Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:A:Atherosclerosis:Vol152.Issue2.Oct2000:


Alcohol consumption and its relation to lipid-based cardiovascular

risk factors among middle-aged women: the role of HDL



Pekka Sillanaukee


*, Timo Koivula


, Hannu Jokela


, Timo Pitka¨ja¨rvi



Kaija Seppa¨


aDepartments of Clinical Chemistry and Psychiatry,Uni6ersity of Tampere,Medical School and Tampere Uni6ersity Hospital,Tampere,Finland bPharmacia & Upjohn Diagnostics AB,Alcohol Related Diseases,Uppsala,Sweden

cDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience,Karolinska Institute,Stockholm,Sweden dTampere City Health Center,Tampere,Finland

Received 12 May 1999; received in revised form 8 November 1999; accepted 16 December 1999


To study the association of alcohol consumption and lipid-based cardiovascular risk factors among middle-age women, cross-sectional analysis among 274 middle-aged healthy women with different drinking habits and a follow-up analysis of alcoholic women during abstinence was performed. Serum total cholesterol, low and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL and HDL cholesterol), triglycerides (TG), apolipoproteins A1 (Apo A1) and B (Apo B), and HDL-cholesterol subfractions 2 (HDL2) and 3 (HDL3) were measured. All lipid values except LDL cholesterol positively correlated with self-reported alcohol

consumption. When alcoholics were excluded the correlation was significant only for HDL cholesterol, HDL3, and Apo A1. The

increasing trend of HDL cholesterol, HDL3and Apo A1 were clearly seen first in women consuming \20 – 40 g/day of absolute

alcohol. Alcohol consumption \40 g/day increased all lipid values except LDL cholesterol. Abstinence for 2 weeks caused a significant decrease in HDL3 cholesterol, and an increase in LDL cholesterol and Apo B. The results indicate that among

middle-aged women the Apo A1 and HDL cholesterol via its HDL3but not HDL2subfraction might play a role in the beneficial

coronary consequences associated with moderate alcohol consumption. However, the increasing beneficial trend first appears when daily drinking exceeds 20 g/day. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Alcohol consumption; Apo A1; Apo B; Cardiovascular risk; Cholesterol; HDL3cholesterol; HDL2cholesterol

1. Introduction

Epidemiological studies have shown a negative asso-ciation between alcohol consumption and the risk of developing coronary artery disease (CAD) [1 – 4]. Over a broad range of alcohol consumption the relationship to all-cause mortality seems to be J-shaped [5 – 7]. This issue is not only due to individuals at high risk becom-ing nondrinkers [8,9] but because studies have sug-gested a beneficial association between moderate alcohol consumption and atherosclerosis progression

and incidence events [10 – 13]. Furthermore, it has been shown that alcohol consumption may protect against severe coronary atherosclerosis [14]. Excessive alcohol use, however, has obvious detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system [12,13,15,16].

The mechanism through which alcohol might exert its protective effect remains unclear. Population studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption usually does not change proatherogenic low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels but high consumption may even decrease the level [17]. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) choles-terol, however, unlike other lipids show a dose-depen-dent relationship to alcohol intake [18 – 20]. Because HDL cholesterol is thought to play an important role in preventing atherosclerosis [21 – 23], the main

hypoth-* Corresponding author. Present address: Oy Finnish Immunotech-nology Ltd., Lenkkeilija¨nkatu 8, 33 520 Tampere, Finland. Tel. +358-3-31387000; fax+358-3-31387050.

E-mail (P. Sillanaukee).

0021-9150/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0021-9150(00)00369-5


esis has been that alcohol protects via increasing HDL cholesterol [23].

Total HDL cholesterol offers useful but incomplete information about HDL’s clinical significance [24]. Subfraction quantitation may not only provide data of the degree of risk of coronary artery disease, but may also yield new information about the mecha-nisms for the apparent antiatherogenic effects of HDL. Initially only HDL2 was considered protective

against CAD [25,26], but several studies show that both, HDL2 and HDL3, may be inversely related to

coronary artery disease [25 – 28].

The effect of alcohol consumption on HDL sub-fractions among males is not clear. Some studies show the effect of alcohol on HDL3 [29,30] and some

also on HDL2 [31,32]. It has also been hypothesized

that heavy drinking preferentially increases HDL2 and

moderate drinking augments HDL3 [33]. Results also

show that Apo A1 levels rise with alcohol consump-tion [34] and that they may protect against atherosclerosis even better than HDL cholesterol does [35].

Little is known about alcohol consumption and its relation to lipid-based cardiovascular risk factors among women. In large cohorts of women, HDL cholesterol is the lipoprotein most strongly associated with CAD [36,37]. However, women answering sur-veys are particularly likely to underestimate their al-cohol intake [38], and few studies have included either alcoholics or methods for measuring alcohol use that are adequate for obtaining reliable data. The present population based cross sectional study focuses on lipid values among women, employs a detailed history of alcohol use and includes also women with high alcohol consumption. The effect of 2 weeks cessation of alcohol consumption on lipids was studied, too.

2. Subjects and methods

The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committees of Tampere University Hospital, the A-Clinic Foundation, and the Tampere Health Center. The study was performed according to the Helsinki Declaration on human experimentation. The sample size was powerful enough to give significance (PB 0.05) if the difference in HDL cholesterol was 0.2 mmol/l.

2.1. Subjects

The study was based on 274 consecutive representa-tive non-menopausal women participating in a volun-tary health screening aimed at all women in the population between 40 and 45 years (n=3116). The participation rate was 84.5%. Experienced nurses

recorded the alcohol consumption by asking the type and amount of alcohol drunk during the average week. The alcohol amounts were calculated from the self-reported number of standard drinks (14 g), equat-ing one bottle of beer (33 cl), one glass of red or white wine (12 cl), one small glass of strong wine (8 cl) or one shot (4 cl) of spirits. The women also filled in two structured alcohol questionnaires: the Malmo¨ Modified Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (Mm-MAST) [39] and the CAGE [40]. According to the results the women were divided in three groups [41]. 2.1.1. Moderate drinkers

Moderate drinkers (n=139) if they had less than two positive answers in the CAGE, less than four positive answers in the Mm-MAST, and a self-re-ported weekly consumption of less than 140 g abso-lute alcohol during last 2 months. Thus, this group included also light drinkers and abstainers. Two women in the social drinker group had diabetes but no other chronic diseases were found in this group. 2.1.2. Hea6y drinkers

Heavy drinkers (n=62), if they had at least two positive answers in the CAGE, or at least four posi-tive answers in the Mm-MAST or their self-reported weekly alcohol consumption was at least 140 g of absolute alcohol. No alcoholics were found to be in-cluded in the heavy drinker group.

2.1.3. Alcoholics

Alcoholics (n=73) were consecutive, actively drink-ing women who were admitted for treatment at the detoxification clinic of A-Clinic Foundation in Tam-pere. All had a well-documented history of chronic alcoholism. None of them had previous history of liver disease or showed clinical signs of liver diseases or other organic complications of alcohol abuse at the time of the interview. None of them had diabetes. The effect of abstinence on lipid values of 12 female alcoholics was analyzed after 1 and 2 weeks without drinking.

The characteristics of the women in the different groups are presented in Table 1. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight/height2. Information

about regular medication was recorded. Women were classified as smokers if they regularly smoked at least five cigarettes per day. The lipid values of the heavy drinking women who smoked (n=29) and those who did not (n=33) were compared. These groups did not differ in self-reported alcohol consumption (178 vs. 146 g/week, P\0.05). No statistically significant differences between the groups were found regarding the mean values for total cholesterol, HDL choles-terol, HDL2, and HDL3.


2.2. Analysis

The sera were obtained after a 12-h fast. Serum total cholesterol levels were measured by the enzymatic method [42]. The total concentration of HDL choles-terol and the cholescholes-terol subfractions were measured by the dextran sulfate method [43] as previously described [44].

The precipitation reagent for total HDL cholesterol contained 10 g/l Dextralipid 50 (Sochibo, Boulogne, France) and 101.6 g/l MgCl2– 6H2O and for HDL319.1

g/l Dextralipid 50 and 397.4 g/l MgCl2– 6H2O. Then

250 ml serum was added to 25 ml of the appropriate reagent and after a 15-min incubation at ambient tem-perature, supernatants were separated by centrifugation for 20 min at 12 000×g (Heraeus Biofuge 15, os-terodeamtlarz, Germany). The HDL cholesterol con-tents of the supernatants were analyzed enzymatically on a Monarch 2000 Analyzer (Instrumentation Labora-tory, Lexington, USA) using Chod-Pap cholesterol reagents (Cat No 237574); Boehringer Mannheim, Ger-many), and a primary cholesterol standard (Cat No 530, Orion, Espoo, Finland). The HDL2 subfraction

was calculated by subtraction of HDL3 from total

HDL. Triglyceride levels were measured by the enzy-matic, kinetic method. Apo A1 and B levels were determined immunoturbidimetrically [45]. Serum LDL levels were calculated as (cholesterol – HDL choles-terol – 0.45×triglycerides) [46]. None of the women had triglyceride values \4.0 mmol/l and thus none of them were excluded from this calculation. The percentages of HDL2 and HDL3of total cholesterol and HDL

choles-terol were calculated, and the values were compared between the groups.

2.3. Statistical methods

BMDP software programs were used in the statistical analyses of the material [47]. The correlations of

self-re-ported alcohol consumption and lipid values were stud-ied using bivariate plots for linear regression. The lipid values were compared between the groups, by using analyses of variance. When variances were different, the Welch approximation was used. To compare the results with earlier studies, the women were divided also into five groups according to self-reported alcohol consump-tion. In both cases the lipid values that were signifi-cantly different using PANOVA were also compared

using pairwise t-test between the groups; separate, when the variances between the groups differed and pooled when they did not differ. Nonnumeric parame-ters between the groups were compared using cross-tabulations.

3. Results

Among 274 women all lipid values except LDL cholesterol significantly correlated with self-reported al-cohol consumption (Table 2). When alal-coholics were excluded, only Apo A1, HDL cholesterol and HDL3

cholesterol correlated significantly with the self-re-ported alcohol consumption (Table 2). A strong signifi-cant positive correlation was found also between Apo A1 and HDL2 (r=0.62, PB0.001) and Apo A1 and

HDL3 (r=0.71, PB0.001).

Lipid values were compared between different groups based on self-report and results from two question-naires (Table 3). PANOVA was significant for total

cholesterol, HDL3 cholesterol, triglycerides, Apo AI

and Apo B. Differences in lipid values using t-tests were found between the moderated drinkers and the alcoholics and between heavy drinkers and alcoholics. No differences were found between the groups in the percentage of abnormally low HDL cholesterol/total cholesterol (B0.20), ApoA1 (B0.86 g/l), HDL3

cholesterol (B0.8 mmol/l), and HDL2 cholesterol (B

0.3 mmol/l).

Table 1

Characteristics of the women divided into different groups according to the self-reported alcohol consumption and the results from structured alcohol questionnaires

Moderate drinkers (n=139) Heavy drinkers (n=62) Alcoholics (n=73) PANOVAa

Alcohol consumption (g/week) 39.0 160.6 934.3 B0.001


42.4 B0.001

Age (years) 42.3

24.3 25.3

BMIb(kg/m2) 23.5 0.062

Smokers (%) 33.3 46.8 85.0 B0.001


Anxiolytes (%) 1 33 B0.001

Gonadal hormones (%) 6 6 1 \0.05

12 16

Other medication (%) 16 \0.05

aANOVA, analysisis of variance. bBMI, body mass index.


Table 2

Correlations between the self-reported alcohol consumption and dif-ferent lipid measures among women

Serum lipids All women All except alcoholics (n=201)



r P P


Cholesterol B0.001 0.008 0.906

0.018 0.166

0.206 B0.001 HDL



HDL2 0.107 B0.001 0.209


HDL3 0.284 B0.001 0.227 B0.001


0.272 LDL-cholester 0.060 NS −0.077


0.392 B0.001 0.032 0.647 Triglycerides

0.353 B0.001

Apo A1 0.289 B0.001

Apo B 0.240 B0.001 −0.005 0.946

\40 g/day (PB0.01,P-value not shown in table) and those drinking 0 – 10 g/day.

The relative changes of total HDL cholesterol, its density based subtractions and apolipoprotein A1 in the group drinking \10 – 20 g/day (compared to those drinking 0 – 10 g/day) indicate constant increasing trend for HDL3 but significant reduction of HDL2 resulting

in decreasing or plateau trend in total HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1 (Fig. 1). In-groups with higher consumption the trend for both HDL subfractions was increasing, resulting in increase in total HDL choles-terol and apolipoprotein A1.

Because Apo A1, HDL cholesterol and HDL3

sub-fraction correlated significantly with self-reported alco-hol consumption even when the alcoalco-holics were excluded, we studied these values further. The mean HDL cholesterol value among alcoholics was 0.17 mmol/l higher than among moderated drinkers (95% confidence interval from 0.02 to 0.32 mmol/l), and Apo A1 values 0.19 mmol/l higher (95% confidence interval from 0.12 to 0.26 mmol/l). HDL3 cholesterol values

were 0.11 mmol/l higher among alcoholics than in moderated drinkers (95% confidence interval from 0.05 to 0.17 mmol/l). The concentrations of HDL choles-terol, HDL3 cholesterol, and Apo A1 in alcoholic

women were 12% (PB0.05), 11% (PB0.001), and 13% (PB0.001) higher than in the moderated drinkers, respectively.

Among the 12 alcoholic females who were followed for 2 weeks during abstinence, HDL3 cholesterol

de-creased (P=0.004), whereas LDL cholesterol (P= 0.02), and Apo B (P=0.02) significantly increased. To further confirm the above findings, we studied

lipid values based only on the self-reported alcohol consumption (Table 4). Here PANOVA was significant

concerning total HDL, Apo A1, HDL3 cholesterol,

HDL2, HDL2/total cholesterol, HDL3/total cholesterol,

HDL2/HDL cholesterol, and HDL3/HDL cholesterol.

An increasing trend of HDL cholesterol (PB0.05, P -value not shown in table), HDL3/cholesterol and Apo

A1 (PB0.05,P-value not shown in table) was first seen among those women drinking \20 – 40 g/day as com-pared to those drinking \10 – 20 g/day. HDL2

choles-terol values were significantly lower among those drinking \10 – 20 g/day as compared to those drinking

Table 3

Lipid values (mean9SD) of the women divided into different groups according to the self-reported alcohol consumption and the results from two structured alcohol questionnairesa

Moderate drinkers (n=139) Heavy drinkers (n=62) Alcoholics (n=73) P

A B C 1/2/3/4


Chol 5.1090.95 5.8092.18 &/c/0.983/&

1.5590.35 1.5790.45 1.7290.58 0.089


0.5690.26 0.5490.31

HDL2 0.6190.46 0.610

HDL3 1.0090.16 1.0290.19 1.1190.24 &/c/0.375/*

0.3190.12 0.3190.09


HDL/Chol 0.959

HDL2/Chol 0.1190.05 0.1190.06 0.1190.08 0.939

HDL3/Chol 0.2090.04 0.2190.05 0.2190.06 0.615

HDL2/HDL 0.3490.10 0.3290.11 0.3290.13 0.384

0.6690.10 0.6890.11

HDL3/HDL 0.6890.14 0.399

3.1090.80 3.1090.88

LDL 3.3092.15 0.730

1.0090.51 1.0090.47

Tg 1.7090.93 c/c/0.541/c

ApoA1 1.4090.18 1.5090.23 1.6090.30 c/c/0.070/& ApoB 0.7090.18 0.7090.18 0.9090.32 &/c/0.496/&


1 (ANOVA),P2(C vs. A),P3 (B vs. A),P4(C vs. B). Chol, Cholesterol; LDL, LDL-cholesterol; Tg, Triglycerides. *PB0.05, &PB0.01, c


Table 4

Lipid values (mean9SD) of the women divided into different groups (A–E) based on self-reported alcohol consumptiona

Lipid values Alcohol consumption per day (g) P(n=76)

\10–20 (n=49) \20–40 (n=33) \40 1/2/3/4 0–10 (n=106)



5.1090.95 5.0090.91

Chol 5.1090.86 5.7092.11 &/&/0.612/0.764

HDL 1.5490.34 1.4790.41 1.6590.42 1.7490.58 &/c/0.158/0.268 0.4690.23 0.5890.31

0.5690.27 0.6390.46

HDL2 */0.256/0.788/*

1.0190.22 1.0790.17

HDL3 0.9890.14 1.1190.24 c/c/&/0.33

0.2990.08 0.3490.08

0.3190.08 0.3290.11

HDL/Chol 0.101


HDL2/Chol 0.0990.04 0.1290.06 0.1190.08 */0.939/0.729/&

0.2090.05 0.2290.04

0.2090.04 0.2190.06

HDL3/Chol */0.117/&/0.254


HDL2/HDL 0.3090.08 0.3390.11 0.3390.13 */0.360/0.441/&

HDL3/HDL 0.6590.10 0.7090.08 0.6790.11 0.6790.13 */0.371/0.451/& 3.1090.84 2.9090.76

3.1890.82 3.3092.08

LDL 0.524


Tg 1.1090.49 1.1090.56 1.6090.92 c/c/0.338/0.166

1.4090.24 1.5090.19 1.6090.30 c/c/&/0.868 Apo A1 1.4090.16

0.7090.18 0.7090.18 0.8090.32 */c/0.643/0.491

Apo B 0.7090.19


1 (PAnova), P2 (D vs. A),P3 (C vs. A), P4 (B vs A). Chol, cholesterol; LDL, LDL-cholesterol; Tg, triglycerides,

cPB0.001; &PB0.01, *PB0.05.

4. Discussion

Our data agree with previous surveys in showing that alcohol consumption is associated with higher concen-trations of total high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [18 – 20]. The favourable effect of alcohol consumption on total HDL is reached only among alcoholic women and women drinking \40 g/day. This finding does not parallel large epidemiological studies: e.g. the Framing-ham study [18], where already a consumption of 4 – 16 g/day increased HDL cholesterol in women by 0.16 mmol/l (6 mg/dl), indicating a decrease in CAD mortal-ity of about 25%. However, the beneficial effects ob-served in the present study would be counteracted by detrimental factors caused by high alcohol consumption [48].

The present study gave indication that the alcohol induced increase in total HDL cholesterol and apolipo-protein A1 is based on HDL3 cholesterol and that the

association seems to be linear (Table 4 and Fig. 1). HDL2 was increased just after high alcohol

consump-tion levels and in fact it was reduced significantly among moderate drinking women (\10 – 20 g/day) as compared to women with light drinking (0 – 10 g/day) or women drinking more than 20 g/day. The phe-nomenon that moderate alcohol consumption increases only HDL3and excessive consumption both HDL3and

HDL2 cholesterol, noticed in the present, is parallel

with a corresponding study among Finnish men [30]. Apolipoprotein A1 has earlier been shown to be alcohol-induced [49] and has been described to be an even better discriminator of angiographically docu-mented CAD than HDL cholesterol [35]. In the present study, Apo A1 as well as HDL cholesterol and its

HDL3 subfraction correlated significantly with

self-re-ported alcohol consumption among social and heavy drinking women, but not in alcoholics. Overall the level of consumption at which HDL cholesterol, HDL3

sub-fraction, and in Apo A1 first increased was higher in the present study than in earlier epidemiological stud-ies. Possible bias was thus considered. Age, smoking, use of oral hormones and obesity are known to affect lipid values. The social and heavy drinker groups were age-matched, and the alcoholics were significantly younger than the other groups, which alone would have caused lower, not higher, lipid values in the alcoholics. Smoking is known to decrease HDL cholesterol values [50], and alcohol consumption correlates positively to smoking. This may partly explain the fact, that in the present study, where smoking also strongly correlated

Fig. 1. Relative changes (% of the values among women drinking 0 – 10 g/day) on serum HDL3 cholesterol, HDL2 cholesterol, total HDL cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein A1 values among women in four different drinking categories; 0 – 10 g/day (n=116), \10 – 20 g/day (n=49), \20 – 40 g/day (n=33), \40 g/day (n=76). ***


with drinking, the alcohol-induced changes in HDL cholesterol values appeared with higher consumption amounts than in earlier studies. Additionally, no dif-ferences in BMI or in the use of hormones were ob-served between the groups.

The present study did not indicate any beneficial changes in total cholesterol, in LDL cholesterol, in triglycerides or in triglycerides rich apolipoprotein B. In contrast, triglycerides, apo B, and total cholesterol were significantly elevated among women drinking \ 40 g/day as compared to women drinking 0 – 10 g/ day. These results also indicate that although alcohol consumption increases HDL cholesterol, its ratio to total cholesterol (HDL/Chol) does not change among women. The fact that alcohol intake apparently did not change total cholesterol or its ratio to HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol or triglyceride values be-tween those drinking 0 – 10 versus \10 – 20 g/day is in good agreement with an earlier corresponding study among Finnish men [20]. However, beneficial changes in total cholesterol levels (increased HDL/ Chol ratio, and reduced total cholesterol and Apo B) earlier detected among male alcoholics [17,20] were not observed in the present study among female alco-holics, indicating possible gender difference.

It is known that alcohol consumption is underesti-mated, especially among heavily drinking women [38]. In our study well-experienced nurses interviewed all the subjects personally, and in addition, two question-naires were used. Thus, these self-reports are likely to be more reliable than those obtained with less de-manding techniques. Earlier epidemiological studies found that women reporting a consumption of 10 g/ day might, actually drank 20 g/day. On the other hand, some differences in drinking pattern among Finnish women may cause some differences in lipid values when compared to studies made in other coun-tries. For example, daily drinking is rare in Finland; most of the moderate and heavy drinkers only drink during weekends, and there is hitherto little evidence of the consequences of different drinking habits on lipid values.

The main hypothesis for the protective effect of alcohol on CAD, that it is mediated by HDL terol, is based on the hypothesis that reverse choles-terol transport is the principal protective mechanism [51]. However, HDL may have other antiatherogenic properties, such as an antioxidant effect and the abil-ity to reduce LDL uptake by endothelial cells, pre-vent LDL aggregates from forming, counteract the platelet-activating effect of LDL, increase the solubil-ity of cholesterol in bile and promote fibrinolysis [52]. Other suggested mechanisms include changes in in-sulin resistance caused by alcohol [53 – 55], involve-ment of platelet aggregation [56], and finally, an effect not from alcohol at all but from the

antioxi-dant in red wine [57].

In conclusion, the present data support the possi-bility that among moderately drinking women, the al-cohol-induced changes in HDL3 cholesterol and Apo

A1, have a role in the beneficial consequences of al-cohol on CAD. The alal-cohol-caused increase in HDL3

is emphasized by the fact that abstinence decreased this value. Clear positive changes in the level of HDL cholesterol metabolism based risk factors were seen primarily among women when daily drinking exceeds 40 g/day. Thus, taking into account the harm and risk associated with heavy drinking and alcoholism, alcohol cannot be recommended as a means to im-prove lipid values in order to avoid CAD for non-postmenopausal middle-aged women.


Our thanks are due to the nurses of the Tampere Health Center for conducting the interviews, to Anne Kaipoma¨ki, Aira Heine, Arja Mikkelinen and Helena Myllyharju M.Sc. for technical assistance and to Dr Rauno Ma¨kela¨, M.D. for allowing us to examine pa-tients from his clinic. This study was partially sup-ported by the Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies.


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The sera were obtained after a 12-h fast. Serum total

cholesterol levels were measured by the enzymatic

method [42]. The total concentration of HDL

choles-terol and the cholescholes-terol subfractions were measured by

the dextran sulfate method [43] as previously described


The precipitation reagent for total HDL cholesterol

contained 10 g


l Dextralipid 50 (Sochibo, Boulogne,

France) and 101.6 g


l MgCl


– 6H


O and for HDL





l Dextralipid 50 and 397.4 g


l MgCl


– 6H


O. Then



l serum was added to 25


l of the appropriate

reagent and after a 15-min incubation at ambient

tem-perature, supernatants were separated by centrifugation

for 20 min at 12 000



(Heraeus Biofuge 15,

os-terodeamtlarz, Germany). The HDL cholesterol

con-tents of the supernatants were analyzed enzymatically

on a Monarch 2000 Analyzer (Instrumentation

Labora-tory, Lexington, USA) using Chod-Pap cholesterol

reagents (Cat No 237574); Boehringer Mannheim,

Ger-many), and a primary cholesterol standard (Cat No

530, Orion, Espoo, Finland). The HDL



was calculated by subtraction of HDL


from total

HDL. Triglyceride levels were measured by the

enzy-matic, kinetic method. Apo A1 and B levels were

determined immunoturbidimetrically [45]. Serum LDL

levels were calculated as (cholesterol – HDL

choles-terol – 0.45


triglycerides) [46]. None of the women had

triglyceride values


4.0 mmol


l and thus none of them

were excluded from this calculation. The percentages of



and HDL


of total cholesterol and HDL

choles-terol were calculated, and the values were compared

between the groups.





Statistical methods

BMDP software programs were used in the statistical

analyses of the material [47]. The correlations of

self-re-ported alcohol consumption and lipid values were

stud-ied using bivariate plots for linear regression. The lipid

values were compared between the groups, by using

analyses of variance. When variances were different, the

Welch approximation was used. To compare the results

with earlier studies, the women were divided also into

five groups according to self-reported alcohol

consump-tion. In both cases the lipid values that were

signifi-cantly different using



were also compared

using pairwise


-test between the groups; separate,

when the variances between the groups differed and

pooled when they did not differ. Nonnumeric

parame-ters between the groups were compared using


3. Results

Among 274 women all lipid values except LDL

cholesterol significantly correlated with self-reported

al-cohol consumption (Table 2). When alal-coholics were

excluded, only Apo A1, HDL cholesterol and HDL


cholesterol correlated significantly with the

self-re-ported alcohol consumption (Table 2). A strong

signifi-cant positive correlation was found also between Apo

A1 and HDL








0.001) and Apo A1 and










Lipid values were compared between different groups

based on self-report and results from two

question-naires (Table 3).



was significant for total

cholesterol, HDL


cholesterol, triglycerides, Apo AI

and Apo B. Differences in lipid values using



were found between the moderated drinkers and the

alcoholics and between heavy drinkers and alcoholics.

No differences were found between the groups in the

percentage of abnormally low HDL cholesterol



cholesterol (


0.20), ApoA1 (


0.86 g


l), HDL


cholesterol (


0.8 mmol


l), and HDL


cholesterol (


0.3 mmol



Table 1

Characteristics of the women divided into different groups according to the self-reported alcohol consumption and the results from structured alcohol questionnaires

Moderate drinkers (n=139) Heavy drinkers (n=62) Alcoholics (n=73) PANOVAa

Alcohol consumption (g/week) 39.0 160.6 934.3 B0.001


42.4 B0.001

Age (years) 42.3

24.3 25.3

BMIb(kg/m2) 23.5 0.062

Smokers (%) 33.3 46.8 85.0 B0.001


Anxiolytes (%) 1 33 B0.001

Gonadal hormones (%) 6 6 1 \0.05

12 16

Other medication (%) 16 \0.05

aANOVA, analysisis of variance. bBMI, body mass index.


Table 2

Correlations between the self-reported alcohol consumption and dif-ferent lipid measures among women

Serum lipids All women All except alcoholics (n=201)



r P P


Cholesterol B0.001 0.008 0.906

0.018 0.166

0.206 B0.001 HDL



HDL2 0.107 B0.001 0.209


HDL3 0.284 B0.001 0.227 B0.001 cholesterol

0.272 LDL-cholester 0.060 NS −0.077


0.392 B0.001 0.032 0.647 Triglycerides

0.353 B0.001

Apo A1 0.289 B0.001

Apo B 0.240 B0.001 −0.005 0.946


40 g


day (





-value not shown in table) and

those drinking 0 – 10 g



The relative changes of total HDL cholesterol, its

density based subtractions and apolipoprotein A1 in

the group drinking


10 – 20 g


day (compared to those

drinking 0 – 10 g


day) indicate constant increasing trend

for HDL


but significant reduction of HDL



in decreasing or plateau trend in total HDL cholesterol

and apolipoprotein A1 (Fig. 1). In-groups with higher

consumption the trend for both HDL subfractions was

increasing, resulting in increase in total HDL

choles-terol and apolipoprotein A1.

Because Apo A1, HDL cholesterol and HDL


sub-fraction correlated significantly with self-reported

alco-hol consumption even when the alcoalco-holics were

excluded, we studied these values further. The mean

HDL cholesterol value among alcoholics was 0.17



l higher than among moderated drinkers (95%

confidence interval from 0.02 to 0.32 mmol


l), and Apo

A1 values 0.19 mmol


l higher (95% confidence interval

from 0.12 to 0.26 mmol


l). HDL


cholesterol values

were 0.11 mmol


l higher among alcoholics than in

moderated drinkers (95% confidence interval from 0.05

to 0.17 mmol


l). The concentrations of HDL

choles-terol, HDL


cholesterol, and Apo A1 in alcoholic

women were 12% (



0.05), 11% (



0.001), and 13%




0.001) higher than in the moderated drinkers,


Among the 12 alcoholic females who were followed

for 2 weeks during abstinence, HDL



de-creased (



0.004), whereas LDL cholesterol (



0.02), and Apo B (



0.02) significantly increased.

To further confirm the above findings, we studied

lipid values based only on the self-reported alcohol

consumption (Table 4). Here



was significant

concerning total HDL, Apo A1, HDL








total cholesterol, HDL



total cholesterol,




HDL cholesterol, and HDL



HDL cholesterol.

An increasing trend of HDL cholesterol (





-value not shown in table), HDL



cholesterol and Apo

A1 (





-value not shown in table) was first seen

among those women drinking


20 – 40 g


day as

com-pared to those drinking


10 – 20 g


day. HDL


choles-terol values were significantly lower among those



10 – 20 g


day as compared to those drinking

Table 3

Lipid values (mean9SD) of the women divided into different groups according to the self-reported alcohol consumption and the results from two structured alcohol questionnairesa

Moderate drinkers (n=139) Heavy drinkers (n=62) Alcoholics (n=73) P

A B C 1/2/3/4


Chol 5.1090.95 5.8092.18 &/c/0.983/&

1.5590.35 1.5790.45 1.7290.58 0.089


0.5690.26 0.5490.31

HDL2 0.6190.46 0.610

HDL3 1.0090.16 1.0290.19 1.1190.24 &/c/0.375/*

0.3190.12 0.3190.09


HDL/Chol 0.959

HDL2/Chol 0.1190.05 0.1190.06 0.1190.08 0.939

HDL3/Chol 0.2090.04 0.2190.05 0.2190.06 0.615

HDL2/HDL 0.3490.10 0.3290.11 0.3290.13 0.384

0.6690.10 0.6890.11

HDL3/HDL 0.6890.14 0.399

3.1090.80 3.1090.88

LDL 3.3092.15 0.730

1.0090.51 1.0090.47

Tg 1.7090.93 c/c/0.541/c

ApoA1 1.4090.18 1.5090.23 1.6090.30 c/c/0.070/&

ApoB 0.7090.18 0.7090.18 0.9090.32 &/c/0.496/&


1 (ANOVA),P2(C vs. A),P3 (B vs. A),P4(C vs. B). Chol, Cholesterol; LDL, LDL-cholesterol; Tg, Triglycerides. *PB0.05, &PB0.01,



Table 4

Lipid values (mean9SD) of the women divided into different groups (A–E) based on self-reported alcohol consumptiona

Lipid values Alcohol consumption per day (g) P(n=76)

\10–20 (n=49) \20–40 (n=33) \40 1/2/3/4 0–10 (n=106)



5.1090.95 5.0090.91

Chol 5.1090.86 5.7092.11 &/&/0.612/0.764

HDL 1.5490.34 1.4790.41 1.6590.42 1.7490.58 &/c/0.158/0.268 0.4690.23 0.5890.31

0.5690.27 0.6390.46

HDL2 */0.256/0.788/*

1.0190.22 1.0790.17

HDL3 0.9890.14 1.1190.24 c/c/&/0.33

0.2990.08 0.3490.08

0.3190.08 0.3290.11

HDL/Chol 0.101


HDL2/Chol 0.0990.04 0.1290.06 0.1190.08 */0.939/0.729/& 0.2090.05 0.2290.04

0.2090.04 0.2190.06

HDL3/Chol */0.117/&/0.254


HDL2/HDL 0.3090.08 0.3390.11 0.3390.13 */0.360/0.441/& HDL3/HDL 0.6590.10 0.7090.08 0.6790.11 0.6790.13 */0.371/0.451/&

3.1090.84 2.9090.76

3.1890.82 3.3092.08

LDL 0.524


Tg 1.1090.49 1.1090.56 1.6090.92 c/c/0.338/0.166

1.4090.24 1.5090.19 1.6090.30 c/c/&/0.868 Apo A1 1.4090.16

0.7090.18 0.7090.18 0.8090.32 */c/0.643/0.491 Apo B 0.7090.19


1 (PAnova), P2 (D vs. A),P3 (C vs. A), P4 (B vs A). Chol, cholesterol; LDL, LDL-cholesterol; Tg, triglycerides,

cPB0.001; &PB0.01, *PB0.05.

4. Discussion

Our data agree with previous surveys in showing that

alcohol consumption is associated with higher

concen-trations of total high-density lipoprotein cholesterol

[18 – 20]. The favourable effect of alcohol consumption

on total HDL is reached only among alcoholic women

and women drinking


40 g


day. This finding does not

parallel large epidemiological studies: e.g. the

Framing-ham study [18], where already a consumption of 4 – 16



day increased HDL cholesterol in women by 0.16



l (6 mg


dl), indicating a decrease in CAD

mortal-ity of about 25%. However, the beneficial effects

ob-served in the present study would be counteracted by

detrimental factors caused by high alcohol consumption


The present study gave indication that the alcohol

induced increase in total HDL cholesterol and

apolipo-protein A1 is based on HDL


cholesterol and that the

association seems to be linear (Table 4 and Fig. 1).



was increased just after high alcohol

consump-tion levels and in fact it was reduced significantly

among moderate drinking women (


10 – 20 g


day) as

compared to women with light drinking (0 – 10 g



or women drinking more than 20 g


day. The

phe-nomenon that moderate alcohol consumption increases

only HDL


and excessive consumption both HDL





cholesterol, noticed in the present, is parallel

with a corresponding study among Finnish men [30].

Apolipoprotein A1 has earlier been shown to be

alcohol-induced [49] and has been described to be an

even better discriminator of angiographically

docu-mented CAD than HDL cholesterol [35]. In the present

study, Apo A1 as well as HDL cholesterol and its



subfraction correlated significantly with

self-re-ported alcohol consumption among social and heavy

drinking women, but not in alcoholics. Overall the level

of consumption at which HDL cholesterol, HDL


sub-fraction, and in Apo A1 first increased was higher in

the present study than in earlier epidemiological

stud-ies. Possible bias was thus considered. Age, smoking,

use of oral hormones and obesity are known to affect

lipid values. The social and heavy drinker groups were

age-matched, and the alcoholics were significantly

younger than the other groups, which alone would have

caused lower, not higher, lipid values in the alcoholics.

Smoking is known to decrease HDL cholesterol values

[50], and alcohol consumption correlates positively to

smoking. This may partly explain the fact, that in the

present study, where smoking also strongly correlated

Fig. 1. Relative changes (% of the values among women drinking 0 – 10 g/day) on serum HDL3 cholesterol, HDL2 cholesterol, total HDL cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein A1 values among women in four different drinking categories; 0 – 10 g/day (n=116), \10 – 20 g/day (n=49), \20 – 40 g/day (n=33), \40 g/day (n=76). ***


with drinking, the alcohol-induced changes in HDL

cholesterol values appeared with higher consumption

amounts than in earlier studies. Additionally, no

dif-ferences in BMI or in the use of hormones were

ob-served between the groups.

The present study did not indicate any beneficial

changes in total cholesterol, in LDL cholesterol, in

triglycerides or in triglycerides rich apolipoprotein B.

In contrast, triglycerides, apo B, and total cholesterol

were significantly elevated among women drinking


40 g


day as compared to women drinking 0 – 10 g


day. These results also indicate that although alcohol

consumption increases HDL cholesterol, its ratio to

total cholesterol (HDL


Chol) does not change among

women. The fact that alcohol intake apparently did

not change total cholesterol or its ratio to HDL

cholesterol, LDL cholesterol or triglyceride values

be-tween those drinking 0 – 10 versus


10 – 20 g


day is

in good agreement with an earlier corresponding

study among Finnish men [20]. However, beneficial

changes in total cholesterol levels (increased HDL


Chol ratio, and reduced total cholesterol and Apo B)

earlier detected among male alcoholics [17,20] were

not observed in the present study among female

alco-holics, indicating possible gender difference.

It is known that alcohol consumption is

underesti-mated, especially among heavily drinking women [38].

In our study well-experienced nurses interviewed all

the subjects personally, and in addition, two

question-naires were used. Thus, these self-reports are likely to

be more reliable than those obtained with less

de-manding techniques. Earlier epidemiological studies

found that women reporting a consumption of 10 g


day might, actually drank 20 g


day. On the other

hand, some differences in drinking pattern among

Finnish women may cause some differences in lipid

values when compared to studies made in other

coun-tries. For example, daily drinking is rare in Finland;

most of the moderate and heavy drinkers only drink

during weekends, and there is hitherto little evidence

of the consequences of different drinking habits on

lipid values.

The main hypothesis for the protective effect of

alcohol on CAD, that it is mediated by HDL

terol, is based on the hypothesis that reverse

choles-terol transport is the principal protective mechanism

[51]. However, HDL may have other antiatherogenic

properties, such as an antioxidant effect and the

abil-ity to reduce LDL uptake by endothelial cells,

pre-vent LDL aggregates from forming, counteract the

platelet-activating effect of LDL, increase the

solubil-ity of cholesterol in bile and promote fibrinolysis [52].

Other suggested mechanisms include changes in

in-sulin resistance caused by alcohol [53 – 55],

involve-ment of platelet aggregation [56], and finally, an

effect not from alcohol at all but from the

antioxi-dant in red wine [57].

In conclusion, the present data support the

possi-bility that among moderately drinking women, the

al-cohol-induced changes in HDL


cholesterol and Apo

A1, have a role in the beneficial consequences of

al-cohol on CAD. The alal-cohol-caused increase in HDL


is emphasized by the fact that abstinence decreased

this value. Clear positive changes in the level of HDL

cholesterol metabolism based risk factors were seen

primarily among women when daily drinking exceeds

40 g


day. Thus, taking into account the harm and

risk associated with heavy drinking and alcoholism,

alcohol cannot be recommended as a means to

im-prove lipid values in order to avoid CAD for

non-postmenopausal middle-aged women.


Our thanks are due to the nurses of the Tampere

Health Center for conducting the interviews, to Anne

Kaipoma¨ki, Aira Heine, Arja Mikkelinen and Helena

Myllyharju M.Sc. for technical assistance and to Dr

Rauno Ma¨kela¨, M.D. for allowing us to examine

pa-tients from his clinic. This study was partially










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