The English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta Students’ Perception on the Use of Pictures in Teaching Writing
in Internship Program
A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan


English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


The English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta Students’ Perception on the Use of Pictures in Teaching Writing
in Internship Program

A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan


English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Statement of Authenticity
I am a student with the following identity:

: Devi Hermawati


: 20110540031

Program Study

: English Education Department


: Faculty of Language Education


: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that the skripsi entitled “The English Education Department of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Students’ Perception on the Use of
Pictures in Teaching Writing in Internship Program” is definitely my own work. I
am completely responsible for the content of this paper. Others’ opinions and

result include in this skripsi are quoted in accordance with ethical standards.

Yogyakarta, October 25, 2016

NIM. 20110540037


“Build your dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs”
~Farrah Gray~

“Life is to be enjoyed, not endured”
~Gordon B. Hinckley~


First and foremost, I would like to say Alhamdulillah, all praises belongs

to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful for His Blessing who gives the
researcher ability to accomplish this research successfully.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my research supervisor, Mr.
Gendroyono, S.Pd., M.Pd. The next appreciation I address to Mrs. Noor Qomaria
Agustina, S.Pd., M.Hum. and Mrs. Fitria Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. for all
valuable comments to improve my skripsi. I would also like to thank all lecturers
of English Education Department for the knowledge and guidance during five
years of my study in PBI.
My deepest appreciations go to my beloved parents, Bapak Suryana (Alm)
and Ibu Yani, who always give me all spiritual and mental support with the
eternal love and pray through the years. Giving deepest thankfulness go to my
Grandmother, Nenek Unung, who always take care of me all the time. My deepest
thanks go to my beloved uncle, Saiful Mixdar who always support me to be a
strong woman and never give up. To my little sister, Siti Aisah and my little
brother Fahri Athar Ramdhani I always love you.
My thankfulness also goes to my best friends who always support and help
me, Lia, April, Atika, Retna, Rohaeni, Rahmad, Guntur, Veronica, and all my
EED friends’ batch 2011. I will always cherish all the memories of our
togetherness for this relationship.


The last but not least, I give my gratitude to all who directly and indirectly
have helped me and supported me in this endeavor. Thank you very much.

Devi Hermawati


Table of Content

Title Page.......................................................................................................i
Approval Page ..............................................................................................ii
Statement of Authenticity ............................................................................ii
Motto .............................................................................................................iv
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................v
Table of Content ...........................................................................................vii
Abstract .........................................................................................................x
Chapter One Introduction ...........................................................................1
Background of the Study ....................................................................1

Identification and Limitation of the Problem .....................................4
Formulation of the Problem ...............................................................4
Objectives of the Study ......................................................................5
Advantages of the Study ....................................................................5
For the Researcher .......................................................................5
For the Student ............................................................................5
For the Teacher ............................................................................5
Chapter Two Literature Review .................................................................7


Teaching Writing................................................................................7
Definition of writing ....................................................................7
Teaching Writing .........................................................................9
Learning Media ..................................................................................11
Pictures as the Learning Media in Teaching Writing .........................12
The Problem on Using Picture in Teaching Writing ..........................15
Related of Related Studies..................................................................15
Conceptual Framework ......................................................................18
Chapter Three Methodology .......................................................................20

Research Design .................................................................................20
Research Setting .................................................................................21
Research Participant ...........................................................................22
Data Collection Method .....................................................................22
Data Analysis .....................................................................................23
Chapter Four Finding and Discussion .......................................................27
Student Teachers’ Perception on Using Pictures to Teach Writing ...22
Finding 1: Pictures Make Teaching Activity Effective ...............28


Finding 2: The Pictures are interesting........................................29
Finding 3: Pictures Help to Develop Student’s Writing Idea ......30
Student Teachers’ Teaching Writing Problems on Implement the
Picture Prompt in Internship Program ................................................31
Finding 1: Finding the Appropriate Pictures ...............................31
Finding 2: Managing Classroom Activity ...................................32
Chapter Five Conclusion and Suggestions.................................................33
Conclusion ..........................................................................................33

For Researcher .............................................................................34
For Student ..................................................................................35
For Teacher..................................................................................35
References .....................................................................................................36
Appendices ....................................................................................................39


Writing is one of the skills that should be mastered by students’ who learn
English. This study focused on the English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta students’ perception on the use of picture in teaching
writing activity in internship program. There are two research questions proposed
in this study which are what the English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta students’ perception on the use of picture in teaching
writing activity in internship program is and what problems found in
implementing the picture prompt in teaching during internship program are.
This research implemented descriptive qualitative research which involved
three students of English Education Department batch 2011. The instrument used
in this research was interview to get data about the English Education Department

of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Students’ Perception on the Use of
Pictures in Teaching Writing in Internship Program. The data of this research
were analyzed by using the transcription of interview data, member checking and
coding of the data transcription.
The results of this research showed that the use of pictures was effective
and can help developed student’s writing idea. The use of pictures was interested
for the students. The result of second research question was student teacher on
teaching writing using picture in internship program faced some problem. The
problem faced by the students of English Education Department in the use of
pictures in teaching writing are the finding the appropriate pictures and the
managing the classroom activity.


Keywords: teaching writing, pictures


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Writing is one of the skills that should be mastered by students’ who learn
English. This study focused on the English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta students’ perception on the use of picture in teaching
writing activity in internship program. There are two research questions proposed in
this study which are what the English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta students’ perception on the use of picture in teaching
writing activity in internship program is and what problems found in implementing
the picture prompt in teaching during internship program are.
This research implemented descriptive qualitative research which involved
three students of English Education Department batch 2011. The instrument used in
this research was interview to get data about the English Education Department of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Students’ Perception on the Use of Pictures
in Teaching Writing in Internship Program. The data of this research were analyzed
by using the transcription of interview data, member checking and coding of the data
The results of this research showed that the use of pictures was effective and
can help developed student’s writing idea. The use of pictures was interested for the
students. The result of second research question was student teacher on teaching
writing using picture in internship program faced some problem. The problem faced
by the students of English Education Department in the use of pictures in teaching


writing are the finding the appropriate pictures and the managing the classroom
Keywords: teaching writing, pictures


Chapter One
This chapter presents the background of research in detail. The chapter
classified into several sub-title as follows: researcher presents the background of the
study, identification and limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem,
objectives of the study, and advantages of the study.
Background of the Study
Internship program is a time for training which is implemented by students in
a company or organization and through internship students learn by doing in the
experimental education (Miller, 2009). Internship program becomes a way for
students to develop their skills and apply the knowledge that they are learning in the
collage. Miller (2009) also cited that the student get real experience from the real
work experience that the competitive of the job seeking is hard after graduation. In
the internship program, the students did the real action on teaching and learning
English Education Department of UMY has the internship program as the
teaching practice of the student. The students of English Education Department
represent as the student-teacher in the school. The internship program is the program
where the student-teachers teach in the school and implement the theory in language
learning material to the real action. The English Education Department of Universitas


Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta student in the internship program represent as the
student-teachers. The student-teachers have to finish the internship program in each
semester. In the first and second semester, students have to teach in the Elementary
school. The student-teachers teach in Junior high school in the third and fourth
semester. The final teaching practicum is in the fifth and sixth semesters at Senior
high school.
In internship program, student-teachers teach four language skills, namely
reading, writing, speaking and listening. One of language skill is considered as the
difficult task is writing. Writing is another way to share a writer’s idea, experience or
knowledge to the other people. Writing is commonly used for specific purposes. For
student, writing is one of skill from four language skills to master a language.
Writing may well be considered the most difficult of the language skills. Writing is a
complex process of creating verbal meaning which calls into effect an individual's
task environment, motivation, prior knowledge, and cognitive skills (Hayes, 1996).
Writing skill is considered as the difficult task for students. There are many reasons
why students consider writing as the difficult task. The psychological problem,
linguistic problem and cognitive problem are the common problem in writing task
(Ariningsih, 2010).The psychological problem relates to the delivering of language.
Speaking allows us to have an interaction directly with the other people who give the
feedback from the utterance. Writing, on the other hand, is basically an individual
activity. The writer has to write on his or her own without possibility to interact or
getting feedback. It is the reason how the writing is considered as the difficult task.


The other students’ writing problem is the linguistic problem. A writer is
demanded to have good linguistic features such as correct sentence, structure,
appropriate transitional words, cohesion and so forth. The next is a cognitive
problem. Writing is learned through a process of instructions. The students also have
to learn how to organize the ideas in such a way that the writing or the text can be
understood by a reader who is not present and perhaps by a reader who is not known
to the writer himself.
The learning media is one of the important things in the learning process.
Arsyad (2004) defined the media in the learning process as graphic equipment,
photographic, or electronics to catch, process, and reconstitute information visual and
verbal. The student teacher should have the best teaching writing strategy to
encourage the student motivation in writing activity in the classroom.
Student teachers create their own strategy or adapted the other strategy.
Teaching writing is focused on what goes on when learners write and what the
teacher can do to help the learners get into a good writing. In teaching writing skill,
the teachers need to know the students’ needs and abilities. This is necessary as they
ought to consider what to teach and how to teach writing to the students. Also, they
are required to be creative and innovative in developing inputs to explore the
students’ writing potencies. Based on the background above, the researcher is
interested in conducting research on The English Education Department of


Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Students’ Perception on the Use of Pictures
in Teaching Writing in Internship Program.
Identification and Limitation of the Problem
Based on the researcher’s experience, researcher identifies some problems
faced by students of EED UMY in teaching writing during the internship program.
Internship program makes student-teachers find the right strategy to teach writing.
The problems include the lack of student language proficiency and difficult to
develop the writing idea and the student less-interesting in writing activity. This
students’ writing problem also make the student-teachers get problem to deliver the
writing material. However, the writing difficulties can be solved with appropriate
strategy to students learning style. The strategy to help the student-teachers to teach
writing, which interests the researcher is using pictures in teaching writing.
Therefore, this research is limited only to investigate the use of picture as the learning
media to help the student-teachers to teach writing.
Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background, this study is intended to investigate the following
research questions:

What are students’ of English Education Department perceptions on the use of
pictures in teaching writing in internship program?



What are the problems faced by the students of English Education Department on
the use of pictures in teaching writing in internship program?

Objectives of the Study
1. To investigate students’ of English Education Department perceptions on the use
of pictures in teaching writing in internship program.
2. To find out the teaching writing problems on the use of pictures faced by the
students of English Education Department in internship program.
Advantages of the Study
This study is expected to give some benefits for the researcher and students
and the teacher.
For researcher. After doing this research, this research increases the
researcher’s knowledge about the strategy in teaching writing. Besides, the researcher
understands the use of pictures as the one of strategy in teaching writing. Then, the
researcher can implement the use of pictures in her classroom activity later.
For student. This research is hoped give benefit for the student to improve
their writing skill. The students can be interested to join the writing activity. Then,
the students would be more creative in produce the writing text. Then, the students
writing skill is improved.
For teacher. For the student teacher this research enriches their knowledge
about the use of pictures in teaching writing. The teacher understanding about the use


of pictures in teaching writing would be improved the benefit of the use of pictures
itself. The teacher can take the use of pictures as their teaching strategy in the
classroom activity.


Chapter Two
Literature Review
In this chapter, the researcher reviews some theories related to the research,
especially about writing skill, pictures prompt and previous studies about the
correlation between the pictures prompt and writing skill and the problem in teaching
Teaching Writing
Definition of Writing. The definitions of writing are variously stated by some
experts. According to Rivers (1981), writing is conveying information or expression
of original ideas in a consecutive way in the new language. Brown, (2001) also
claimed that writing is a thinking process. Furthermore, he states that writing can be
planned and given with an unlimited number of revisions before its release. In
addition, Elbow (1973) in Brown (2001) also says that writing is a two-step process.
The first process is figuring out the meaning and the second process is putting the
meaning in language. Writing represents what we think. It is because the writing
process reflects things, which stay in the mind. Students who are reluctant to write
things down often suffer for this activity. The students find difficulties when they
start looking for some reasons to write and producing written sentences.
English writing skill is an ability to express the idea, opinion or feeling in the
written form beginning from the simplest one to the advanced level of a certain


medium using English appropriately based on some general components of skills
such as language use, mechanical skills, content, and style (Ariningsih, 2010). In
writing about a subject, individuals utilize their personal symbol systems to create
connections between disparate concepts in their own minds. They then transform
these symbols into the consensual symbol system of writing in order to share their
thought and ideas with others (Kellogg, 1994).
Urquhart and Mclver (2005) state that writing is a recursive process, which
means students revise throughout the process, frequently moving back and forth
among the stages. Then, students should learn strategies for invention and discovery,
and teachers should help students generate content and discover a purpose. Also, it is
stated that readers, purpose, and occasion define all types of writing and effective
writing fulfills the writer’s intention and meets the readers’ needs. It means that
writing is a complex process and it seems reasonable to expect, then, that the teaching
of writing is complex as well. Moreover, Harmer (2004) states that writing
encourages students to focus on accurate language use. It is because students consider
the language used when the students engage in their writing process. This activity
will provoke language development because the students resolve problems what
writing puts in students’ minds.
Based on the definitions above, a definition of writing skill can be concluded.
Writing is a productive process done through some process. Firstly, exploring and
conveying ideas, thought and feeling into written form. Secondly, conducting a


number of revising processes to carry out a grammatically and orderly text. The
writing productions are in the forms of readable texts which should be meaningful to
everyone who read the writing.
Furthermore, based on those definitions, it can be stated that writing skill is a
complex activity in producing a qualified writing. The complex activity consists of
stages as the steps in writing. To improve students’ writing skill, the teaching and
learning process of writing needs to be done well with developed input and effective
activities. As a result, teachers need to consider the teaching of writing skill well
based on their student’s needs, ability and capacity.
Teaching writing. Writing skill is the one of language skill that teach to the
students. According to BSNP (2006), communicative competences are having
discourse abilities; they are understand oral and written text and producing oral and
written text. Those abilities are carried out into four language skills, listening,
speaking, reading and writing.
The teaching of writing skill has some purposes and indicators. The purposes
of the teaching of writing skill can be achieved through some approaches. According
to Harmer (2001), there are two approaches in teaching writing. They are focused on
the product of writing process and focusing on the writing process itself. He states
that focusing on the writing process leads those who supported a process approach to


writing. However, teachers have to pay attention to the various stages of any part of
writing process.
The writing approaches, including a process approach, are useful to get the
purposes of study in writing skill; they are enabling the students to understand the
materials and helping them to express their ideas grammatically in English. In
addition, Nunan (1989) says that a process approach in writing sees the act of
composition from a different perspective, or focusing as much on it. The process
approach can develop by the practice routinely in the effective activity also can help
the students’ writing skill.
A writing process is done through some stages. On each stage, students
engage in a certain activity to construct their writing. Furthermore, Richard and
Renandya (2002) state that the process of writing consists of planning, drafting,
revising and editing. On the planning step, the students are encouraged to write. The
drafting step is focusing on the fluency of writing and is not preoccupied with
grammatical accuracy or the neatness of the draft. Next, on the revising step, the
students re-write their text on the basis of feedback given in a responding step. The
students, on the editing step, are engaged in tidying up their texts as they prepare the
final draft for evaluation by the teachers.
According to the theories above, the teaching of writing skill should be well
constructed. Those types of writing activities that will be applied in teaching writing


are based on the students’ level and capacity. Also, the writing practices, including
writing paragraphs or simple essays should be based on the standards of competence
and the basic competencies. Those efforts above should be done well to help the
student teachers in teaching writing activity.
Learning Media
Learning media is important components in the teaching and learning process.
Djamarah and Zain (2006) argue that learning media is defined as a learning source
that is used to help teachers to develop students’ knowledge. They state that the
teachers can explain the materials using the learning media in a more concrete way. It
is important for student-teachers to know functions of learning media in the language
learning process. This attempt will help the student-teachers to select relevant and
effective media that can be used to teach writing. Erdmenger (1997) states that the
functions of media that are used in a teaching process, including teaching writing
include: arousing the students’ motivation, transmitting information, directing the
students by giving clues of the materials which are taught, and controlling the
objectives of the study by helping the students to focus on the materials which are
Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell (2008) classified learning media in six basic
categories. The first category is text. Text is alphanumeric characters that may be
displayed in any format, for example: book, poster and so on. The second is audio,


included anything that can be heard and it may be live or recorded, for example:
teacher’s voices, music and mechanical sounds. The third visuals are regularly used
to promote learning, for example: cartoons and photographs. The fourth category is
an audiovisual / video, shows motion, for example: movies, DVDs and computer
animation. The fifth is Manipulatives. Manipulatives are three dimensional and can
be touched and handled by students. The sixth is people, for example: teachers, and
students. All kinds of media can be utilized, if the media are relevant to the materials
and effective to support the teaching of writing skill.
Picture as the Learning Media in Teaching Writing
Based on the classification of the learning media, pictures classified as the
visual learning media. The influence of using a picture is shown by the student
enjoyment during studying in the pictorial text. Pictures or visual can arouse student’s
emotion and attention. The picture can be eased achievement for understanding and
remembering information in the pictures. Raimes (1983) argued that picture shared
experience for students in the class, a common base that leads to a variety of language
activities. The picture brings the outside world into the classroom in an intense
concrete way. Student are interested to look at the pictures, their use in the teaching
writing provides stimulating focus for the students’ attention. Raimes also states the
picture is a valuable resource as it provides:
a. A shared experience in the classroom
b. A need for common language form to use in the classroom


c. A variety of tasks
d. A focus of interest for student.
Related to Onasanya (2004) states that most of pictures in learning media
offer teachers considerable opportunities to make their teaching more effective and
efficient. Also, she argues that the effectiveness in the context implies how well
educational goals and objectives are achieved, while the efficiency refers to how
instructional media are utilized to achieve teaching goals and objectives. Therefore,
the teachers need to consider appropriate pictures media in order to stimulate students
to explore their ideas to help them in their writing process and make the students
understand the learning materials given by the teacher effectively.
In choosing of the appropriate pictures, student-teachers have to consider
some aspects. Morgan and Bowen (1994) as cited by Ariningsih (2010) recommend
some considerations that must be emphasized in selecting a picture:
Appeal. The content of the pictures should capture the interest and
imagination of the class members. The pictures represented the student need and their
characteristic. The students have two more motivate to join in a learning activity.
Relevance. The picture should be appropriate for the purpose of the lesson.
However fascinating the picture might be for the students, it is of no use to the
teacher in that particular lesson if it does not contribute directly to the aim of the


Recognition. The significant features of the pictures should be within the
students’ knowledge and cultural understanding. Teacher selected the student pictures
based on the student environment, learning culture and student learning level. When
the teacher used the unfamiliar picture in the teaching process, it will make the
student confuse and misunderstanding cannot avoid. It is because different areas have
different culture and habit. So the picture selection must be considered of the student
environment and culture.
Size. A picture to be held up before the class should be large enough to be
seen clearly by all students. The detail of the picture should be visible from the back
of the room. Student teachers adapt the picture use with the classroom layout.
Clarity. A crowded picture can confuse and distract. The student should be
able to see the relevant details clearly. Strong outlines and contrast in tone and color
are important in avoiding ambiguity.
In addition, Wright (1983) considers that there are five criteria for selecting
the pictures, they are easy to prepare, easy to organize, interesting, meaningful and
authentic, sufficient and amount of language. Any teachers either teachers of
advanced adult students or teacher of exam classes, or teachers of beginners can
apply these five criteria.
The Problem of Using Picture in Teaching Writing


Although the teaching writing activity has been supported by the use of
pictures, there are any some problems occur during learning activities. The problems
can be disturbing the teaching writing process. It is can cause the ineffective students’
learning achievement. The student cannot develop and increase their writing skill.
The problems that occur in teaching writing using picture, such as:
The use of picture prompts in teaching writing should be appropriate with the
student material and the environment. Not the entire picture suit with the student
needs. The picture must be relevant to the purpose of the learning activity. According
to Morgan and Bowen (1994) in Ariningsih (2010) argued that pictures should be
appropriate for the purpose of the lesson. However fascinating the picture might be
for the students, it is of no use to the teacher in that particular lesson if it does not
contribute directly to the aim of the learning activity.
Review of Related Studies
Arslan and Nalinci (2014) conducted the research entitled “Development of
Visual Literacy Levels Scale in Higher Education”. The purpose of the research is to
develop a new, valid and reliable Visual Literacy Scale that will measure the visual
literacy levels and skills of university students. This research used a descriptive
quality. The research was conducted in the fall semester of the 2012-2013 academic
years. The respondents of this research were the student of Faculty of Education at
Amasya University. The sample of this research is 414 students, 254 women and 160


men. This study used questionnaire as the research instrument. The finding of this
study showed that the students have the highest visual literacy level and skills. The
other finding is grouped some factor that uses in measure students visual literacy
skill. These factors follow as: Identification of the need for visual, Finding and
accessing visual sources, Analyzing and interpreting the visuals, Evaluation of visuals
and visual sources, Effective usage of visuals and visual media, Designing and
creating visuals and Taking ethical and legal issues into consideration.
Another research with the title “The Effectiveness of Using Picture Series to
Improve the Students’ Writing Skill Viewed from Their Learning Motivation” is
conducted by Ariningsih (2010). The purpose of this study is to find out the
comparing the effective of picture series and translation technique and the interaction
between teaching techniques and motivation in teaching writing for the seventh grade
students of SMPN 1 Tanjunganom in the academic year 2008/2009. The research
used quantitative approach and cluster random sampling technique. The participant of
the research is seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Tanjunganom Nganjuk in the
academic year 2008/2009. The seventh grade consists of 12classes and 36 students
for each class. So the total numbers of the whole students are 432 students. The total
number of Ariningsihdivides the sample into 2 groups, the first group for
experimental class and the second group for control class. The total number of
samples is 36 students for each group. So, the total number of the student is 72
students. This research used test and questionnaire as the test instrument. The finding


of this research is showed that is more effective than using the translation technique.
The other findings found that there is an interaction between teaching techniques and
learning motivation. The picture series technique is effective for the students having
high motivation and translation technique is effective for the students having low
This research is different from the previous researches on the term and the
participant. The terms in this research did not use the specific type of pictures. So,
there is no special type of pictures that the research uses in this research. This
research focuses on the use of pictures in teaching writing. However, the researcher is
not using students at school as the participants. In this case, the researcher uses the
student-teachers of English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta who serve the internship program. The reason why the researcher did not
use teachers or students at the school as the participant is because the researcher
wants to investigate the different concept than the other researchers. The researcher
wants to investigate about the student-teachers’ perception on the use of pictures in
teaching writing activity.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework discusses the related theories which are
summarized and synthesized from the theoretical discussion. In teaching and learning
English there are four skills that should mastered by language learners’ namely


speaking, listening, reading and writing skill. Those skills have to teach by student
teacher of English Education Department during the internship program. On of
language difficult skill that student teacher should teach is writing skill. Teaching
writing is how the student teacher helps the student to express their idea though the
writing activity. However, student teachers find some obstacle in teaching writing
such as the low motivation of the student, the student language proficiency; develop
the writing idea and the lack of using learning media.
From those problems there are some ways that can help student teachers to
solve the problems. However, the researcher only focuses on the using picture as a
way to help student teachers in teaching writing in the internship program. Teaching
writing is the way to teach the writing skill to the student by using some strategies.
Pictures as the one of teaching writing strategy are valuable to help the student
teacher in the writing classroom activity. When the student-teachers use the pictures,
there is some advantage will get, such as explore the strategies in a picture prompt,
develop the student writing idea, and increase the student motivation in writing
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework


Teaching Writing

The Use of Pictures

Develop Writing Idea

Finding the Appropriate Pictures
Managing the classroom activity


Chapter Three
This chapter discusses the method used by researcher in examining the
English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Students’
Perception on the Use of Pictures in Teaching Writing in Internship Program. It
consists of research design, research setting, research participant, data collection
method, and data analysis. In this chapter, some references that support the research
methodology are also included.
Research Design
The purpose of this research is to find out the English Education Department
of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta students’ perception on the use of
pictures in teaching writing in internship program and the problem faced by the
students of English Education Department in the implementation of the pictures in
teaching writing. Based on the purpose, this research used the qualitative research.
According to Creswell (2009) qualitative research is a means for exploring and
understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human
problem. According to Mack, Woodsong, M. Macqueen, Guest, and Namey (2005),
qualitative research is a type of scientific research that systematically uses a
predefined set of procedures to answer the question.


In addition, this research used descriptive qualitative because the finding of
the data is on descriptive form that describe data into words. According to Lambert
and Lambert (2012) descriptive qualitative approach is need to be design of the
choice when a straight forward description of a phenomenon is desired. The objective
of the descriptive qualitative is comprehensive summarization, in everyday term, of
specific events experienced by individual or group of individual.
Research setting
This researcher conducted this research at the English Education Department
of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. There were two reasons to choose
English Education Department as the setting of the study. First, it is because the
English Education Department has an internship program for their students. Students
of English Education Department have to finish the internship program starting from
semester 1 to semester 6. Students who have taken internship program in the semester
1 and 2 are replaced on the elementary school. The students in semester 3 and 4 are
replaced in junior high school. The internship program for semester 5 and six is
replaced in senior high school. In this case, the researcher focused on the students
batch 2011 who have passed the internship program. The second reason is the
accessibility. The researcher is the student of English Education Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta made the researcher has easy access to
obtain data.


In this research the researcher started to collect data in the first April 2016.
Fortunately, although almost the students batch 2011 already graduate from
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, the researcher can collect some students to
be the participant. The data collection was finished in the end of April 2016.
Research Participant
The participants in this research were three students of English Education
Department batch 2011 who have finished the internship program. This research is
used the purposive sampling. Purposive sample as its name suggests has been chosen
for a specific purpose (Cohen et al, 2011). The participants have to have some
characteristic; they used the pictures as the learning media for writing activity and did
the internship program. The participants have to use pictures as the teaching writing
strategy. So the researcher gets the participant are required based on the judgment of
the particular characteristic.
Data Collection Method
Data collection method, which is used, is interviewing some participant as the
representative of the student English Education Department batch 2011. The
researcher did an in-depth interview some student teacher to collect the data.
According to Cohen et al (2011) in-depth interview, as its name suggests, is
conducted to explore issues, personal biographies, and what is meaningful to, or
valued by, participants, how they feel about particular issues, how they look at


particular issues, their attitudes, opinions and emotions. The interview was used to
know the implementation of the pictures in teaching writing and the problem that
they faced. The researcher interviewed the students batch 2011 who have passed the
internship program. The researcher conducted the interview based on the interview
guideline, thus the researcher would focus on the interview.
The interview was conducted using Indonesian language to avoid
misunderstanding and miscommunication between the participants and the researcher.
The researcher explained the tittle and the purpose of the research to give
understanding about the topic of the research. The researcher obtained important
information by using the tape-recording.
Data Analysis
In analyzing the data related to The English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Students’ Perception on the Use of Pictures in Teaching
Writing in Internship Program, the researcher was conducting several steps in data
analysis. Get the data from the recording of the interview process. The recording is
processed in some steps. The steps are transcription, member checking, and coding.
Transcription. Transcription is the process of converting audio tape
recordings or field notes into text data (Creswell, 2012). The process of the
transcription has described the recording to writing the text. The researcher repeated


the interview recording and wrote down the interview conversation in the text record.
All of the recording data is written in the text without exception.
Member checking. The next step is member checking. According to Creswell
(2012), member checking is a process in which the researcher asks one or more
participants in the research to check the accuracy of the account. The purpose of the
member checking is concluded the validity of the research findings. After the
researcher transcribed the interview into the text, the researcher also showed the
transcription to the participants to make sure whether those data were valid or not and
whether there was manipulated data or not. The result of the member checking is
given the accuracy and validity of the data. When the participants agreed with the
transcription, the transcription data is valid to use in the research and continued to the
coding steps.
Coding. Coding is the process of segmenting and labeling text to form
descriptions and broad themes in the data (Creswell, 2012). In the line with Creswell,
Cohen et al., (2011) explain coding is the transcription of a category label to a piece
of data that is decided in advance or in response to the data that have been collected.
Although there are no set guidelines for coding data, some general procedures exist.
The researcher is conducted three steps of coding to measure the result of the data.
There are three steps in coding. It consists of open coding, axial coding and selective


Open coding. Open coding was the first step to describe and categorize the
result of the interview into the piece of text. Cohen, (2011) explained that in the open
coding the researcher goes through the text with code (label) that describe that text.
The data grouped on codes into some categories. Open coding is usually from the
general information, and it is the smallest part. In this step, the researcher is
determined the focus of what want to be obtained from the results of the interviews
have been done. The result of open coding is the researcher’s opinion based on the
participants’ personal information for the purpose of summing up the results of the
interview and find the core of the interview.
Axial coding. The next step was axial coding. Axial coding as suggested by
Cohen et al., (2011) is the process of categorization label to a group of open codes
whose referents are similar in meaning. In this step, the researcher summarized the
data from open coding. In this step of coding, the researcher used the different
concept and categories which form the basic unit of analysis. Axial coding was
working in one category, making a correlation between a subgroup of categories and
between one category and the other categories.
Selective coding. The last was selective coding. Selective coding is the
process of identifying the core categories of the text data, integrating them to form a
theory. Agreeing to Cohen et al., (2011), selective coding is identifying the core
categories of text data and then integrating them to form a theory. Selective coding
has a bigger step of concept than axial coding. It is the process which related the


finding and the theories based on the categories in the axial coding. The data from the
axial coding is grouped in the base category. All of the information that is contained
in the axial coding combined into one sentence. This is done because there is a
similarity of answers or distinction answers. In selective coding, the researcher is
combined existing concepts into the one sentence that is concise and easy to


Chapter Four
Finding and Discussion
This chapter presents the findings of the study about the students-teachers’
perception on using pictures in teaching writing in internship program at English
Education Department of UMY. The finding of the interview is explained in this
section. In the finding, the data are correlated with some theories and research
questions by researching. It was supported by quotations from the interviewers,
followed by discussion and supported by some theories related to the study. This part
is divided into two topics. The first is about the student-teachers’ perception on using
pictures in internship program at English Education Department of UMY. The
second is about the student-teachers’ teaching writing problems in implementing the
pictures prompt in internship program at English Education Department of UMY.
Student Teachers’ Perception on Using Pictures in Teaching Writing
In this section, the researcher has found some findings based on the first
research question about the student teachers’ perception in implementing pictures in
teaching writing. The researcher took three participants from students batch 2011.
The findings were based on the interviews that have been done by the researcher. The
researcher found some findings with student teachers’ perception of using pictures to
teach writing. Based on the interview data, the participant is considered the pictures
strategy, giving some benefit in teaching writing.


Finding 1: pictures make the teaching writing activity effective and
Based on the interview result, there are two participants agreed that the use of
pictures is effective. The first participant, Jasmine said that she used the pictures
because they are easy to use in the class. She said: “I often use the pictures. It is
because I should not bring many things, like when using video. We have to bring
laptop, audio-speaker and projector. It makes difficult to bring many things. If I use
the pictures, I just bring some example of the pictures and I can use them
continuously” (P1.04).
The second participant name Clara that she also used the pictures in her class,
as she said: “I often use the pictures in teaching writing. It is because more effective
to use in the class. It is easy to explain to the students and applicable to use in the
class” (P2.04).
Moreover, Clara gives the other statement to choose the pictures based on the
students’ environment. She stated: “I can choose the pictures that are appropriate to
the students’ environment. For example, I teach in Jogja. There are many tourism
places, like Malioboro, Parangtritis, or Alun-alun Kidul. So, the students are familiar
with those places. It is easy to give the explanation and description about the tourism
place’s information” (P2.10). This condition avoids the inappropriate pictures use in
teaching writing. The pictures have to consider the students’ knowledge and


environment. The third participant has his own condition to choose the pictures in
teaching writing. Roihan said: “I choose appropriate pictures with the students’ age
and interesting pictures to make them easy to understand” (P3.14).
The statements above indicate that the use of pictures in the teaching writing
process makes the learning activity more effective and efficient. The participants feel
that the pictures did not need a lot of preparation in the class and it make simple to
make. Besides, the participant is easy to deliver the material use the pictures. This
statement supported by Onasanya (2004) stated that most of pictures in learning
media offer teachers considerable opp

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