A correlation between mastery of sentence structure and diction with english writing skills at ix grade junior high school of al syukro south Tangerang

A Correlation between Mastery of Sentence Structure and Diction
With English Writing Skills at IX Grade Junior High School of Al
Syukro South Tangerang
Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.
The Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training State Islamic University
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
This study aimed to obtain empirical data of determining the correlation between mastery
of sentence structure and diction, either individually or simultaneously with English writing skill
at IX grade Junior High School of Al Syukro Ciputat, South Tangerang academic year
The method implemented in this research was descriptive method with a correlation technique.
The population gathered in this study was all 9 th grade students of Al Syukro Islamic Junior
High School, Ciputat, South Tangerang with the total number of students were 67. The samples
were taken by using a total sampling technique. The instrument applied for data collection by
using multiple choice test for mastery of sentence structure (X1) and diction (X2), while the
performance test was for English writing skill (Y).
The results revealed that the contribution of mastery of sentence structure (X1) on writing
skill (Y) of 18.5% and a significant correlation for t count> t table is 11.28 ˃ 4.03 for α = 0.05
and Fcount ˃ Ftable is 11.28 ˃ 7.17 for α = 0.01. Then the contribution mastery of diction (X2)

on writing skill (Y) of 17.6% and a significant correlation for t count> t table is 10.52 ˃ 4.03 for
α = 0.05 and Fhitung ˃ Ftable is 10.52 ˃ 7.17 for α = 0.01 level. While the contribution of X1
and X2 to Y is 22.75% and the degree of correlation is quite significant because of F> F is 5.91 ˃
3.178 for α = 0.05 and Fobtained >Ftable, or 5.91 ˃ 5.07 for α = 0.01. The amount contribution
of the mastery of sentence structure and diction with the writing skill is 22.75%, Mastery of
diction contributed to the English writing skill of 17.6% and the remaining 82.4% is determined
by other variables.
The result of study confirmed that (1) there is a positive correlation between the mastery
of sentence structure with writing skill. (2) there is a positive correlation between the mastery of
diction with writing skill, and (3) there is a correlation between the mastery of sentence
structure and diction with writing skill.
Keywords: Mastery of Sentence Structure, Mastery of Diction, English Writing Skill

Learning English is directed to improve the ability of learners to communicate.
Communication can be established if there has been an interaction between the speaker
and the listener through the message to be delivered. Communicating can be
implemented in written and spoken ways. As a means to communicate both verbally and
in written form. As a mean of communication the need for the teacher's role as a
medium in the delivery of the message. The role of the teacher is able to practice

language skills among students, namely (1) listening skills, (2) speaking skills, (3)
reading skills, and (4) writing skills. These four aspects of language skills are intimately
linked and mutually support each other. Therefore, in the teaching of language skills
teachers should be able to integrate the four aspects.
As one language skills, writing is a skill that is difficult and complex. Said to be
difficult and complex as writing can not be controlled in passing, the need for
continuous training to become skilled in writing. Someone skilled in writing is not only
he be able to express ideas, feelings, and his experience merely in writing . In addition,
writing is also the language skill that are expressive and productive. Expressive can be
said that the author can express ideas and feelings into written form, while the form of
productive is the author can produce words, sentences, paragraphs and discourses that
have been through the process of thinking and pouring author’s ideas.
At the level of Secondary Education, writing is very needed. This is used to
provide information, to persuade readers to adop a particular action and sometime to
entertain the readers. To start writing the writer should pay attention to things that are
important, which sets the reader writing and set a goal of writing. Determination of
readers is very important to establish patterns of the language to be used in writing.
Based on pre observations of researchers in the ability of students to write, many
students are still not able to express ideas, feelings and experiences. It is seen from the
students' difficulties in arranging words into cohesive and coherent sentences, the ability

of the spelling (capital letters, punctuation, absorption elements and others), the mastery
of a wide range of vocabulary, knowledge of science which have been written.
In addition to the above, factors that also affect students’ ability to write is
mastery of sentence structure. This can be proved by the results of the students' work
with regard to the ability to write haven’t got maximum results. They often have
difficulties when they want to pour ideas into an effective written form. Many of them
when they are writing often use incorrect sentence structures.
In other words it can be said that above sentence structure, the factor of word
choice also influences students' writing ability. Mastery of diction (word choice) in a
sentence, there are still many who have not been right. They often use words or word
choice that does not fit the context. There are words that are the same or vocabulary
words from the local language / Indonesia used in the formation of a sentence. It causes
the result in a less precise meaning of a sentence or phrase that does not become
Based on the background of the above problems, the formulation of the problem
in this study were: (1) Is there a correlation between mastery of sentence structure and
students’ writing skill at grade IX students of SMP Islam Al Syukro South Tangerang ?,
(2) Is there a correlation between mastery of diction and students writing ability at grade
IX students of SMP Islam Al Syukro South Tangerang ?, and (3) whether there is a

correlation between mastery of sentence structure and diction with students writing skill
at grade IX students of SMP Islam Al Syukro South Tangerang?

Writing Skill
Cere (1985: 5) says writing is communication. He further outlined that (1)
writing is a form of self-expression. It can be said a writing activity because of the
desire in him to express ideas, ideas, and feelings into written language; (2) writing is
something that is commonly presented to the reader. This means that someone who did
writing activity is an activity that has been performed continuously; (3) write the rules
and behavior. It can be said a good writer will know and be able to apply the rules in
writing; and (4) writing is a way of learning. This means that writing is used to
determine a wide range of science and a variety of things that exist in this world.
Furthermore, Mercer (1983: 466) says that writing is a communication tool that consists
of graphically symbolizing skills and disclosure of self-expression. From this
explanation can be described that writing is the delivery of new ideas and activities
carried out by a person using the medium of written language that aims to convey the
intent and purpose to others. By communicating in writing someone trying to express
feelings and ideas to be understood by others.
In writing activity there some aspects to be considered, namely; the purpose ,the

procedures, and the readers. According to Hart and Reinking (1986:3) the aims in
writing is to provide information and convice the readers to adopt a particular action
from the product of writing. While the procedure how to write according to Ann Raimes
(1998:10) reinforces the grammatical structure, idiom and vocabulary, then to be
adventurous with the language and last become very involved with the new language.
The product of informative writing hopefully to be read and has valuable input for the
people who are reading it.
Mastery Sentence Structure
Lado (1977: 142) defines the structure of sentence (grammatical structure) is a
word in the sentence pattern drafting and preparation of word elements being said. The
sentence is a combination of two or more words that produce a final understanding and
intonation patterns. Each sentence has a constituent element of the sentence. A
combination of elements will form a sentence that implies. So the sentence is a unit of
language that contains a "mind" or "mandate" complete. Fries (1952:9) says that “a
sentence is a group of words expressing a complete thougt” Furthermore he said that “a
sentence is a word or group of words standing between an initial capital letter and a
mark of end punctuation or between two marks of end punctuation.
Mastery of sentence structure (grammar) by Richards (2003: 41 is a phrase,
clause, or sentence that is acceptable because it follows the rules of grammar while
grammar (grammar) is a description of the structure of language and the way in which

the linguistic units, such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in
that language as well as considering the meaning of the language functions contained in
these sentences as a whole.

Mastery of Diction
Razak (1988: 64) says that: "The choice of the right word can open a" taste "of
readers, as well as food seasoning can make people eat more revenous." Keraf (2005:
24) states that: (1) Diction includes understanding words used to convey an idea, how to
classify the right words, and what is good style to use in a given situation; (2) Diction is
the ability to accurately distinguish nuances of meaning from the idea to be conveyed,
and the ability to find a suitable form (suitable) with the situation and the value of a
sense of community owned group of listeners; (3) Diction / appropriate word choice and
fit only made possible by the mastery of a large number of vocabulary or vocabulary of
the language. It can be concluded diction as the choice of words to describe an idea and
also used to express ideas or tell the events with attention to style language, expressions
and so on.
Research Hypothesis
Based on the definition and explanation of the theory in the study of the above
theory, the research hypothesis can be formulated as follows:
1. There is a positive correlation between sentence structure and students writing skill.

2. There is a positive correlation between mastery of diction and students writing skill.
3. There is a positive correlation between mastery of sentence structure and diction
with students writing skill.

This study aims to determine whether there is a correlation mastery of sentence
structure (X1), mastery of diction (X2) and students English writing skill (Y) and make
predictions (by using multiple regression) based on the correlation between the
independent variables (the mastery of sentence structure (X1 ), mastery of diction (X2)
and the dependent variable (English writing skill (Y). The method used in this research
is descriptive correlational techniques. The population in this study were students of
class IX SMP Al Syukro South Tangerang 2013/2014 school year, amounting to 67
students. Samples of research done by the total sampling so that 67 students was
selected as the study sample. Data analysis techniques using simple correlation and
multiple correlation test.

Description of Data
The following are descriptions of data covering on the number of samples,
mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, range, highest value (maximum),

and the lowest value (minimum). Description of this data is presented in the form table

Table 1. Calculation of Basic Statistics variables X1, X2, and Y

Number of
Highest Score
Lower Score




Skills (Y)









Testing Requirements Analysis
Testing requirements analysis is performed to predict whether homogeneous and
normal distribution of data. Testing homogeneity using Bartlet test while normality with
chikuadrat. From the calculation results obtained χ²hitung value = 0.460. While χ²tabel
value for significance level of 5% and degrees of freedom (df = 2), then the value
χ²tabel = 5.991 so χ²count