The implementation of listening team strategy to improve the student's ability in giving opinion at eleventh grade of SMA Cerdas Murni in 2017/2018 academic year - Repository UIN Sumatera Utara

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of Study As one of important language in the world, though considered as a

  foreign language in Indonesia, English also becomes one of compulsary subjects that should be taught in senior high school as implied in the government regulation No. 19/2005 articles 6 verse 1 about the scope of


  subject in every level of education in the curriculum. Related to the important of English itself, in our surroundings, there are so many English courses which offer mastering English as the main purpose.

  As we know, English basically consists of four skills to be taught. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Recently, speaking has played an increasingly important role in second/foreign language settings as a mean of communication.

  Actually, Speaking is a kind of either productive or active skill. It is a verbal communication of language that used to communicate with others.

  Numerous attempts have been made to classify the function of speaking in human interaction. Brown and Yule made a useful distinction between the interactional functions of speaking, in which it serves to establish and

1 State University of Makassar site. Https://

  maintain social relations, and the transactional functions, which focus on the

  2 exchange of information.

  As transactional function, the students as language learners can tell or convey their information or problems from their mind ideas through speaking.

  They also can give opinions and denying somone opinions through speaking. Giving opinion is one of items that learned in speaking. Giving opinion is an activities of conveying what someone thinks, believe, or feels about something or somebody in oral or written way. By mastering speaking skill, hopefully students will be able to give or to deny someone’s statement or point of view in appropriate way in English.

  The mastery of speaking skill in English is a priority for many second- language or foreign-language learners. Consequently, learners often evaluate their success in langguage learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much they feel they have improved in

  3 their spoken language proficiency.

  In learning English, the students must be involved and active in the learning process. So that, it is important to vary the activities during the lesson in order to keep them on track and maintain the st udents’ motivation. One of strategies of cooperative learning which will involve students actively in learning process is that called as Listening Team Strategy.

2 Jack C. Richards, (2008), Teaching Listening and Speaking: From Theory to Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 21.


  Based on the observation at elevent grade students of SMA Cerdas Murni, there were many students still felt difficult to give their opinion in English. Although they had studied English since primary school, their ability in giving opinion is still low. When the teacher asked the students

  ’ opinion about something, the students were just silent and they did not want to speak.

  On that ground, there are many students will get low score when doing test. Many reasons or factors that had made the students did not want to speak. Firstly, they did not know how the way to give or deny opinion in good grammatical way. Secondly, they felt difficult to convey their words to others because they confused to convey or to say what. Secondly, the teacher did not give more scope enough for students to increase their ability in giving opinion and less motivation from the teacher about the lesson. Thirdly, the students were shy and afraid to speak because of mispronouncing words and not confidence. Then, the students were lack of vocabularies; made grammatical mistakes and stuck in speaking pausing, so they could not express their ideas.

  The researcher hopes all the problems that become factors of making students of SMA Cerdas Murni did not want to speak will be able to solve by implementing Listening Team Strategy.

  Listening team strategy is one of the strategies in cooperative learning could be applied to vary the activities during the learning process. In this strategy, students will be divided into four groups with different tasks and give opportunity to each student involving in learning activity. This strategy can help the teacher to give each student opportunity to practice their speaking ability during the learning process, each student is required to participate and give contribution during the discussion process.

  Listening team strategy is a type of cooperative learning. Silberman states Listening Team Strategy is a strategy that helps participants stay


  focused and alert during a lecture. It means that, listening team strategy is a strategy that help students can focused in learning process and concentrate with the material that teacher gives. This strategy needs the participation of every students in each teams and will give space for every student to involve.

  There are some advantages of applying this strategy in learning process, such as; doesn’t require complicated communicative skill, in many cases the students are able to do many things by simple instructions from the teacher, interactions among the students enable creating solidarity, this strategy gives positive response for inactive, incapable, and less motivated students, listening teams trains the students to be able thinking critically, the students don’t reckon to much on the teachers, but then be able to increase the students’ confidence in thinking ability autonomously, developing the students’ ability in giving idea/concept, helping the students in responding others, pushing the students to be more responsible in learning, developing the students’ ability in examining their own ideas and understandings as well as receiving feedback, increasing motivation and giving stimulations for

4 Melvin L. Siberman, (2010), Active learning: 101 cara belajar siswa aktif.


Fourth Edition. Nusamedia and Nuansa Publisher. Page. 121. Translated from melvin L.

Siberman. active learning: 101 strategies to teach any subjects (allyn and Bacon, Boston,


  thinking. Thus, Listening Team Strategy has many advantages that will improve students’ ability in speaking, especially in giving opinion.

  Based on the explanation above, the researcher attempts to improve the students’ ability in giving opinion by using Listening teams strategy and is interested to conduct a research about



B. The Identification of Study 1.

  The students still had low ability in giving opinion in English.

  2. The students did not have enough opportunity to speak English and less motivation from the teacher.

  3. The students felt difficult to convey their words in English because of lack vocabularies, grammatical mistakes, and so on.

  4. The students were shy to say what they wanted to say because of fear mispronouncing words and unconfident to speak in front of the class.

  5. The strategies which used by the teacher were too various, but the 5 speaking ability of students ware still low.

  Rahmadanni Pohan, dkk (2016)

C. The Limitation of Study

  Based on the identification of study, this research was limited on improving the students’ ability at giving opinion by using Listening Team Strategy at the eleventh grade students of SMA Cerdas Murni.

  D. The Formulation of Study

  Based on the limitation of the study, the researcher was formulated the research questions as follows:

  1. Can the listening teams strategy improve the students’ ability in giving opinion?

  2. How does the listening team strategy improve the students’ ability at giving opinion?

  E. The Objectiveness of Study

  In relating to the formulation of study above, the objectiveness of this study are:

1. To find out whether the students’ ability at giving opinion be improved by implementing the listening teams strategy.

  2. To know the implementation of listening teams strategy in im proving the students’ ability in giving opinion.

F. The Significance of Study

  a. Practical Benefits 1.

  To the students, hopefully this research will improve their speaking skills in giving opinion in English whether in the learning process or in other occasions.

  2. To the teachers of English, the results of this research are hopefully useful for teachers of English. They may also find it easier to develop the materials through listening teams strategy which are interesting to the students.

  3. To the school, hopefully this research can be used as a conceptual contribution. So, it can improve the quality of education and innovation for learning and teaching English at SMA Cerdas Murni in speaking skill, especially in giving opinion.


  Theoretical benefits The study can provide a foundation for other researchers to conduct similar rese arch in order to improve the students’ speaking ability in giving opinion and language skills generally through the implementation of Listening Team strategy or the other strategies.