Technique of Data Analysis

first grade students of SMP BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan, from final test UAS. The data is described on the following table From the table, we can see the total score from 40 respondents are 2939 by applying SPSS program, it is showed that the minimum score is 46; the maximum score is 82; the median is 75,00; the mode is 80; and the mean is 73,48. 2

C. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the step in the procedure of processing data. Data processing is the step to know the result of the research. To find out whether, students’ anxiety has significant correlation with their English learning achievement at the first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400. From the calculation of statistic by applying SPSS program, it was known that r xy = - 0,657. Based on the data collected above, the degree freedom df is 40. In this paper the writer used the degree of significance of 5. df = N-2, 40-2= 38; α alpha 5 so, “r” table = 0,312. if the writer compare with table of “r” values at the level of significance, the result is - 0,657 0,312. According to the explanation about analysis of the result above, the writer can interpret that there is negative correlation between students’ anxiety in learning English and students’ English learning achievement at first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400.

D. The Test of Hypothesis

According to Product Pearson Moment, the value of correlation is between 1 to -1. It means correlation between two variables are strength, but in other way, the value near to 0. It means correlation between two variables is weak. Positive value shows one direction X up, then Y up, and negative value shows the contrary X up, then Y down. 3 See Appendix 6 http:www.jonathansarwono.infokorelasikorelasi.html . Retrieved on January, 11 th 2013. Table 4.1 Product Moment Table “r” value of product moment Interpretation 0,00 – 0,20 Considered as no correlation 0,21 – 0,40 Low correlation 0,41 – 0,70 Medium correlation 0,71 – 0,90 Strong correlation 0,91 – 0,99 Very strong 1 Perfect correlation it is taken from the book of statistic application,”SPSS”. 4 Based on the product moment table above, it can be seen what the writer get from the value of coefficient correlation r xy = - 0.657 is in the interval of 0.41 – 0.70. According to table above, this means that the correlation belongs to “medium correlation”. in other words, we can interpret that there is a correlation between English anxiety as X variable and English learning achievement as Y variable.

E. Interpretation of Data

In this case, both students’ anxiety and English learning achievement are correlated by using Pearson’s product moment formula. The data are described on the following table above. Then the correlation between students’ anxiety in learning English and students’ English learning achievement is significant r xy = - 0,657. The correlation between students’ anxiety and students’ English learning achievement is significant r xy = - 0.657. Because of the value of significant lower than level of significant and it is negative - 0.657 0.05, it means that students’ anxiety has negative correlation and it’s significant to their English achievement. So, the null hypothesis Ho of the research is rejected and alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted. In this research, the writer can concluded that students’ anxiety has negative correlation with their English learning achievement at first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400. 4 Agus Eko Sujianto, Aplikasi Statistik dengan SPSS 16.0, Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka Publisher, 2007,p.40.



Based on the description of the data that have been collected from the writer described in the previous chapter, Correlation analysis used by SPSS revealed that the total scores had a significantly moderate negative correlation. It can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between students’ anxiety and their English learning achievement. It has negative correlation. It means that the higher anxiety the students have the worst English achievement they will get. But, the lower anxiety students have, the better English achievement they will get. So, the null hypothesis Ho of the research is rejected and alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted. In this research, the writer can concluded that students’ anxiety has negative correlation with their English learning achievement at first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400.


Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to try to make some suggestion the following points:

1. In reducing anxiety is to actually have students participate in language


2. The teachers are hoped to be creative. The creation of a friendly classroom

atmosphere is important. It can motivate learners to perform better in their language classroom.

3. Encouraging and motivating English teachers are expected to increase

their students’ motivation in learning English, because students with lower anxiety will concentrate on their lesson easily.

4. The teachers should give more comprehensible input to their students.

For this purpose, comprehensible input means teachers can reduce their speed of speaking in the class. The students may sometimes divert from