The Classification of Body Measurement on Syrian Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) Based on Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis

The Classification of Body Measurement on Syrian Hamster
(Mesocricetus auratus) Based on Factor Analysis and
Principal Component Analysis
R. H. Mulyono1, *, A. S. Tjakradidjaja2, L. L. Sari1, & Meliyana1

Department of Animal Production & Technology,
Department of Nutrition & Feed Technology,
Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University
Jl. Agatis, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Mesocritus (M.) auratus (Syrian hamster) is not only used a laboratory animal
especially in medical research, but also is looked after as a pet animal. Genetic
information can be obtained by studying body morphometry of Syrian hamster, and
quantitative characteristics can be useful for conservation and breeding development.
Body size characteristics of Syrian hamster is becoming the focus of this study. It
is, therefore, this study is conducted to classify Syrian hamster into large, medium
and small body sizes on the basis of factor analysis (FA) and principal component

analysis (PCA). Hotelling T2-statistic showed differences in linear measurement
of body surface between male and female Syrian hamsters (P SF + sSFs, medum group f SF – sSF < SF
< SF + sSF, small group f SF < SF – sSF, wth descrpton:: SF= factor score,, SF=
average of factor score,, sSF= standard devaton of factor score.. Prncple Component
Analyss (PCA) by Gaspersz(1992), equaton model for body parts were: Yp= a1pX1
+ a2pX2 + a3pX3 +a4pX4; wth descrpton:Yp=
:Yp= pth prncple component (p= 1, 2, 3,
4); X1= body length,, X2= chest grth,, X3= pelvc wdth,, X4= wrst-crcumference.
Classfcaton on the bass of body lnear sze that was observed (small, medum and
large) was conducted usng Garpersz (1992) formula large group: f yh1 > y1 + sy1;
medum group: f y1 – sy1 < yh1 < y1 + sy1 and small group f yh1 < y1 – sy1. Data was
processed usng statstcal software of Mntab.

Results and Dscusson
Table 1 demonstrates descrptve statstcs for body lnear sze varables of
Syran hamster. T2-Hottelng statstc showed that there were dfferences n body
lnear szes between male and female Syran hamster (P
1.01 (fve heads), medum group wth SF-1 -1.01 to + 1.01 (13 heads) and small
group wth SF-1 < -1.01 (sx heads). Classfcaton the female Syran hamster can

be performed based on the value of frst factor scores (SF-1) that can be dvded nto
large group wth SF-1 > 1.06 (fve heads), medum group wth SF-1 -0.94 to + 1.06
(13 heads) and small group wth SF-1 < -0.94 (sx heads).
Classfcaton based on the score of body sze based on Table 3 demonstrates
that male wth a score value > 10.03 (fve heads) s for large group, a score value
8.63 to 10.03 (13 heads) s for medum group and a score value < 8.63 (sx heads) s
for small group. The classfcaton for the females results n the score value > 9.02
(fve heads) for the large group, the score value : 7.88 to 9.02 (23 heads) for the medum group and the score value < 7.88 (sx heads) for the small group. Dstrbuton
of Agout Non Golden (ANG), Agout Golden (AG), and Non Agout (NA) n each
group of Syran hamster ndcated that the coat color was not related to body sze.

Varable that affects the body sze of male M. auratus n ths study was body
length; however, t dd not nfluence the body sze of female sgnfcantly. Body
length was found as well as dscrmnatory varable for body sze of male and female. Dscrmnatory varable for body shape of male and female M. auratus were


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

chest wdth. The dstrbuton of colors that occur n each body sze class ndcated
that M. auratus stll has a varety n coat colors. Classfcaton of body sze n M.
auratus based on factor analyss and prncpal component analyss showed the same

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Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012