Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Teachers' and Students' Perceptions Toward Learning English in SD Negeri 1 Baturagung


Rutvita Ayu Luhuringtyas

Teaching English to young learners is very important and useful in the
globalization era. Nowadays, many schools offer English as a school subject
beginning from Elementary Schools. This study aimed to describe teachers’ and
students’ perceptions toward learning English in an Elementary School. A semi
structured interview was used to collect data from four teacher participants and a
close-ended questionnaire was used to collect data from thirty student participants
in an Elementary School in Central Java. A descriptive method was used to
describe the results from the two groups of participants, and it was found that the
teachers had positive perceptions toward learning English in the school. The
students also had positive perceptions, attitudes, and motivation toward learning
English. The results of this study suggest that English learning in Elementary
School should be improved so that students get the benefits from learning English.
Keywords: Teaching English to young learners, learning English, perceptions.

English as an international language is very important to learn in
this globalization era (Wu, 2010). English is used throughout the world and it is
accessible because global information is mostly delivered using English through


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