Ananda, Rizki. Reg. No 8146111056. Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical
Density of Reading Texts of English Textbook for Senior High School
Students. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post
Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2016.
This study deals with the grammatical intricacy and lexical density of the
reading texts of English textbook for senior high school students. It was aimed to
investigate the levels of grammatical intricacy (GI) and lexical density (LD) in the
reading text, the ways of the levels of grammatical intricacy (GI) and lexical
density (LD) are distributed among the types of text in the reading text, the reason
why the grammatical intricacy (GI) and lexical density (LD) are distributed in
their ways. This study used descriptive qualitative method then the design was
content analysis design. The subject of this study is the World 2, English textbook
for senior high school grade XI published by Yudhistira, 2007. The object of this
study were the simple clauses, clause complexes, sentences, nouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs and all the words in the text of reading text in The World 2,
English Textbook. The data were analyzed by using the Interactive Model by
Miles, Huberman and Saldana. Based on the data analysis, the levels of
grammatical intricacy were low while the levels of lexical density in each reading
text were low, medium and high. Then the way of levels of grammatical intricacy
and lexical density distributed among the types of text were through the total

number of clause complexes, simple clauses, nouns, verb, adjectives, adverbs and
all the words in the text which were available in each reading text. And the
reasons why grammatical intricacy and lexical density were distributed among
types of the text were because of the genre and the topic of each text.
Keywords: grammatical intricacy, lexical density, descriptive qualitative,
content analysis design, interactive model.


Ananda, Rizki. NIM. 8146111056. Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical
Density of Reading Texts of English Textbook for Senior High School
Students. Thesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah
Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2016.
Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan kerumitan tata bahasa dan kepadatan leksikal dari
teks-teks bacaan di dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris untuk siswa menengah atas.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki tingkat kerumitan tata bahasa
dan kepadatan leksikal dalam teks bacaan, bagaimana tingkat kerumitan tata
bahasa dan kepadatan leksikal di distribusikan diantara tipe-tipe teks didalam teks
bacaan, dan untuk mengetahui alasan mengapa kerumitan tata bahasa dan

kepadatan leksikal di distribusikan dengan cara mereka. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan desain yang digunakan adalah
konten analisis. Subjek penelitian ini adalah buku teks bahasa Inggris The World
2 untuk siswa tingkat menengah atas yang diterbitkan oleh Yudhistira di tahun
2007. Objek penelitian ini adalah klausa-klausa sederhana, klausa-klausa
kompleks, kalimat, kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan, dan semua
kata-kata yang terdapat didalam teks dalam teks bacaan buku teks bahasa Inggris
The World 2. Data penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan Interaktif Model oleh
Miles, Hubeman, dan Saldana. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, tingkat kerumitan
tata bahasa dalam teks bacaan adalah rendah, sementara tingkat kepadatan leksikal
dalam teks bacaan adalah rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Kemudian tingkat kerumitan
tata bahasa dan kepadatan leksikal di distribusikan di antara tipe-tipe teks adalah
melalui jumlah klausa kompleks, klausa sederhana, kata benda, kata kerja, kata
sifat, kata keterangan dan semua kata yang terdapat di dalam teks. Dan alasan
mengapa kerumitan tata bahasa dan kepadatan leksikal didistribusikan dengan
cara mereka adalah disebabkan oleh jenis dan topik dari masing-masing teks..

Kata kunci : kerumitan tata bahasa, kepadatan leksikal, kualitatif deskriptif,
desain analisis konten, Interaktif Model.


Praises be to Allah SWT for His Great Blessing, Health and Luck that
have been continuously poured on the writer in the process of completing her
studies and this piece of academic writing. Praises are also addressed to our
Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the better life of today. In the
process of completing this thesis, the writer has to confess her profound
thankfulness for the generous guidance and assistance which has been rendered to
her by many people. It would be impossible to list all names but on this very
special opportunity the writer would like to express her gratitude to the following
First of all, the writer deepest appreciation and gratitude is dedicated to
Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., her first adviser for the guidance, comments,
criticisms, suggestions and special notes for the improvement of the thesis from
the very beginning up to the end of this thesis. Next, her deepest appreciation is
addressed to Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd., her second adviser for her available
time spent for consultation, guidance, comment, encouragement, special notes for
improvement of the thesis, and full support in shaping this thesis.

She would like to take this special occasion to express her gratitude to
Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. as the Head
and Secretary of the English Applied Linguistics Study Program for their
administrative assistance and administrative requirements during the process of
conducting this study and completing this thesis. And she also offers her regards


and thanks to Brother Farid, who has helped her in providing the academic
She would like to express her gratitude to all lecturers who have given the
valuable knowledge and the excellent performance in delivering the lectures
during her study at the English Applied Linguistics Study. Then, Sincere gratitude
also to her reviewers and examiners, Prof. Dr. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph. D., Prof.
Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., for their valuable
inputs to be included in this thesis.
Next, her sincere gratitude should also go to her beloved parents Drs.
Sahirman and Dra. Wahyuni, her lovely sister and brothers Salvina, Win Ilham
Umara and Ikrama Agung who have patiently given moral, support, their never
ending love and pray. She also would like to express her thankfulness for her

beloved friends on LTBI A-3 UNIMED 2014 who can not mention one by one for
their love, support and help to finish this thesis.
The last, she offers her regards and thanks all of her friends in UNIMED
and also her Beloved friends Arief Gutama, Orli, Evi, Inayah, Dian, Fii, Winda,
Kost Community and Her Students in Surya Gemilang Course who have given
love, prayers, support, motivation and help to her until finishing her study. I love
you all. Thanks for everything. May Allah bless us. Amin
Medan, June 2016
The writer,

Rizki Ananda
Registration number: 8146111056



ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................


LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................


LIST OF APPENDICES...........................................................................


CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ...........................................................


1.1 The Background of Study .....................................................................


1.2 The Problem of Study ...........................................................................


1.3 The Objectives of Study ........................................................................


1.4 The Scope of Study ...............................................................................


1.5 The Significance of Study ....................................................................


CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE .......................................



Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density........................................... 9


Clause Complex ..................................................................................... 16
2.2.1. Taxis ............................................................................................ 17
2.2.2. Logico-semantic Relation ............................................................ 18


Embedded Vs. Non Embedded Clause .................................................. 22


Defining and Non Defining Clause ........................................................ 23


Text and Genre ...................................................................................... 24
2.5.1. Narrative Text .............................................................................. 24
2.5.2. Analytical Exposition Text .......................................................... 25
2.5.3. Hortatory Exposition Text ........................................................... 26
2.5.4. Report Text .................................................................................. 26
2.5.5. Spoof Text .................................................................................... 27


English Textbook ................................................................................... 28

2.7. Relevant Studies..................................................................................... 29

Conceptual Construct ............................................................................. 32


CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH .........................


3.1 The Research Design.............................................................................


3.2 Subjects and Objects of the research.....................................................


3.3 Instrument of data Collection ................................................................


3.4 Technique of Data Collection ...............................................................


3.5 Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................


3.6 The Trustworthiness of the Study .........................................................




4.1 Data Analysis .......................................................................................


4.1.1 The Levels of Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density of
reading text of The World 2, English Textbook .......................

41 Low Level of Grammatical Intricacy ..............................

42 High Level of Lexical Density .........................................

50 Medium Level of Lexical Density ..................................

51 Low Level of Lexical Density ........................................

52 Hortatory Exposition Text ...............................................


4.1.2 The way of the Levels of Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical
Density Are distributed among the types of text of The World 2,
English Textbook ......................................................................


4.1.3 The Reason why the Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical
Density Are distributed in the Ways They Are...........................


4.3 Findings .................................................................................................


4.4 Discussion .............................................................................................




5.1 Conclusions ...........................................................................................


5.2 Suggestions ...........................................................................................


REFERENCES ..........................................................................................


APPENDICES ...........................................................................................



Table 2.1 Basic Types of Clause Complex ………………………….........


Table 2.2 System of Clause Complex …………………………………......


Table 4.1 The Levels of Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density
of Reading Text of the World 2, English Textbook....................


Table 4.2 Total Number of Complex and Simple Clauses in Each
Reading Text of the World 2, English Textbook……….............


Table 4.3 Total Number of Content Carrying Lexical Items and Lexical
Items in Each Reading Text of the World 2, English Textbook..… 63


Appendix I..............................................................................……………..


Appendix II...............................……………………………………….…..


Appendix III.................................... ....……………………………………


Appendix IV...................................................……………..........................



1.1 The Background of the Study
Many scholars in the world especially in Indonesia indicate that textbooks
seem to be the main teaching resources in learning English as foreign language
classrooms. Most teachers in Indonesia often use textbook as a primary resource
book for ideas and instructional activities as well as giving guides for what they
do. It can be said that textbook is a key component of English teaching learning. It
plays an important role in teaching-learning process because it is used to convey
the teaching materials to students, to facilitate the teaching-learning process and
also to support the demand of good English ability.
Nowadays there have been many English textbooks published to fulfill the
need of teaching-learning process and as an English teacher should choose the
textbook that is appropriate to the students. The textbook should hold all
instrument based on curriculum needed by the students. However, there is no
perfect book that can fulfill various kinds of students needs. Sometimes some of
them are not appropriate with the standard of curriculum yet. In this study the
researcher chose The World 2, English for Senior High School textbook Grade XI
published by Yudhistira to be analyzed.
The World 2, English textbook is one of series of English books for Senior
High School. The book is published in line with the 2006 curriculum or in
Indonesian it is called Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendididkan (KTSP). All the
activities in this book cover the four language skills namely; listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. They encourage students to develop their competence in
phonological/graphologycal and lexicogramatical levels, as well as their discourse


and cultural levels. However reading is one of the most important skills in
learning language (Kustaryo, 1988). In other words, reading is considered as one
of the most important skills which language students should obtain, particularly as
it helps to build vocabulary and leads to lifelong learning and improvement in first
and second language skills. Reading is an activity to get understanding from
written text and the construction of the meaning of written text through an
interaction between readers and the text. The main purpose of reading text is
comprehension. Comprehension is the essence of reading because the goal of
producing a written language is communication of messages.
Reading material is one of the content of English textbook besides
listening instruction, some exercises, writing task and some conversation scripts.
Reading material is usually in the form of text that is used to teach reading subject
like pronouncing words, comprehending the content of the text, getting
vocabulary, and also understanding of grammar. It is provided in some types
which are called as genre. However, in “The World 2, English Textbook” itself
there are five genres namely; report text, narrative text, analytical exposition,
spoof and hortatory exposition.
Halliday (2005) states that written and spoken texts have their own
complexity namely lexical density (LD) and grammatical intricacy (GI), a written
text tends to be lexically dense but has low grammatical intricacy. On the other
hand a spoken language is grammatically intricate but lexically sparse. But in
reading text of “The World 2, English Textbook” there were some grammatical
intricacies which found by the researcher and it assumed that the text was more
intricate and difficult to be understood by the students. As found by Mariana
(2015), in her study, she analyzed the grammatical intricacy in novel. She found


“The Color Purple” is categorized to low Grammatical Intricacy and the
grammatical Intricacy found in novel “Where She Went” is categorized to high
Grammatical Intricacy. The novel with the title “Where She Went” is more
difficult to understand by the reader because it has many clause complexes
compared with the novel with the title “The Color Purple”.

It means this

condition also possible happened in the textbook where the student will get
difficulties in comprehend the reading text which has high grammatical intricacy.
Grammatical intricacy (GI) of the text influences the reader’s
comprehension that can lead students to be easier or harder to process the
materials. Grammatical intricacy (G1) refers to how often a clause complex
appears in a text in comparison with simple clauses. Haliday (2004: 363) states
that the difficulties in processing the texts, when clause complexes show “how the
flow of events in the development of text at the level of semantics”. Clause
complex itself is grammatical and semantic unit formed when two or more clauses
are linked together in certain systematic and meaningful way (Eggins, 2004: 255).
So it can be said that the existence of intricacy in a text arises when the amount of
clause complexes is more than simple clauses and the proportion of grammatical
intricacy in the text certainly will determine the difficulty of the text. In other
words, the more clause complexes than simple clauses the text has, the more
difficult the text is.
Besides grammatical intricacy the difficulty of the student in conveying
unfamiliar words as the condition that lexical density (LD) in their reading text
also influenced their English learning. Lexical density is a condition of the words’
proportion in the text. It shows the ratio of lexical items to grammatical items.
Lexical items consist of noun, adjective, verb, and some adverbs. The amount of


lexical items in a text can influence the length of a text and measure the level of
difficulty of the text. The more the lexical items, the text has the more difficult the
student has. The lexical items are known as an open system in which one word
can have more than one meaning.
Below are some examples of some reading texts in The World 2, English
for Senior High School Grade XI textbook which found some simple clauses and
clause complexes as the preliminary data of this study:
There are some examples which show that analytical exposition text can be found
many simple clauses: |||my name is Thomas Park|||. |||I attend Sea view High
School|||. |||They can help you make new friend|||.. |||A person work|||. ||| He must
also be skillful|||.
Each of the sentences above belongs to the simple clauses because there is only
one clause in each sentence. It means each of these sentences have low
grammatical intricacy and it can be assumed that the students will not get the
difficulties in comprehend these sentences.
Here are some examples which show that narrative text can be found many clause
complexes; ||| The night before the wedding, || Juliet took the drug || and her
family found her “dead” in the morning|||.
||| A few moments before she died, || my mother stroked my head|| and said,
||“Haruman, look at my eyes.”|||.
The first sentence of narrative text above is quite long, it has three clauses. And
for the second sentence is also quite long, it has four clauses. It means each of
sentences have high grammatical intricacy and can be assumed that the students
will get the difficulties in comprehend these sentences.


Based on Educational Unit Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
Pendidikan: KTSP) of Senior High School, reading comprehension is mentioned
as one of the skills that the students should have. In addition, one of the basic
competence in Educational Unit Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
Pendidikan: KTSP) is the ability to respond the meaning of monolog
spoken/written text accurately, fluently, and understandably of daily life context
of different genres such as: report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts
(Depdiknas: 2006). It means that every student should be able to understand every
kind of reading text in the textbook.
In achieving the goal of the curriculum, it is obvious that the teacher holds
a crucial role in selecting appropriate text in order to facilitate or to make the
students understand and comprehend every text easily. In addition, Beck,
McKeown, & Worthy (1995: 220) state that the students’ success in school
depends to a great extent on their understanding of the texts, and this
understanding is influenced “by a variety of features that characterize the nature
of text”. Without close analysis of the texts, it is hard to make conclusions about
the efficiency of textbooks in the school instruction. So it is important to analyze
the grammatical intricacy and lexical density in the student’s textbook in order to
know the efficiency of the textbook in the classroom instruction. Through the
grammatical intricacy and lexical density of the text, teacher can know whether
the text is easy or difficult for the students. So it is important for the teacher to
select and to analyze the contents of textbook in giving material of reading text in
the process of teaching learning.
Soepriatmadji (2011), in his study, he analyzed lexical density and
grammatical intricacy of the texts of English textbooks for sixth graders. He found


(1) the LD index is 0.54; (2) the GI index is 1.19; and (3) both LD and GI indices
are significantly low. Pedagogically, the results imply that the texts may easily be
comprehended by Semarang sixth graders, although, some of the reading texts are
written in complex sentences.
In line with all description above, the researcher would like to know the
grammatical intricacy and lexical density in The World 2, English for Senior High
School Grade XI published by Yudhistira. The writer chose English textbooks
because it has important role as a source of knowledge for students of senior high
school in learning a language and also there were several reasons why the writer
chose The World 2, English for Senior High School textbook Grade XI published
by Yudhistira in this study. First, it is one of the textbook that is suitable with the
current curriculum. Second, it is often used by some schools in Medan, so it is
important to know whether the reading texts are appropriate or not for the
students. Third, the writer wants to know the grammatical intricacy and lexical
density of reading text in the textbook since the grammatical intricacy and lexical
density of reading text affects the students’ mastery quality upon the text’s
Based on the explanations above, the researcher would like to know the
grammatical intricacy and lexical density in English textbook in term of reading
text found in The World 2, English for Senior High School Grade XI textbook
published by Yudhistira.


1.2 The Problems of the Study
The problems of the study were formulated by the following;
1. What are the levels of grammatical intricacy and lexical density of reading
text of The World 2, English textbook?
2. How are the levels of grammatical intricacy and lexical density distributed
among the types of text in the reading texts of The World 2, English
3. Why are the grammatical intricacy and lexical density distributed in the
ways they are?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study were described as follows.
1. To investigate the levels of grammatical intricacy and lexical density of
reading text of The World 2, English textbook
2. To investigate how the levels of grammatical intricacy and lexical density
are distributed among the types of text in the reading texts of The World 2,
English textbook.

To know the reason why the grammatical intricacy and lexical density are
distributed in the ways they are.

1.4 The Scope of the Study
This study focused only on grammatical intricacy and lexical density
found in reading texts of The World 2, English for Senior High School Grade XI
textbook published by Yudhistira. It consists of 33 reading texts and written in 5
types of genres. The researcher chose the reading texts in the textbook by


choosing two texts in each genre. It means there were 10 texts analyzed in this
study. In this research, the researcher focused only to describe the grammatical
intricacy and lexical density in “The World 2, English for Senior High School
Grade XI textbook published by Yudhistira”
There were three main aspects analyzed in this study. First the levels of
grammatical intricacy and lexical density of reading text of The World 2, English
textbook. Second, how the levels of grammatical intricacy and lexical density
were distributed among the types of text in the reading texts of The World 2,
English textbook. Third, the reason why the grammatical intricacy and lexical
density were distributed in the ways they are.

1.5 The Significances of the Study
The findings of this study were expected to be useful theoretically and practically.
1. Theoretically
a. The result of this research can be useful for the teachers as a feedback on
their teaching reading activities to know the difficulty of the text.
b. The result of this research can be used as a reference for those who want to
conduct a research about grammatical intricacy and lexical density.
2. Practically
a. The result of this research can be useful for the teachers of reading to
select the appropriate text in the process of teaching reading text.

The teaching material designers who want to design appropriate texts in
English teaching or English curriculum design.


5.1. Conclusions
From the data and findings in the previous chapter, it concluded that:
1. The levels of grammatical intricacy in the reading texts of “The World 2,
English for Senior High School textbook Grade XI published by
Yudhistira” were low, and for the levels of lexical density in the reading
texts were low, medium and high.
2. The way of grammatical intricacy levels distributed among the types of
text in the reading texts of the world 2, English textbook were through
the total number of clause complexes and simple clauses which were
available in reading text of the World 2, English textbook and the way of
lexical density levels distributed among the types of text in the reading
texts of the world 2, English textbook were through the total number of
content carrying words (nouns, verb, adverbs and adjectives) and lexical
items which were available in reading text of the world 2, English
3. The reasons why the grammatical intricacy and lexical density were
distributed in their ways were because of the genre and the topic of each
reading text.
5.2. Suggestions
Dealing with the findings of the research, suggestions are stated as following:
1. It is suggested to the textbook’s writer to write the reading text in the
textbook which low grammatical intricacy and lexical density in order to
make the students easier in comprehending the text. Because in


comprehending a text, the students are required not only to comprehend
the content of the text, but also the structure or grammar. Which low
grammatical intricacy and lexical density, students are expected to
understand both of them at a time.
2. It is suggested to the next researcher who are interested in textbooks
research that furthers research should be conducted to find out whether
there are other significant grammatical intricacy and lexical density of the
text according to specific field, because grammatical intricacy and lexical
density of the text are important to analyze in order to know the efficiency
of the textbook in the classroom instruction.
3. It is suggested to the teachers to choose the appropriate and familiar topic
of reading text to make the students easier in comprehending the reading


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