Analisis kebijakan pemanfaatan pulau pulau kecil perbatasan (Kasus Pulau Sebatik, Kabupaten Nunukan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur)


Mustafa Abubakar. Policy Analysis on Utilization of Neigh boring Stade
Small Island (Case of Sebatik Island, Nun ukan, East Kalimantan).
Under Supervision of Daniel R Monintja, John Haluan, and Hasjim Djalal
Execution of Sipadan and Ligitan Islands by International Court of Justice

based on efective occupation consideration, have encouraged the commerniry and
government of Indonesiato to be more aware and care of developing the
neighboring state small islands. There are many national and regional
institutions h e developed programs and activities for the neighboring stare
small i s l a d but the programs still sectoral oriented. As a consequence, there is
no national policy yet concerning the
neighboring state small island
General objective of this research is toformulate comprehensive poliq for
the utilization of neighboring state small island taking into consideration the
aspects of biophysical and natural resources, cultural social a d economics, and
the law and institutional aspects. Spec$c objectives are (1) to stz.@v the
characteristic of the natural resources, economic, cultural social, law and
institutional, political related to utilization and development of small island, and

(2) to formulate alternatives implementation policy for utilization of the small
i s l a d , both national and regional level.
The research was conducted at Sebatik Island, District of Nunuhn, East
Kalimantan Province. Primary data collection on Januaty-February and
September 2004. Secondary data collected since proposal developing until d a a
analysis. The method of analysis consist of (1) Descriptive Analysis, (2) SWOT
and AHP using Marlti Analytical Hierarchy Process and (3) Linear Goal
Programming, using Linear Inieractive Discrete Optimizer.
The priorities of neigh boring small island policies are : ( I ) Optimal and
sustainuble utilization of [he natural resources, (2) Law and institution
arrangement,, (3) Capacity building of communi@ and government institution,
(4) Increase accesibility to neighboring state small island, (5) Develop system of
defence and security in the neighboring state small island, (6) Economic
development in neighboring state small island, (7) Community social and culture
development, and (8) Settlement and inhabitant distribution in neighboring state
smaI1 island.
Optimimum allocadion of fishing gear in Se batik Island are: gillnet 1,267
units, tramel net 699 units, and dog01 (mini trawl) 43 units. Optimal solution of
flsheries capture will yield a total production of 11,548.05 tonnes, income Rp
71,687,212,890,labour 3,6 15 persom, foreign exchange US$ 14,44,596,fisheries

retribution Rp. 745,694,550,and fish consumption of 793,290 tonnes.
Optimimum allocation of land agricultural utilization are: cacao 8,216
ha, and rice yield 1.543 ha. Optimal solution for agriculrure can yield 23,238.32
tonnes, income of Rp 96,876,021,010, foreign exchange US $ 1 7,952,196, and
labour of 2,149,056.26HOK.

Trading activities consist of ( I ) trading in agriculture, (2) trading for
fisheries production, (3) cornmuni& primary needs, and (4) seconhry nee&. The
optimal unitsfor each are agricultural trading 5 units,fisheries trading 75 units,
primary needs trading 8 units, and secondary needs trading 13. Optimal
solutionfor trading can yield income Rp 6,953,435,230, Iabour 435 persons, and
trading tax Rp 1,695,343,750.
Optimum allocation for land transportation is 75 units, and sea
frumportation is 13 units. Optimal solution for transportation services, cart yield
Rp 6,221,137.500,labour 1,10Opersons, andtax Rp 662,114,000.
The problems of neighboring state small island are very complex,
therefore needed comprehensive approach and sustainable through sirrergical
perception between national and local institution, optimalization of existing
institutions or creating new institutions, increasing intensity of monitoringcon fiolling-surveilance and addresing issues of social, economic and culture.
For Sebatik Island, based on its local characteristic, beside the utilization of

Sebatik Island through opfimizaf ion of capture fisheries, plantation and
agriculture, also through inproving quuliiy of natural resources and environment,
and controlling the illegal fishing and culture changing.

Key Words: Policy, SWOT, AHP, Neighboring State Small Island, Linear Goal
Programming, Optimization, and Se batik