
Registration Number: 809112028



Hasibuan, Fadhilah. Registration Number: 809112028.English
Teachers’ Language Styles in Teaching With Reference to Sex
Differences. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program.

Postgraduate School. State University of Medan 2015.
The purposes of this study are to describe the types of language styles
used by male and female English teachers, the reasons of language styles
occurences in the teaching of English and switch their language in the
classroom. The subjects were the teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Tebing
Tinggi, they were three female teachers and two male teachers. It was
qualitative explanative research designs. The researcher observed the
teachers’ while teaching teaching and a retrospective interview was
conducted to the teachers after analyzing their teaching process in the
classroom in order to get the teachers’ language styles taking place during
their teaching in the classroom. The results of the data analysis showed
that the dominant language style used by male and female teachers’
utterances in teaching is formal style which means using language in the
formal situations which it is designed to inform and where there is the
least amount of shared background knowledge. The language styles by the
teachers of the male and female teachers were different in ways of
communication. Males teachers are giving advice, feeling, and proposal,
while the female teachers in communicating are advice and proposal. For
male teachers, the highly way of communicating is proposal with 16
utterances or equal with 64% and for female teachers is also proposal with

16 utterances or 72.7%. The internal factors that trigger the occurrence of
language styles in the teaching of English to the second year student of
Vocational High school in Tebingtinggi are teachers’ education,
experience, attitude and the external factors are the students’ English



Firsrt of all the writer would you like to express her greatest gratitude to
Allah SWT, the Almighty for blassing, love, and safety until at last this thesis can
be completed.
Her first debt of gratitude is therefore to her parents ; Drs. Abd.Rahim Hsb
and Fathimah Syam Nst, S.Pd.I, and also to her parents in law; Edward, S.E and
Marmiati S.Pd who never stopped supportingher. Their love always guide her
thourgh her life, and may God, Allah SWT protect them always.
On a personal note and deep appreciation to her beloved husband,
M.Kenedy S.Pd, who has, as always given h the writer his support throughout
and our son (alm) M.Dinar Arrasyid. May Allah save us togather in the most

She would you like to record her greatfully acknowledge to her advisors
Prof.Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, for their
supervision, advice, and guidance of this research as well as her extraordinary
experiences throughout the work.
Her sincere thankfulness is also extended to Prof.Dr. Busmin Gurning,
M.Pd., Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum,
mambers of Examination Commitee for their valuable feedback and contribution.
Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.s., both as
Head and Secretary to the English Applied Linguistic Program, their
administrative help always kindly grant her thair time.


The writer also wants to thank the Head Master of SMK.N 1 T.Tinggi Drs.
Parlindungan, to all those English teachers and Administrations for their insight,
verbal commentary and written opinion.
Her special thanks are also directed to her sisters Rizky Athia Arfa Hsb,
S.H. Rizka Rafika Arfa Am.Keb,her Brothet M. Fauza Aulia Hsb, her Siter in law
Dedek Kurniasih and our son Amzar Mutawakkil, Her brother in law Rezky Syah

putra for their support and endless love in her life. The writer has not lost her wise
words to pray to God, Allah SWT, to give them proper reward.
Last but not least, the writer is greatly thankful to all her friends, kak Ita,
Kak Reni, Dawi, Kak Yeni, Kak Cici, Kak Erna, Kak Rahma, and Teguh, Thank
you for the time and great working together. I am Happy to know you all.

March 2015
The Writer

Fadhilah Arfa Hasibuan
Reg.Number :809112028



1.1 The Background of the Study ........................................................... 1
1.2 The Problem of the Study ............................................................... 4

1.3 The Objective of the Study .............................................................. 4
1.4 The Scope of the Study .................................................................... 4
1.5 The Significance of the Study .......................................................... 5
2.1 The Relationship between Language and Education ....................... 7
2.2 Language and Gender ....................................................................... 8
2.3 Language Style ................................................................................. 9
2.4 Teaching .......................................................................................... 13
2.4 Previous Related Studies ................................................................. 15
2.5 Theoritical Framework ................................................................... 17
3.1 Research Design ............................................................................. 20
3.2 The Subject of the Study ................................................................ 20
3.3 Instrument of Data Collection ........................................................ 21
3.4 Data of the Study............................................................................ 21
3.5 Technique of Data Collection ......................................................... 22
3.6 Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................ 22
3.7 The Trustworthiness of the Study .................................................. 23
4.1 Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 25


4.1.1 Language Styles Used by Male and Female Teachers ...................... 25
4.2 Findings ................................................................................................ 30
4.3 Discussions .......................................................................................... 31
5.1 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 33
5.2 Suggestions .......................................................................................... 34
REFERENCES ................................................................................... 35



Table 4.1 Language Style of Male Teachers While Teaching …………….


Table 4.2 Language Style of Female Teachers While Teaching ………….. 27
Table 4.3 Language Style in Male and Female utterances ………………… 29

List of Appendices
Appendix 1 ...........................................................................................
Appendix 2 ...........................................................................................
Appendix 3 ...........................................................................................
Appendix 4 ...........................................................................................
Appendix 5 ...........................................................................................




1.1 Background of The Study
Language operates on many levels with many functions and situations.
People communicate by using the language they know in order to represent and
exchange their experience. According to Harmer (2001), there are number of
variables which govern our choice of using the language form; setting,
participatants, gender, channel and topics. The setting refers to the situation or
place where conversation take place. Normally, people use different language style
or variety according to the situation or place. Participants refers to the people
involved in an exchange whether in speech or writing. Gender also influence the
language being chosen. Some researches shows that the men and women typically
use language differently when addresing either members of the same or the
opposite sex.
Furthermore, all of the people use language and most of them have strong
views about that and it creates a complex relationship. Language serves as means
of communication plays a great role in humans’ life. When people attempt to
achieve a communication purpose they have to choose which of the language
forms to use. According to Harmer (2001), there are number of variables which
govern the choice of choosing the language forms, they are: setting, participants,

gender, channel, and topics.
The setting refers to the situation or place where the conversation takes
place. Normally people use different language styles or variety according to the



situation or place. Participant refers to the people involved in an exchange whether
in speech or writing. Furthermore, gender also influences the language being
chosen. Some research shows that men and women typically use language
differently when addressing either members of the same or the opposite sex. The
channel that affects the language chosen refers to the tools used in exchanging
information such as telephone, microphone, paper, etc. The topic addressed also
affects the lexical and grammatical choices.
In addition, in education language is the central and as a tool of learning.
Language is the key for acquiring knowledge and skills. Language has its power in
education because the students can learn new concepts and developing new
capacities through the development of the new language. Language can be used to
realize exchange, organize, motivate, think much better, etc. On the other hand,

men and women are often said have differences in communication styles. It is in
line with Tannen (1992) conclusion about the men and women differences are
influenced by the perspective on life they learnt from their childhood that go with
On the other hand, dealing with the effect of the language styles use by the
teachers in Education field, teaching requires skill, insight, intelligence, and
diligence in which the faculty struggle and succeed in a variety of ways to meet
the challenges of the classroom (Nelson, 2007). The application of language styles
in the classroom by the teachers in the classroom can influence the teaching
processes. While apparently both men and women faculty members exhibit these


traits, research suggests that they may meet the challenges in different ways.
Understanding how and why men and women teach differently is critical to
assisting faculty in their efforts to improve their teaching.
Dealing with the primary purpose of classroom communication as a
pedagogic one, the teachers have role as body knowledge and skills which have to
transmit to the learners. In most foreign language classrooms the teachers knows
the language better than the students. It is argued that one of the teacher’s roles is

to provide the target language input and present the best model of language while
fulfilling the teaching requirement (Higgs,1982).
On the other hand, foreign language classroom is a specific setting which has
specific participants (teacher and students) and specific topic to communicate.
Most of the English teachers of the national schools in Indonesia are Indonesian
who graduated from universities. Most of them fluent in speaking, listening,
reading, and writing English. It is contrary, however, with the research in
Tebingtinggi in one of the EFL classroom. The teacher still frequently uses the
native language or Bahasa Indonesia in teaching English and sometimes switches
into English for some purpose.
It is in line with a research which has shown that students’ evaluations can
be significantly influenced by the gender of their teachers. Many studies reveal
that students tend to rate female faculty members’ differently than male faculty
members (Nelson, 2007).It shows that students perceived female teachers to be
more sensitive and considerate of student ideas whereas male teachers were


believed to be more knowledgeable. If students are, even in part, picking up on
real differences, understanding the effect of gender on teaching styles is important.
So beyond understanding how men and women teachers teach differently, it
is also essential to examine whether and how gender differences (male and female
teachers) used the language styles differently. Understanding the effect of gender
on language styles is important in order to improve the students’ learning
1.2 Problems of the Study
As presented in background of study, the language style of male and female
English teachers’ in teaching-learning processes are very interesting to be
discussed. Therefore, to achieve the valuable input of this study, the research
problems are posed below.
1. What type of language style is dominantly used by the male and female
English teachers in teaching?
2. How do language styles occur in the teaching of English by the teachers
with reference to sex differences in teaching?
3. Why do the teachers switch their language while teaching in the
1.3 Objectives of the Study
Related to the problems, the objectives of the study are
1. to describe the types of language styles used by male and female English
teacher in teaching.


2. to describe the process of language styles that occurs in the teaching of
English language by male and female English teacher in the classroom.
3. to find out the reason why do the teachers switch their language while
teaching in the classroom.

1.4 Scope of the Study
This research was limited to the language styles used in teaching of English
by the male and female English teachers in SMK N 1 Tebingtinggi. This research
described the types and process of language styles which occurs in pedagogic
discourse. The types of language styles used by male and female teachers based on
language style proposed by Joos theories (1967), they are frozen, formal,
consultative, casual and intimate style.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The findings of this study are expected to be useful and give contribution
whether theoretically, practically and academically.
Theoretically the findings of this research are expected to provide new
contribution to the theory of language style in foreign language teaching. They are
also expected to have contribution as guiding information for linguistics students
who are interested in the study of language styles to enrich the references or as the
relevance of study for other researcher who wants to conduct further research in
language style or sex differences.


Practically, the finding of this research are expected to be useful for the
English teachers in selecting the language as an input in language teaching and for
foreign language students to be aware of the input they receive and to understand
the factors that underlie language styles in the teaching of English.


5.1 Conclusions
After analyzing the data, conclusions are the following.
(1) The dominant language style used by male and female teachers’ utterances in
teaching in the classroom is formal style which means using language in the
formal situation which it is designed to inform and where there is the least
amount of shared background knowledge. The second higher is casual style
which means using informal language and absence of background
information. The last is consultative style which is only found in male
teachers’ utterances while in female teachers’ utterances it is not exists.
(2) The teachers often switch their language styles while teaching in the
classroom because of some factors.
a. The internal factors that trigger the occurrence of switching of the
language styles by the teachers in the teaching of English to the second
year student of Vocational High school in Tebing Tinggi are teacher’s
education, teacher’s experience, teacher’s attitude and the traditional
teaching and method used.
b. The external factors that trigger the occurrence of switching of the
language styles by the teachers in the teaching of English to the second
year student of Vocational High school in Tebing Tinggi is the students’
English proficiency.



(3) There is a language styles which can be categorized into two categories of
language theory. They are formal and casual language styles. The utterances
proposed by the teachers can be categorized into two language styles. It can
be categorized as formal and also casual styles. It indicates that the theory
proposed by Joos needs more explanation and expansion.

5.2 Suggestions
In line with the conclusions stated above, suggestions are staged as the
(1) The teachers who play a crucial role in teaching language can maximize
the use of language styles in the classroom interaction so the students will
be familiar with the language itself.
(2) The other researchers, do further research about language styles from
different emphasis and to do more explanation and expansion on the
theory proposed by Joos related to the current research.


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