
Evi Mahsunah
Email: evimahsunahtaman@yahoo.com
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo
Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Abstract. This study explores the changing students’ habit
update status in social media into update chapter to increase
their achievement in English. It is a learning strategy in
English language teaching and learning using social media
technology. The aim is to motivate students more active to
read their literature and then share and discuss their reading
in social media. The students not only have to update their
chapter in reading, but also have to give comment or respond
to their friends update. So, this strategy makes the students
discuss their lesson more than usual. This study uses
questioner and documentation technic to collect the data.
Based on the data, it is known that students are already using

social media for purposes that include the social and the
educational. Update chapter make them using this technology
in class/after class. Social media brings learning outside the
classroom autonomous, independent, motivational and fun.
Therefore, the students‘achievement in English language
teaching and learning also increases significant.
Keywords: Update, learning strategy, social media
In recent years social media has a very important role and
becomes a predominant factor in our daily live, millions of people now
use social media to interact, collaborate, network, or entertain
themselves. Especially among young people, who 'hang out' on

IJET | Volume 6, Issue 2. December 2017


Update Chapter

Facebook or Twitter via their laptops or mobile devices almost around

the clock. They update their status on usual or unusual events in their
lives. The practicality and variety of facilities offered by social media is
an attraction that attracts people to continue to use it, because it can
serve as a means of cheap, fast, and easy communication.
Similar phenomena also occur in the Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo
University, social media has become part of the daily life of students.
We can see the students open some social media like Facebook, BBM,
WhatsApp and Twitter to update their status or just read their friend’s
status or the news that their friend wrote every time and everywhere.
They spend more their time for social media. This is also stated by
Arsyad (2013: 195), according to him now comes the social media,
where we can know the status of people around the world on the real
time. Otherwise, it is almost less than fifty percent of students who
spend their times to open or read their literatures. Most of students
like reading their friends update better than reading their literatures.
Based on this phenomenon, where students waste their time in
enjoying social media only for chatting, playing games, or updating
status, it is better if the teachers or educators able to utilize social
media to support their teaching-learning activities, because it can be
used for media to facilitate the students in better learning. Teachers/

educators do not only teach the language skills and language
components separately, but also teach the student about skills of life
and characters. In this technology era, teachers have to be more
creative and innovative in using instructional media for the
teaching and learning process.
Students who get used to high technology gadgets in their daily
life will find the learning boring if the teachers still use monotonous
ways of teaching. It is supported by Ian Fordham et.al (2013: 2)
affirms that social media such as Facebook is in an excellent position to
support the way young people, teachers and other educators
collaborate, access and curate new learning. Therefore, the researcher
creates a new term in learning strategy, it is called update chapter. The
term is adapted from the social media term update status. So, update
chapter can be defined as keep posted/ information about students
‘understanding in learning process.


IJET | Volume 6, Issue 2. December 2017


Regarding to the students’ habit who continuously update
status on social media, this study is conducted to change their habit
update status into update chapter to increase their achievement in
English. It is a learning strategy in English language teaching and
learning using social media technology. The aim is to motivate students
more active to read their literatures and then share and discuss their
reading in social media. In this case, the students not only have to
update their chapter in reading, but also have to give comment or
respond to their friends update. So, this strategy makes the students
discuss their lesson more than usual. Furthermore, they may use their
mobile devices to support their study maximally.
This study focuses on the Fifth and the Third semester students
from English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and
education Faculty Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo University as target
respondents. This study uses questioner and documentation technic to
collect the data, and then, the data are analyzed using coding technic.
There are about 34 respondents, all of them have to explain their

respond and opinion related to the learning process of Semantics and
Introduction to Literature subjects using update chapter in social
media. For example, how many hours in a day they read their books/
literatures, how many times they update their chapter in social media,
and how often they give comment of their friends ‘update.
There are several kinds of popular social media applications in
the students’ smartphone, such as; Twitter, Face book, Line, and
Whats app. Nevertheless, this study focuses on face book and whats
app application because based on the survey, both of face book and
whats app are used by more than eighty percent students in Nahdlatul
Ulama Sidoarjo University.
The respondents of this study are the Fifth and the Third
semester students from English Education Study Program Nahdlatul
Ulama Sidoarjo University; they are about 19 up to 21 years old and
active using face book and whats app in their daily activity. Update

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Update Chapter

chapter make them using this technology in class or after class. Social
media brings learning outside the classroom autonomous,
independent, motivational and fun.
Using Update Chapter in Social media
The respondents are classified into three groups; they are super
active user, active user and passive user. The writer asked to the
students in the questionnaire about how often students use or
open their face book or whats app accounts daily. It is discovered that
more than 50% respondents are super active user, 32% are active user,
and 15% respondents are passive user.
The data showed that super active user of social media is the
user who open face book and whats app as a learning media more than
10 times in a day. Almost 53 percent respondents (18 respondents) are
super active user of social media. They said that they open these social
media face book and whats app group discussion around the clock or
more than three hours in a day. They use them to update their chapter,
get more information related to the topic discussion, read their

friends’ update and then give comment or just for sharing the News.
They update their chapter by writing a paragraph, summary, the
theory from the book references or write their own opinion on their
walls, and then their friends read and give comments on their update.
Moreover, there are ten respondents said that they always read their
literatures before update chapter or give comment on their friends
The second group is active user of social media; there are about
32 percent or 11 respondents from this group. They active open these
social media for learning in their spare time or less than 10 times in a
day. They update their chapter in a group, read their friends’ update
and give comments after reading their literature.
The last group is passive user of social media; there are about
15 percent or 5 respondents from this group. They only open their
group discussion to know or read their friends update chapter, but
they do not active update their chapter although they read their
literatures regularly. Passive users open face book and whatsapp group
discussion not more than five times in a day.


IJET | Volume 6, Issue 2. December 2017


Impact of Update chapter in Social Media on Academic
Considering the impact of using update chapter in social
media in English subjects to the better result in their academic
achievement, 67% agree and 18% of the students strongly agree with
it. But when the writer asked deeper to the two subjects that they
took, the writer gets variety of answers. For the Semantics subject,
58% students agree that their learning result is represented by their
update chapter habits while 11% strongly agree about this statement.
63% students agree and 14% strongly agree that their Introduction to
Literature results are represented by their update chapter habits. The
questionnaire results are indicating that some students see large
correlation between their academic achievement and their update
chapter habits.

In this study, students drove the learning more enjoyable
because they learned with their abilities and preference for using
different type of media. In other side, students constructed to pursue
in comprehending about what they read in wall Facebook group by
update chapter. The students competed with other students to answer
the questions from the lectures or to give comment on their friend’s
update. It was passive and active students can be involved together in
the reading activities in Facebook Group or whats app group. It is
supported by Ian Fordham et.al (2013: 2) stated that Facebook is
in an excellent position to support the way young people, teachers
and other educators collaborate, access and curate new learning.
Regarding to the data finding, it can be said that there is a high
level of social media usage in English Education Study Program,
Teacher Training and education Faculty Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo
University. Most of the respondents are super active or active in using
social media face book and whats app on their learning process. They
write their opinion and sharing their reading on social media’s group
discussion regularly, they become more confident to write their
expression in English. It is very different with the situation in the class

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Update Chapter

discussion where not more than 30 % of the students in the class who
active to give comment or sharing their idea.
These phenomena may be caused by the condition where
learning discussion on social media is more flexibility and relax than
face to face interactions. Students don’t face same turn-taking
constraints: opportunities to have floor are balanced and visual record
of language interaction helps them negotiate meaning. Choices made in
online interactions encourage future participation because online
“conversations” are different in some ways, social media provide
excellent models for how language is actually used. Students see
authentic language ranging from casual conversation to academic
On the other hand, there are several disadvantages of
Facebook as a learning tool, such as: privacy issues, distractive

multitasking while using FB, lack of access in schools, sentiment
amongst students (and parents) that FB is a place to socialize, separate
from academic work (Hew 2011) - separation between ‘pleasure’
(socializing) and ‘pain’ (learning), students may consider Facebook to
be more of a “social study space” that is off limits to teachers –
difficulties in attempts to formalize the use of Facebook in the
classroom (Gray et al., 2010).
Therefore, the teachers or lecturers have to make rules or
learning contract with the students before they use social media in the
teaching and learning process. It used to prevent unexpected condition
such as students may post inappropriate or off-topic videos, photos,
posts, tweets, or students may post inappropriate or derogatory
comments on others’ posts. Then, setting up or create a Facebook or
whats app group before each course, putting up announcements such
as text, hyperlinks, pictures and videos on Wall and allows the
students or participants to share resources or get feedback from others.
Update chapter in Social media motivates students to read their
literatures and help them to be active in English writing .They become
more confident to write their expression, opinion and sharing their
reading on social media’s group discussion regularly. Social media


IJET | Volume 6, Issue 2. December 2017


brings learning inside/outside the classroom autonomous,
independent, motivational and fun, they turn out to be used their
gadgets to support their study maximally. Therefore, the students’
achievement in English language teaching and learning also increase
significant. This study suggests the use of social media in teaching and
learning process must be encouraged as the education tool and can be
positive proper to engage students as modern learner.
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IJET | Volume 6, Issue 2. December 2017