CONCLUSSION RECOMMENDATIONS GIS approach to determine the earthquake hazard areas in feasibility site for nuclear power plant in Bangka Island



In the scope of this study, the weight and rank values which are used in the SAW method are assigned properly according to the geological and geophysical expert’s judgment. On the other hand, the SAW method definitely has an advantage in rapidity. In applying this method, the result can be realized quickly with the contribution of a qualified expert. However, since SAW method uses direct assignment of the weightsranks, the qualification of the expert needed is much more. Determine earthquake hazard areas can be modeled using GIS technologies. There are several factors that can be used to determine earthquake hazard areas, such as earthquake intensity, slope, predominant period, amplification factors, lithology and fault distance. The assignment of the weight and rank values and the analysis was performed by application of the SAW method. As a result, the study area was categorized into three different zones regarding the foundation determine earthquake hazard areas as: 1 Low Damage Areas; 2 Moderate Damage Areas; 3 High Damage Areas. According to this final map, the majority of the study area was been found to be in the Moderate Damage Area zone. Based on the final earthquake hazard areas map, the determination of hazardous areas in feasibility site for nuclear power plant are located in areas categorized moderate earthquake affect damage.


Recommendations as the result of this study are as follows: 1. According to the result of this study, the GIS approach can be used for next prediction determine earthquake hazard areas in Indonesia Region 2. Since this analysis is truly dependent on data accuracy, reliability, and validity. On the other words, the result accuracy is really dependent on the data being inputted. Therefore, the availability of data accuracy, reliability, and validity are required. 3. To obtain accurate results in spatial analysis, data used must have more detailed information 4. Similar analysis specific to other areas in Indonesia region to determine earthquake hazard areas should be conducted 31 REFERENCES Ali Zadeh Mohsen 2012. Application of Spatial Multicriteria Evaluation SMCE in Classification of Earthquake Hazard Case Study: Amol County. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology IJERT, Vol. 1 Issue 7. Andi dan Djamal. 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