MYOB Basic Qualification Test MYOB Accounting v18

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  Code: L1HA12R1 Effective from 09 Jan 2013 MYOB Qual if icat ion Test

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  Ful l name : ________________________________________________ Pl ace & Dat e of Birt h: _______________________________________________ Phone number : ________________________________________________ Fol der name : ________________________________________________


MYOB Qualification Test Level Basic

Inst ruct ions to Part icipant s: 1 . You will have 2 hours t o complet e t he test . Answer all quest ions in the t est .

2 . Please check that you have MYOB Premier v12 on your computer. If you do not

see it , please inform t he invigilat or for assist ance.

3 . You are NOT allowed to bring any disket t es or paper into t he examinat ion room.

4 . You must create new folder on harddisk. Please save your . MYO, backup folder,

and report folder in t his folder and the folder will be collect ed from harddisk at t he end of t he examinat ion. 5 . In t he event of any unforseen circumst ances e. g. elect ricit y blackout or comput er failure that prohibit s you from cont inuing wit h t he examination, and such event

is not t he cause of your own act ion (s), you will be allocat ed extra time t o

complete the examinat ion at t he discret ion of t he invigilator. (This is t o ensure

consist ency with all t he ot her inst ruct ions, which are expressed in t he first


6 . If you should encounter any technical difficult ies wit h the computer during t he

examinat ion, please inform t he invigilator for assist ance. 7 . Non-programmable elect ronic calculators are allowed for this examination. 8 . You are not allowed t o communicat e wit h ot her examination candidates t hroughout t he examinat ion.


9 . You are NOT allowed to leave t he examination room without the permission of

t he invigilator. 1 0. The assignment and any used or unused paper, must be returned t o the invigilator at t he end of the examinat ion. 1 1. Total quest ions 13 with t ot al score 100 points.



Menar a KADIN Indonesi a, Lt . 30, Jl . H. R. Rasuna Said, X-5, Kav. 2-3, Jakart a 12950. Indonesi a.

  Tel . : 021-5570 0905 | Fax. : 021-5570 0907


The Case Study

  Based t he f act given, you are requi red t o :

  1. Set up t he company dat a f il e :

  [ 4 marks] Mr. Handoko is t he owner of t he st or e “ Quantum Home Appliance” .

  As Home Appliance Dealer, Mr. Handoko buys and sel l s home appl iances t o end users. Mr. Handoko decided t o use MYOB Premi er v12 account ing sof t war e f or prepari ng hi s company

  1 January to 31 December 2013 Financial Year Report s and pref er t o use t he 13th accounting period for the audit trial adj ustment.

  Pl ease use one of t he account l ist provided by MYOB Premier 12. So you don’ t need t o set up t he account l ist compl et el y.

  Set up t he f ol l owing inf ormat ion: The Company address : Yogyakart a Tel : 0274-5707 07 Fax : 0274-5707 08 Email : quant uminf o@gmail . com The f ol l owi ng pref er ences opt i on must be act ivat ed :

   Syst em Pr ef er ences : Tick t he opt ion f or “ Warn if Jobs Are Not Assigned

  to All Transaction [System-Wide]”

   : Unt ick opt ion f or “ Automatically Check Spelling in Wi ndows Pref erences

  Text Fields Before Recording Transaction”

   Sal es Pref er ences : Tick t he opt ion f or : “ Warn for Duplicate Invoices

  Numbers on Recorded Sales”

   Purchases Pref er ences : Tick t he opt ion f or : “ Warn for Purchase Orders

  Numbers on Recorded Purchases”

  Securit y Pref erences

   : Cl ick User IDs t o add new User ID as your Name.

  2. Log-off (exit) from MYOB – no backup is required. , and t hen login to MYOB dat a f il e creat ed wi t h your user name

  Setup the List below : [ 8 marks] Setup t he f ol l owing Account List

  The Company don’ t use t he f ol l owi ng account codes anymor e : -

   1-2120 Payroll Cheque Account 1-2130 Cash Drawer



Menar a KADIN Indonesi a, Lt . 30, Jl . H. R. Rasuna Said, X-5, Kav. 2-3, Jakart a 12950. Indonesi a.

  Tel . : 021-5570 0905 | Fax. : 021-5570 0907

  • The Company changes some account s as f ol l ows :
  • The Company need t o add t he f ol l owi ng account s :

  1-2300 Merchandise Invent or y

  I Sell This Item

  4-1200 Smal l Appl iance Sal es

  4-1200 Smal l Appl iance Sal es

  4-1100 Large Appl iance Sal es

  4-1100 Large Appl iance Sal es

  4-1300 Audi o/ Video Sal es

  I Invent ory This Item

  1-2300 Merchandise Invent or y

  1-2300 Merchandise Invent or y

  5-1100 Large Appl iance Pur chases

  1-2300 Merchandise Invent or y

  1-2300 Merchandise Invent or y

  Setup t he f ol l owing Card List :

   MR. GOGO (Customer)

   DIMARCO (Supplier)

   JOHAN (Employee)


   IYASHI (Supplier)

  5-1300 Audi o/ Video Pur chases

  5-1100 Large Appl iance Pur chases



Menar a KADIN Indonesi a, Lt . 30, Jl . H. R. Rasuna Said, X-5, Kav. 2-3, Jakart a 12950. Indonesi a.

  Setup t he Category List as YK f or Yogyakarta, BD f or Bandung and SBY f or Surabaya. Setup t he Items List as f ol l ows : Item No.

  Tel . : 021-5570 0905 | Fax. : 021-5570 0907

   1-2210 Less Prov’ n for Doubtful Debts

   1-2140 Petty Cash, Change to 1-2120

   1-2160 Undeposited Funds, Change to 1-2130 Undeposited Cheque

  Account # Account Type Header/ Detail Level

  2-2340 GST Cl eari ng Ot her Li abil it y Det ai l

  4 Setup t he Tax Code List as GST (Goods and Services Tax), Tax Type : Goods & Services Tax,

  Rate : 10%

Setup t he Job List as SA f or Small Appliance Sales, LA f or Large Appliance Sales and OS f or

Other Sales.

  VC CM DF TM HT Description

  5-1200 Smal l Appl iance Pur chases

  Vacum Cl eaner Cof f ee Maker Deep Fryer Turbo Mi xer Home Theat re

  Selling Price

  Rp600, 000 Rp150, 000 Rp13, 000, 000 Rp8, 000, 000 Rp17, 000, 000

  Tax Code When Bought/ Sold

  N-T N-T N-T N-T N-T

  Selling Unit of Measure

  Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit

  I Buy This Item

  5-1200 Smal l Appl iance Pur chases

   GENIE (Employee) CV. PRABU PERKAKAS (Customer) SHANO PELITA (Supplier)

  PT. NET21PLUS Menar a KADIN Indonesi a, Lt . 30, Jl . H. R. Rasuna Said, X-5, Kav. 2-3, Jakart a 12950. Indonesi a.

  Supplier Name DIMARCO

  [Category : YK]: It em No. Qt y Unit Cost

  YK BD SBY Set up t he f ol l owing invent ory opening bal ance as 01 January 2013 [Journal# : I-130001]


  IS-120001 SS-120001


  Supp. Inv#

  P-120001 P-120002 P-120003


  Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST



  Tel . : 021-5570 0905 | Fax. : 021-5570 0907


  GP-120001 ZP-120001 PP-120001

  Cust. PO#

  S-120001 S-120002 S-120003


  Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST Rp2, 200, 000 Inc. GST Rp1, 100, 000 Inc. GST


  Set up t he f ol l owing ending bal ance as 31 Dec 2012 :

  [ 8 marks]

  3. Set up Account Opening Bal ance Sheet inf ormat i on as 01 January 2013

  VC 10 units Rp500, 000 CM 25 units Rp120, 000 DF 8 units Rp12, 000, 000 TM 8 units Rp7, 000, 000 HT 2 units Rp15, 000, 000



Menar a KADIN Indonesi a, Lt . 30, Jl . H. R. Rasuna Said, X-5, Kav. 2-3, Jakart a 12950. Indonesi a.

  t erms

  GST) [Job : LA] [Category : BD] [Salesperson : GENIE] POINT [ 4 marks]

  16 Jan 2013

  Sol d 1 unit Home Theatre (HT) Rp18,700, 000 (Include 10% GST) t o MR. GOGO

  on Net 10 days t erms (Inv#: S-130002, Cust PO#: GP-130001) Al l t he goods &

  Invoi ce was recei ved. [Job: OS] [Category : YK] [Salesperson : JOHAN]

  POINT [ 4 marks]

  17 Jan 2013

  Rai sed sal e services f or

  Home Theatre Installation t o MR. GOGO as Miscellaneous Income (Acc# 4-8000) f or Rp880,000 (Include 10% GST) on COD


(Inv#: S-130003, Cust PO#:GP-130001). Invoice was del iver ed. [Job: OS]

[Salesperson: JOHAN] [Category: YK].

  GST) [Job : LA]

  Ful l payment of

  Rp880, 000. - f or invoice on 17 Jan 2013 was received f rom MR. GOGO and deposit s t o Petty Cash [ID#: R-130001].

  [ 4 marks]

  18 Jan 2013

  Issued Discount-Credit notes to ZALORA HOUSEWARE Rp420, 000 as Discount

  Given (Acc# 5-3000) (Inv#: S-130004, Cust PO#: ZP-130001) and edit Journal

  Memo wi t h “ Sale Discount : ZALORA HOUSEWARE” . [Job : LA] [Category : BD]

  [Salesperson : GENIE]

  Immediat el y Pay Refund [Cheque No: D-130002] f or t he Rp420, 000 Discount -

   Ship 2 units of Turbo Mixer (TM) Rp8, 800,000. -/ each (Include 10%

   Ship 2 units of Deep Fryer (DF) Rp14, 300, 000. -/ each (Include 10%

  Tel . : 021-5570 0905 | Fax. : 021-5570 0907

  A bi ll was recei ved f rom DIMARCO f or Delivery Expenses (Acc# 5-4000) on amount Rp550, 000 (Include GST 10%) on COD terms. (PO#: P-130002,

  4. The f ol l owi ng t ransact ions are made in January 2012. Record t hese t ransact i ons in MYOB according t o t he dat es and det ail s given bel ow.

  02 Jan 2013

  A purchase was raised t o purchase t he f ol l owing invent ory it em f rom main suppl ier, DIMARCO, wit h Net 25 after EOM credi t t erms. (PO#:P-130001,

  Supplier Inv#: DS-130001)

   Recei ved 2 units Vacum Cleaner (VC) f or Rp500, 000. -/ unit (Exclude 10% GST) each. Wit h backorder 1 units of VC.

   Recei ved 10 units Coffee Maker (CM) f or Rp120, 000. -/ unit (Exclude

  10% GST). [Category :YK] POINT

  [ 4 marks]

  03 Jan 2013

  Supplier Inv#: DS-130002) [Job : SA] [Category : YK]

  t erms (Inv#: S-130001, Cust PO#: ZP-130001). Al l t he goods & Invoi ce was Recei ved :

  Ful l payment t o DIMARCO f rom Petty Cash [Cheque No: D-130001] f or t ot al amount Rp550, 000. - f or bil l on 3 Jan 2013.

  POINT [ 4 marks] [ 4 marks]

  04 Jan 2013

  Ret urn 1 of Coffee Maker (CM) f or Rp120, 000 (Exclude 10% GST) t o DIMARCO,

  (PO#:P-130003, Supplier Inv#: DS-130001) (Job : SA) . Edit Journal Memo wit h “ Purchase Return; DIMARCO” . [Category : YK]

  Immediat el y applied the Return-Debit note to Trade Creditor balance f or DIMARCO [ID#:P-130003] f or bil l on 2 Jan 2013.

  POINT [ 2 marks] [ 2 marks]

  15 Jan 2013

  Sol d t he f ol l owing it ems t o ZALORA HOUSEWARE on net 10

  t h days after EOM

  POINT [ 2 marks]

  [ 2 marks] Credit not es t o ZALORA HOUSEWARE f rom t he Petty Cash.


  20 Using Spend Money [Cheque No: D-130003] t o r ecord expenses on January

  [ 4 marks]

  Jan f rom Petty Cash Rp500, 000 f or Water Rp150,000 and Telephone Rp350, 000 2013 [Category : YK].

  Receive money f or t ot al Rp100,000 on Cheque Account f or Rp105, 000 as [ 4 marks] Bank interest Income wit h Rp5000 Bank Charges [ID#: R-130002] [Category : YK]

  5. Perf orm Bank Reconciliation f or t he mont h of Jan 2013 f or Cheque Account [ 4 marks] t he Bank st at ement shows a bal ance of Rp70, 100, 000 on 31 Jan 2013.

  [ 2 marks]

  6. In addit ion t o t he t ransact i on above, prepar e a j ournal ent ry t o record t he

  depreciation on 31 Jan 2013, f or t he f ol l owing asset cat egori es [GJ#:G- 130001] [Category : YK] :

   Bldgs & Imprv Rp1, 000, 000 Save as Monthly Recurring Transaction start from 28 Feb 2013 f or t hose

  j ournal t hen use t he recurri ng and record depreciat i on j ournal for 28 Feb 2013

  [GJ#:G-130003] [Category : YK]

  Prepare a j ournal ent ry t o record t he GST Clearing j ournal on 31 Jan 2013

  [ 2 marks] [GJ#:G-130002] f or Dec 2012 bal ance. [Category : YK] [ 4 marks]

  7. On 31 Jan 2013, prepare adj ust i nvent ory t o record Inventory Total Unit Cost

  Adj ustment increased by Rp170, 000 as 5-1200 Small Appliance Purchases [IJ#: I-130002] of Coffee Maker (CM) [Job : SA] [Category : YK] [ 4 marks]

  8. Generat e t he f ol l owing financial reports at 1 January – 31 January 2013

  reports to PDF file format :

   Account Transact ions [ Accrual ]

   Trial Bal ance

   St andard Bal ance Sheet

   Prof it & Loss (Accrual )

   General Journal

   Cash Receipt s Journal

   Cash Disbursement Journal

  9. From Security Preference, act i vat e t he opt ion f or “ Use Audit Trail Tracking” , [ 4 marks] t hen Lock the Accounting period f or 31 Jan 2013. BACKUP your MYOB

  company dat a file (ONLY), Check Company File for Error and Save t he MYOB company dat a backup f il e name as Your name in Backup Folder.

  10. From Company Data Auditor – Transaction Review f or 1 Jan 2013 to 31 Jan [ 4 marks]

  2013, t here i s a “ ?” mark f or Scan for Future Dated Transaction. Displ ay it & Sent to PDF the reports.

  [ 4 marks]

  11. Edi t payment f rom MR. GOGO on 17 Jan 2013 t o: part l y payment f or amount Rp880, 000 f rom Petty Cash f or bil l on 31 Dec 2012, keep t he Cheque No. record as R-130001.



Menar a KADIN Indonesi a, Lt . 30, Jl . H. R. Rasuna Said, X-5, Kav. 2-3, Jakart a 12950. Indonesi a.

  Tel . : 021-5570 0905 | Fax. : 021-5570 0907

  12. Delete all related transaction on 4 Jan 2013. [ 4 marks]

  13. Generat e and modif y t he Sales -Item [Sales Summary] r eport l ike t he sampl e [ 4 marks] bel ow and t hen save as PDF Format


~End of Assignment ~


Menar a KADIN Indonesi a, Lt . 30, Jl . H. R. Rasuna Said, X-5, Kav. 2-3, Jakart a 12950. Indonesi a.

  Tel . : 021-5570 0905 | Fax. : 021-5570 0907