Theory and Implementation Green Accounting


Theory and Implementation Green Accounting

Ardin Dolok Saribu, Nonni Sise Riani Manihuruk, Ayang Pratama

(Doctoral's Students, Universitas Sumatera Utara)


  Growing world of industry, it is undeniable effects on the environment issues where industry behavior often ignore the impact on the environment, such as the incidence of water pollution, t anah, air and social disparities on the environment. From these two emerging awareness that led to various efforts from various fields to menangulangi and find solutions to these environmental problems, and one of them is from the side that emerges green accounting accounting. In developed countries where the demands of society is very high, green accounting is growing rapidly evidenced by the many regulations related to this environment. Our country in Indonesia where the level of pollution and waste management is still not very good impact on the Indonesian economy.

  In the era of corporate movement towards the green company, the industry is not only prosecuted for limited processing of waste, but the demands of the consumer-society furthermore that the production process of goods ranging from raw material up to the disposal of a product after consumed (used) (Idris, nd). In an effort to conserve the environment, accounting plays a role through voluntary disclosure in its financial statements related to environmental costs or environmental costs. The accounting system in which there are accounts associated with these environmental costs is referred to as green accounting or environmental accounting (Aniela, 2012). Internally, the role of green accounting can provide a motivation for managers to reduce the environmental costs incurred, which will affect the decisions that will be the basis of the company's existence in the men coming (Sahasrakirana).

  Green Accounting

  According to Prof. Andreas Lako, Professor of Accounting for Sustainability Unika Soegijapranata, Green Accounting is a new Paradigm in Accounting which advocates that the Focus of Accounting Process is not only focused on transactions. Financial transactions to produce Financial Statements for can be known Profit / Loss (profit) Corporate Entity, but also on the transactions / events (social) (people) and the environment (the planet) so that also known Social and Environmental Accounting Information. Green Accounting requires Accounting that not only focuses on Profit but also on People and the Planet.

  Green accounting came about because of the world's concern for the environment that is continuously damaged, one of which is due to the Corporations. According to data cited from WALHI Indonesia, Corporations are responsible for most of the Environmental kerusakaan in Indonesia. The corporation is responsible for 31.4% of the Natural Damage in Indonesia. Maybe you remember the event of Burning Forest in 2015 ago. Forest Burning which lasted several months and not only disrupt Indonesia but also neighboring countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam, the World Bank said that Forest Burning in Indonesia as the biggest Criminal Environmental Action in the 21st Century.

  Then, what is the relationship of Green Accounting with the Forest Fire? As Accountants, we deserve to be skeptical about it, and our suspicions are not without reason, according to Herry Purnomo, Researcher of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Forest Burning is based on Profit Motive Corporation, Corporations gain double advantage, fertile and cheaper Land Opening Charge. Indirectly, the Corporation ignores its Environmental Aspects, therefore, Green Accounting BornThis time, the Company considers that the use of aspects of the Environment in its Policy only adds cost alone. However, with the existence of Green Accounting, the cost can be recognized as an Asset in the form of Investment of Environmental Social Responsibility.

  Therefore, the Company's Profits will not be eroded by the cost of conducting business operations that are environmentally friendly. Instead, the Company's asset increases, CSR costs can also be treated similarly, so the CSR of the company is expected to increase with the Use of Green Accounting. Environmental costs can be considered to provide economic benefits for the Company in the future, Providing Sustainable CSR also other costs of the Company in the long term will improve the image and name of Good for the Company, which in turn will bring positive economic benefits for the company. In addition, One Asset Criteria said that Economic benefits should be measured with certainty, Then?. Are these benefits can be measured? It is often a debate here, but that is the Accountant's Duties in the era of IFRS, Accountants are required to have a good Judgment ability to measure the value of Economic Benefits tersebut.Jadi, with the application of Green Accounting which is quite contrary to the Conservative Accounting Concepts in some respects. However, given the many positive impacts of Green Accounting. I think it is quite feasible that Green Accounting Standards should be Developed.

  History and Development of Green Accounting

  In Europe this concept of green accounting has begun to develop since the 1970s, starting with Norway affected by the publication of Limits to Growth (Meadows et al. 1972) and the growing environmental movement. Then the ministry of the environment Norway develop statistics for the measurement of natural resources as a tool 4 to better manage natural resources. Where there is fear that their resources will be depleted due to overexploitation. Then this environmental issue also received the attention of the Danish government as a result of the oil crisis of 1977 which began to make calculations of energy reserves and savings. In the 1980s, France develop an accounting system for assessing both quantitative and qualitative situation and changes over their natural resources (Vanoli 2005: 344). From the Netherlands Roefie Hueting, who develops and seeks to apply a measure of sustainable national income that takes into account changes and decreases in environmental assets caused by economic activity. If we look at efforts made at this early stage in some countries have in common where only focused on obtaining a picture of physical data from the use of natural resources.

  In the era of the 1990s the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) pengembangkan concept of international accounting principles which include the development of environmental accounting. And as industry standards increase as professional auditors grow, the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA) issues universal principles on environmental auditing. The United Nations through the Coalition for Environmental Economies (CERES) and UNEP in 1997, issued the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which is a corporate reporting guide to support sustainable development. GRI which until now has been experiencing a renewal, the main content can be divided into six sections include: economic, environmental, human rights, labor practices and decent work, product responsibility, and community. Then in 2000 the Japanese Ministry of the Environment issued environmental accounting guidelines which were refined in 2002 and 2005, in which all companies in Japan were required to use environmental accounting.

  Green Accounting Implementation in Indonesia

  Environmental accounting has difficulty in measuring the value of cost and benefit externalities arising from industrial processes. It is not easy to measure the losses that people receive around and the ecological environment caused by air pollution, liquid waste, ammonia tube leaks, nuclear tube leaks or other externalities. Reporting on both social performance and environmental performance is not found in the conventional financial statements, which in the conventional financial statements are only found only economic performance reports (Idris, 2012). Similarly, what is happening in Indonesia is still perceived as a complicated concept because of the lack of comprehensive information for stakeholders it is feared that it will have the effect of implementation and additional expenses recognized as a burden that should not be spent in the conventional accounting perspective (Nurhayati, Brown, and Tower, 2006 in Arisandi and Frisko, 2011).

  This is consistent with that disclosed by Gray et. al (1993) in Burrit and Welch (1997) that the disclosure of the costs of externalities will affect decision-making and influence stakeholder consideration because the market reaction has shown different results on the activities of companies that do (or not) the social and environmental interests. So that the implementation of environmental accountability will be successful if it is supported by legislation. According to Solihin (2008) in Idris (2012), the implementation of CSR in Indonesia is mainly related to the implementation of CSR for the category of discretionary responsibilities, which can be seen from two different perspectives. First, the implementation of CSR is a voluntary business practice of a corporate initiative and is not an activity required by a company in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Second, the implementation of CSR in accordance with the demands of the law (mandatory). For example, SOEs have an obligation to set aside a portion of the profits earned by companies to support social activities, and companies that run business activities in natural resources or related to natural resources, are obliged to implement CSR as regulated by RI Law no. 40 Year 2007 on Limited Liability Article 74.

  Seen from the basic point of the implementation law, CSR in Indonesia is conceptually still to be disaggregated between the implementation of CSR conducted by large companies and CSR conducted by small and medium enterprises. So far there is a mistaken assumption that the implementation of CSR is only for large companies that can have a negative impact on society and the environment, even though small and medium enterprises can have a negative impact on society and the surrounding environment. Especially when it's small and medium enterprises in number, of the impact will be accumulated in large numbers and to overcome them will be more difficult than the impact caused by the large enterprises.

  When viewed from the implementation of CSR in Indonesia, it can be said that companies that have implemented the CSR program and make the report can not be said as a company that has applied environmental accounting. This is because in the operation of the company has not included environmental conservation efforts as an integral part (Idris, 2012). Gray et al. (1993) concluded that voluntary disclosure mechanisms were less precise. Evidence from Deegan and Rankin (1996) mentions that environmental accounting reporting is biased because companies often do not report bad news (bad news).


  The impact of company activity should be reported as the realization of corporate responsibility to stakeholders. The low awareness of environmental impact reporting is caused by several reporting constraints. The importance of environmental accounting should be undertaken to improve its application. Here are some efforts to improve environmental accounting reporting:

  1) Prepare environmental accounting standards. In an effort to uniformity and fulfill comparative function, the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) is expected to develop Sustainability Reporting guidelines. 2) Require to apply existing reporting guidelines. Since the overall activities of the company will have an impact on society and the environment in the long term to maintain sustainable development, Sustainability Reporting on Sustainability Reporting is mandatory. 3) To reward companies that have organized Sustainability Reporting. The holding of the

  Indonesia Sustainability Reporting Award (ISRA) by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants The Management Accountant Compartment is expected to enhance the company's reputation and then its awareness

  4) In reporting what they have done to provide value-added impact on the environment.

  5) Conduct an environmental audit. Sustainability reporting should be accompanied by an environmental audit to improve the credibility of reporting. 6) Developing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) mechanisms to ensure the application of environmental obligations. Through the establishment of the CSR committee in governance components, the expected implementation of green accounting and sustainability reporting will be more reliable and increased.

  REFERENCE: Yoshi Aniela. 2012.


Sahasrakirana. 2012. Evaluasi Peran Akuntansi Lingkungan Untuk Mendukung

  Keputusan ManajemenLingkungan Dalam Mencapai Sustainbility Perusahaan (PT Sahabat Mewah dan Makmur)



Donella H Meadow, Denis L Meadow, Jorgen Randers, William w. Behrens III,

The Limits to Growth


Idris. 2012. Akuntansi Lingkungan Sebagai Instrumen Pengungkapan Tanggung

Jawab Perusahaan Terhadap Lingkungan Di Era Green Market