10. There are seven erasers on the table. a.17 penghapus c.7 penggaris

  b. 7 penggaris

  d. 7 penghapus 11. Papan tulis putih bahasa Inggrisnya adalah....... a.white book b.white pencil c.blackboard d.white board

  Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : …………………………….

  Hari : Kelas : IV (Empat) Tanggal :

  12. How are you? means...........................

  a. Terima kasih

  c. Apa kabar?

  b. Siapa namamu? d. Maafkan saya.

  13. Thank you means.......................................

I. Read the text and answer the questions!

  a. Siapa namamu?

  c. Maafkan saya First Day at School b. Terima kasih.

  d. Apa kabar? This is Nurul. She is with her friends. They are Made, Meilin, Dona, Seta 14.

  I am sorry means..................................... and Tigor. Nurul and her friends are in front of their class. They are very happy

  a. Apa kabar?

  c. Terima kasih because it is their first day at school.At twelve o’clock, Class is over. Nurul and her b. Siapa namamu? d. Maafkan saya. friends are ready to go home. They are very tired, but they are still happy because it 15.

  Nice to meet you. is their first day at school. a. Senang berjumpa denganmu. c. Saya baik-baik saja.

  b. Dimana kamu tinggal?

  d. Berapa usiamu? 1. Who are Nurul’s friends? 2.

  Where are Nurul and her friends? III.

  3. Complete the dialogue! Why are they very happy? 4.

  When is the class over? Tom : Hello. Good afternoon! 5.

  What is the title of the text? Jim : Hi. Good.................................

  Tom : How are you? II.

   Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d! Jim : I am ....................... Thank you.

  6. Excuse me.................... is your name? a.what b. how

  c. old d. home.

  Tom : What is your .....................? 7. Jim : My name is Jim. There are twenty pencils in my bag. a.12 b.20 c. 21 d.120 Tom : Nice to meet you.

  8. Sembilan penggaris bahasa Inggrisnya adalah.......................

  Jim :................................................,too. a.nine pens b.ten erasers c.nine rulers d.ten rulers Tom : Good bye. See you later.

  9. There are fourteen pencils in my pencilcase.

  Jim :...................................