Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Status Class Exploitation in the Short Story of The Short Happy Life of Conat

Status Class Exploitation in the Short Story of The Short Happy
Life of Conat
Janti Swastyastu R. Putri
Many people believe that class division is a natural thing which they do not need
to be concerned about. Whereas actually class division can cause problems which
lead to exploitation within society itself, because class division draws a big
distinction between the majority and the minority. This study analyses a short
story, written by Indonesian author Mocthar Lubis, entitled The Short Happy Life
Of Conat. The analysis uses Marxist theory, particularly the aspects of ideology,
hegemony, and reification, to determine the ways in which The Short Happy Life
Of Conat shows how attitudes of superiority are expressed against minorities.
According to Marxist theory, society makes judgements about minority people
based on people’s identities stemming from their class and treatment. This short
story gives examples of how lower class people are pictured as powerless and
unimportant creatures with this study concentrating on status and class
exploitations recorded. This study also shows how government and society should
be mindful of how they treat minorities; lower class people are not objects,
inferiors, or voiceless creatures.