
The Role of Quality of Teaching and Learning in Influential Moderate
Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE) to the Success of
the Bachelor Education In-Service Teachers Programme (BEITP)
Primary Teacher Educational Program, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga

Problems in this study are: 1) How does the level of success/effectiveness of The Bachelor
Education In-service Teachers Programme (BEITP) through the Open/Distance Learning
graduate scholar? 2) Is the Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE), influence
the success of BEITP? 3) Is the quality of teaching and learning moderated the influential of
RPLE to the success of The BEITP. This study was conducted based on the assessment of the
alumni who had Attended BEITP. The source of data is 32 graduate alumnus of BEITP-ICT
SWCU graduated. Data were collected through a self-rating scale consisting of 32 items that
have been proven valid and reliable; Data analysis used descriptive analysis and multiple
regression models with SPSS for Windows version 20. The level of success of BEITP
through the ODL graduate scholar is in middle category (37.50%), high (34.40 %) and very
high (28.10%). The height of success of The BEITP is not affected by RPLE or the quality of
teaching and learning; quality of teaching and learning become moderator of RPLE influence
through the success of The BEITP therefore, BEITP-ICT should be focuses on lecturer in the

quality teaching and learning process, certainly not out on the support of material and the
lecture tools.
Keywords: Open/Distance Learning, Quality of Teaching and Learning, Recognition of
Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE)
The Bachelor of Education In-service Teachers Programme (BEITP) the lecture
conducted by through the Open/Distance Learning (ODL) is worthy deemed to produce
undergraduate education that equivalent to regular on-campus graduate program. The BEITP
is an accelerated program in increasing teachers' academic qualifications to S-1. In Indonesia
have been conducted by various universities; since 2009 by 55 universities. One effort to
support the acceleration of the increase academic qualifications for teachers in position has
published the National Education Minister Regulation No. 58 Year 2008 on the
implementation of The BEITP. In the regulation states that the college organizers can provide
Work Experience and Learning Outcomes recognition (RPLE) that ever obtained by students
in special way that given to teachers participating in the program at College organizers who
have been assigned by the Minister of National Education Decree No. 015/P/2009 on the
Establishment of Universities Organisers The BEITP.

To increase the academic qualification of primary school teachers through the program
S-1 Primary Teacher Educational Program, using a system Open/Distance Learning or known

by ODL S-1 Primary Teacher ICT-based Educational Program (BEITP-ICT). To determine
and measure the feasibility and success of the program has also been carried out monitoring
and evaluation activities in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. One of the results of the monitoring
and evaluation is the increase in the number of participants is not significant, for 5 years has
resulted in as many as 76 605 people graduate of the program participants as much as 86 454
teachers (MONE Board PSDMPK & PMP Educator Professional Development Center,
2013). So it is naturally if there is a view that doubt recognition of this program in the
completion of an increase in academic qualifications S1.
BEITP program is education providing programs that are specifically reserved for
permanent teachers in positions that do not have S1 degree. The programs offered in
undergraduate education provision allows teachers have greater opportunity without interfere
with the duties and responsibilities (rules no. 58 of 2008), further program is expected to
realize the implementation of the teacher education system that is efficient, effective, and
accountable as well as offering access of wider educational services without sacrificing
quality. Graduation of BEITP program regulated and determined by the College of the
organizer in accordance with the rules/guidelines applicable academic. Students who have
completed this program are entitled to S.Pd degree and diploma degree from College of the
The latest developments, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2012 on the National
Qualifications Framework Indonesia, undergraduate (S1) is categorized as a technician or

analyst positions (not categorized as an expert) who are at level 6. Taking into account the
provisions of the National Qualifications Framework Indonesia (NQFI) proficiency level, it
appears that a real scholar positions relatively has high position in the structure of Indonesian
society, seen from their scientific capacity and its competence (Akhmadsudrajat, 2012).
Monitoring and evaluation is an important part in a program management cycle. The
purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to determine the level of achievement and the
suitability between a predetermined plan in the program planning with the results achieved
through activities and/or programs on a regular basis. If in the implementation of the
monitoring and evaluation discovered any problems or irregularities, then directly can be
done guidance, suggestions and ways to combat and report periodically to the stakeholders.
Satya Christian University Bachelor of Primary Teacher Educational Program since 2009 has
embarked on organizing BEITP Program. The program to improve the academic

qualifications of primary school teachers through this BEITP system using the Open/Distance
Learning or known by BEITP-ICT. Even if a part of the monitoring and evaluation ever
undertaken of the Ministry of Education, there are still certain parties who doubted this
program; so far studies have not been conducted specifically to explore the various factors
associated with the success of this program. Thus it is necessary to make study of it.
Problems in this study are: 1) How does the level of success of The Bachelor Education
In-service Teachers Programme through the Open/Distance Learning graduated S1 bachelor

degree titled S.Pd? 2) Do RPLE influence on the success of The Bachelor Education Inservice Teachers Programme graduate S1 bachelor degree titled S.Pd? 3) Is the Quality of
Teaching and Learning moderated the influential of RPLE toward the success of The
Bachelor Education In-service Teachers Programme graduate bachelor degree.
In accordance with the Constitution No. 20 year 2003 on National Education System,
Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, and
Constitution No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, and the division of authority in the
implementation of the decentralization of government and education, the aim of the program
Primary Teacher Educational Program set by the Central Government, is Direkorat Jemderal
Higher Education. According to the Directorate General of Higher Education, the purpose of
BEITP is to prepare candidates of primary school teachers who meet national standards, so
that it be proper qualifications, proper quality, proper quantity and proper spreading.
Meanwhile, the implementation of BEITP-ICT in the position aims to provide access to
primary school teachers to improve their ability to comply with national standards so that
meet the proper qualifications and proper quality.
Basically competence profile of BEITP-ICT graduate is the same with S1 graduate
profile of Primary Teacher Educational face to face Program. Development of competence
profiles of graduates both developed with refer to the Class Teacher Competency Standards
ES/MI graduate of Bachelor Primary Teacher Educational Program established by the
Directorate General of Higher Education in 2006. Competence ES-MI classroom teachers
grouped into four clumps of competence (core competencies). These Fourth clump

competencies include: (1) the introduction of learners in depth, (2) field study mastery, (3)
the implementation of learning that educates, and (4) professional development on an
ongoing basis. These fourth competence is the scientific basis of the art of teaching which, if
applied in authentic conditions at the school will allow the mastery of professional
competence of a teacher ES/MI.

In terms of the level of competence, the Decree of the Minister of National Education
No. 045/U/2002 on the Level of Competence of Graduation Studies Program at the College
declared that the competence of college graduates consists of three levels competence. The
thirth level includes the core competencies, competence supporters, and other competencies.
Main competence consists of the ability that is absolutely necessary in conducting teachereducation performance, which allows the teacher can take professional decisions in the
implementation of duty.The ability to take this decision is the essence of the typical and at the
same time ES/MI teachers must have. Supporting competence is the ability tool used to
improve the stability of the implementation of the expert services in accordance with the type
and authority. Mastery of this skill mastery confirms the main capabilities. Another
competency is the additional ability that can complete implementation competency of
classroom teacher main tasks.
Recognition of work experience and learning outcomes (RPLE) is an appreciation
system of the insight, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that reflect work experience and
learning outcomes of teachers that participate in education bachelor degree program (S1) for

teachers in position as a reduction of the load studies that must be taken. Work experience
related to the period of service, the ability to plan the implementation of learning, and certain
achievements obtained in the form of awards, while the learning outcomes related to
academic qualifications that have been obtained, trainings have been followed, and academic
achievement that achieved (Decree of Education Minister No. 015/P/2009 on the
Establishment of Universities Undergraduate Program (S-1) Education for Teachers in
Position). The principles that underlie the basic of RPLE application and equivalence
calculation of work experience and learning outcomes for the Teacher In the position are as
follows: relevance, professional, originality, objectivity, transparency, accountability and
Participants Undergraduate Program (S-1) Education for Teachers in Position that can
follow RPLE are teachers who at the time of publication by Government rules Number 58
Year 2008 has status as civil servants or non-civil service teachers in the educational unit and
haven’t academic qualifications S-1/D IV yet. Teachers that can follow the program RPLE is
incumbent teachers who have a minimum term of two years continuously and recorded as the
teacher remains at the base of the administrative unit who have permission from the
government, local government, or education providers who already have employment
agreements or a cooperation agreement. Program participants are teachers who have NUPTK
or in the process of filing.

Quality of Teaching and Learning (QTL) is a form of communication that is
communication between students subject with teachers, between students and lecturers. In
such communication there are transform and transfer of knowledge, skills or attitudes and
values of the communicator (educator, lecturer) to the communicant (subject learners,
students) in accordance with its intended purpose (Prihatono Yogo, 2014). The process of
learning is learning activities undertaken by the system integrated-face lectures and/or
mediated, and self-learning systems.
Lecture-face is the process of directed and scheduled interaction between faculty and
students in achieving objectives/competence. Mediated lecture is a process of scheduled
interaction between lecturer and student scheduled in achieving objectives/competence
through the use of various types of media and technology.
Self-learning does not mean learning alone but learning initiated by themselves or
groups. Students can study in small learning groups or alone by using a variety of learning
resources and learning media that are available. Independent study focusing on intrinsic
motivation and discipline learning. To that end, students need to have the ability to plan their
own learning activities, determining the schedule of learning, as well as conducting learning
by studying the teaching materials or from other sources, and carry out tasks. Independent
learning is the process of interaction of students with learning resources conducted using selflearning materials, either with the help of a tutorial or without the help of a tutorial. Tutorial
is a form of academic learning aid that is directly related to teaching materials, and can be
conducted face to face or mediated.

Thus, the success of student learning in this system will be greatly influenced by the
discipline, creativity, and perseverance student learning. In addition, students are encouraged
to form small study groups consisting of 3-5 people. Study group is a forum for discussion
between students in identifying and solving problems. With the study groups, student selflearning effectiveness can be improved.
This research is a quantitative inferential. In a study of inferential, conclusion
withdrawal is based on the processing of data with a more in-depth statistical methods. By
using quantitative research, it can be known the relationship between two or more variables
that could explain the symptoms, which examines the effect of variables X1 (RPLE), X2
(Quality of Teaching and Learning = QTL) to Y (Effectiveness BEITP); Then specify

whether the variable X2 (QTL) as influential moderator of RPLE to Y (Effectiveness BEITP).
The time of this study is the 1st semester of 2014/2015.
The population is alumni of BEITP SWCU that scattered in class 5, in Kebumen,
Grobogan, Pati regency, Kudus and Batang regency. The sample is selected randomly taken
in one district which is Pati regency, amounting to 32 people.
Source of data from this research is derived from the research object, which is all
alumni of BEITP Pati Regency academic year 2013/2014, amounting to 32 people. The data
of this study is quantitative ordinal scale which is the data expressed in the form of categories
and ranked. Instruments used have been tested its quality (validity from 0.256 to 0.854, and

0.928 reliability).
After the data collected, descriptive analysis was conducted in each variable that has
result as following.
Table 1
Descriptive analysis of all variables studied



Std. Deviation









BEITP Performances











Based on the analysis presented in Table 1 above, it turns average variable value X1
(RPLE), and X2 (Quality of Teaching and Learning), smaller than the median figures, this
means that the spread of every variable concerned has a higher tendency; While the success
BEITP: Y (BEITP Performances), as shown below.

Tabel 2 BEITP Performances





Valid Percent





















From table 2 above, it shows that the rate of success of The Bachelor Education In-service
Teachers Programme S1 graduated bachelor degree S.Pd in middle category (37.50%), high
(34.40%) and very high (28, 10%), none of which is at a low level. Thus it can be stated that
the success of The Bachelor Education In-service Teachers Programme through BEITP S1
graduated bachelor degree S.Pd high levels tend to be very high supported by the data.
After the test for normality and homoginity met, then performed a correlation
analysis of the independent variables (X1) RPLE against (Y) The BEITP Performances and
to test whether the Quality of Teaching and Learning moderated the influence of RPLE
toward the success of The Bachelor Education In-service Teachers Programme carried out
the analysis that has result as table 3 below.
Tabel 3 Coefficientsa
Unstandardized Coefficients


Std. Error



























a. Dependent Variable: BEITP Performances

Based on the analysis as presented in Table 3 above, it turns out RPLE has no effect on the
success of The BEITP as a significance level of 0.170. Likewise Quality of Teaching and
Learning, gained a significance level of 0.055 it can be interpreted that the Quality of
Teaching and Learning has no effect on the success of The Bachelor Education In-service
Teachers Programme. Furthermore, to test whether the Quality of Teaching and Learning

moderate the influence of RPLE to the success of The Bachelor Education In-service
Teachers Programme acquired a significance level of 0.048; This means that the Quality of
Teaching and Learning be moderator supported by the data.

BEITP performance program in producing bachelor degree with S.Pd titled is delight
enough, how not, the result of the analysis shows to be at a very high level (28.10%), high
(34.40%), moderate (37.50%). No one is at a low level. The findings of this study are
consistent with what was found by Bahroom Ramli, Latifah Abdol Latif, and Ahmad Awang
Izanee (2014) at the Open University Malaysia (OUM); It is gratifying to note that in 2013
OUM graduates are Generally satisfied with the services provided by the university and that
the level of satisfaction in almost all aspects have been improved over the past five years. The
aspects covered in this study include: curriculum, assessment system, career guidance,
teaching and learning, facilities, and knowledge and skills. In another aspect, the results
Showed that OUM study Programmes have had a high impact on the holistic development of
graduates, in terms of self-readiness such as maturity, reliance and teamwork.
The high success of ICT-based BEITP is supported by RPLE moderated by Quality of
Teaching and Learning. Individually, RPLE and/Quality of Teaching and Learning has no
effect, but when it tested with Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) by placing the Quality of
Teaching and Learning as a moderator, supported by the data. Interaction and communication
in the BEITP learning with ICT-based involves lecturer factors, students, and learning
materials. The development of information and communication technologies, in particular
computer and internet technology development, the currently rapid, effect on the
development of the concept of long distance learning. Internet becomes a very appropriate
medium in distance learning because it can penetrate the boundaries of time and place, or can
be accessed anytime, anywhere, multiuser and provide convenience. A variety of learning
materials and information in printed form, books, CD-ROM, or video can be accessed
directly by the students. Course material can be accessed without being limited distance,
space, and time, could be anywhere and anytime.
Information and communication based learning technology is further according to
Munir (2006) has changed the learning system of conventional or traditional patterns into
media patterns, including computers with internet that gave rise to e-learning. On the media
pattern of learning, students can choose their own learning materials based on their interests,

so that learning becomes fun, not boring, full of motivation, passion, attract attention and so
Quality teaching and learning in university can be defined as one that engages the
student in an in-depth and comprehensive, approach to the subject matter, that is, in an active,
durable, and critical construction of knowledge integrated with his or her previous knowledge
and put to action (Entwistle and Ramsden, 1987). Pennington and O'Neil (1994) proposed
eight principles that underscore effective teaching. These are: (1) enhancing students' general
capabilities and work-related skills (2) using student experience as a learning resource (3)
encouraging active and co-operative learning (4) promoting responsibility in learning (5)
engaging with feelings, values and motives (the affective domain) as well as with intellectual
development (6) fostering an open, flexible, reflexive and outcome - based assessment (7)
evaluating teaching and learning to encourage reflective teaching, and (8) developing
organization-wide strategies to establish congruence of policies to Enhance physical and
material learning environment.
Mojgan Afshari, et al (2009) stated that many of factors affecting teachers' use of
information and communication technology; reviews these factors are interrelated. The
success of the implementation of ICT is not dependent on the availability or absence of one
individual factor, but is determined through a dynamic process involving a set of interrelated
factors. It is suggested that ongoing professional development for teachers must be provided
to the model the new pedagogies and tools for learning with the aim of enhancing the
teaching-learning process. However, it is important for teacher trainers and policy makers to
understand the factors affecting effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different approaches
to ICT use in teacher training so training strategies can be appropriately explored to the make
such changes, it is viable to all.
End Note
The success rate of BEITP through the open/distance learning graduated bachelor
degree in middle category (37.50%), high (34.40%) and very high (28.10%), no one is at a
low level. The high success of the BEITP through the open/distance learning graduate scholar
is not affected by RPLE or the Quality of Teaching and Learning; Quality of Teaching and
Learning be a moderator of RPLE influential toward the success of The BEITP through the
open/distance learning graduate scholar therefore, BEITP institutional development should
focus on the lecturer in the lecture process quality, certainly not out of the support material
and the lecture tools. Philip Gurney (2007) suggest that it is the interaction of the following

five key factors that provide a foundation for a good teaching: 1) teacher knowledge,
enthusiasm and responsibility for learning, 2) classroom activities that encourage learning, 3)
assessment activities that encourage learning through experience, 4) effective feedback that
establishes the learning processes in the classroom, 5) effective interaction between the
teacher and the students, creating an environment that respects, encourages and stimulates
learning through experience.
Akhmadsudrajat, 2012. Menjadi Sarjana. http://akhmadsudrajat.wordpress.com/
Entwistle, N. and Ramsden. 1987. UnderstandingStudent Learning. London: CroonHelm.
Mojgan Afshari, et all. 2009. Factors Affecting Teachers’ Use of Information and
Communication Technology. International Journal of Instruction. January 2009
Vol.2, No.1
Munir, 2006. Konsep Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh. http://file.upi.edu/Direktori/FPMIPA/
Philip Gurney. 2007. Five Factors for Effective Teaching. New Zealand Journal of Teachers’
Work, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2007

Ramli Bahroom, Latifah Abdol Latif, and Ahmad Izanee Awang. 2014. Quality Education in
ODL: Evidence from the Tracer Study. Teaching and Learning in the 21st
Century: Challenges for Lecturers and Teachers. International Seminar,

Bandung, Indonesia (11-12 June 2014)
Yogo Prihatono. 2014. Komunikasi Pembelajaran.http://yogoz.wordpress.com/


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