RGB Histogram ... 22

Figure 5 Project Flow Diagram ... 24

Figure 6 Image Acquisition Tool ... 26

Figure 7 Hardware Browser ... 27

Figure 8 Preview the Image ... 27

Figure 9 Acquisition Parameters ... 28

Figure 10 Data Exporter ... 28

Figure 11 Marquee Tool ... 29

Figure 12 New Layer ... 30

Figure 13 Vector Mask ... 30

Figure 14 Paint Bucket Tool ... 31

Figure 15 New Image ... 31

Figure 16 Mask Image ... 32

Figure 17 Gray World Flow Diagram ... 33

Figure 18 Single Scale Retinex method ... 35

Figure 19 Flow Diagram of Retinex Method ... 36

Figure 20 Histogram Flow ... 38

Figure 21 Fluorescent Green ... 42

Figure 22 Fluorescent Red ... 43

Figure 23 Fluorescent Yellow ... 43



Figure 25 Glossy Red ... 44

Figure 26 Glossy Yellow... 45

Figure 27 Matte Green ... 46

Figure 28 Matte Red ... 46

Figure 29 Matte Yellow ... 47

Figure 30 Fluorescent Green ... 48

Figure 31 Fluorescent Red ... 49

Figure 32 Fluorescent Yellow ... 49

Figure 33 Glossy Green... 50

Figure 34 Glossy Red ... 50

Figure 35 Glossy Yellow... 51

Figure 36 Matte Green ... 52

Figure 37 Matte Red ... 52

Figure 38 Matte Yellow ... 53

Figure 39 Pie Chart of Angular Error ... 58

Figure 40 Pie Chart of Euclidean Error ... 58




1. K-Chart

2. Matlab Codes





1.0 Problem Statement

Industrial camera has been widely used but in many cases is less than helpful as an aid of monitoring. This is because the setup seldom takes into account the variation of illumination which can influence the scene constancy of the image. Besides that, in high illumination condition, the illuminant will produce highlights on objects and seen as white patches on the object’s surface and a strong shadow when the objects obstructed. Therefore, these influences must be reduced to obtain the scene constancy. By using the data driven algorithm, we can reduce the effect of illumination and strong shadow but this method will also neglects the influence of camera in the process. Therefore, generalization might be possible for various industrial camera available in the market nowadays.


15 1.1 Objective

1) To compare the reduction highlights on directly illuminated object in the industrial

camera image by using Gray World method and Retinex method.

2) To compare the reduction of the shadows on the obstructed object in the industrial

camera image by using Gray World method and Retinex method.

3) To compare the performance of Gray World and Retinex method in retaining the colour

constancy of the image using histograms and colour quantization and correlation.

1.2 Scope

1) The benchmark of intensity in normal intensity environment is 500 Lux

2) The condition of high intensity environment is equal or greater than 5000 Lux

3) Comparison only using two data driven algorithms which is Retinex and gray world.





2.0 Introduction

This study is done to ensure that this project run smoothly while achieving the objectives of this project. In this section, it will explain the concepts, methods use and the person who created the algorithms. Each of these researches has their own pros and cons. The algorithms will be compared to obtain the best color constancy of the image.

2.1 Color Constancy

Color constancy is defined as the constancy of the perceived color of surfaces under changes in the intensity and spectral composition of the illumination [5]. Light is reflected from an object or scene under a fix power at their own wavelength which is known as surface spectral reflectance [2]. Every surface of object has a different in how they absorb or reflect the light. In general, the reflection is depending on wavelength, the angle of the incident light and the angle of the reflected light [3]. There are three variables that need to be taken as the function of color image and the mathematical equation is representing as;


17 Where �(�,�,�) is the surface reflectance,�(�) is the illumination property, �(�) is the sensor

characteristic, � is the wavelength and � is the visible spectrum. From the equation, V. Agarwal

[13], has concluded that the assumption can be categorized by three types which are assumption of surface reflectance, assumption of the sensor and assumption of the illumination.

Color constancy method is aimed to decrease the effect of the illuminant variation on an image to obtain the most precise color of the image true color [6]. From V Agarwal [13], the color constancy algorithms can be classified into two groups which are Pre-Calibrated approaches and Data-driven approaches. There are many algorithms of Data-driven approaches but only 2 algorithms will be reviewed which are gray world method and Retinex method.

Gray world method is the earliest and the simpler technique of data driven algorithms compare to the others data driven approaches. V. Agarwal [13], presented that the gray world method is based on the assumption that each color on every sensor channel is an average of gray to the entire image. P. Aurora [11], however concluded that this method will produce a good result if the image has a large number of color variations and there is only one illumination on the image. Besides that, the color will be biased by the large color group in the image.

Retinex method on the other hand had been introduced by E.Land [4] based on the study of human vision. This method assumes that the small variation in image scene is due to the illuminant variation and big variation is due to changes in the surface while the light variation is removed. J. Bai [8], stated that Retinex method had produce a good result compare to the other method because it can improve the image quality of the underexposed image, the backlight image and the image taken under some illuminant with a little color.

K. Barnard [9][10], in his research used two different data which are synthetic data and real image and emphasized that the experiment using synthetic data is important because the ground truth is known due to the absent of camera characteristic and pre-processing. Therefore factors that effecting color constancy can be efficiently investigated. The first step embarks on estimating the illuminant parameter and second step uses the parameter to compute illumination independent surface descriptor. In synthetic data experiment, a pool of 4, 8, 16, 32, 65, 128, 256, 512 and 1024 surfaces are used. Then 1000 scene is generated with surface randomly selected from the reflectance database with randomly selected illuminant from the test illuminant


18 database. In real image experiment, he assumes that the illuminant is constant across the scene and the optical effect of the camera will be ignored. Other assumption concerns on the illuminant chromaticity, diversity, surface and the illuminant that may be encountered. For grey world method, in the real image and synthetic data experiments, the multiplition of the image RGB with two is done for the illuminant. For the Retinex method, in the real image and synthetic data experiments, the illuminant is estimated by using the maximum response in each channel of RGB.

A. Gijsenij [1], focuses on the estimation of the illumination color specifically the estimation of the illuminant using a single image from a regular digital camera for this research. The first step of this method is correcting the chromaticity of the light source by estimating the color of the light source then transforms the original image value using the estimated illuminant. The important criteria for computational color constancy algorithms are the requirement of training data, the accuracy of the estimation, the computational runtime of the method, the transparency of the approach, the complexity of the implementation and the number of tunable parameters. Two types of data are used for this experiment which is hyperspectral data and RGB image.

K. Barnard [10], compared the result of color constancy methods. It is shown that the illuminant estimated angular error of gray world method produced a fair error and the retinex method produce a lower error. K. Barnard [9], The result shows that the illuminant estimated angular error of gray world method is fair compare to the other color constancy method and the Retinex method had produce low illuminant estimate angular error. For A. Gijsenij [1], the angular error is depend on the scene of the image whether high or average.

J. Bai [8], the test image is get from four kind of method which is image taken under standard illuminant, underexposure image, a backlight image and image taken under correct exposure. Three type of Retinex method had been use in the research which is standard non linear Retinex method, extended version of Retinex method and linear Retinex method. Then, by changing the value of the radius of the scale in three different Retinex method, twelve groups of image is produce for the evaluation. In the research, it proposes the new color metric base on S-CIELAB color matrix with a consideration of gazing information. The result of the research


19 show that the proposed color metric based on S_CIELAB was effective to evaluate the image produced by Retinex method.

Gray World method Retinex method

implementation Simple complex

accuracy Depend on scene High on illumination problem

assumption All RGB channel is average of


-depend on the research

version -Multi Scale Retinex (MSR)

-Single Scale Retinex (SSR) -Luminance based MSR

Performance good result if the image has a

large number of color variations and there is only one illumination on the image

Improve the image quality of the underexposure image, the backlight image and the image taken under some illuminant with a little color. Illuminant estimation multiplies by two the image RGB maximum response in each channel

of RGB

Table 1 Table of comparison of Retinex method with Gray World method


20 In color constancy, illuminant is one of the variables that very important and need to be measured. The SI unit for luminous intensity is lux and the symbol is lx. Table below show the common reading of lux at different scene.

Intensity Example

10−5 lux Light from Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky

10−4 lux Total starlight, overcast sky

0.002 lux Moonless clear night sky with airglow

0.01 lux Quarter moon

0.27 lux Full moon on a clear night

1 lux Full moon overhead at tropical latitudes

3.4 lux Dark limit of civil twilight under a clear sky

50 lux Family living room

80 lux Hallway

100 lux Very dark overcast day

320-500 lux Office lighting

400 lux Sunrise or sunset on clear day

1000 lux Overcast day

10 000-25 000 lux Full daylight with no direct sunlight

32 000- 130 000 lux Direct sunlight



2.3 Shadow and Highlight

According to S. Utochki [1], image taken at night will be different with the image taken at daylight. Image from daylight background will produce a highlight on objects that been directly illuminated by the illuminant and a strong shadow when the objects obstructed.

Figure 1 Image of standard illuminant

Figure 2 image of Effect of Highlight and Shadow

The figure 2.1 shows the real image without the effect of the highlight and shadow. The second figure show that the image is expose to the highlight and shadow. As seen on the Figure 2, the window edge are grossly overexpose to the light and at the top of the picture, it had a strong shadow.



2.4 Histogram

J. Sachs [13], histogram is defined as graphical tools develop to visualize frequency distribution and had a specific meaning in the context of digital images. For the image histogram, it will plot the data of image pixel versus the brightness of the image. Each colour in a pixel has a value range from 0 to 255 for a 8-bit image. The example of the image histogram in gray scale is;

Figure 3 Common Histogram

In the image picture, if there is more shadow and highlight than others, the majority of distribution is located in the left hand side. For the RGB image, each channel of RGB can be shown in the individual histogram as shown below;





3.0 Introduction

The methodology of this project will be explained in this section. It will include the step and method that will be done in order to achieve the desire result. The flow diagram will be use to show the process of methodology in order to complete these project.

3.1 Flow diagram

The flow diagram will be used to show the overall process of the project from the start to the end. It has a step by step method to be followed in order to accomplish the project.

Figure 3.1 shows the flow diagram that had been implemented in this project start from the beginning until finishing of the project. The detail about the processes in flow diagram will be explained clearly on each stage.





3.2 Set the Equipment and Specification of the Test

In this project, the process of capture the image of the ball is done in a room with no outside or unwanted light source because it would affect the result of the capture ball image. The room must be dark and should only get a light source from the light than had been set in the room. All windows in that room were plastered with the black paper to prevent light from penetrating the room space. Each ball in suspension under different lighting fixture was taken by using industrial digital camera which integrates with Matlab software. The condition before capture the image of the ball is;

Conditions of light source:

There are five condition of lighting in the room when capture the image of the ball. The condition is;

• Under D-65 OSRAM daylight light source

• Under 500W spotlight light source

• Under 150W spotlight light source

• Under 500W spotlight light source with shadow

• Under OSRAM warm white light source

Condition of ball;

In this project, we use 9 type of ball. There are three type of color which is red, green and yellow and each type of color have three type of coating which is matte, fluorescent and glossy.

• Glossy red, green and yellow ball

• Fluorescent red, green and yellow ball

• Matte red, green and yellow ball


In color constancy, illuminant is one of the variables that very important and need to be measured. The SI unit for luminous intensity is lux and the symbol is lx. Table below show the common reading of lux at different scene.

Intensity Example

10−5 lux Light from Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky 10−4 lux Total starlight, overcast sky

0.002 lux Moonless clear night sky with airglow

0.01 lux Quarter moon

0.27 lux Full moon on a clear night

1 lux Full moon overhead at tropical latitudes

3.4 lux Dark limit of civil twilight under a clear sky

50 lux Family living room

80 lux Hallway

100 lux Very dark overcast day

320-500 lux Office lighting

400 lux Sunrise or sunset on clear day

1000 lux Overcast day

10 000-25 000 lux Full daylight with no direct sunlight 32 000- 130 000 lux Direct sunlight


2.3 Shadow and Highlight

According to S. Utochki [1], image taken at night will be different with the image taken at daylight. Image from daylight background will produce a highlight on objects that been directly illuminated by the illuminant and a strong shadow when the objects obstructed.

Figure 1 Image of standard illuminant

Figure 2 image of Effect of Highlight and Shadow

The figure 2.1 shows the real image without the effect of the highlight and shadow. The second figure show that the image is expose to the highlight and shadow. As seen on the Figure 2, the window edge are grossly overexpose to the light and at the top of the picture, it had a strong shadow.


2.4 Histogram

J. Sachs [13], histogram is defined as graphical tools develop to visualize frequency distribution and had a specific meaning in the context of digital images. For the image histogram, it will plot the data of image pixel versus the brightness of the image. Each colour in a pixel has a value range from 0 to 255 for a 8-bit image. The example of the image histogram in gray scale is;

Figure 3 Common Histogram

In the image picture, if there is more shadow and highlight than others, the majority of distribution is located in the left hand side. For the RGB image, each channel of RGB can be shown in the individual histogram as shown below;




3.0 Introduction

The methodology of this project will be explained in this section. It will include the step and method that will be done in order to achieve the desire result. The flow diagram will be use to show the process of methodology in order to complete these project.

3.1 Flow diagram

The flow diagram will be used to show the overall process of the project from the start to the end. It has a step by step method to be followed in order to accomplish the project.

Figure 3.1 shows the flow diagram that had been implemented in this project start from the beginning until finishing of the project. The detail about the processes in flow diagram will be explained clearly on each stage.



3.2 Set the Equipment and Specification of the Test

In this project, the process of capture the image of the ball is done in a room with no outside or unwanted light source because it would affect the result of the capture ball image. The room must be dark and should only get a light source from the light than had been set in the room. All windows in that room were plastered with the black paper to prevent light from penetrating the room space. Each ball in suspension under different lighting fixture was taken by using industrial digital camera which integrates with Matlab software. The condition before capture the image of the ball is;

Conditions of light source:

There are five condition of lighting in the room when capture the image of the ball. The condition is;

• Under D-65 OSRAM daylight light source • Under 500W spotlight light source

• Under 150W spotlight light source

• Under 500W spotlight light source with shadow • Under OSRAM warm white light source

Condition of ball;

In this project, we use 9 type of ball. There are three type of color which is red, green and yellow and each type of color have three type of coating which is matte, fluorescent and glossy.

• Glossy red, green and yellow ball • Fluorescent red, green and yellow ball • Matte red, green and yellow ball