THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING ENGLISH SONGS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY: An Experimental Study of the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1 Kuripan in Academic Year 2016/2017 - Repository UNRAM


  VOCABULARY MASTERY: An Experimental Study of the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN

  1 Kuripan in Academic Year 2016/2017 A JOURNAL

  By: Nina AnggunYuandisa







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STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY: An Experimental Study of the Seventh Grade

Students of SMPN 1 Kuripan in Academic Year 2016/2017

  by Nina Anggun Yuandisa (E1D112082) has been approved on July 17, 2017 Board of Examiners: st

  Mataram, 21 July 2017 First advisor, Drs. H. Sahuddin, MA NIP. 195912311987031013



VOCABULARY MASTERY: An Experimental Study of the Seventh Grade Students of

SMPN 1 Kuripan in Academic Year 2016/2017

Nina AnggunYuandisa

E1D 112 082



  The study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of English songs to students at seventh grade of SMPN 1 Kuripan in academic year 2016/2017. The purpose of this study was to identify whether the use of English songs gives significant effect to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Population of this research was 78 students and the sample was 48. The sample was taken by purposive random sampling. The data were collected by using pre- test and post- test through English test. T-test was used to analyze the data. It was provided that the total value of t- test (3.23) that is higher than confidence level of 95% (2. 01) there was 18.48 contributions that English songs gave to the students vocabulary mastery. Thus, it was concluded that use of English songs in teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Kuripan in academic year 2016/2017 gave significant effect.

  Keyword: Effectiveness, songs, improve, Vocabulary



PENGUASAAN KOSAKATA SISWA : Esperimen Studi Pada Siswa Kelas Tujuh SMPN 1

Kuripan Tahun Akaemik 2016/2017

Nina AnggunYuandisa


E1D 112 082


  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan lagu bahasa Inggris kepada siswa kelas

  VIII SMPN 1 Kuripan pada tahun akademik 2016/2017. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris berpengaruh signifikan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penguasaan kosakata siswa. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 78 siswa dan sampel adalah 48. Sampel diambil secara purposive random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan pre-test dan post-test melalui tes bahasa Inggris. T-test digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Dengan demikian, nilai total t-test (3,23) lebih tinggi dari tingkat keyakinan 95% (2. 01) terdapat 18,48 kontribusi lagu-lagu Inggris yang diberikan kepada penguasaan kosakata siswa. Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris dalam pengajaran kosa kata pada siswa kelas VII SMPN 1 Kuripan pada tahun akademik 2016/2017 memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan.

  Kata kunci: Kefektipan, Lagu, Memperbaiki, Kosakata

1. Introduction

  English is important because it is an international language, people used it to communicate each other, as the firs, as the second, or as foreign in the world. As the one of important thing vocabulary is a core and very principal requirement for the students in learning English. Unfortunately, in learning vocabulary not all student has motivation, there are many factor that influence them, such as English is really difficult because it is not their own language, they feel bored because the subject not delivered interestingly, sometime worried if they had mistake, when they practice pronunciation of the word their friends will laugh at them, they confused with new words because of there is no strategy that make them masteries vocabulary quickly.

  There are some strategies to overcome the difficulties in mastering vocabulary. One of the strategies that can be used by teacher is using media in order to support teaching and learning process. The development of media makes people easier in understanding English language. Song is appropriate strategy to be used in teaching vocabulary. In curriculum of junior high school it suggests that teacher should use songs and games to support teaching learning process in order theclassroom is more alive and active when presenting the material

  Based on the statement above, the reason why the writer chooses English song is in order to solve the problems that appear in.

  1.2 Statement of Problem

  Are English songs effective toimprove students’ vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade students of the SMPN 1 Kuripan?

  1.3 Objective of the research

  According to the research question above, the research propose the objectives of the research as follow: 1) To find out whether teaching vocabulary by using English song is effective.


  Language is the tool to express something in our daily live, when we are angry, happy and sad we need to utter or say that in order to people know what we want, it means that language is a tool of communication to get information. Language is the way of people to tell each other, In British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, According to

  Sapir (1921): “Language is purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions unit desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols”.

  In acquiring a new language student should learn Vocabulary because it is the basic in English language sequence. Knowing vocabulary should also cover the knowing about articulation, meaning and how pronoun the words in expressing of communication Priyono (2004) states that the phonological knowledge enables speakers to articulate words correctly and meaningfully and morphological knowledge make the language user recognize the language forms that correspond to their oral production. In teaching vocabulary a teacher should motivate students in order to interest them in learning language. It means that a good teacher has to make good media to teach and to attract students’ interest in learning English. The media will facilitate the teacher in teach and it will help the students acquiring the language. Using songs is one of media that can be used in teaching and learning vocabulary.

  Song can make student entertained while they are learning. From the song the student can get many vocabulary, and make them more easy to memorizing the words by the repeated the lyric of song. Lozanov (2002) states that the atmosphere created by the song enhances the ability to remember new vocabularies, because people found it much easier to memorize something that is fun and melodic than normal sentence.


  1) Research Design In this study, the researcher used experimental research design as a method.

2) Population and Sample The population of this study wasthe seventh grade students of SMPN 1 KURIPAN.

  The number of population in seven grade was78 students which consisted of 26 students each class.

  The sample of this study consisted of two groups, the first was experimental group and the secondwas controlled group. 3)

  Method of Data Collection  Kinds of data

  Kinds of data were collected by the researcher was quantitative data. Quantitative data were numerical data which could be measured statistically.  Source of data

  Source of data in this study wasVII B that became the control group that consisted of 26 studentsand VII that became the experimental group consist of 26 students of SMP N 1 KURIPAN.  Data Collecting The data was collected by using test. Because from the test, this study determined how deep or how well the skill and knowledge of the students are. There was three steps to collect the data. There was pre-test, treatment and post- test.

  a. Pre-Test Pre-test is a test that given before treatment in order to know how pure ability of the students.

  b. Treatment Treatment is the way to deal with the sample or to behave with the sample itself. The form of treatment ought to be authentic.

  c. Post-Test Post-test is a test that given after the treatment in order to know whether the treatment success or not or whether the English song is effective or not.

  4) Data Analysis

  This study uses experimental approach, where the result is counted through the next statistical analysis. The procedures are: Firstly, the score of the pre-test and the post-test is taken both in control or experimental group. Those scores are put on the table below:

  Controll Group Experimental Group Subject y1 y2 Y Subject x1 x2

  X In order to assess the effect of the independent variable, we need to compare the mean scores of the groups.

  X = Y =

  (Yusra, 2010) In order to do so, we also need to examine the position of individual scores within each group. We do this by subtracting the score with the mean score of the group. x

  1 =



  • – X y

  1 = Y 1 (Yusra, 2010)

  • – Y1 The degree of difference between the two groups of scores is calculated via the following formula:



  1 1 +

  = √ − ( )

  • (Yusra, 2010)

  ( + )−2

  Sxy = standard error of measurement between two mean scores Nx = the number of samples in X Ny = the number of samples in Y


  = the total sum of the deviation of individual scores in X Σx


  = the total sum of the deviation of individual scores in Y Σy

  In order to assess the significance of the difference between the two groups of scores we need to examine their ratio we use the following formula:


  (Yusra, 2010) − =

  • +

  • ) 100% 4.

  9 ERA



  11 IMDY



  10 GI



  10 HW




  12 IMK


  9 HJ



  8 DFD



  8 EM



  7 AP

  11 IKH 67.5 100





  16 MWA



  16 MAW



  15 KAP



  15 MR



  14 IM



  14 MJS

  13 IHS 72.5 100



  13 IAP



  12 IWA


  7 DM

  − =


  2 AP



  1 ADA



  1 AAS

  No Subject Pre-test Post-test No Subject Pre-test Post-test

  Table 01 . The students’ score pre-test and post-test in two groups of respondent (Experimental group and Control group). Controll Group Experimental Group

  Having collected the data, then the pre- test and post- test scores of experimental group and control group were computed using the formula above. Here is the table of data gained by Experimental Group and Control Group on pre-test and post-test.




  = (

  Moreover, to find out how much English songs contributes if it is used in teaching vocabulary, the following formula of Eta Squared is used. Eta Squared is a measure of the strength of relationship between two variables.

  If t-test < t-table at the confidence level .05 and .01, H is failed to be rejected.


  If t-test ≥ t-table at the confidence level .05 and .01, H is rejected.

  After obtaining the t-test scores, it is tested at two significant levels: .05 (95%) and .01 (99%). The result of the test was interpreted by using the following hypothesis: a.

  For the interpretation of the t-value, we also need to consult the t-table, with: df = (Nx + Ny) - 2.




  − √ 2+ 2 ( + )−2


  2 A




  6 AA



  6 DAP



  5 AN



  5 DGA



  4 ASJ



  4 AE



  3 AM



  3 AA



  17 NKA

TOTAL 1532.5 2025 TOTAL 1342.5 2095

  2 A

  75 40 1600


  4 ASJ

  82.5 27.5 756.25


  3 AM

  82.5 30 900


  95 40 1600



  1 ADA


  Square of the deviation score (X)

  Deviation score of pre- test and post- test (X)

  (X ₂)

  ₁) Post-test

  No Subject Pre-test (X

  5 AN

  6 AA

  82.5 30 900

  82.5 40 1600

  13 HIS 72.5 100 27.5 756.25

  72.5 17.5 306.25


  12 IWA

  11 IKH 67.5 100 32.5 1225

  85 42.5 1806.25


  10 GI


  The data of deviation and square deviation score of experimental group and control group are presented in the tables below:

  9 ERA

  92.5 37.5 1406.25


  8 DFD

  75 32.5 1056.25


  7 AP

  95 32.5 1056.25



Table 02. The mean score pre- test and post- test Experimental Group

  The score in pre-test is gotten before the treatments begun, while the score in post test is gained after the treatments finished. The score of students in experimental groups was increasing. It indicated that the tr eatment using songs gave good influence for the students’ vocabulary. The highest post- test in Experimental group was 100 (subject number 24, 18, 13, 11 ) while the score of the students in control group were not taught using songs were change also.




  20 NS



  20 RK



  19 NSA


  21 SJ

  19 PA

  18 MRZ 90 100



  18 NPA



  17 MS




  Based on the gained data, the lowest score for experimental group in pre- test was 35 and highest score was 90, while in the post test the lowest score was 72.5 and the highest score was 100. Then in control group the lowest score in pre- test was 42.5 and highest score was 77.5, while in the post- test the lowest score was 50 and the highest score was 97.5.


  24 ZA 82.5 100



  24 SMP



  23 YP


  23 S




  22 WYN



  22 SD



  21 N

2) The data Computation

  14 IM


  82.5 37.5 1406.25

  15 KAP


  87.5 20 400

  16 MWA





  17 MS


  82.5 45 2025

  18 MRZ 90 100 10 100

  19 NSA


  85 40 1600

  20 NS


  87.5 45 2025

  21 N


  87.5 37.5 1406.25

  22 WYN


  82.5 42.5 1806.25

  23 YP


  85 20 400

  24 ZA 82.5 100 306.25

  17.5 2

  1342.5 2095 = 26331.3 ∑x= 752.5 ∑x

  TOTAL Table 03. The mean score pre- test and post- test Control Group

Control Group

  No Subject Pre-test Post-test Deviation score of Square of the (Y (Y pre- test and post- deviation score

  ₁) ₂)


  test (Y) (Y)

  1 AAS


  97.5 22.5 506.25

  2 AP


  87.5 17.5 306.25

  3 AA


  80 12.5 150.25

  4 AE


  80 15 225

  5 DGA





  6 DAP


  87.5 25 625

  7 DM


  87.5 10 100

  8 EM


  87.5 42.5 1086.25

  9 HJ


  97.5 27.5 756.25

  10 HW


  90 42.5 1086.25

  11 IMDY


  77.5 30 900

  12 IMK





  13 IAP


  85 17.5 306.25

  14 MJS





  15 MR


  90 30 900

  16 MAW


  85 10 100

  17 NKA


  92.5 22.5 506.25

  18 NPA


  95 42.5 1806.25

  19 PA


  77.5 35 1225

  20 RK


  77.5 12.5 156.25

  21 SJ


  95 25 625


  ( . )2

  = 31.3542 = 31.35

  Square deviation Σx



  2 -( )2

  = 26331.3-

  24 = 26331.3 - 566256



  = 26331.3

   The mean score of the Control group (MY) In the table 03 above, it was identified that Σy = . and

  = 24, the mean score of control group is as follows: MY =





  22 SD



  95 25 625

  23 S




  24 SMP

  = 24, the mean score of experimental group is as follows: MX =




  25 TOTAL

  1532.5 2025 ∑y= 492.5 ∑y 2 = 13593.8

   The mean score of the Experimental group (MX) In the table 02 above, it was identified that Σx = . and

  • – 23594 = 2737.24

  = 3.226 = 3.23


  ( + ) − 2) (


  ) =

  31.35 −20.52 √( 2737.24+3487.24 (24+24)−2



  24 )

  − √(


  10.83 √(6224.48 46 ) (

  2 24)


  10.83 √11.28


  10.83 3,36


  = 3487.24 − =

  = 20.5208 Square deviation:



  2 =


  2 - ( )2

  = 13593.8-


  = 13593.8-





  = 13593.8- 10106.5 = 3487.29

  The last process of the statistical analysis was to find out the value of t- test in this study, the t-test formula could be used because of the elements rate to that formula have identified as follows:

  MX = 31.35 and MY= 20.52 Σx


  = 2737.24 and Σy

  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
The result shows that the total value of t-test is higher than the confidence level of 95%. Therefore Ho is rejected.

  In addition, to find how much contribution that English songs gives on students‟ vocabulary mastery, the researcher computed the data as follow:


  = ( ) 100%


  • 2


  = ( ) 100%

  2 3.23 +46 10.433

  = ( ) 100%


  = 0.184 100% = 18.48 %

  There was 31.35 for experimental group and 20.52 for control group. It indicates the using of English songs has given significant effect of students’ vocabulary mastery. Afterward, the degree of freedom (df) that is used in this research was interpreted to compare the two critical values; t-test and t- table. The degree of freedom (df) of this research can get from formula ( Nx=Ny)-2, (24+24) -2 = 46 So the degree of freedom (df) that this research used is 46 Therefore, let see the t- table of 46 , it is for 2.68 confidence level of 0.01 or 99% and 2.01 for confidence level of 0.05 or 95%.

Table 0.4 the comparison between the t- test and t- table

  t- test t- table Df






  2.01 After comparing t-test and t-table values, the t- test value was greater than t- table. It means that after the experimental group was treat using English songs, the result found that there was good influence on students vocabulary.

  Based on the analysis, it is clear that the null hypothesis (Ho) which states: If t-test > t-table at the confidence level .05 (95%) and .01 (99%), H “ English song is not effective in improving vocabulary mastery” is rejected. As the result alternate hypothesis is accepted.

  From the result above it can be inferred that teaching vocabulary by using English songs ha positive effect in improving students vocabulary mastery for the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Kuripan in academic years 2016/2017 in English subject. It can be seen by the result of experimental group post- test which gets higher than the control groups.

  5. Conclusion and Suggestion

  From the result of the research it can be inferred that songs give the positive effect in the teaching- learning process. This research showed that the result of the t- test value was 3.23, then the value was consulted to the t- table value was 2.01 It means that value was t- test higher than t-table value and it indicates that the alternate hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.

  Concerning to the previous conclusion, the research would like to offer some suggestions as follows:

  1. To The teachers Before conducting the teaching and learning process especially English to Junior High School students, it is important to understand the students characteristic as young learners.

  2. To the students Studying English as foreign language not difficult as long as they find the way to motivate them. The students should be more active during the teaching learning process.

  3. To other researcher This researcsh hope that these result will influence the other researcher to conduct their research on the similar problem in order to get better research findings, since there are still many other aspect to be studied, it is aimed that the better foreign language (English) Teaching and learning ways would be purposed.

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