The Analysis of the Second Step of the Activity The Analysis of the Second Step of the Activity

The second activity was conducted on Tuesday, 18 th November 2008. The activity was to listening English radio program. All students had been present in the second activity. They were 30 students. First of all, he reviewed the last material for about 5 minutes to help the students remembered the lesson. Before playing the recorded of English radio program, the writer discussed about what was the material about. Moreover, he also asked each student to write down on their books what they heard on. Most of the students were enthusiastic. Before played the record, the writer asked the students to listen carefully and paid attention on it. The record was played for about 20 minutes. It was the same as the first activity but continuance other part of the record. The writer asked them to write down what they heard if necessary. As the first activity conducted, the writer renewed some key words related to the topic and explained clearly, because some students might be confused about the material. He wrote down on the whiteboard. The students were carefully listening what he talked about. Then the writer plays the record for the last time. In the end of the activity, in order to check the students ability to attain the lesson, the writer gave an assessment test. It was listening test Question – response consisting 10 items. The result of the test in the second activity can be seen in the appendix. The average of the students result in the 2 nd activity was 2170: 30= 72. According to the criterion provided by KKM Kriteria Ketuntasan Belajar Minimal of MAN Purwodadi, learning process can be said to be successful if students achievement is 70 and above. If we compare the previous activity, there was any significance difference between the first activity 69 and the second activity 72.

4.1.4 The Analysis of the Post Test