The Characteristics of Respondents Validity Test and Intrument Reliability The Results of partial Least Square PLS Analysis

10 This research will use the method of inferential statistic in analyzing data, that is the structural analysis model with the approach of variance based or componenet based with Partial least Square PLS.


4.1 The general Overview of The Research Objects

The objects of the research are copperatives around Denpasar area, Bali. Denpasar is divided into 4 subdistricts, they are: West Denpasar Subdistrict, East Denpasar Subdistrict, South Denpasar Subdistrict, and North Denpasar Subdistrict. The cooperatives used as research objects are spread in the entire subdistrcts in Denpasar. The research specially targets the multi-business cooperatives KSU. KSU has wider business fields like giving loans and savings and selling grocery. The population of the research is the KSU situated around Denpasar area with the total of 243 units. The number of cooperatives that are used as research samples is determined using Slovin Formula, and the minimum number of samples that should be collected to be analyzed is 67 units of cooperative. In this research, the total number of questionnaire that are submitted back is 74 KSUs. Each KSU was given 4 questionnaires and the respondents were the chairman of the cooperative, the manager, and 2 members of staff.

4.2 The Characteristics of Respondents

There are 276 respondents from 74 cooperatives that completed the task of filling out the questionnaire forms. It can be explained further that the characteristics of respondents based on their sexes are mostly men, at 59 percent, and the rest is women at 41 percent. Therefore, in the future the roles of women can be taken into account in cooperative activities particularly, multi-business cooperatives. The respondents under the age of thirty represent 35 percent portion of the total repondents. The rest is those who are older than thirty years old at 47 percent. Thus, cooperative officials are dominated by the people under thirty years old. 11 The level of education of the respondents represents their ability and skills in running cooperatives. The level of education of cooperative’s human resources is mostly high school graduates at 46 percent, diploma III at 21 percent, bachelor at 33 percent. Based on the fact that most businesspeople are high school graduates, it is necessary to carry out learning process through education and training in order to improve their knowledge in conducting business activities so that cooperative performance can develop.

4.3 Validity Test and Intrument Reliability

Prior to analysis using partial least Square PLS is the validity test and reliability test of measurement tools or questionnaires. Hence, the research instruments have been approved through validity and reliability tests. The results of the instruments’ validity and reliability tests are available in appendix. And the next step is conducting data analysis using SmartPLS program.

4.4 The Results of partial Least Square PLS Analysis

Next is the explanation of the results of Partial Least Square PLS analysis. This model of measurement shows specification of relations between latent variable with the indicators. There are seven latent variables in this research, as follows; process-oriented organization culture, employee-oriented organization culture, and pragmatic-oriented organization culture which belongs to exogen variable, as well as financial perspective performance, customer, internal business, and learning and growth which belong to endogent variable. The test of structural model Goodness of Fit in inner model uses predictive- relevance Q 2 value. The value of R 2 of each endogen variable in this research is available in Table 4.1 below. 12 Table 4.1 R 2 Value Variabel Endogen Variable Variabel Endogen Variable R-square the aspect of internal business perspective 0,40 the aspect of customer perspective 0,43 the aspect of learning and Growth perspective 0,22 the aspect of Financial Perspect ive 0,54 Predictive-relevance Value: Q 2 = 1 – 1 – R 1 2 1 – R 2 2 1 – R 3 2 1 – R 4 2 Q 2 = 1 – 1 – 0,40 2 1 – 0,43 2 1 – 0,22 2 1 – 0,54 2 Q 2 = 0,465 According to Ghozali 2008:27, evaluation criteria, that is: a model is considered as having relevant predictive value of the value of Q 2 is bigger than 0 0. The result of above calculation shows predictive-relevance value of 0.465 0. That means the variation of 46.51 in the performance variable of balanced scorecard perspective financial, customer, internal business, and learning and growth is explained by the culture variables used. Therefore, the model is considered worthy of having relevant predictive value. The results of Hypothesis Test and Dicussion The hypothesis test is conducted by using t-test in every influence path between independent varibale and dependent variable. The value of co-efficient path and t-statistics is available in the PLS results on the results for inner weights in the 13 appendix. The decision to accept or reject the hypothesis is reached through comparing t-table with t-statistics at the level of α 5 or t-statistics from t-table that is t-calculation 1.96. Therefore, the statistic test result can be described as follows: the process-orientated organization culture affects balanced scorecard performance from the perspective of financial, customer, internal business and learning and growth. Then, the employee-oriented organization culture affect only the balanced scorecard from the perspective of customer. And the last, pragmatic-oriented organization culture affects balanced scorecard performance from the perspective of financial, customer, and internal business. The ones that don’t show influence relation are, employee-oriented organization culture towards financial, internal business, and learning and growth perspectives, as well as pragmatic-oriented organization culture towards learning and growth perspective. Since process-oriented organization culture has real influence towards balanced scorecard persprctive performance, the more process oriented a cooperative, the greater the cooperative’s performance will be in all aspects of balanced scorecard. Culture can be increace coorporative performance. According to Hofstede 1990, the process-oriented organization culture has the following characteristics: risk averting, limited business scope with clear job description, and monotonous job in daily basis that makes them more professional. Employess-oriented organization culture which has the following characteristics: making decision based on team’s opinion, prioritizing effort more than results, giving clear guidelines to new employess, and showing care to employee’s problems only influences balanced scorecard from the perspective of customer. This culture is proved to be uninfluential towards the improvement of financial, customer, and learning because in the attempt to improving performance, paying attention to employee’s interests is not enough. Acoording to Eisenhardt 1989, humans have 3 characteristics such as: 1 self-interest, human’s characteristic that putting personal interest above other’s, 2bounded-rationality, human’s characteristics that has limited rationality, 3 risk aversion, human’s 14 characteristic that tends to avoiding risks. Agency theory also explains that humans have moral hazard that makes it impossible to improve cooperative’s performance if it is only oriented on employees without considering other strategies. Pragmatic-oriented organization culture influences balanced scorecard performance from the perspective of financial, customer, and business internal. This type of organization culture which emphasizes on customer’s satisfaction and business ethics is more pragmatical than dogmatic. Using this characteristics, a cooperative can improve its performance. This finding is in accordance with Moeljono’s statement 2003 that customer service is very crucial in the effort of improving performance. In the middle of business competition, a cooperatice should improve service for customer. One of the main thing that need more attention is time as customers will be more satisfied with faster service. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion Based on the result of data analysis and discussion, a conclusion can drawn that, generally, the model proposed has relevant prediction power, that the organization culture which is oriented to process, employees, and pragmatism affect performance from the perspective of balanced scorecard at 46,5 percent. If we take a look, the influence of every culture towards the four aspects of balanced scorecard performance is as follows: 1. Process-oriented culture influences balanced scorecard performance in the perspective of financial, customer, business and internal, and learning and growth 2. Employee-oriented culture only influences balanced scorecard performance in the perspective of customer. 3. Pragmatism-oriented culture influences balanced scorecard performance in the perspective of financial, customer, and business and internal. 15 4. The culture that has the most dominant influence towards balanced scorecard perspective performance is the process-oriented organiation culture.

5.2 Suggestion