Antibiotic resistance patterns of pediatric Typhoid fever at the Department of Child Health, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung




Antibiotic resistance patterns of pediatric Tlphoid fever
at the Department of Child Health,
Ilasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung





Djatnika Setiabudi, M.S. Azhali, Herry Garna, Alex Chairulfatah


Kami meninjau kembali knsus-kasus demam tifuid terkonfi.rmasi secara bakteriologik yarry tlirawat di bagian kami sejak I Juli
1994 sampai 30 Juni 1997. Ada 50 kasus yang dievaluasi pola resistensi antibiotikanya. Biakant darah diLakukan dengan metoda difr,tsi
Kirby-Bauer Penentuan sensitivitas diLakukan clengan kriteria dariThe National Committeefor Clinical lttboratory Standards (NCCI-S).
HasiL uji sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa 85,4Vo (41/48) sensitif terhadap kloramfenikoL; 88,8Vo (40/45) terhadap ampisilfu; 91,6Vo
(22/24) terhadap amoksisilin; 83,65Vo (41/49) terhadap kotrimoksazol; dan 96,0Vo (48/50) terhadap siproJloksasin. Jumlah isolaĆ® yang
resisten terhadap antibiotik tersebr,tt tli atas berturut turut 10,47o, 6,6Vo, 8,47a, l0,2Vo dan 4,0Vo. Hasil sisanya adaLah intermedia\e. Tiga
isolat Salmonella typhi resisten terhadap tiga antibiotika (kloramfenikol, ampisilin dan kotrimoksaloL). Berdasarkan antibiotika yang
diberikan pertama kali pada penderita, tidak ada sinkronisasi antara sensitiyitas in vitro tlengan respotxs klinis pada I 0 (207o) penderita.

We ret iewed bacterioLogically confirmed lyphoid fever patients, hospitalized in our department from July 1, 1994 to June 30, 1997.
TIrcre were 50 cases who were evaluated for antibiotic resistance patterns. Blood cuhure was caried out using Kirby-Bauer dffitsion
method. The determination of bacteriological sensitivity was carried out using criteria established by The National Conmittee for Clini-

cal Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Result of sensitivity test showed that 85.4Vo (41/48) were sensitive to chlorantphenicol; 8B.8Vo
(40/45) to ampicillin; 91.6% (22/24) to amorycillin; 83.657o (41/49) to co-trimoxazole, ancl 96.0Vo (48/50) to ciprofloxacin. Number of

isolates which resistant to these antibiotics were 10.47o, 6.6Vo, 8.47o, I0.27o and 4.07o, respectively. The other results were intermediate.
Three isolates o/ Salmonella typhi were resistant to three antibiotics (chloramphenicol, ampicilLin and co-trimoxaza.le). According to
antibiotics which aclministered firstly to the patients, there was no apparent synchronization betvveen in vitro sensitivity with in vivo clinical response in l0 (20V") patients.

Department of Chilcl Health, Faculty of Medicine,
Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia.