The Effectiveness Of Using Short Story Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper- Tangerang)

(A Quasi-experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. AT-TAQWA
Batu Ceper- Tangerang)
“A Skripsi”
Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for Degree of “S. Pd.” (S-1) in the Department of English Education

NIM 1110014000110



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful

All praises be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer guidance
and strength in completing this “skripsi”. Then peace and blessing be upon the
Prophet Muhammad SAW, to his family, his relatives, and his followers.
In this opportunity, the writer would like to express her greatest gratitude and
honor to her beloved parents, Firdaus Arsyad and Sulastri for their love, prayer,
encouragement, understanding, and support in material and immaterial that helped
the writer to finish this “skripsi”. She also would like to thank to her two brothers,
Muammar S, Pd and Ahmad Hafiz who always support, help, and motivate the
writer to finish her study.
Furthermore, the writer would like to address her great honor and deepest
gratitude to her advisor Drs. Syauki, M.Pd and Drs. Ratna Sari Dewi, M. Pd, for
their time, guidance, kindness, contributions, and patience in correcting and
helping her during completing this “skripsi”.
The writer reliazed that wihout support and and motivation from people
around her, she could not finish this “skripsi”. Therefore, she also would like to
give thanks and appreciation to:

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA, as the Dean of Faculty Tarbiyah and
Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta.


Dr. Alek, M.Pd, as the head of Department of English Education.


Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum, as the secretary of Department of English Education.


Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd, as the academic advisor of Class C 2010 and all lecturers
of EED who always give their motivation and valuable knowledge during her
study at Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta.


Hayati Nufus, S. Pd.I, as the headmaster of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper

Tangerang for giving permission to the writer to conduct her research, and
Nur’ain S. Pd, as English teacher of the second grade at Mts AT-TAQWA for
sincere help, time, and guidance.



The second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang
especially for VIII A and VIII B, for being participants in this research.


All friends of Department of English Education 2010 academic year

class C for the great friendship, support, togetherness, and

knowledge that they have shared.

All friend of Sufeli’s rent house who always support, help, and motivate the
writer to finish this “skripsi”.


To any other person whose names cannot be mentioned one by one for their
contribution to the writer during finishing her “skripsi”.
Finally, the writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect.

Therefore, she hopes some suggestions and criticizes from the reader for this
“skripsi”. Hopefully, it will be so valuable for her and for a better result in the

Jakarta, May 19th 2016

The Writer


Irma (1110014000110). The effectiveness of Using Short Story towards
Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text; A Quasi-experimental
Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper- Tangerang.
A Skripsi of English Education Department at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University Jakarta,
Advisor: Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.
Keywords: Short story, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text
The objective of this study was to obtain the empirical evidence about the
effectiveness of using short story towards students’ reading comprehension of
narrative text at the second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper
Tangerang. The sample of this study was 80 students taken from the second grade
of Mts AT-TAQWA, Batu Ceper Tangerang. 40 students were from the
experimental class, and the others were from the controlled class.
The method used in this study was a quantitative method that designed a quasiexperimental. It meant that the writer used two classes in which one of them was
as experimental class, and another was as controlled class. The experimental class
was a class which got treatment or being taught by using short story and the
controlled class was taught by using material that was usually used in the class. In
collecting the data, the writer conducted test twice to both the class in which one

was as pre-test and another was post-test. The pre-test was used to know the
students’ ability in comprehending narrative text before they were given
treatment. Whereas, the post-test was used to know whether there was the
students’ improvement in comprehending narrative text after giving short story as
the treatment. Type of the tests used was multiple choices in which every test
consisted of thirty questions. And in analyzing the data, the writer used t-test
formula to find out whether there was a significant difference between two
variables in this study.
The result of statistic calculation obtained that the value of t-observation (t0) was
13.71 and the degree of freedom (df) was 78. In the table of significance 5%, the
value of (df) =78 was 1.665. By comparing the value of to (13.71) with the value
of tt (1.665), it could be seen that the value of to was higher than the value tt. So,
the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the Null Hypothesis (H0) was
rejected. Based on the result, it could be concluded that the use of short story and
was more effective towards students’ reading comprehension of narrative text
than without using short story.



Irma (1110014000110). The effectiveness of Using Short Story towards
Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text; A Quasi-experimental
Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts. AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper-Tangerang.
Skripsi jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,2016.
Pembimbing: Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: Short story, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan bukti empiris tentang keefektifisan
penggunaan short story terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa tentang teks naratif
dikelas dua Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang. Sample dari penelitian ini
adalah 80 siswa yang diambil dari kelas dua Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper. 40
siswa berasal dari kelas eksperimen, sedangkan 40 siswa yang lain berasal dari
kelas kontrol.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quantitatif metode yang
berdesign kuasi- eksperimental. Itu berarti bahwa penulis menggunakan dua kelas
yang mana satu kelas adalah sebagai kelas eksperimental, sedangkan yang lainnya
kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimental merupakan kelas yang mendapatkan perlakuan
atau diajarkan dengan menggunakan short story, sedangkan kelas kontrol
merupakan kelas yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan material yang biasa
digunakan didalam kelas. Didalam mengumpulkan data, penulis menggunakan

dua jenis tes yang mana satu sebagai pre-test, sedangkan yang lainnya adalah
sebagai post-test. Pre-test digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa
didalam memahami teks naratif sebelum mereka diberikan perlakuan atau
treatmen. Sedangkan post-test digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah ada
peningkatan didalam memahami teks naratif setelah diberi perlakuan atau
treatmen. Jenis dari kedua tes tersebut adalah pilihan ganda yang mana masingmasing tes tersebut berisi 30 pertanyaan. Adapun didalam menganalisis data,
penulis menggunakan rumus t-tes untuk menemukan apakah ada perbedaan
signifikan diantara dua variabel didalam penelitian ini.
Hasil dari penghitungan statistik menunjukkan bahwa nilai t0= 14.38 dan derajat
kebebasan (df) adalah 78. Pada tabel signifikan 5% dengan df (78) adalah 1.665.
Dengan membandingkan nilai t0 (13.71) dengan nilai tt (1.665), itu dapat dilihat
bahwa nilai t0 lebih besar dibandingkan dengan nilai tt. Sehingga hipotesis
alternatif (Ha) diterima namun menolak hipotesis nol (H0). Berdasarkan hasil
tersebut, itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan short story lebih effektif
terhadap pemahaman siswa tentang naratif teks daripada tanpa menggunakan
short story.



APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. i
ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................... ii
STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ................................................................ iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vi
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................. xi
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xiii


A. Background of the Study.........................................................1
B. Identification of the Problem ..................................................7
C. Limitation of the Problem .......................................................7
D. Formulation of the Problem ....................................................7
E. Objective of the Study.............................................................7
F. Significances of the Study.......................................................8


THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...........................................9
A. Reading Comprehension .........................................................9
1. The Definition of Reading Comprehension .....................9
2. The Purposes of Reading ...............................................11
3. The Principles of Reading


4. Strategies for Reading Comprehension .........................14
B. Communicative Language Teaching ....................................14
1. The Definition of CLT method ......................................14
2. The Principles of CLT method ......................................16
3. Techniques in CLT method ...........................................16


C. Short Story ............................................................................17

1. The Definition of Short Story ........................................17
2. The Elements of Short Story ..........................................18
3. The Criteria for Selecting Short Stories .........................22
4. The Kind of Activities and Exercises to be Given .........23
5. The Advantages of Short Story ......................................25
D. Narrative Text .......................................................................28
1. Understanding of Narrative Text ...................................28
2. The Purposes of Narrative Text .....................................30
3. Schematic Structures of Narrative Text .........................30
4. Language Features of Narrative Text ............................32
E. Relevant Previous Study .......................................................32
F. Thinking Framework.............................................................36
G. Research Hypothesis .............................................................38


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...........................................39
A. Place and Time of the Study .................................................39
B. Method and Design of the Study...........................................39
C. Population and Sample of the Study .....................................40
D. Technique of Data Collection ...............................................40
E. Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................43
F. Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................47


RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................48
A. Research Finding ..................................................................48
B. Interpretation and Discussion of the Data .............................65


CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................67
A. Conclusion ............................................................................67
B. Suggestion .............................................................................67


REFERENCES ............................................................................................................69
APPENDIXES .............................................................................................................72




Tabel 3.1: Test Quasi-Experimental Design ..........................................................39
Tabel 3.2: Index of Difficulty ................................................................................41
Table 3.3: Descriminating Power ...........................................................................42
Table 4.1: Students’ Score of Experimental Class .................................................48
Table 4.2: Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Pre-test .......................49
Table 4.3: Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Post-test .....................50
Table 4.4: Students’ Score of Controlled Class .....................................................52
Table 4.5: Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Pre-test ...........................53
Table 4.6: Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Post-test .........................54
Table 4.7: Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Experimental Class .....................56
Table 4.8: Calculation of Post-test Normality in Experimental Class ...................57
Table 4.9: Calculation of Pre-test Normality in Controlled Class .........................58
Table 5.0: Calculation of Post-test Normality in Controlled Class........................59




Figure 4.1: Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Pre-test .....................50
Figure 4.2: Frequency Distribution oF Experimental Class Post-test ....................51
Figure 4.3: Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Pre-test ..........................54
Figure 4.4: Frequency Distribution oF Controlled Class Post-test ........................55




Appendix 1:Content Validity of Pre-test...................................................... 73
Appendix 2: Validity Analysis of Pre-test ................................................... 74
Appendix 3:Reliability Analysis of Pre-test ................................................ 78
Appendix 4:Pre-test...................................................................................... 81
Appendix 5:Content Validity Post-test ........................................................ 87
Appendix 6:Validity Analysis of Post-test................................................... 88
Appendix 7:Reliability Analysis of Post-test ............................................... 92
Appendix 8: Post-test ................................................................................... 94
Appendix 9: Answer Key of Pre-test and Post-test.................................... 100
Appendix 10: Lesson Planning of Experimental and Controlled Class ..... 101
Appendix 11: Frequency Distribution of Data ........................................... 157
Appendix 12: Table Distribusi Probabilitas Nilai Baku ............................ 160
Appendix 13: Table Lillyfors ..................................................................... 162
Appendix 14: Table Distribusi Probabilitas t-student ................................ 163
Appendix 15: Table r Product Moment ..................................................... 165
Appendix 16:Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi ................................................ 166
Appendix 17:Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ...................................................... 167
Appendix 18:Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ........................................ 168
Appendix 19: Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah ........................... 169


A. Background of the Study
Language has important role for all people in the world. The language cannot be
separated from them because it is their means of communication. They use it to
communicate with others as social human. Beside that it is also used to express
people’s idea, and feeling with others. It is based on Hornby’s definition that is in
Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary,” Language is way of expressing ideas and
feelings using movements, symbols, and sounds.”1 Moreover, by using language
people can predict how the user„s personality, education, society, and culture is.
Learning of a language is very important for us, especially English language.
The first reason is that English is considered as an international language. It means
that by using English language we can communicate with many people from others
countries in the world. Another reason is that most of books, articles, journals of
sciences, newspapers, magazines, advertisements, TV programs, and job vacancies
use English. We need to master English in comprehending all of them. If we can’t
master it, we will lose much information. Even, we will get difficulties in developing
our knowledge. Therefore, mastering and using English is very important in this era
for all people in the world.
Because of these reasons, Indonesian government involves English as a foreign
language into the schools’ curriculum. The purpose is to ease all Indonesian students
in developing their knowledge, especially in learning all information, and entering
foreign schools/universities etc. To master English is not easy. The students have to
master four language skills. The four language skills are listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. In this study, the researcher will only focus on one of the skills, that is
reading skill.
Mastering reading in English is very important because many books are written
in English such as academic book, magazine, and newspaper. Reading becomes
essential because it can develop our knowledge, through reading we can get a lot of
AS Hornby, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary 4th Ed, (New York: Oxford University
Press, 2008), P. 247.



information, enjoyments, and even problem solutions. Therefore, the ability to read
the text in any forms will give many advantages in our life. But, mastering reading is
very difficult because reading comprehension is remarkably comple, this activity
involves many processing skills that are coordinated in very efficient combination.2
It means that reading is an action work, which is the readers need a lot of skills to be
coordinated well in getting the comprehension of the text which they read.
Reading is one of the language skills that should be mastered by every student,
especially the students are in Indonesia. It is caused by most of English test items
consists of reading text. For example; National Final Exam (UAN) for junior high
school students 2014 consists of 50 items, which is 41 items focused on reading
comprehension, the others are arrangement items.3 From that situation, it can be
concluded that teachers really have to develop the students’ ability in comprehending
the English text and have to teach the best ways in answering the English tests
correctly such as how to find main idea, supporting detail, stated/unstated
information, moral value, and so on. So, the students’ problems of reading text can
be solved.
Based on syllabus of second grade of junior high school that recommended by
the government, there are three English texts that should to be mastered by the
students. They are descriptive, narrative, and recount text. In this study, the
researcher will only focus on the ability of the second grade students of junior high
school particularly in reading narrative text. Narrative text tells us about an
interesting story that can make students enjoy. As stated by Pamela J. Farris,
“reading narrative text is often referred to aesthetic reading because one reads it for
enjoyment and pleasure.4
Before conducting the research, the researcher interviewed some English
teachers and students of Mts. ATTAQWA Tangerang. The purpose is to know what
the teacher’s activity, and the students’ ability in English class is, especially in
NidaHusna, Step by Step to Reading Skills 1st Ed., (Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa dan Budaya UIN
Syarif Hidayatullah), p. 7.
3 accessed on April 01, 2015.
Pamela J. Farris,, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach For Today’s Classroom,
(New Yok:McGraw-Hill, 2004), p. 477.


teaching and learning narrative text. Based on the interview, the researcher got the
information that there are still many second grade students whose English reading
score are still low. The teacher said that the students still have inadequate vocabulary
although they have learnt English since they were in elementary school. As the
consequence, Most of the students just have an ability read the text without knowing
the message of narrative text.
And then, the researcher also got information from some students of Mts
ATTAQWA Tangerang. They said that reading is a boring activity. The reason is
that the teacher often asked them to translate the narrative texts into their target
language and ask them to answer some questions based on the texts read. There is no
activity in class that involves their participant and their own idea in teaching and
learning activity. So, they are not motivated and interested in learning reading
narrative text.
In addition, narrative texts used are texts that are only in the students’ worksheet
(LKS). It means that the teachers did not try to use the narrative texts from other
sources such as Internet or other books that probably have simple, easy, interested,
and educational story. Moreover, they did not select every detail of the narrative texts
first such as the content, the length, the vocabulary, the storyline of text, etc. As we
know that the selecting every detail of narrative text is very crucial before giving the
text to their students. The reason is because of choosing the wrong texts will make
the students have negative responses like frustrated, or uninterested in learning
narrative text.
Talking about the text in the students’ worksheet (LKS), the students said that
their teacher gave them the narrative texts that are long enough whereas they still had
inadequate vocabulary. The effect is that they become unmotivated to finish their
reading. Even, they become dislike to learn English language. The researcher think
the use of long text is not an effective way to teach narrative text because it will
spend much time and lead a boring situation in class. If the situation always happens
in the class the students will be dislike to learn English text. Moreover, they who are
dislike to learn English will feel more uninterested to learn English text than before.


To overcome the problems above, there are two crucial components that have to
be improved in the teaching and learning narrative text. The first component is the
method. The students need so much an appropriate method in learning narrative text.
The method does not only focus on translating the text but also focus on interesting
activities that can give the students more chance to participate and use their own idea
in learning English process, especially in learning narrative text. In this study, the
researcher try to use a method named Communicative Language Teaching.
CLT is a method is found in 1970s. The emphasis in this method is on the
process of communication, rather than mastery of language forms. 5 It means that in
learning language, the students are more emphasized to communicate to others by
using target language, rather than are emphasized them to master grammar of the
target language. To build the communicative ability in class, the students are more
often involved to participate in learning activities or learn in an independent way.
Whereas the teachers just facilitate the communication process between all students
in the classroom. In other word, the CLT method will make the teaching and learning
activity more student-centered. The researcher thinks CLT can be an alternative
method to be applied in learning reading text, especially in learning narrative text
because it offers some interesting techniques that will make the students more active
in class and more enthusiastic to learn the narrative text. In this study, the researcher
will use two techniques of CLT method. They are such as Scrambled sentence and
Picture story strip.
The scrambled sentence is one of teaching techniques in CLT method that
teaches the students how to arrange narrative text which has been scrambled into the
original order or based on the chronological order and the general structure correctly.
They will be helped to understand more deeply general structure and language
feature of the narrative text. Whereas the picture story strip is a CLT’s technique that
teaches the students to predict what the story is going to tell about before giving the
text. It will help them to convey the meaning of the text and to build positive
response in learning narrative text. Through the CLT’s techniques the students’

Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching: A description and analysis, (New York:Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 76.


problems are expected to be solved. Beside that the learning narrative is expected to
be more communicative, attractive, and effective. So, it does not only consist of
translation activity but also meaningful activity.
The second component is the material. The students really need a material that is
simple, easy, authentic, educational, interested, motivated, and enjoyable to learn
reading comprehension of narrative text. The material that has the ideal features is
short story. According to Collin and Slater in Handayani the short story can be used
for EFL learners because the length of the story is appropriate for one or two class
sessions, it is not complicated for the students, it has variety of choices, and it can be
used for all levels (from beginner to advance and for all ages (young learners to
adult).6 And then, Lazar said that stories provide the teaching and learning material
’which is motivating, authentic and great educational value, enjoy, fun etc’.7 Based
on the statements above, it can be concluded that the use of literary texts can be an
alternative material in teaching reading because the features that it has.
The use of literature is not a new phenomenon in language class. It was used in
19th century when Grammar Translation Method (GTM) was still mostly used.
However, literature was no longer used since structuralism approach began to
dominate during the 1960s to the end of 1970s.8 Even when Direct Method, the
Audiolingual Method, Communicative Language Learning, Suggestopedia, the Silent
Way, Total Physical Response, The Natural Approach, and Communicative
Approach magnificently dominated ESL/EFL teaching, literature was still ignored.
Finally, since 1980s literature found its way back to EFL teaching. It is different
from the way used by GTM. It is used an authentic material not as a source for
The use of literature in language class is a matter that also interest many
educators’ and researchers’ attention. Even, many researchers of some countries such
as Iran, Persia, Indonesia and Libya had studied the effectiveness of using short story
Merli Puji Handayani, Using Children Short Stories to Enhance Students’ Reading
Comprehension, Journal of English and Education, Vol. 1, 2013, p. 136.
G. Lazar, Literature and Language Teaching: A guide for teachers and trainers,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), p. 14-15.
Parlindungan Pardede, Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills, Journal of English
Teaching, Vol. 1, 2011, p. 15.


towards reading comprehension. In their studies, the researchers explained that the
short story is a simple literary text will be easy to be read by the students in short
time because the length is only two thousand words or fewer. Through simple and
short storyline, they will be encouraged to continue reading it until the conflict is
resolved. In other word, the short story can reduce their anxiety and help them to feel
more relax while reading English text. It is authentic material too. It makes them
ready for the types of the languages and cultural information of target language that
they will find outside the classroom. And then, it is rich in language. It provides the
real examples of grammatical structures, and the essential vocabulary items. They
will not only be taught to enhance their reading comprehension but also grammatical
structures and vocabulary. To sum up, all of the researcheres find that the use of
short story can give positive effect to the students’ reading comprehension. And, they
also suggest English teachers to use short story as an alternative material in teaching
From the explanation above, the researcher is inspired to combine the short story
and CLT method that had ever been ignored in 1970s. The researcher wants to find
whether the use of short story will be still effective towards students’ reading
comprehension if it is combined with Communicative Language Teaching or
Grammar Translation Method only. According to Bretz in Pathan, “Stories can help
in improving communicative competence of EFL students.”9 The statement shows us
that there is a correlation between the use of story and Communicative Language
Teaching. The correlation probably can be studied whether both of them can help the
students to enhance their reading comprehension of narrative text or not. Therefore,
to know it the researcher would like to conduct a research by the title: “The
Effectiveness of Using Short Story towards Students’ Reading Comprehension of
Narrative text: an Experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of Mts ATTAQWA Batu Ceper, Tangerang.”


Mustafa Mubarak, P dan Zamzan Emhemmad M, A, Investigating the Role of Short Stories
in Overcoming the Problems Faced by the Libyan EFL Learners in Reading Comprehension Skill, The
Criterion An International Journal in English, Vol. 12, 2013, p. 6.


B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background of the study above, there are many problems that can
be identified in this research such as:
1. Students still got low score in comprehending the narrative text.
2. Students still has inadequate vocabulary in comprehending the narrative text.
3. Students just have an ability read the text without knowing the message, general
structure, and language feature of narrative text.
4. Teaching narrative text is still too teacher-centered.
5. Students have a little chance to participate in learning narrative text.
6. Teachers only use material of a source to teach narrative text.
7. There is no selecting the text before giving it to students.
8. Length of text used is not often appropriate with students’ ability.
9. Students have a little chance to use ideal material in learning narrative text.

C. Limitation of the Problem
To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem it is important to set
limitation of the problem. The writer limits the study on the teaching English that
concern on reading comprehension of narrative text by using short story at the
second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper- Tangerang.

D. Formulation of the Problem
The formulation of the problem which is going to be discussed in this study
based on the limitation above is: “Is the use of short story effective towards students’
reading comprehension of narrative text?”.

E. Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to find out the empirical evidence of the
effectiveness of using short story towards students’ reading comprehension of
narrative text at the second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper


F. Significances of the Study
This study is expected to bring benefits:

1. For English Teachers
The present study hopefully will help English teachers to be able to provide the
better material in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text.

2. For English Students
The present study hopefully will help English learners in developing their
reading comprehension by using short story.

3. For the Next Researchers
The writer hopes that the result of the research can be used as references for
those who want to conduct a research in teaching English, especially in teaching
reading comprehension of narrative text.


A. Reading Comprehension
1. The Definition of Reading Comprehension
As the writer is going to explain about the definition of reading comprehension,
it is better to start with the definition of reading itself. In language skill, reading is
one of receptive skill that has important role in language mastery development.
Through reading, we can increase our chance in mastery the language skill because
we will get much knowledge that correlate with other language skills, such as
listening, speaking, and writing. We can also get much knowledge about the sub-skill
of language, such as grammar and vocabulary. As the illustration, when people read a
Cinderella story, they are not only getting the story, but they also increase their
knowledge about the language features found in the text,such as the use of action
verb, adjectives, noun, and past tense. The information is useful in the development
of language mastery. Therefore, as a receptive skill, reading hold important role as it
becomes the gate of the language learning success. When people are accustomed to
read, they will get much knowledge which leads them to master the target language
easily. Here some definitions about reading from many experts.
According to William Grabe, he states, “Reading is also an interaction between
the reader and the writer. The text provides information that the author wants the
reader to understand in certain ways”.1From statement above, it is clear that reading
means an interaction between author and reader in sharing the same information.
What the reader understands has to be same with what the writer wants to tell in the


William Grabe, Reading in a Second Language: Moving from Theory to Practice, (New
York:Cambridge University Press, 2009), p.15.



Meanwhile, Andrew P. Johnson said that, “Reading is the practice of using the
text to create the meaning. The two key words here are creating and meaning. If there
is no meaning being created, there is no reading taking place”.2Thus, creating
meaning from the text is the essential part when we read. It is become the main
purpose of reading.
The last definition is given by I.S.P. Nation, he said ”An essential part of reading
skill is the skill of being able to recognize written forms and so connect them with
their spoken forms and their meanings”.3Certainly, it is clear that reading is all about
taking the meaning of the text, in which there is an interaction between words on the
text and the reader‟s mind.
Based on experts‟statements above, it can be concluded that the main point of
reading activity is to get the deep understanding about the meaning, information, even
the idea from the text we read. To get them, the reader has to build a good interaction
between written text and his mind. Another name of deep understanding is
comprehension. Comprehension occurs when we totally understand what the text is
all about. Zamelman, Daniels, and Hyde as quoted from Pamela J. Farris stated that
“The essence of reading is a transaction between the words of an author and the mind
of a reader, during which meaning is constructed. This means that the main goal of
reading instruction must be comprehension: above all, we want students to
understand what is on a page”.4
Likewise, according to Behzadi,, they said that, “In reading comprehension,
readers get information from written texts and need to decode these data info
meaningful messages so that they can understand the reading materials and achieve


Andrew P. Johnson, Teaching Reading and Writing: A Guidebook for Tutoring and
Remediating Students, (Maryland: Rowman and Littelefield Education, 2008), p.3.
I.S.P. Nation, Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, (New York:Routledge, 2009), p. 9.
Pamela J. Farris, Carol J. Fuhler, and Maria P. Walhater, Teaching Reading: The Balanced
Approach for Today’s Classroom, (New York: McGrawhill, 2004), p.324.


the purposes of reading”.5Undoubtedly, if we are talking about reading, we are
talking about comprehension too because comprehension is the ultimate goal of
“Comprehension is evident when readers can: a) Interpret and evaluate events,
dialogues, ideas, and information. b) Connect Information to what they already know.
c) Adjust current knowledge to include new ideas or look at those ideas in different
way. d) Determine and remember the most important points in the reading. e) Read
“between the lines” to understand underlying meanings”.6
Based on the description above, it may be said that comprehension is the core of
reading activity which is built by the connection between the book‟s information and
the reader‟s acceptance. Once the reader understands the information from the text
then the reading purpose has been successfully fulfilled. By the time we comprehend
the information of text, our chance in the development of language mastery is

1. The purposes of Reading
Reading is an activity with a purpose. A reader may read a text to gain
information or verify existing knowledge. A reader may also read for enjoyment or to
enhance knowledge of language which is being read.
Rivers and Temperly suggest that second language learners will want to read for
the following purposes:
(a) To obtain information for some purpose or because we are curious about some
topic; (b)To obtain instructions on how to perform some task for our work or
daily life (e.g. knowing how an appliance works); (c) To act in a play, play a
game, do a puzzle; (d) To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to
understand business letters; (e) To know when or where something will take place

Behzadi, et. al.., The Relationship Between Two Different Text Types and Reading
Comprehension Strategy Use of Advanced EFL Learners. European Online Journal of Natural and
Social Sciences, Vol. 2, 2013, p. 130.
html.Retrievied on October 23, 2015.


or what is available; (f)To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in
newspapers, magazines, reports); (g)For enjoyment or excitement.7
Grabe and Stoller declared the purposes of reading activity, based on their
opinion there are four main purposes of reading activity, those are:
(a) Reading to search for simple information.For most people, reading to search for
simple information is a kind of common reading ability, reader typically scan the
text for aspecific information or a specific word. Another type is skimming. It is a
common part of many reading tasks and useful skill in its own right. (b) Reading
to learn from text. It usually exists in academic and professional context when
people need to learn a considerable amount of information from a text. This
purpose usually carried out a reading rate somewhat slower than general reading
comprehension (mainly due to rereading and reflection strategies to help
remember information). (c) Reading to integrate information, write and critique
texts.These are proposed to compose, select and critique information from text,
and they represent common academic tasks that call upon the reading abilities
needed to integrate information. (d) Reading for general comprehension.It requires
very rapid and automatic processing of words, strong skills in forming a general
meaning representation of main ideas, efficient coordination of many processes
under very limited time constraints.8
To sum up, those definitions show thatto determine purpose of the readingis very
crucial step that should be done before starting reading. When the purpose of reading
is determined certainly it will ease the reader to determine what kinds of text that he
wants to read and what kinds of technique that he has to use. So, information that the
reader wants will be easy to be obtained.

2. The Principles of Reading
According to Jeremy Harmer, there are some principles of reading:

Encourage students to read as often and as much as possible. The more
studentsread, the better.

David Nunan, Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1989), p.34.
William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller,Teaching and Reseaching Reading 2nd Ed., (New
York: Routledge, 2003) p. 7-9.



Students need to be engganged with what they are reading. Outside normal
lesson time, when students are reading extensively, they should be involved in
joyful reading- that is teachers should try to help them get as much pleasure from
it as possible. During the lesson, teachers should also do the best to ensure that
the students engganged with the topic and the activities they are asked to do
while dealing with it.


Encourage students to respond the content of a text (and explore their feelings
about it), not just concentrate on its construction. It is important for the students
to study reading texts in class in order to find out such things as the way they use
language, the number of paragraphs they contain and how many times they use
relative clauses. It is as well important that the students should be allowed to
show their feelings about the topic.


Prediction is a major factor in reading. When someone reads a text, he/she
usually have a good idea of the content before he/she actually stars reading. Book
covers can give the readers a clue what is in the book, photographs, and
headlines hint at what article is about before reading a single word.


Match the task to the topic when using intensive reading texts. Teachers need to
choose good reading tasks; the right kinds of question, appropriate activities
before during and after reading, and useful study exploitation when the topic of
reading has been set.


Good teachers exploitreading texts to the full. Good teachers can integrate the
reading text into interesting lesson sequences, using the topic for the discussion
and further tasks, using the language for study and then activation, and using
range of activities to bring the text to life. Where students have been doing
extensive reading, the teachers should use whatever opportunities present
themselves to provoke useful feedback.9


Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach English, (Kuala Lumpur:Pearson Education, 2007), p. 101-


In summary, the goal of teaching reading is to help students to understand the
text. These principles are to help the teachers to design teaching reading effectively. It
should be designed based on students‟ reading purposes. It doesn‟t only focus on the
reading skill, but it should also relate to other language skills. Then, the other
important thing that teachers should do is to choose the appropriate teaching method
and technique which influence to how students enjoy their reading activities. They
should also give students‟ motivation to read a lot to develop their reading skills. In
addition, the other important thing is teachers should encourage students to read as
often and as much as possible, and give chance the students to respond and help them
to predict the content of the text. The teachers should also give good reading tasks
and reading activities that relates to reading topic.

3. Strategies for Reading Comprehension
According to H. Douglas Brown, there are ten strategies that should be
understood by students when they want to improve their reading comprehension.
Each of the strategies can give good tricks about what they should do when they read
English text. The strategies are:
a) Identifying the purpose in reading. b) Using graphemic rules and patterns to aid in
bottom up decoding (especially for the beginning level learners). c) Using efficient
silent reading techniques relatively rapid comprehension (for intermediate to
advanced levels). d) Skimming the text for the main ideas. e) Scanning the text for
specific information. f) Using semantic mapping or clustering. g) Guessing when
you are not certain. h) Analyze vocabulary. i) Distinguish between literal and
implied meanings. j) Capitalize on discourse makers to process relationship.10

B. Communicative Language Teaching
1. The Definition of Communicative Language Teaching
Communicative language teaching is a method of teaching that appears from the
theoritical perspective of the Communicative approach. It is found by some educators

H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy 2nd Ed., (New York:Longman, 2000), p.306-310.


believe that being able to communicate is more required than just master the









Communicative language teaching method learners will beprovided more
opportunities to communicate than master language forms. Moreover Littlewood
explained that Communicative Language Teaching pays attention to functional as
well as structural aspects of language, then combining both of them into more fully
communicative view and the goal of foreign language teaching is communicative
ability.12 It means that learners will be more encouraged to have communicative
abilitythan grammatical ability at the end foreign language learning.Based on
expert‟sstatements above, it can be concluded that Communicative language teaching
is a method thatwill more require learners to use their language and interact with
others through pair or groupwork communicatively than to understand the structural
aspects of language.So, the language learning will be seen as leaning to communicate.
Because this method emphasizes on communicative ability, it will be shown that
there will be more communicative interaction that encourages cooperative
relationships among students.13 By applying Communicative language teaching in the
classroom, hopefully the students will get a bigger chance to work on negotiating
To sum up, Communicative Language Teaching is a method that gives the
students a place for practicing the linguistic competence they have had into the more
meaningful activity.Through this method, we can also see that there is
interdependence on language and communication.Someone cannot be called as
amaster of language if he cannot use his language to express his own ideas, interact
with others and understand the ideas of others. Therefore, to master a language the
students have to motivate themselves to communicate to others as much as possible.

Diane Larsen and Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 115.
William Littlewood, Communicative Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1981), p. 1.
Larsen and Freeman, op.cit., p.127.


2. The Principles of Communicative Language Teaching
There are some principles that will help coming to a better understanding of
Communicative Language Teaching itself, they are:
a. The goal of teaching and learning activity is to enable students to
communicate in the target language.
b. The teacher‟s role is as a facilitator where they facilitate students to do
communication in the classroom.
c. Students use the language through communicative activities such as games,
role plays, and problem-solving tasks.
d. The students interact a great deal with one another.
e. The students do something useful with the language.
f. Language is for communication.
g. The teachers emphasize language function and speaking skill in the class.
h. The use of the students‟ native language is permitted in CLT
i. The teacher evaluates not only the student‟s accuracy, but also their fluency
j. Error of form are tolerated during fluency-based activities and return the
students later with an accuracy-based activities.14
The principles above explain that Communicative LanguageTeaching will make
each oflearning activities be morestudents-centered. The students will be given many
more changes to participate in communicative activities.Whereas, their teacher just
facilitates and creates them communicative situation in the class.

3. Techniques in Communicative Language Teaching
Some techniques that can be used by the teachers when they use Communicative
Language Teaching are authentic materials, scrambled sentences, language

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