Submitted to Department of English as a Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan (S-1) Degree


Registration Number :2113121062


Aritonang, Rismauli. 2113121062. The Effect of Teaching Methods on Students’
Achievement in Speaking. A Thesis. Medan : English Department, Faculty of

Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, 2017.
This study aimed at finding out the effect of Teaching Methods on students’
achievement in speaking. The population of this study was the 2015/2016 tenth grade
students of SMK Negeri 1 Berastagi. The sample was divided into two namely
experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught by applying
Time Token Arend Method while the control group was taught by using storytelling
method. The test used to collect the data was oral test. The acquired data were
analyzed by using t-test. The calculation showed that t-observed (5.625) was higher
than t-table (2.00) at the level of significance ( ) 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df)
38. The score of students taught by applying Time Token Arend Method was higher
than taught by Storytelling Method. It can be concluded that Time Token Arend
Method significantly affected the students’ speaking achievement.
Keywords : Time Token Arend Method, Speaking



The writer would like to acknowledge her countless thanks to the most
gracious and merciful, the almighty God, Jesus Christ for the love and blessing so the

writer has finally completed this thesis. This thesis is submitted to the English
Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan as a partial
fulfillment of the requirements for taking the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan.
During the process of completing this thesis the researcher has worked with
a great number of people, through their guidance, suggestions, and comments for
which the researcher would like to extend her sincere gratitude and special thanks
 Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom. M.Pd., the Rector of State University of
 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M. Pd. the Head of English and Literature
Department and her Thesis Examiner.
 Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department and her second
Thesis Consultant.
 Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S, M.Hum., the Head of English Education study
 Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., her First Thesis Consultant.
 Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., her Academic Consultant.
 Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., her Thesis Examiner.

 All Lecturers who have taught her in this English Department.
 Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., the Academic and Administrative Staff.
 Pantes, the Staff of English Education and Literature Department.


 Drs. Kelion., the Head Master of SMK Negeri 1 Berastagi, and


Rosmiati Ginting, S.Pd., the English Teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Berastagi.
For their support to the writer so the writer could do research.
 Her beloved parents, Dungo Anton Aritonang and Merdina Br.
Manullang, for giving her everlasting love, affection, supports, prays, and
hard works and all the advices especially in the time completing this thesis,
the writer’s special gratitude also goes to her dearest sisters and brother,
Ayu Tio Marisi Br. Aritonang, Hotma Tutur Romauli Br. Aritonang,
Uli Marito Br.Aritonang, and Tomu Radja Aritonang for always being
there when she needed their support and motivation. (You all are the most
beautiful grace from God)

 Riezky Tarigan, For giving the motivation and support.
 Her beloved friends, “ISO GIRLS” Nomita Manurung, S.Pd, Laura
Elisabeth Hutapea, S.Pd., Rostina Silalahi, S.Pd., Putri Simbolon, Helena
Siregar, S.pd., Rahmadayani Saragih, S.Pd., Raideni Kaloko, S.Pd for
always being there when she needed their support and motivation.
 All Reg’C Family 2011 and all people who cannot be mentioned one by

The writer hopes this thesis will be useful and give positive impact for those
who read it, especially, for the students of State University of Medan.
Medan, February 2017
The Writer,

Rismauli Aritonang
Reg. No. 2113121062



Table 1.1 students’ score of speaking test in two semester 2015-2016 ................ 3
Table 2.1 The Example of Narrative Text ............................................................ 20
Table 2.2 The Scoring of Speaking Test ............................................................... 22
Table 3.1 Ary et al. Experimental Research Design ............................................. 34
Table 3.2 The Scenario of Teaching in Experimental Group ............................... 37
Table 3.3 The Scenario of Teaching in Control Group ......................................... 38
Table 3.4 Rubrics of Scoring Speaking Test ......................................................... 39



Appendix A.The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental Group


Appendix B.The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Group ........


Appendix C.The Calculation of T-test .......................................................


Appendix D.The Calculation of the Reliability of the Test ........................


Appendix E.Percentage Point of the T Distribution....................................


Appendix F. Lesson Plan ............................................................................





A. The Background of the Study
In the study of a language, there are four skills that should be wellmastered by those who are interested in learning it and this applies also when one
studies English. As one of the basic skills of English, speaking has important role
in language learning process. Speaking is quite different from other language
skills, because speaking requires the ability to perform in public. It means that
speaking needs a lot of more power when it performs in public. In order to support
people needs in learning English, many different ways of learning process both
formal and informal instruction are available. Not only the place but also the
media such as token, books, internet and other language teaching materials and
resources are presence.
Speaking can be defined as a process of building and sharing ideas through
the use of verbal language between speaker and listener. People put ideas into
words, talking about perception or feelings that they want other people to
understand them (Fulcher : 2003). To create a successful interaction or
communication, the listener also has to pay more attention and listen carefully in
order to be able to understand what the speaker says (Harmer : 2007).
Based on Educational Unit Level Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan 2006: KTSP 2006) the students must have written and spoken ability
in communication. In KTSP 2006, English syllabus of Vocational High School
demands students to master some genre in speaking: recount, narrative, procedure,


descriptive, news item, report, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, and
In fact, demand cannot be fulfilled because many students do not have
ability to deliver their opinion. It can be proven by the low score of the students.
Based on the researcher’s experience through Field Practice Experience (Praktek
Pengalaman Lapangan) of Grade X Junior High School in SMA N 1 Lumbanjulu,
the students always got confused about English vocabulary and grammar. In fact
they knew what they wanted to say in their mind by using their mother tongue in
Bahasa, but they did not know how to say it in English. It was proven by their
ability in arranging sentences or translating English text into Indonesia and vise
versa. In addition, based on the researcher preliminary interviewed with one of
English teacher in SMK Negeri 1 Berastagi, the researcher found that students
also felt confused in speaking and they said that the teaching learning process was

bored. So, it was found that their ability in speaking needs to be improved. In
addition, based on the observation in that school, the score of minimum standard
competence (KKM) of English subject is 75. The English teacher used
Storytelling Method to teach Speaking. Here are the recapitulations of students’
scores in speaking by using Storytelling Method.


Table 1.1 Students’ Scores of Speaking Tests in two Semesters 2015– 2016

1 Semester 2015/ 2016


2 Semester 2015/ 2016

< 75

18 Students

43.4 %

≥ 75

19 Students

56.6 %

< 75

13 Students

52.5 %

≥ 75

24 Students

47.5 %



Source: Students’ accumulated score of Grade X1 students at SMK Negeri 1 Berastagi
academic year 2015/2016

Based on the description above, she found that many students did not have
the passing grade. This situation can be happened because of some reasons either
from teacher or students. The use of inappropriate and unattractive teaching
method that had been applied could significantly influence teaching and learning
process. In addition, teaching learning process could be affected by the lack of
students’ motivation to study. If the process of teaching and learning are boring
and monotonous, the students will have no interest in studying and will cause a
bad result ( Sharon : 2003).
This problem can be solved by implementing new method in teaching and
learning process. A method which is more attractive and can motivates student to
study. Time Token Arend Method is suitable for this situation as it involves
students to do cooperative activities and help each other in understanding
particular topic.(Arend:2007).
The implementation of Time Token Arend Method can make all of
students participate in speaking class by limiting their time. Thus, all of the


students have same talk time. There is no one that would be passive or dominate
in speaking activity. In the other hand, the students would be motivated to
participate and spend their coupons of time to convey their own idea or opinion in
speaking activity.
There have been several researches that have ever been conducted through
Time Token Method that showed effect of the students score. One research was
conducted in SMP N.32 Pekanbaru by Rosmaini (2012). The aim of the research
was to enhance the activity and student learning outcomes in Biology class. The
result was TTA significantly affected the activity and learning outcomes of
students. Similarly, Sukmayati (2014) conducted a research



Laboratorium UNSYIAH Banda Aceh, the aims of the research was to know
whether of the students who were taught by Time Token Arend would get a better
performance in their speaking compared to those who were not. The researcher
found that Time Token Arend significantly affected on students speaking
competencies. In addition to that, Endang (2013) conducted a reseach in SD
Negeri Karangsono. The aim of research was to investigate the effectiveness of
TTA based on Problem Based Learning model in understanding of the concept
natural resources. The finding of the research found that TTA was an effective
method because the score of students was increased.
By considering the explanation above, it is hoped that the implementation
Time Token Arend Method will affect students’ achievement in speaking.


B. The Problem of the Study
In line with the background of the study, the problem was formulated as
“Is students’ achievement in speaking that taught by using Time Token Arend
Method higher than that taught by using Storytelling method?”

C. The Objective of the Study
The main objective of the research was to find out whether the students’
achievement in speaking taught by Time Token Arend Method is higher than that
taught by using Storytelling Method.

D. The Scope of the Study
The scope of this study focused on the use of Time Token Arend method on
students’ achievement in speaking which can be used in encouraging the students
to learn speaking more effectively. This study was limited on speaking and
focused on the application of Time Token Arend Method.

E. The Significance of the Study
The study was expected to have both theoretical and practical perspectives:
1. Theoretically perspectives
The result of this research can be used as reference for those who want to
conduct a research about speaking


2. Practically perspectives
a. For English teachers; as the information in teaching English to enrich
their knowledge in speaking by using Time Token Arend Method.
b. For the students. This study is also expected can improve their ability in


A. Conclusions
After analyzing the data, it was found that the scores of the student that were
taught by Time Token Arend Method was higher than those who were taught by
Storytelling Method. This is proven by the data analysis t-observed (5.625) was
higher that t-table (2.024). T test analysis was (5.625 > 2.00) which means that the
hypothesis formulated as “The students’ achievement in speaking that taught by
using Time Token Arend Method is higher than those taught by using Storytelling
Method” is accepted.

B. Suggestions
The study was expected to have both theoretical and practical perspectives:
1. Theoretically perspectives
The result of this research can be used as reference for those who want to
conduct a research about speaking
2. Practically perspectives
a. For English teachers; as the information in teaching English to enrich
their knowledge in speaking by using Time Token Arend Method.
b. For the students. This study is also expected can improve their ability in



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