Soal Exercise Bahasa Inggris Describing Places


Soal Exercise Bahasa Inggris Describing Places
The text below is for question number 1 – 5
On the banks of the Chao Phraya, Bangkok’s “Waterway of Kings”, lies an inn that has
effectively set new principles of neighborliness for this commended city.
Set in sublimely landscaped tropical patio nurseries, the Shangri-La Bangkok furnishes
visitors with all the appeal and warmth of the orient and, in the meantime, unbeatable scope of
offices and relaxation exercises.
There is a decision of 12 heavenly settings in which to go out on the town, a huge
freestyle swimming pool that ignores the stream, convention and getting offices for together to
2000 individuals, and a 24-hourbusiness focus.
Furthermore, from each and every visitor room and suite, there is a stunning perspective
of all the extraordinary hurrying around of the mythical “Stream of Kings”.
One may expect such an all-around prepared and situated inn to be miles far from the
downtown area at the same time, at Shangri-La Bangkok the business region and principle
shopping zones are insignificant minutes away.
From over 200 years, Bangkok’s grandeur has been reflected in the waters of the Chao
Phraya. Today, the Shangri-La Bangkok towers close to this glorious waterway, offers its visitors
the brilliant guarantee of the East.
1. The content primarily concentrates on… …..

A. Bangkok’s granduer
B. Shangri-La Bangkok
C. Bangkok’s “Stream Kings”
D. the water of the Chao Praya
E. the lofty waterway in Bangkok
2. The sort of content above is an/a… …
A. report
B. relate
C. story
D. story
E. graphic
3. For what number of individuals the getting offices are together to?
A. 6000 individuals
B. 4000 individuals
C. 2000 individuals
D. 5000 individuals
E. 1000 individuals
4. The informative reason for this content is… …
A. to portray Chao Praya
B. to retell occasions for amusement

C. to present no less than two perspectives about an issue

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D. to tell the advantage of Shangri-La Bangkok
E. to advise perusers, audience members, or viewers about occasion
5. The text above is included form of………….
a. hortatory exposition
b. narrative
c. description
d. report
e. explanation
Makassar is the provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the largest city on
Sulawesi Island. From 1971 to 1999, the city was named Ujung Pandang, after a pre-colonial fort
in the city, and the two names are often used interchangeably.
The port city is located at 5°8′S 119°25′E, on the southwest coast of the island of
Sulawesi, facing the Makassar strait. Its area is 175.77 km2 and has population of around 1.4

Makassar is home to several prominent landmarks including the 16th century Dutch fort
Fort Rotterdam, Trans Studio Makassar the third largest indoor theme park in the world and the
Karebosi Link the first underground shopping center in Indonesia.
Makassar has several famous traditional foods. The most famous is Coto Makassar. It is a
stew made from the mixture of nuts and spices with beef parts which include beef brain, tongue
and intestine. Konro rib dish is also popular traditional food in Makassar. Both Coto Makassar
and Konro are usually eaten with Burasa, glutinous rice with coconut milk and sauted coconut
granule. In addition, Makassar is the home of pisang epe, or pressed bananas. These are bananas
which are pressed, grilled, and covered with palm sugar sauce and sometimes eaten with Durian.
Many street vendors sell pisang epe, especially around the area of Losari beach.
Answer the questions based on the text above
6. Where is Makassar located?
7. Based on the text, what is the biggest city on Sulawesi Island?
8. What is the old name of Makassar?
9. According to the text, what is the first underground shopping center in Indonesia?
10. What is the most well-known food in Makassar?
Answer key:
1. B
2. E

3. C
4. C
5. C
6. Makassar is located on South Sulawesi.
7. The biggest city on Sulawesi Island is Makassar.
8. The old name Makassar is Ujung Pandang.
9. The first underground shopping center in Indonesia is Karebosi Link.
10. The most well-known food in Makassar is Coto Makassar.

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