-Text book question out of fact
-What the question is asking
-Ignore the background information

Critical thinking for the nurse involve :
1. Observation
2. Deciding what is important
3. Looking for the pattern and relationship
4. Identifying the problem
5. Transferring knowledge from one
situation to another
6. Applying knowledge
7. making priorities
8. Evaluating according to criteria

Question 1
A 6 year old girl with a fractured femur is brought to the
emergency room by her parents. When asked how the
injury occurred, her parents stated that she fell off the

sofa. On examination, the nurse finds old and new
lesions on the child’s buttock. Which of the following
statement most appropriately reflects how the nurse
should document these findings :
1. “Six lesions noted on buttock at various stages of
2. “ Multiple lesions on buttock due to child abuse”
3. “lesions on buttocks due to unknown causes”
4. “Several lesions on buttocks caused by cigarettes”

Question 2
A 47 year old male construction worker is admitted to the
hospital for treatment of active tuberculosis. The nurse
teaches the patient about tuberculosis. Which statement,
if made by the patient, would indicate to the nurse that
further teaching is necessary?
1. “ I will have to take medication for six months”
2. “ I should cover my nose and mouth when coughing or
3. “ I will remain in isolation for at least six weeks”

4. “ I will always have a positive skin test for