RESEARCH METHOD Myths and Activism in Nawal El Saadawi’s Memoar: A Daughter Of Isis (1999).

To collect data, the analysis is based on library research. This research
involves a collection of some textbooks, Journals, articles, virtual resources and
internet access. The main resources of this research are Myths and Activism
reflected in Nawal El Saadawi’s Memoirs: A Daughter of Isis.
A. Type of the Research
In the research, the present researcher proposes the qualitative
method. According by Denzin and Lincoln as their Handbook of Qualitative
Research has move through time. Qualitative research is a positioned
movement that finds the spectator in the world. It includes of quality of
explanatory, material is applies that make the creation evident. These
observes make over the world. They turn the world into a sequences of
illustrations, including field notes, talks, dialogues, pictures, tape, and notes
to the personality. At this means that qualitative: researchers study belongings
in their ordinary sets, trying to make intelligence of, or understand,
phenomena in terms of the implications people take to them (Creswell, 2007).
So, that is a research which employs the method of collecting data,
describing, classifying and analyzing the data and then drawing conclusions
to conduct the research.

The first assumption hypothesis of qualitative

research is a worldwide, the using of a theoretical lens and the study of
research problems the meaning individual’s groups that are considered to
come from a social or human problem in investigating (Creswell, Qualitative
inquiry and research design: choosing among five approaches (2nd ed),
Studying the problem for qualitative researchers is using an
emerging qualitative approach to inquiry, the collection of data in a natural
setting sensitive to the people and places under study, and data analysis that is



inductive and arranges patterns or themes. The final written report or
presentation enrolls the voices of participants, and a complex description and
interpretation (Creswell, 2007).
This study used descriptive qualitative and narrative research to
investigate the procedure as well books and additional interconnected

orientations to sustenance the focus matter. According to Bogdan and Taylor
cited by Lexy J Moleong, Qualitative method is “a research procedure that
obtains descriptive data in written and spoken from the people and their
behavior which is being observed (Moleong, 2010). And, according to
Creswell (2007:54) narrative is “A kind of qualitative in which the
investigator illustrates the lives of characters, accumulates and tells stories
about individuals live, and write narratives of characteristic experiences.
B. Object of the Research
Identify the goals associated with each of the research questions. We
discuss important considerations in the development of an object of the
research. There are two objects of the Research are:
a. Material Object
The book with the entitled A Daughter of Isis first published in
1999 consists of 354 pages by Zed Books Ltd, 7 Cynthia Street,
London N19JF, UK and room 400, 175 Fifth Avenue, London and
New York, NY 10010, USA this edition was first published in 2009 in
b. Formal Object
The formal object of this study, research involves there is main
issues Myth and Activism in Nawal El Saadawi’s Memoirs: A

Daughter of Isis (1999).
C. Type of Data and Data Source
The data of the research are the text in A Daughter of Isis
(memoir): Myth, and Activism that cover words, phrases, clauses sentences,


dialogues and narrations. The data source reduction into two categories:
primary data sources and secondary data sources
1. The Primary Data Sources
The primary data are taken from A Daughter of Isis (memoir):
myth and activism that is written by Nawal El Saadawi.
2. The Secondary Data Sources
The secondary data are including the references and also
materials related to the study by selection up whether from textbooks,
internet, articles, papers, dissertations, author’s biography, journals or
article and other significant data.
D. Technique of Collecting the Data
The technique of the data collection in this study is documenting
analysis. The document analysis refers to printed materials, images, literary

works, film or other types of record (Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and
Research design: Choosing Among, 2012). In accumulating the data, the
researcher involves the following steps:
1. Hunting the books of A Daughter of Isis and investigating is
literature works by Nawal El Saadaw
2. Understanding, Analysis, Evaluation the memoir
3. Saving and accumulating the data from the memoir of A
Daughter of Isis
4. Finding, categorizing the issues of the memoirs
5. Defining of the elements of Myths and Activism
6. Analysis some interconnected books to find out the theory,
data, and knowledge required.
7. Taking command of critical in both primary and secondary data
E. Technique of Analyzing Data
The technique of the data analysis in this study is descriptive
technique procedures in which the researcher interprets understands the text
and content analysis. Cresswell states that the detail description means the


authors describe what they see. This detail is provided within the context of
the setting of the person, place or event (Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and
Research design: Choosing Among, 2012, p. 184).
The data study and investigation entail of three supported
processes; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Data
reduction is a procedure of reducing the data constructed on the conceptual
framework and structure, research question, illustration, and selected
implements which are resulted from recommencing, coding, topic selection,
grouping, and storytelling; data display is a process of constricting and
organizing the data in order to attraction a conclusion drawing is drawing a
deduction from the analyzed data (Denzim & S, 1994, p. 429).

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