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  About the Author Through her best selling book INITIATION, Elisabeth Haich is world famous for her profound understanding of the human soul and her ability to assist others on their path of actualization.



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  An autobiography that connects the twentieth century European life of internationally beloved teacher Elisabeth Haich and her lucid memories of initiation into the hidden mystical teachings of the priesthood in ancient Egypt. It reveals her insights into the subtle workings of karma, reincarnation, and spiritual development. Sales Rank: #17729 in Books Model: 1752544 Published on: 2000-07-28 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 7.75" h x 5.25" w x 1.25" l, 1.15 pounds Binding: Paperback 376 pages About the Author Through her best selling book INITIATION, Elisabeth Haich is world famous for her profound understanding of the human soul and her ability to assist others on their path of actualization.

  Most helpful customer reviews 70 of 79 people found the following review helpful. At Once Uplifting and Troubling

  Suddenly, I simply could not suspend my disbelief any longer. I didn't feel I was truly in ancient Egypt listening to ancient Egyptians speak. I'm the first person to believe the ancient Egyptians were, in the very Old Kingdom, privy to spiritual knowledge and powers that petered out in the later dynasties, but this wisdom of theirs was both spiritual and sensual, and the author makes her views on sexuality painfully clear-

  • the only reason for sex is to breed the next generation because one must renounce sex in order to channel its energy into spiritual organs, so to speak, which otherwise cannot develop to their fullest. No ancient Egyptian would have split sexuality and spirituality in such a fashion. Suddenly, I was reading a book written by a 20th century European imagining a life in ancient Egypt. Then I read this highly disturbing paragraph: "When absolutely constant and completely impartial love radiates from you to all creatures, your love will never again be mixed with personal inclinations or antipathies. You will consider everything from the standpoint of the whole,and when the interests of the whole community are at variance with those of individual persons, you will unhesitatingly defend the cause of the group with ruthless disregard for the interests of individuals..." What?! Did Elisabeth Haich and Ayn Rand have tea one day? The quest for "pure" spirituality, the need to rise above material desires, to transcend emotions and passions, is NOT ancient Egyptian or, in my passionate opinion, healthy. God took flesh for a reason, dare I believe to enjoy Itself? Really iffy theories of a superior race breeding with cave men (cosmic eugenics) chauvinist biology and almost fascist, definitely cold-blooded attitudes to "mere" individuals... none of these things belong in a book about spiritual initiation. A book like this is at once fascinating and dangerous because too many ethnocentric perspectives are confusingly mixed in with spiritual truths. Please, read with a grain of salt. 64 of 73 people found the following review helpful.

  Explains every question about god, spirit, life and death. By - Shelly Harrington I just happened to go to a psychic and she told me that my spirit guides told me I should read this book. My spirit guide said that it would explain all the questions I have ever had about god, where I came from, and my past lives. And boy did it ever. The book goes in to great detail about birth, life, death, reincarnation, zodiacs, and so much more. I recommend it to anyone who is confused about god, religion or their spiritual well being. The content of this book will explain everything. I read every word in two days and accepted it as truth, not fiction.


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  Reading a publication Initiation By Elisabeth Haich is type of very easy task to do each time you want. Also reading every time you really want, this task will not disrupt your other tasks; many individuals generally check out the e-books Initiation By Elisabeth Haich when they are having the extra time. Exactly what about you? Exactly what do you do when having the extra time? Do not you spend for worthless points? This is why you require to get guide Initiation By Elisabeth Haich and also aim to have reading habit.

  Reading this book Initiation By Elisabeth Haich will not make you useless. It will give much more advantages.