Analisis tingkah laku ikan untuk mewujudkan teknologi ramah lingkungan dalam proses penangkapan pada bagan rambo




SUDIRMAN. Analisis Tingkah Laku Ikan Untuk Mewujudkan Teknologi Ramah
Lingkungan dalam Proses Penangkapan Pada Bagan
Rambo. Dibimbing oleh

Bagan rambo adalah tipe liftnet berukuran besar, menggunakan jaring yang
berbentuk kotak dengan ukuran mata jaring 0,5 cm. Dalam pengoperasiannya digunakan
lampu merkuri untuk menarik perhatian spesies ikan pelagis. Jumlah lampu yang
digunakan mencapai 64 buah dengan total kekuatan cahaya 14 - 20 kW. Penelitian
lapangan dan laboratorium telah dilakukan untuk menganalisis tingkah laku ikan dalam
hubungannya dengan proses penangkapan untuk mewujudkan teknologi ramah
lingkungan dalam proses penangkapan pada bagan rambo.
Proses penangkapan dianalisis dengan mengikuti setiap kegiatan operasional
penangkapan, wawancara dan pengukuran. Hubungan antara hasil tangkapan dengan
waktu hauling, pengamatan gerombolan ikan di kolom perairan, adaptasi mata ikan
terhadap cahaya, interaksi antar spesies dan periode makan ikan dilakukan dengan
eksperimental penangkapan. Dalam hubungannya dengan teknologi penangkapan ikan
rarnah lingkungan, beberapa aspek telah dikaji berdasarkan performans selektivitas,
keanekaragaman spesies, tangkapan yang terbuang, komposisi ukuran ikan, tingkat
kematangan gonad dan konsumsi energi.
Dampak negatif dari alat tangkap bagan rambo terhadap lingkungan adalah
tertangkapnya ikan kembung (Rastraliger kanagurfa) dan ikan layang (Decapterus
ruselli) yang belum dewasa dalarn jurnlah yang besar, serta penggunaan energi yang
tinggi dalam operasionalnya. Dari aspek biologi (kematangan gonad), alat tangkap bagan
rambo hanya ramah terhadap ikan teri, selar, pelagis besar dan laju tangkapan yang

terbuang. Dalam proses penangkapannya tidak merusak habitat, selektif terhadap larva,
laju discard catchnya rendah dan tidak membahayakan bagi spesies yang dilindungi dan
issu biodiversity.
Berdasarkan adaptasi retina mata ikan yang tertangkap, teri (Stolephorus
insularis) menunjukkan murni fototaksis positif, senang pada intensitas cahaya yang
tinggi. Semua individu yang tertangkap telah teradaptasi sempurna dengan cahaya. Ikan
layang, disamping pototaxis positif juga bertujuan mencari makan, sangat sensitif
terhadap cahaya dan senang terhadap intensitas cahaya yang rendah. Kebanyakan ikan
tersebut berdistribusi pada kedalaman 20 sampai 30 m atau zona iluminasi 1 sampai 5
lux dan perlahan naik keperrnukaan seiring dengan proses pemadaman lampu secara
perlahan sebelum hauling.
Intensitas cahaya optimum pada bagan rambo berada pada tingkat pencahayaan
16,25 kW, pada intensitas cahaya tersebut keragaman spesies sebelum dan saat tengah
malam lebih banyak dari pada setelah tangah malam tetapi hasil tangkapannya lebih
banyak.Tangkapan selama bulan gelap lebih banyak dari pada bulan terang. Umumnya
ikan pelagis kecil memilih intensitas cahaya tertentu, kecuali curni-cumi. Terjadi
interaksi pemangsaan antar spesies pada ikan-ikan yang datang di catchble area dari
bagan rambo dimana ikan teri merupakan mangsa penting bagi selar kembung dan
Untuk mewujudkan teknologi ramah lingkungan pada bagan rambo, mengontrol

unit alat, mengatur daerah, dan musim penangkapan, adalah prioritas solusi. Disamping
itu perbaikan ukuran mata jaring, mengurangi kekuatan cahaya, mengatur kedudukan
jaring dalam air dan meningkatkan kesadaran dan tanggungjawab nelayan terhadap

SUDIRMAN. Fish Behaviour Analysis for Environmentally Friendly Technology in
Fishing Process of Bagan R m b o (Large-Typed Liftnet with Light Attraction). Under
Bagan Rambo is a large type of liftnet with fine meshed of box-shaped netting
0.5 cm mesh size, operated with electric mercury lamp for attracting pelagic species.
The number of mercury bulb used for the bagan rambo is up to 64 units for total light
intensity of 14 - 20 kW. The field and laboratory research was conducted to analysis
fish behaviour in relation to capture process for the purpose to establish the
environmentally friendly technology of bagan rambo fishery.
The fishing process was analyzed through onboard observation during fishing
operation and interviewing to the bagan rambo 's fishermen. The relationship between
total catch and hauling time of night, as well as an underwater observation on fish
behaviour under the bagan's platform, the histological analysis on the retinal light

adaptation of the fish eye, interspecies interaction, and feeding periodicity were
conducted through experimental fishing. In relation to the environmentally friendly
technology, some aspects were analyzed, including selectivity performance, species
diversity, discarded catch, size composition, gonad maturity and energy consumption.
The negative impact of bagan rambo was indicated as a higher number of
immature fish caught for the species such as Indian mackerel (Rastralliger kanagurta)
and Russell's scad (Decapterus ruselli), as well as the use of high energy
consumption for fishing lamp. According to the biological aspect, bagan rambo was,
however, environmentally friendly for anchovy (Stolephorus insularis), big eye scad
(Selar cmenophthalmus), and big size pelagic fish with less amount of catch discard
which could be examined not to be attracted by the light. In fishing operation, bagan
rambo did not damage the seabed habitat as well as being highly selective for fish
larvae and endangered species so as to be safe for bio-diversity issues.
According to the retinal light adaptation of the captured fish, anchovy
showed, the pure positive phototaxis and tended to prefer the high light intensity. All
individuals caught were-fully light adapted. In case of the Russel's scad, their
feeding activity can be the major key for being attracted under the platform. This
species showed to prefer the lower light intensity. Most fish attracted under the
platform were observed to distribute around 20-30 m depth of 1-5 lux in illumination
zone and moved to the water surface when the light intensity was reduced during fish

concentration process before hauling.
The optimum light intensity for bagan rambo was estimated as 16.25 kW
through the catch-light output analysis. At this intensity, species diversity was lower
after midnight with higher amount of catch comparing to the period before and around
midnight. The catch during the new moon phase was higher than full moon phase
period. All small pelagic species tended to prefer to the higher light intensity, except
for squid. Prey-predator interactions were examined among species with the
indication that anchovy served as an important preference prey for big eye scad,
Indian mackerel and Russell's scad.
To establish the environmentally friendly technology of bagan rambo, the
better management is to control the fishing unit, the fishing ground, and the fishing
season can be noted as the solution priority. It should be conducted together with the
necessary alternatives such as improving of mesh selectivity, reducing light energy out
put, net depth and the increased awareness of fishermen for responsible manners.

Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa Disertasi yang berjudu1"Analisis
Tingkah Laku Ikan Untuk Mewujudkan Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan Dalam
Proses Penangkapan Pada Bagan Rambo ", adalah benar merupakam hasil karya
saya sendiri dan belum pernah dipublikasikan oleh institusi lain. Semua sumber

data dan informasi yang digunakan telah dinyatakan secara jelas dan dapat
diperiksa kebenarannya.

Bogor,22 Agustus 2003

Nrp. P26600004



sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar

Doktor pada
Program Studi Teknologi Kelautan


Judul Disertasi

: Analisis Tingkah Laku Ikan Untuk Mewujudkan Teknologi

Nomor Pokok
Program Studi

Ramah Lingkungan Dalam Proses
Bagan Rambo
: Sudirman
: P26600004
: Teknologi Kelautan




Prof. Dr. Ir. Daniel R. Monint-ia

Dr. Ir. Ari Purbayanto, MSc.


Prof. Dr. T a k M Arimoto.


2. Ketua Program Studi




Prof Dr. Ir. Daniel R. Monintja

Tanggal Lulus: 22 Agustus 2003

Sudirman, lahir di Desa Manyampa, Kabupaten Bulukumba, Sulawesi
Selatan pada tanggal 12 Desember 1964. Anak pertama dari tiga bersaudara dari
pasangan Jumarung (Alm) dan Jumrah (Alrnh). Meraih gelar Sarjana Perikanan
pada tahun 1988 dan Magister Sains pada tahun 1997 di Universitas Hasanuddin
Ujung Pandang.
Penulis bekerja sebagai staf pengajar tetap pada Jurusan Perikanan,
Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin sejak tahun 1989.

Pada tahun 2000 penulis diterima sebagai mahasiswa pada Program Doktor di
Institut Pertanian Bogor dengan memilih Program Studi Teknologi Kelautan
(TKL) dengan minat utama Sub Program Studi Pemanfaatan Surnberdaya Hayati
Laut, dengan bantuan Beasiswa dari BPPS-DIKTI.
Beberapa pendidikan singkat telah dilalui oleh penulis antara lain
Dinamika Populasi Ikan di Universite de Perpignan Perancis pada bulan Pebruari
sampai bulan Apri1,1994, Pengolahan dan Penanganan Data Perikanan di
International Agricultural Center (UC) m e Netherlands pada bulan Januari
sampai bulan Pebruari tahun 1995 dan mengikuti Scientist Exchange Program,
JSPS Core University Program in Fisheries Science, di Tokyo University of
Fisheries (TUF) Jepang, pada Oktober 1999 sampai Maret, 2000 dan bulan
Februari sampai bulan Maret, 2003.
Selama mengikuti program S3, penulis menjadi Ketua Umum Forum
Komunikasi Mahasiswa Teknologi Kelautan (FORMULA) IPB periode 200 12003. Karya ilmiah berjudul Review on Bagan Rambo (Large-Typed Ilftnet) with
Electrical Lamp in South Sulawesi (Penulis utama), dan Light Fishing in
Indonesia, General Review (penulis anggota) telah disajikan pada International
Workshop on Light Fishing di Pelabuhan Ratu dan Bogor pada bulan Desember
2001, dan telah di muat dalam Fishing TechnologyManual Series I , Light Fishing
in Japan and Indonesia. TUF JSPS International Vol .11. Maret 2002. Sebuah
artikel telah diterbitkan dengan judul Underwater Ilumination Pattern and the

catch of two types of bagan: Case in Pelabuhan Ratu Bay and Makassar Strait
(penulis utama) telah diterbitkan pada Bulletin PSP Volume X No.2 Oktober 2001
Jurusan PSP FPIK IPB. Karya ilmiah berjudul "Analisis Keramahan Lingkungan
pada Perikanan Bagan Rambo di Selat Makassar" telah disajikan dalam Seminar
Nasional X PERSADA, Penerapan IPTEKS untuk Mencapai Kemandirian Bangsa
di Jakarta pada tanggal 4 Juli 2003. Artikel lain berjudul "Hubungan Antara
Kecerahan Perairan dan Kecepatan Arus dengan Hasil Tangkapan dan
Pengoperasian Bagan Rambo di Selat Makassar" akan diterbitkan pada jumal
Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan pada tahun 2003. Karya-karya ilmiah tersebut
merupakan bagian dari program S3 penulis.

Syukur Alhamdulillah penulis panjatkan kekhadirat Allah SWT atas segala
Rachmat dan Karunia-Nya sehingga karya ilmiah ini berhasil diselesaikan. Tema
penelitian yang dipilih adalah perikanan bagan rambo dengan judul Analisis
Tingkah Laku Ikan Untuk Mewujudkan Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan dalam
Proses Penangkapan pada bagan rambo. Penelitian ini berlangsung selama kurang
lebih 10 bulan, yang dilaksanakan mulai dari bulan Juli - Agustus 2001 dan
dilanjutkan pada bulan Februari - Oktober 2002.
Pada kesempatan ini penulis ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih yang
tulus kepada Bapak Prof. Dr. Ir. Daniel R.Monintja, Dr. Ir. Mulyono S.Baskoro,
MSc, Dr. Ir. Ari Purbayanto, MSc, dan Prof. Dr. Takafbmi Arimoto, selaku
pembimbing atas segala arahan dan perhatiannya mulai dari persiapan penelitian
sampai dengan selesainya karya ilmiah ini. Terima kasih pula disampaikan kepada
bapak Dr. Ir. Sulaeman Martasuganda, MSc, Dr. Ir. H. M. Fedi A. Sondita,MSc,
yang telah membaca dan memberikan koreksi dalam penyempurnaan disertasi ini.
Penghargaan disampaikan pula kepada Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten
Barru yang telah membantu dalam pengumpulan data. Begitu pula terima kasih dan
penghargaan kepada H.Samsong sekeluarga, pemilik usaha bagan rambo Kembang
Emas 03 yang penulis gunakan selama penelitian, berserta segenap Anak Buah
Ucapan terima kasih juga disampaikan kepada seluruh teman sejawat di
Jurusan Perikanan UNHAS atas segala masukan dalam penyempurnaan penelitian
ini. Begitu pula kepada Andi Rospayani, SPi dan adik-adik mahasiswa Jurusan
Perikanan UNHAS yang telah banyak membantu penulis dalam pengumpulan data,
terutama kepada Syamsuddin, Wahyu Rismawan, Berthus T.Ali, A.Syamsinar,

Herman, Abd.Aziz Latif, Jupri, Rismi Yulianti, Irawati, Ivan Tarihoran, Erniati,
Muh. Ichsan, Andi Ekaratu, Sri Marlina, St. Hadijah Latuconsina, Aisyah, Asep,
Anto, Rahman, Bonni, diucapkan banyak terima kasih dan penghargaan.
Terima kasih disampaikan pula kepada Bapak Prof Dr. Ir. H. M. Natsir
Nessa, MS, yang telah memberikan masukan, bantuan moril, materil dan moral
force dalam pelaksanan penelitian ini. Begitu pula kepada Dr. Ir. Hj.Winarni

Meagaung, MSi, Ir. Suwarni, MSi, Ir. Muh. Hatta, MSi, Ir. M.Yusri Karim, MSi dan
Muhammad Kurnia SPi, yang telah membantu dalam pengolahan data dan
kelancaran pelaksanaan penelitian ini. Kepada Bapak Dr. Ir. Dody Darmawan,
MSc, Direktur Politeknik Negeri Pangkep, Pengelola Laboratorium Tingkah laku
ikan (Lab. TPI-IPB), Bapak Deni A. Soeboer, Spi, Muchsin ST, Sulaeman Spi, yang
telah membantu fasilitas peralatan penelitian, saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih.
Ucapan terima kasih juga disampaikan kepada Direktorat Jenderal
Pendidikan Tinggi, JSPS Program (Jepang), P.T. Tokai Material Indonesia, Yayasan
Supersemar, atas bantuan dana yang diberikan sehingga penelitian ini dapat berjalan
dengan lancar.
Ungkapan terima kasih juga disampaikan kepada Ayah (Alm) dan Ibu
(Almh), Mertua, Istri, Anak, serta seluruh keluarga atas segala perhatian,
pengorbanan, doa dan kasih sayangnya. Kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu
dan tidak sempat disebutkan satu persatu, diucapkan pula terima kasih yang tak
terhingga, dengan harapan semoga Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa memberikan balasan
terhadap amalan yang telah diperbuat. Dengan segala kekurangan dari disertasi ini,
penulis berharap, semoga karya ilmiah ini dapat bermanfaat.
Bogor, 22 Agustus 2003

: Hasil tangkapan sampingan yang bukan menjadi target



: Keaneka ragaman hayati.


: Dapat terurai melalui proses biologi.

Catchable area

: Area dimana ikan dapat ditangkap.

Cone cell (sel kon)

: Sel berbentuk kerucut dalarn retina mata ikan yang

akan bergerak ke membran bagian luar bila teradaptasi
cahaya (suasana terang).

Discard catch

: Hasil tangkapan sampingan yang dibuang .

Discard rate

: Tingkat tangkapan yang terbuang (%).


: Pengangkatan jaring.

Hauling time

: Waktu pengangkatan jaring

Fishing base

: Pangkalan pendaratan armada penangkapan.

Fishing ground
Fishing impact

Daerah penangkapan ikan.
: Dampak yang





Full light ahpted

: Teradaptasi sempurna oleh cahaya.

Light fishing

: Kegiatan penangkapan ikan yang menggunakan

Cahaya sebagai pengumpul ikan.


: Pelataran atau balai-balai pada bagan rambo yang

umumnya terbuat dari kayu.


: Penurunan jaring.

Rod cell (sel rod)

: Sel berbentuk batang dalam retina mata ikan yang

akan bergerak

ke membran bagian luar bila suasana



: Alat untuk menggulung tali

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................
LIST OF APPENDIX ..........................................................
1 . PENDAHULUAN.............................................................
1 . 1 Latar Belakang ........................................................
1.2 Perurnusan Masalah...................................................
1.3 Tujuan Penelitian .....................................................
1.4 Manfaat Penelitian
1.5 Hipotesis................................................................
2 . TINJAUAN PUSTAKA...................................................
2.1 Sejarah Penggunaan Cahaya pada Penangkapan Ikan ............
2.2 Alat Tangkap Bagan ...................................................
2.3 Proses Penangkapan dan Tingkah Laku Ikan ......................
2.4 Peranan Cahaya dan Sifat-sifatya dalam Air ......................
2.5 Morfologi Retina Mata Ikan ..........................................
2.6 Respon Ikan Terhadap Stimuli Cahaya .............................
2.7 Pengembangan Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan Ramah
Lingkungan ............................................................
2.8 Perkembangan Penelitian lightfishing di Indonesia..............
3. METODE PENELITIAN.................................................................
3.1 Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian...................................................
3.2 Alat-alat Penelitian ....................................................................
3.3 Bahan yang Digunakan..............................................................
3.4 Metode Penelltian......................................................................
4. HASIL PENELITIAN .....................................................................
4.1 Sejarah Perikanan Bagan Rambo di Perairan Sulawesi Selatan
4.2 Rancang Bangun Alat Tangkap Bagan Rambo..........................
4.3 Analisis Proses Penangkapan ..................................................
4.4 Distribusi dan Iluminasi Cahaya................................................
4.5 Tingkah Laku Ikan pada Bagan Rambo.....................................
4.6 Selektivitas Alat Tangkap Bagan Rambo...................................

5 . PEMBAHASAN................................................................................
5.1 Proses Penangkapan pada Bagan Rambo...................................
5.2 Analisis Tingkah Laku Ikan pada Bagan Rambo.......................
5.3 Komposisi Hasil Tangkapan pada Bagan Rambo ....................
5.4 Selektivitas Bagan Rambo............................................


5.5 Kaitan Dengan Keramahan Lingkungan....................................
5.6 Skenario Peningkatan Keramahan Lingkungan.........................
6 . KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN.........................................................
6.1 Kesimpulan.................................................................................
6.2 Saran...........................................................................................


DAFTAR PUSTAKA......................................................................





Wavelength at various colour for visible light.................................


Equipments used in the experiment



Materials used in the experiment ........................................


Data of sampling and total samples for main target species to
analysis the interspecies interactions.....................................


Dates of sampling and total samples used to analysis stomach
index for observation of feeding periodisity......................................


Dates of sampling time and total samples used for observation of
fish size composition and gonad maturation stage ...................


Comparison of the relative importance among the evaluation
aspects of environmentally friendly technology based on Hierarchy
Process Analysis (Saaty, 1993)...........................................


Technical specification of bagan rambo used in Makassar Strait


Time required in each activity for operating of bagan rambo
in Makassar Strait ...........................................................


Arrival time of fish identified by means of finder and underwater
camera.. ....................................................................... 101
Arrival time of fish identified by visual observation. ................


Distribution of fish under the bagan's platform after the lights
have been switch on lighting, observed by fish finder .............
Descriptive statistics of mean logarithm of catch by different
lighting power ..............................................................
Coefficient correlation (r), of water transparency ( X I )and water
current speed (X2) with the the catch (Y)for each hauling in bagan
rambo.. .......................................................................
Analysis of variance to detect the effects of water transparency
(XI) and water current speed (Xz) in relation to the catch.. ............ 127
Average of predator- prey quantity according to frequency
occurrence caught by bagan r m b o . . ..................................


4.10 Food composition of anchovy caught by bagan rambo.. ..............

Average of predator- prey quantity according to volume of caught
by bagan rambo. .............................................................
Plankton density (indlml) according to the depth in catchable area
in bagan rambo ..............................................................
Total species of plankton in each class for different water depth
in bagan rambo area ..................................................
Average of plankton density at each hauling and relation to the
total catch.. ...................................................................
Average of percentage of stomach fullness for anchovy (S.
insularis) in each hauling time during the six weeks sampling in
bagan rambo. ................................................................
Average of percentage of stomach fullness for Russell's scad(D.
ruselli) in each hauling time during the six weeks sampling. ........
Average of percentage of stomach fullness for Indian mackerel
(R.kanagurta) in each hauling time during the six weeks
sampling. .....................................................................
Average of percentage of stomach fullness for big eye scad
(S.crumenopthalmus) in each hauling time during the six weeks
sampling. ......................................................................
Analysis result of cone and pigment index for anchovy
(Stolephorus insularis) and Russell's scad (Decapterus ruselli)
according to the hauling time .............................................
Analysis result of average cone and pigment index for anchovy
(Stolephorus insularis) and Russell's scad (Decapterus ruselli)
according to the simulation condition (different illumination).........
Comparison of light adaptation stage for Russell's scad
(Decapterus ruselli) by different size according to the
hauling time ..................................................................
Comparison of retinal adaptation ratio for Russell's scad (D.
ruselli) by different size (TL) at 45 lux.. ................................


4.23 Range of total length and weight of invertebrate discard catch
during the experiment......................................................
20 1
4.24 Range of total length and number of by-catch during the
experiment .................................................................... 202

Scoring of matrix comparison among the alternative vector
priorities ....................................................................... 231


Framework of the research ..............................................


Diagram representation of research content................................


Diagram of teleost eye (Nicol, 1989)...................................


Photomicrograph of transversal section of retina for Jack
mackerel (Trachurusjaponicus ) when light adapted (Sudirman
et. al.. 2000). ......................................................................
Structure of double cone of Jack mackerel and walleye pollock
in tangential and transversal section (Zhang, 1992)....................
Underwater observation method by fish finder and infrared
underwater camera in bagan rambo................................................
Histological procedure for microscopic observation of retina
specimens ..................................................................
Dehydration and embedding procedures of retina specimens...
Hematoxylene and staining process of the sectioned retina
The Photomicrograph showing cone and pigment in the cross
section of the retina to examine the retinal adaptation ratio by
cone index (C) and pigment index (P) (Arimoto et al.
Observation method of retina light adaptation in the bagan rambo
in simulation by using box- cages ................................................
Photograph showing the net with mesh size 0.1 cm of 4 m2 net
panel used for model of selectivity experiment of bagan rambo;
A. Construction; B; After setting in the bagan net.. .................
Scenario for analyzing bagan rambo fishery
environmentally friendly technology criteria..............................

Bagan rambo at various condition; A Day time B. Preparation of
fishing operation; C. Lighting condition in the night time ...........
Fishing operation of bagan rambo .....................................
Illustration of operation method of bagan rambo ....................


Summary diagram of capture process on bagan rambo..............
Distribution of light intensity from a mercury bulb (250 W) with
lamp shade in the air A; Measurement in bagan B: Measurement
in Laboratory ...............................................................
Distribution of light intensity from a mercury bulb (250 W)
without lamp shade in the air.. ...........................................
Light illumination (lux) pattern at side of the bagan rambo
(lighting power 16.4 kW). ................................................
Light illumination (lux) pattern at behind of the bagan rambo
(lighting power 16.4 kW). ................................................
Light illumination (lux) pattern under the bagan's platform of the
(lighting power 16.4 kW). ................................................
Light illumination (lux) pattern under the bagan's platform and
50 m distance from the boat (lighting power 16.4 kW ).........
Infrared underwater observation of the fish, under the platform
during the concentration lamp was turn on.. ...........................
Species composition of bagan rambo in the full moon (lighting
power 16.4 kW). ...........................................................
Species composition of bagan rambo in the new moon (lighting
power 16.4 kW) ............................................................
Species composition of bagan rambo during the experiment
(lighting power 16.4 kW). ................................................
Catch distribution (mean f S.D.) of bagan rambo (lighting power
of 16.4 kW) according to the hauling time during the full
Catch distribution (mean S.D.) of bagan rambo (lighting power
hauling time during the new moon
of 16.4 kW) according to
(different label a,b indicated significant different at a:
Catch distribution (mean f S.D.) of bagan rambo (lighting power
hauling time during the
of 16.4 kW) according to the
experiment, (different label indicated significant different at a:
Species diversity (mean f S.D.) of bagan rambo (lighting power
of 16.4 kW) according to the hauling time during the full moon
: 0.05). ...........
(different label indicated significant different at



4.19 Species diversity (mean S.D.) of bagan rambo (lighting power
of 16.4 kW) according to the hauling time during the new moon
(different label a,b indicated significant different at a : 0.05)......
4.20 Species diversity (mean f S.D.) of bagan rambo (lighting power
of 16.4 kW) according to the hauling time during the experiment
(different label a,b indicated significant different at or : 0.05)....
4.21 Total catch for five dominant species according to the hauling
time in the full moon during the experiment...........................
4.22 Total catch for five dominant species according to the hauling
time in the new moon during the experiment...........................
4.23 Total catch for five dominant species according to the hauling
time in the new moon during the experiment..........................
4.24 Original catch data obtained from 18 bagan rambo 's during 57
trips by different lighting power.. ......................................
4.25 Relationship between lighting power and mean of logarithm catch
(vertical bars indicate standard deviation). ............................
4.26 Relationship between lighting power and weight class during the
Experiment ................................................................
4.27 Relationship between lighting power and weight class of the total
catch during the experiment .............................................
4.28 Catch tendency (kg) of bagan rambo at actual new moon and new
moon for 18 unit bagan rambos ........................................
4.29 Catch tendency (kg) of bagan rambo at actual new moon and new
moon ........................................................................
4.30 Catch tendency (kg) of bagan rambo at actual new moon and new
moon After Nikonorov, 1975 (lighting power 16.4 kW) .............
4.31 Relation between current speed, total catch, with fishing trip at
hauling I11 (current speed at 15 m depth)........................................
4.32 Illustration of influence direction and current speed in fishing
operation. The limit current where bagan rambo can be operated
during 39 nights operation, A, Surface current paralel with under

Interspecies interraction model in bagan rambo according to
frequency occurance of each item (n = 90 individual each
Interspecies interraction model in bagan rambo according to
volume of each item (n = 90 individual each species) ...................
Graphic showing relation plankton density and total catch at
bagan ram bo. ..................................................................................
Photograph showing an example high of predator caught by
bagan rambo A; High economic value (Jack); B; Low economic
value (unidentifjr) C;discards (globe fish).......................................
Relationship between hauling time and percentage fullness of
stomach for anchovy (S.insularis) caught by bagan rambo (n =
300 individuals). ...........................................................
Relationship between hauling time and percentage of stomach
fullness for Russell's scad (D.ruselli)caught by bagan rambo ( n
- 300 individuals).........................................................
Relationship between hauling time and percentage of stomach
fullness for Indian mackerel (R.kanagurta) caught by bagan
rambo (n = 300 individuals). ............................................
Relationship between hauling time and percentage of stomach
lllness for big eye scad (S.crumenopthalmus) caught by bagan
rambo (n = 242 individuals).............................................
Photoghraph showing, the 111 stomach obtained for big eye scad
(S.crumenopthalmus) caught by bagan rambo. ......................
Comparison of average full stomach of four dominant catch
caught by bagan rambo according to the hauling time (n = 300
individuals each species, except big eye scad 242
Photomicrograph showing the retina structure of Russell's scad
(Decapterus ruselli) during the light adapted (x100) ................
Photomicrographs showing of retina adaptation stages of anchovy
(Stolephorus insularis) in natural and simulation condition
A.Natural condition (hauling time); B. Simulation condition;
O M Outer limiting Membrane; CN Sel Cone; P; Pigment
(x 400) ......................................................................

Retinal adaptation ratio of anchovy (Stolephorus insularis)
shown by cone and pigment index according to the hauling time
(n = 9; TL; 6.5-8.5 cm) ...................................................
Retinal adaptation ratio of anchovy (Stolephorus insularis) shown
by cone and pigment index according to the different illumination
(n = 7; TL; 7.5-8.5 cm) ..................................................
Photomicrographs showing of retina adaptation stages of
Russell's scad (Decapterus ruselli) in natural and simulation
condition A.Natural condition (hauling time); B. Simulation
condition; OLM: Outer limiting Membrane; CN Cone cell ;
P; Pigment (x 400). ........................................................
Retinal adaptation ratio of Russell's scad (D. ruselli) shown by
cone and pigment index every hauling time (n =12; TL: 8-20
Retinal adaptation ratio of Russell's scad (D.ruselli) shown by
cone and pigment index according to the simulation different
light illumination (n =12; TL: 8-20 cm ...............................
Comparison of retinal adaptation ratio of anchovy (S.insularis)
and Russell's scad (D.ruselli) according to the hauling time.........
Comparison of retinal adaptation ratio of anchovy (S.insularis)
and Russell's scad (D.ruselli) according to the different
illumination ....................................................................................
Retinal adaptation stage for Russell's scad of different size
A.Illumination 45 Lux ; B. Before midnight; C. After midnight ..
Length frequency distribution of anchovy (S. insularis) caught
by the bagan rambo during the experiment...........................
Length frequency distribution of anchovy (S. insularis) caught by
the bagan rambo in February 2002. ....................................
Length frequency distribution of anchovy (S.insularis) caught by
the bagan rambo in March 2002........................................
Length frequency distribution of anchovy (S. insularis) caught by
the bagan rambo in April 2002
Length frequency distribution of anchovy (S.insularis) caught by
the bagan rambo in May 2002 .........................................
Length frequency distribution of anhovy (S. insularis) caught by
bagan rambo in June 2002 .............................................


Length frequency distribution of anhovy (Xinsularis) caught by
bagan rambo in July 2002 ..............................................
Length frequency distribution of anhovy (S.insularis) caught by
bagan rambo in August 2002 .........................................
Composition of anchovy (S.insularis) by gonad maturity stage
during the experiment.....................................................
Development of gonad maturity stage of anchovy (Stolephorus
insularis) caught by bagan rambo in Makassar Strait during the
Average of gonad maturity stage of anchovy (Stolephorus
insularis) caught by bagan rambo in Makassar Strait during the
experiment from February to August 2002.. ...................................
Length frequency distribution of Russell scad (D.ruselli)
caught by the bagan rambo during the experiment..................
composition of Russell's scad (D.ruselli) by gonad maturity stage
during the experiment.....................................................
Development of gonad maturity stage of Russel's scad
(Decapterus ruselli) caught by bagan rambo in Makassar Strait
during the experiment (Number of samples were n = 2777
Average of gonad maturity stage of Russel's scad (Decapterus
ruselli) caught by bagan rambo in Makassar Strait
during the
experiment from February to August 2002 (Number of samples
were n = 2777 individuals)..............................................................
Length frequency distribution of Indian mackerel (R.kanagura)
caught by bagan rambo during the experiment......................
Composition of Indian mackerel (R.kanagurta) by gonad
maturity stage caught by baganrambo during
Development of gonad maturity stage of Indian makcerel
(Rastralliger kanagurta) caught by bagan rambo in Makassar
Strait during the experiment (Number of samples were n =2577
Average of gonad maturity stage of Indian makcerel (Rastralliger

kanagurta) caught by bagan rambo in Makassar Strait during the
experiment from February to August 2002 (Number of samples
were n = 2577 individuals).............................................................
Length frequency distribution of big eye scad
crumenopthalmus) caught
bagan rambo during the
Composition of big eye scad (S. crumenopthalmus) by gonad
maturity stage during the experiment..................................
Development of gonad maturaty stage of big eye scad
(S.crumenopthalmus) caught by bagan rambo in Makassar Strait
during the experiment (Number of samples were n = 275
Average of gonad maturity stage
of big eye scad
(S.crumenopthalmus) caught by bagan rambo in Makassar Strait
during the experiment from February to August 2002 (Number
of samples were n = 275 individuals).............................................
Length frequency distribution and gonad maturity stage of
anchovy (S. insularis) caught by bagan rambo. ....................
length frequency distribution and gonad maturity stage of Russell'
ruselli) caught by bagan rambo.....................................
scad (D.
Length frequency distribution and gonad maturity stage of big eye
scad (S.crumenopthalmsus) caught by bagan rambo.. ....................
Length frequency distribution and gonad maturity stage of
Indian mackerel (R. kanagurta) caught by bagan rambo ........
Photomicrograph showing an examples of gonad maturity stage
of big eye scad (S. crumenopthalmus) and anchovy (S.insularis). ..
Species diversity and size composition of the dominant catch of
bagan rambo in Makassar Strait during the experiment. A. Catch
diversity. B. Species and size of anchovy ; C. Species and size of
Russell's scad D; Species and size of Indian mackere1;E. Species
and size of big eye scad; F. Species and size of squids...................
Length distribution of anchovy (Stolephorus sp) escaped and
retained in bagan rambo during the experiment......................
The logistic model of the bagan rambo's selectivity for anchovy
(Stolephorus sp) using least square method (Sparre
method). ...........................................................................

The logistic model of bagan rambo's
selectivity for
anchovy (Stolephoms sp) using maximum
method ......................................................................
Length distribution of Rabdania sp escaped and retained in bagan
rambo during the experiment.............................................
The logistic model of the bagan rambo's selectivity for Rabdania
sp using least square method the (Sparre method). ...................
The logistic model of the bagan rambo's selectivity for
Rabdania sp with maximum likelihood method. .....................

An example of fish escaped and retained (Rabdania sp and
Stolephorus sp) in bagan rambo: A; Fish escaped:B; Fish
retained. ....................................................................
Photomicrograph showing the position of cone cell and outer
limiting membrane in the cross section of retina on discarded
catch (Apogon sp) caught by bagan rambo (x 200) (TI; 5
cm) ...........................................................................
Photomicrograph showing the position of cone cell and outer
limiting membrane in the cross section of retina on discarded
catch (Priyachanthus sp) caugh by bagan rambo (x 400) (TI, 6.5
cm) ...........................................................................
Photograph showing an examples Discard Catch caught by
bagan rambo in Makassar Strait during the experiment A;
Vertebrates group; B; Invertebrates group
Existing condition the environmentally friendly level of bagan
rambo with alternative solution ........................................
Scenario bagan rambo fishery with environmentally friendly
technology. .................................................................


Map of Sulawesi Island showing Makassar Strait were
experimental site and data collection...................................
Criteria of gonad maturity stage of anchovy used during the
( After Tiews et a1.(1968) vide Hutomo et al.
(1987). ........................................................................
Criteria of gonad maturity stage of Russell's scad and Indian
mackerel used during the experiment ( after Effedie and Subardja
(1977) vide Effendie, 1979)..............................................
Design of bagan rambo used during the experiment in Makassar
Strait (front of view) ........................................................
Design of bagan rambo used during the experiment in Makassar
Strait (top of view )... .....................................................
Result of light intensity measurement every for mercury bulb
used by the bagan rambo fishermen in Makassar strait.. ............
Result of light intensity measurement ( in laboratory) for mercury
bulb (250 W, white and yellow colour) by using lamp shade and
without lamp shade in the air at distance 1 m from the bulb.. ........
Result of light illumination measurement ( lux) at side the bagan
rambo ........................................................................
Result of light illumination measurement ( lux) at behind the
bagan rambo ...............................................................
Result of light illumination measurement (lux) under bagan
platform .....................................................................
Photograph A: Image recording of fish distribution under the
bagan platform (indicated arrow) and B: underwater camera and
others tools used during underwater observation in bagan
rambo. ........................................................................
Total catch of each hauling time during the experiment ..............
Total catch of each hauling time during full moon in bagan mrnbo
Total catch of each hauling time during the new moon in bagan
rambo during the experiment.............................................

25 3

15. Species composition caught of the bagan rambo in Makassar strait
during the experiment... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . .
Species diversity for every hauling during the experiment... . . . . . . ..
Total catch for dominant species caught by bagan rambo
according to the hauling time.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... ..
Average total catch (kg) of bagan rambo by different lighting
power (kW) during the experiment... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Average total catch (kg) of bagan rambo by different lighting
power (kW) during the new moon.. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Average total catch (kg) of bagan rambo by different lighting
power (kW) during the full moon.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..
Tendency of the species preference by different lighting power
Statistical test result for analyzing significantly different among
the different lighting powers.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Transparency and current speed relation to the total catch every
hauling during the experiment... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . ...
Stomach content of the dominat fish in bagan rambo....................
Percent of recapitulation of anchovy (Stolephorus insularis) by
gonad maturity stage in Makassar Strait during the experiment... ..
Percent of recapitulation of Russell's scad (D.ruselly) by gonad
maturity stage in Makassar Strait during the experiment... . . . . . . . . . ..
Percent of recapitulation of Indian mackerel (R.kanagurta) by
gonad maturity stage in Makassar Strait during the experiment. . . ..
Percent of recapitulation of big eye scad (S.crumenpthalmus) by
maturity stage in Makassar Strait during the
experiment. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selectivity data obtained for anchovy during the experiment... . . . .
Analysis of variables in calculation selectivity model by using
maximum likelihood methods.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Selectivity data obtained for Rabdania sp in Makassar Strait
during the experiment... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .
Analysis of variables in calculation selectivity model
Rabdania sp by using maxsimum likelihood methods



33. Range of the total length and weight of the discard catch during
the experiment...................................................................................

30 0

34. Total discard every hauling and its relation to the discard
rate during the experiment.. ...............................................

30 2

35. Discard catch composition during the experiment.. ...................

30 4

36. Length frequency distribution of Cauthigaster, sp caugh by bagan
rambo during the experiment.. ...........................................


37. Length frequency distribution of Priacanthus armatus, caught by


bagan rambo during the experiment....................................

30 6

Length frequency distribution of C h a n h commersonii, caught by
bagan rambo during the experiment.. ..................................


1.1 Latar Belakang

Perkembangan teknologi penangkapan ikan di Indonesia tidak terlepas
dari perkembangan teknologi penangkapan ikan di dunia secara keseluruhan.
Salah satu bentuk teknologi penangkapan ikan yang dianggap sukses dan
berkembang dengan pesat pada industri penangkapan ikan sampai saat ini adalah
penggunaan alat bantu cahaya untuk menarik perhatian ikan dalam proses
penangkapan ikan (Nikonorov, 1975; Arimoto, 1999). Namum tidak diketahui
dengan pasti kapan manusia memulai penangkapan ikan dengan menggunakan
alat bantu cahaya (Ben-Yarni 1987). Dalam teknologi penangkapan ikan, semua
kegiatan penangkapan ikan yang menggunakan alat bantu cahaya disebut light

Di Indonesia intensitas cahaya pada light fishing yang digunakan oleh
para nelayan berbeda-beda bergantung pada jenis alat tangkap, spesies target,

fishing ground dan kemampuan finansial dari masing-masing nelayan. Sebagai
contoh, jenis alat tangkap bagan tancap dan bagan terapung skala kecil umumnya
menggunakan 2 - 4 buah lampu petromaks, pada purse seine menggunakan 8 - 10
petromaks lampu dan pada bagan rambo menggunakan lampu merkuri dengan
intensitas hingga mencapai 20 kW. Di Jepang penggunaan intensitas cahaya
dalam penangkapan ikan bervariasi dari 2 kW sampai 650 kW (Arimoto, 1999).
Bagan merupakan salah satu jenis alat tangkap yang menggunakan
cahaya sebagai alat bantu penangkapan. Berdasarkan cara pengoperasiannya
bagan dapat dikelompokkan kedalam jaring angkat (von Brandt, 1985). Sejalan
dengan perkembangan pengetahuan dan teknologi serta kemajuan yang telah

dicapai oleh masyarakat maka desain dan konstruksi bagan semakin berkembang.
Salah satu jenis bagan yang berkembang pesat saat ini adalah bagan
perahu di perairan Sulawesi Selatan khususnya di perai