This chapter discusses some topics related to the background of the study,
statements of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and
limitation and definition of key term.
1.1 Background of the Study
Of the 4000 to 5000 living languages, English is by far the most widely used
(Broughton et al, 2003). Further, Broughton stated that as a mother tounge, English
ranks second only to Chinesse but more than 60 percent of the world’s radio
programmes are broadcast in English and it is also the language of 70 percent of the
world’s mail. Hence, English is called as global language, because it is recognized in
every country in the world (Crystal, 2003).
In certain countries, English is used as first language, foreign language, second
language, or national language. Second language is a language that is not the native
language of the speaker, but that is used in the locale of that person. In contrast,
a foreign language is a language that is learned in an area where that language is not
generally spoken. Besides, English also used to enhance science and technology. In
Indonesia English is foreign language. It is taught as compulsory subjects and gain
primary status among other languages and becomes one of the primary subjects
which is taught from secondary level until tertiary level. Although the current
curriculum in primary school has removed English as the core subject which must be


achieved by the pupils, but the government still put English as the extracuricullar. A
study conducted by Plaistowe (2013) about the abolishing of English in elementary
school showed that most of parents did not agree with the government decision.
Considering the importance of English that cannot be fullfilled in the school resulting
the existence of English courses that aim to help students mastering English. In a
nutshell, English has become a crucial part of Indonesian education system.
To master English, students are prosecuted to learn the four English skills;
speaking, listening, reading and writing. For many students, writing is considered as
the most complicated subject. It is considered as the hardest skill because students
need to explore their experience, ideas and schemata to produce writing product. In
addition Grenville (2001) states that writing is hard because we need to explore our
ideas and express it in an intriguiring writing form. Furthermore, ability to
communicate in written form is very important today. People write memos, thesis,
invitations, job application letter which demands a good skill in writing. Weigle
(2002:1) said that the ability to write effectively is becoming increasingly important
in our global community.
Currently, information and communication technology (ICT) has affected

education. It is because an important point to see learning is not only from the aspect
of what is learnt (material) but also from how learning material is presented
(technique) (Cahyani and Cahyono, 2011:148). The ICT research conducted by
Cahyono and Mukminatien (2011) about the integration of the internet in English
language teaching (ELT) in English department at Malang state University showed
that the students appreciate to use internet as a part of teaching and learning process.

Most students today use social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Blog etc, as
the part of their daily life, they use them not only to get information or connect to
other people but also for a life style. Pape (2005) stated that children born between
1982 and above 2000 were “born digital” because they have had an access to
sophisticated communication and integration of digital media into their daily lives.
Furher, Prensky defined digital native as young people born since 1980 due to what
he perceived as an innate confidence in using new technologies such as the internet,
videogames, mobile telephone and “all the other toys and tools of the digital age”
(2001). This ‘digital native’ is learning and thinking in new ways that is affected by a
digital technology around them. This phenomenon, therefore, may influence students’
learning style. One key characteristic of this generation is that they are educationoriented, but they learn differently than their predecessors because they are
technologically literate (Barnes, 2007). Unfortunately, some teachers still use

conventional way to teach this digital generation which often emphasizes on teacher’s
role as the only source to get knowledge.
One example of conventional ways in teaching English especially in writing
subject is proposed by Harmer (2004:11), in writing class, it is often met the students
write a composition then the teacher corrects and hands back the next day covered in
red ink. Shortly, it still reckon on the teacher as a feedback. Basically, this
conventional way impresses simplicity and effectiveness for some activities, but the
disadvantages of this strategy are the teacher takes whole role as instructor or
corrector and the students are passive recipients (Mascolo, 2009:4). Moreover, this
conventional teaching technique makes students wait for the composition revision in

the following day. In contrast, according to Tapscott (2009:93), having grown up
digital, digital students expect speed- and not just in video games, they are used to
instant response, video games give them instants feedback; google answer their
inquiries within nanoseconds. So they assume that everyone else in their world will
respond quickly too in the other word, they do not like being put on hold. So that,
conventional teaching technique is not suitable for the digital generation students.
Referring to those phenomenon, educators should realize the strenght of their
students in using technology then exploit students’ awareness in using social media

and use it as a part of teaching and learning process. The study conducted by Sari
(2013) in University of Muhammadiyah Malang showed the use of Facebook group
enhances students’ writing skill in writing argumentative essay significantly. So that,
the researcher assumes that using Facebook will help both teacher and students to
improve teaching and learning quality in the class room.
Those reasons have inspired the researcher to choose Facebook as writing
teaching media. Facebook is chosen because it offers some features that emphasize on
students’ skill on writing. Those features are; profile, wall application, photo
application, friend, latest headline, group, note, chat, and cover photo application.
Most of those features demand Facebook users to provide information by using
written format. Considering the benefit of Facebook, the researcher sees the
opportunities on the use of Group Application on Facebook that provides some
features; discussion board, wall group and publisher, which can cover the process of
writing activities.


Based on the explanation above, the

researcher would like to conduct a

research toward the second year student of SMAN 2 Genteng entitle “ The Use of
Peer Review in Facebook Group to Improve Students’ Writing Skill at the Second
Year Students of SMAN 2 Genteng”. Senior high school is chosen because; the
researcher wants to investigate whether the use of facebook group in the lower level
of education improves students’ writing skill or not since the previous research was
conducted in higher education level. In addition, SMAN 2 Genteng becomes the
object of this research because this school has provided a good internet access for all
of students. Moreover , according to one of English teachers there, most students of
SMAN 2 Genteng have difficulties in composing paragraph, so that the researcher
wants to help them by conducting research there. Second grade is chosen because
according to the researcher in this grade students have adapted well to the school
environment so that they will be ready for a new teaching and learning media. The
UK Office of Communications research in 2007 found that almost 50 per cent of
children aged 8-17 who use internet have set up their own profile on a social
networking site (in Murray, 2008). In April 2011, at 35 million Indonesia had the
second largest number of Facebook users in the world (Owen, 2014). By the large
number of facebook user in Indonesia, then the researcher decide to use Facebook as
writing teaching media.
1.2 Statement of Problem

Does the use of Facebook Group improve students’ skill on writing paragraph
at the second year students of SMAN 2 Genteng?


1.3 Hypothesis
1. Ho: the use of Facebook group improves students’ skill on writing paragraph
at the second year students of SMAN 2 Genteng.
2. H1: the use of Facebook Group does not improve students’ writing skill on
writing paragraph at the second year students of SMAN 2 Genteng.
1.4 Purpose of Study
To find whether the use of Facebook group can improve students’ writing skill
on writing paragraph at the second year students of SMAN 2 Genteng.
1.5 Significance of Study
This research is expected to help English teacher to teach their students easily,
without being limited by the time, because by using Facebook group, teacher is able
to stay connect with the students outside of class room. Besides, the researcher hopes,
this research will also increase students’ interest in writing subject that is considered
as the most complex skill than the other skills. For the next researcher, the researcher
hopes it can be a reference to do the same research with the different focus of study.

1.6 Scope and Limitation
The scope of this research is the students’ improvement in writing paragraph.
There are several kinds of paragraph discussed in the in high school such as narrative,
analytical exposition, report,spoof and hortatory exposition. Yet, in this research, the
researcher will only focus on the hortatory exposition paragraph as the limitation.
Hortatory exposition text is chosen, because it is a kind of text mostly discussed in


senior high school. Additionally, it is recomended by English teacher in SMA 2
Genteng when the researcher did pra-research activity.
1.7 Definition of Key terms
1. Facebook Group is one kind of features in Facebook which is enabling for a
number of people come online together to share information and discuss specific
subject. (Sahdan in Cahyono, 2010)
2. Peer review can be defined as writers responding to one another’s work (Breuch,
2012). However, in this research the peer review is conducted via online or
virtually. Further, Breuch (2012) defines virtual peer review as the activity of
using computer technology to exchange and respond to another’s writing for the
purpose of improving writing.

2. Writing skill is the ability to write with the clarify of thought, organization and
good sentence structure (Reynold and Janzen, 2007)
3. Hortatory Exposition is text to argue a case for or against a particular position or
point of view and it proposes a suggestion at the end of the argumentation
(Priyana., 2008:132)
4. Digital Native is young people born since 1980 due to what he perceived as an
innate confidence in using new technologies such as the internet, videogames,
mobile telephon and “all the other toys and tools of the digital age” (Prenksy,




Cindy Fitriana Virgin



In the name of Allah SWT the merciful and beneficent. Alhamdulillah, this
thesis has been completed with the blessing of merciful and almighty, Allah SWT.
It is an inclination for the writer to express her sincere gratitude to all who helped
her to complete this thesis. Without their help, it would be impossible for her to
finish this thesis.
The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude for her first advisor
Puji Sumarsono, M.Ed. M.Pd and her second advisor Rahmawati Khadijah Maro,
M.PEd for their valuable guidance, suggestion, correction and advice during the
consultation period and the completion of this thesis. Her sincere gratitude and
appreciation are also extended to the English teachers of SMAN 2 Genteng Mrs.
Nanik and Mr. Bairi, who had given her opportunity to conduct the research in
science classes.

Finally, a special thank goes to her beloved grandfather Mardjuki, S.Pd,
grandmother (Jamalah, Ponisri), mother (Setiani), Aunty (Wiwid, S.Pd), sister
(Dara Tonesya), grateful friends (Mb. Ndut, Meta, Dewi, Nurul, Ari, Lilik,
Nanda) and my motivator (Johan Prayogi) for their encouragement, love, care,
and prayer so that she can finish this thesis. Finally, the writer hopes that this
thesis will be useful for the readers.

Malang, 28 Januari 2015

Cindy Fitriana Virgin


COVER ................................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL .......................................................................................................... ii
LEGALIZATION ................................................................................................ iii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ............................................................................ iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................................. v
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... vii

1.1 Background of the Study................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................. 5
1.3 Hypothesis ......................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Purpose of the Study ......................................................................................... 6
1.5 Significance of the Study .................................................................................. 6
1.6 Scope and Limitation ........................................................................................ 6
1.7 Definition of Key Terms ................................................................................... 6

2.1 The Principles of Teaching Languages ............................................................. 8
2.1.1 Cognitive Principle................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Affective Principle ................................................................................. 11
2.1.3 Linguistic Principle ................................................................................ 12
2.2 The Nature of Writing ..................................................................................... 14
2.3 The Process of Writing.................................................................................... 15

2.4 Teachers’ Crucial Tasks to Perform in Teaching Writing .............................. 17
2.4.1 Writing Teaching Technique.................................................................. 19
2.5 Types of Text in Senior High School .............................................................. 22
2.6 Digital Native .................................................................................................. 32
2.7 The Objective of Teaching English in Senior High School ............................ 35
2.8 Teaching Media............................................................................................... 36
2.8.1 Types of Teaching Media....................................................................... 37
2.8.2 Facebook group as a Media to Teach Writing ....................................... 39
2.9 Steps of Teaching Writing Using Facebook group ......................................... 40

3.1 Research Design .............................................................................................. 42
3.2 Population and Sample .................................................................................... 43
3.2.1 Population .............................................................................................. 43
3.2.2 Sample .................................................................................................... 43
3.3 Treatment ........................................................................................................ 44
3.4 Research Instrument ........................................................................................ 45
3.5 Data Collection................................................................................................ 45
1. Pre-test ........................................................................................................ 45
2. Treatment .................................................................................................... 45
3. Post-test ....................................................................................................... 46
3.6 Data Analysis .................................................................................................. 46

4.1 Research Finding ............................................................................................. 48
4.1.1 The Result of Pre and Post-test of Experimental and Control Class...... 48

4.1.2 The Result of Hypothesis Testing .......................................................... 51
4.2 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 54

5.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 60
5.2 Suggestion ....................................................................................................... 60

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 61


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