Handling Problems in Doing Small Talk With Buyers From Manila During My Internship in CV Acopindo.


Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, saya menganalisis masalah yang saya hadapi
selama melakukan program magang di sebuah perusahaan garment
bernama CV Acopindo. Masalah yang saya hadapi dalam kegiatan
magang adalah kesulitan dalam melakukan small talk dengan klien dari
Berdasarkan hasil analisis, masalah yang saya hadapi terjadi karena
saya belum mengenal lebih jauh klien dari Manila dan penguasaan kosa
kata yang tidak memadai. Masalah ini berdampak pada saat saya bertemu
dengan klien dari Manila dan menyebabkan saya menjadi gugup dan
tampak tidak profesional.
Saya memaparkan tiga solusi yang berpotensi untuk memecahkan
masalah saya dalam melakukan small talk ketika bertemu dengan klien
dari Manila, beserta dampak positif dan negatif yang mungkin terjadi bila
solusi tersebut diterapkan. Solusi yang pertama adalah mencari artikel
tentang small talk di internet atau di buku. Solusi kedua adalah
mempersiapkan pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan ketika bertemu dengan
klien. Solusi ketiga adalah mencari informasi mengenai perbedaan budaya
dengan mencari artikel tentang budaya para klien. Setelah melakukan
analisis, saya menentukan solusi gabungan untuk memecahkan masalah

saya dalam small talk yaitu mencari artikel di internet tentang small talk
dan tentang perbedaan budaya lalu menerapkannya dengan
mempersiapkan pertanyaan terlebih dahulu agar terlihat siap dan
profesional ketika bertemu dengan klien.

Maranatha Christian University

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………...v
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………...1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION………………………………………………..15

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1. Bagaimana menurut Anda jika bertemu dengan orang baru untuk
melakukan small talk dan kita merasa nervous, apakah itu wajar?
2. Apakah efek dari kesulitan membuat small talk dengan orang yang
baru pertama kali bertemu dan kita tidak mengetahui apa pun

tentang mereka?
3. Apakah negatif efek dari kita mencari tahu tentang kebudayaan
orang lain yang berbeda dengan kita?

1. Apa efek positif dari kita mempersiapkan pertanyaan sebelum
memulai small talk?
2. Apa efek negatif dari kita mempersiapkan pertanyaan sebelum
memulai small talk?
3. Apa efek positif dari memperhatikan kebudayaan asing orang lain?
4. Apa efek negatif dari kita mencari tahu tentang kebudayaan orang
lain yang berbeda dengan kita?

1. Pertanyaan seperti apa yang harus kita buat ketika sedang
membuat small talk dengan buyers dari Manila?
2. Menurut anda, apa yang saya dapatkan dengan belajar
membuat small talk dengan buyers dari Manila?



Name of Interviewer


Nita Sofiani

Name of Respondent


Marco Devian

Day & Date of Interview


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Place of Interview


In house


Marco :

Hai Marco Devian, boleh minta waktunya sebentar?
Oh, ia yaaa, boleh banget. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?

Nita :
Ia.. saya lagi ngerjain Tugas Akhir dan butuh wawancara
untuk membantu teori yang saya buat di dalam Tugas Akhir saya.
Marco :

Oh, ia boleh banget.

Nita :
Sip deh, kita mulai yah sekarang.. Menurut Marco, jika kita
bertemu dengan orang baru untuk melakukan small talk, dan kita merasa
nervous, apakah itu wajar?
Marco :
Ya betul banget, kalo kita ketemu sama orang baru dan mau
melakukan small talk atau chit chat sebelom masuk ke topik utama,
memang wajar banget kita ngerasa takut ato nervous. Karena kita engga
tau apapun tentang mereka.
Nita :
Oh, gitu yah.. sip deh, kita lanjut ke pertanyaan berikutnya
yah.. Apakah efek dari kesulitan membuat small talk dengan orang yang
baru pertama kali bertemu dan kita tidak mengetahui apapun tentang

Marco :
Efeknya banyak banget. Kadang kita bisa keliatan ga
profesional, dan ekspektasi mereka suka terlalu tinggi ketika kita membuat
small talk dengan mereka. Selain itu juga, kadang kita terlihat bodoh

karena mungkin kita belom mempersiapkan apapun dan tidak mengetahui
Nita :
Oh, gitu yah.. Berarti kita harus bener-bener tau yah mau
ngomongin apa pas lagi ngelakuin small talk sama pembeli dari luar negri
dan kita baru tau mereka.
Marco :
Ya bener banget. Persiapan yang paling penting. Supaya
kita tetep keliatan profesional di depan mereka dan keliatan menguasai.
Nita :
Oke deh. Terimakasih yah Marco sudah meluangkan waktu
buat saya. Hehehehe. Sorry mengganggu waktunya.
Marco :
Santai aja, kalo ada yang dibutuhin, kasih tau aja siapa tau
saya bisa bantu. Hehehehe.

Name of Interviewer


Nita Sofiani

Name of Respondent


Marco Devian

Day & Date of Interview


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Place of Interview


In house

Nita :
Halo Co. Sorry ganggu lagi, mau nanya lagi dong buat bantu
teori yang saya buat untuk Tugas Akhir.hehehehe.
Marco :

Oh, boleh banget.Mau nanya apa, Nit?

Nita :
Ia nih Co. Mau nanya ini. Apa sih efek positif dari
menyiapkan topik dan pertanyaan sebelum bertemu dan memulai small
Marco :
Hmm. Menurut saya, kamu jadi lebih percaya diri saat
mengobrol, kamu tidak akan salah memilih topik sehingga klien tersebut
akan merasa nyaman dengan topik tersebut dan pembicaraan kamu akan
berjalan dengan baik sesuai yang diharapkan.
Nita :
Oh, Ok, Co. Kalo efek negatif dari kita mempersiapkan
pertanyaan sebelum memulai small talk?

Marco :
Ya dipersiapkan itu ada bagus dan buruknya. Kalo buruknya
kamu jadi ketergantungan harus cari-cari sebelum memulai, kamu juga
akan menghabiskan waktu kerja kamu dengan mempersiapkan hal
Nita :
Iya juga yah, Co. Kalo efek positif dari memperhatikan
kebudayaan asing orang lain?
Marco :
Kalo menurut saya, dengan mencari tau kebudayaan orang
asing itu bagus juga, kamu jadi menambah pengetahuan tentang budaya
luar, tau bagaimana berkomunikasi dengan orang asing, tau apa saja
yang dapat diperbincangkan dan dilakukan sehingga perbincangan kamu

dengan orang asing tersebut akan lancar dan orang asing tersebut akan
menyukai kamu.
Nita :
Ok, Co. Satu lagi nih, Co. Apa sih efek negatif dari kita
mencari tahu tentang kebudayaan orang lain yang berbeda dengan kita?
Marco :

Efek negatifnya ada, kita jadi harus ngeluangin waktu yang
lebih banyak yah buat nyiapin semuanya karena ga perlu kan kita harus
cari tentang mereka, cukup aja kita siapin tentang produk beli dan
keinginan mereka. Engga cuma itu aja sih, kita juga jadi suka bingung
sama aksen aksen mereka karena mungkin kita terlalu mempelajari
kebudayaan mereka. Gitu..
Nita :
Oh, gitu yah sip deh. Thanks yah Co..Ini buat bantuin
ngedukung teori yang lagi saya buat di Tugas Akhir soalnya.hehehee.
Marco :

Santai Nit..kalo bisa pasti dibantuin. Hehehehe.

Name of Interviewer


Nita Sofiani

Name of Respondent


Marco Devian

Day & Date of Interview


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Place of Interview


In house

Nita :

Hai Marco Devian, Selamat siang. Boleh minta waktunya

Marco :

Oh, ia yaaa, boleh boleh. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?

Nita :
Ia.. saya akan melakukan wawancara mengenai sejarah
perusahaan ini. Apakah anda keberatan?
Marco :

Oh, ga. Tidak apa-apa. Silakan.

Nita :
Ok, kita mulai yah sekarang. CV Acopindo ini didirikan sejak
kapan, Co?
Marco :

Ini sudah berjalan 10 tahun, didirikan sekitar tahun 2002.

Nita :
Wah, hebat yah sudah berlangsung selama 10 tahun. Ada
berapa pekerja yang berada dibawah pimpinan anda?
Marco :

Kurang lebih sekitar 100 pekerja, Nit.

Nita :
Ok, Bagaimana dengan sistem penjualan yang dilakukan,
maksud saya jangkauan pasar yang anda kuasai.
Marco :
Sebenarnya perusahaan saya melakukan ekspor dan impor,
maka kami bekerja sama baik di dalam maupun di luar negri. Bahkan,
negara pertama yang saya jangkau adalah Eropa.

Nita :
Wah, hebat banget Co udah sejauh itu. Kalo boleh tau sudah
bekerja sama dengan perusahaan apa saja?
Marco :
Lumayan banyak, Nit. Tidak bisa disampaikan satu-satu.
Beberapa perusahaan besar yang sudah dikenal publik saja ya,
diantaranya Gold’s Gym, Gudang Garam, “3”, Djarum Super dan lainnya.


Marco :

Itu kan perusahaan-perusahaan besar, Co. Selamat yah.
Iyah, terima kasih Nit.

Name of Interviewer


Nita Sofiani

Name of Respondent


Marco Devian

Day & Date of Interview


Monday, January 14, 2013

Place of Interview


In office

Nita :
Hai Marco Devian, Selamat siang. Boleh saya minta
waktunya sebentar?
Marco :

Oh, ia yaaa, boleh boleh. Ada yang bisa saya bantu lagi,

Nita :
Ia.. saya akan melakukan wawancara untuk melengkapi teori
Tugas Akhir saya. Apakah anda ada waktu sebentar?
Marco :

Oh ya, silakan saja, Nit.

Nita :
Ok, kita mulai dari pertanyaan pertama yah. Menurut Marco,
Pertanyaan seperti apa yang harus kita buat ketika sedang membuat
small talk dengan buyers dari Manila?
Marco :
Menurut saya, pertanyaan yang harus dibuat adalah
pertanyaan yang masuk dan sesuai dengan keadaan yang ada.
Nita :

Bisa beri contoh, apa yang dimaksud dengan keadaan yang

Marco :
Ya, maksud saya adalah buyers tersebut berada di kota
Bandung, Indonesia. Maka dari itu, coba buat small talk yang
berhubungan dengan kota Bandung / lingkungan di daerah kota Bandung
dalam beberapa aspek. Atau bisa saja tentang kegiatan yang mereka
lakukan selama berada di kota Bandung.

Nita :
Boleh beri contoh pertanyaannya dari yang umum sampai
yang spesifik?
Marco :
Ya, pertanyaan umum seperti “Apa kabarnya?” sambil
menjabat tangan atau “Bagaimana keadaannya hari ini?” dan pertanyaan
khusus seperti “Apa pendapat anda tentang perusahaan garment yang
ada di kota Bandung?” atau “Bagaimana orang – orang Bandung? Ramah
/ tidak?”. Seperti itu.
Nita :
Oh yah, saya mengerti. Lanjut ke pertanyaan berikutnya.
Menurut anda, apa yang saya dapatkan dengan belajar membuat small
talk dengan buyers dari Manila?
Marco :
Menurut saya, kamu mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan.
Dari apa yang harus kamu lakukan sampai tidak boleh kamu lakukan
ketika bertemu dengan buyers dari Manila tersebut. Tidak itu saja, tapi kita
juga jadi mengetahui bagaimana harus bersikap dan memilih pertanyaan
yang baik dan benar ketika membuat small talk dengan buyers dari luar
Nita :
Baiklah kalau begitu. Saya sudah paham sekarang.
Terimakasih atas informasinya yah, Co. Mohon maag sudah
Marco :

Tidak apa-apa. Kalau saya bisa bantu, pasti saya bantu.

Causes of the problem :
1. I did not know much about
the buyers from Manila.

Problem :
Handling problems in doing small
talk with buyers from Manila during
my internship in CV Acopindo.

2.I had a lack of vocabulary.

Potential Negative Effect :
1.I need to spend more time
to search for information
about small talk.

Effects of the problem :
1. I was nervous when
speaking with the buyers from
2. I looked unprofessional
when having conversations.

Potential Solution I:
I should search about small talk in
the Internet and books

Potential Positive Effects :
1. I can prepare myself when
meeting the buyers from
2. I get new knowledge about
small talk.

Potential Positive Effects:
Potential Negative effect :
1. I would need to spend
much time to do this.

Potential Solution II :
I should prepare some questions
about what I want to talk about in
small talk.

1. I will not be at a loss for
words during the
2. I am prepared for the
3. I can make myself feel
more confident

Potential Negative effects
1. It will take too much time.

Potential Solution III :
I should be aware of cultural
differences by searching for
information about buyers’ culture
from the Internet and books

Chosen Solution:

Potential Positive Effects:
1.The small talk will go well.
2. I know how to behave in
front of the buyers and can
cope with the differences.


A. Background of the Study
In business, small talk is really needed because the first time business
people have a meeting to talk about business, they will not talk about
business immediately. Usually, there is a chit chat that is called small talk.
According to one theory from an article entitled “Small Talk”, it is explained
that “Small talk is a casual form of conversation that "breaks the ice" or fills
an awkward silence between people” (par. 1). Small talk is important in
business because “it is sometimes considered rude to say nothing” (par.
1). In the article entitled “Small Talk”, there are certain topics that people
often discuss during small talk, for example, “Sports, hobbies, weather,
family (general questions, not questions about private matters), media,
holidays, home town, job, latest fashion and trends, celebrities” (par. 2).
Even though there are several suitable topics to discuss, the hardest part
about making a small talk is knowing how to start a conversation. This
problem also happened to me when I was doing my internship at CV

Maranatha Christian University

During my internship I had the opportunity to be an administration staff.
One of my duties was to accompany my supervisor when he was doing
business negotiation with buyers from Manila. In that occasions, I had to
make small talks with the buyers. It was hard for me to make the small
talks because I did not know how to start the conversation. I did not know
what I should do during the silence and what topic I should share with the
buyers from Manila. I was also afraid of making mistakes. I had a chance
of having six meetings with the buyers and in each meeting I had to make
a small talk with four people from Manila.
Having such a problem, I decided to choose the topic for my term
paper about small talk because when I did my internship, this was my
biggest difficulty. The topic of my term paper is “ Handling Problems in
Doing Small Talk with Buyers from Manila during my Internship in CV
Acopindo”. I analyze what causes the problem and try to find out the
solutions to the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem
The problems I am going to analyze in the term paper are
1. Why is it difficult for me to have small talks with buyers from Manila?
2. How does this problem affect my performance during my internship?
3. How should I overcome the problem in having small talks with buyers
from Manila?

Maranatha Christian University

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of the study is to know why I have difficulties in having a
small talk with buyers from Manila and how the problem affected my
working performance. Beside this, the study also aims to find out the
solutions of the problem, specially about what I should do to communicate
well when having small talk with buyers from Manila. Besides the
objectives, there are also find some benefits of the study. For me, the
benefit is I get new experience and knowledge, I know how to make good
small talk with new people that will be beneficial for my future career. The
benefits for CV Acopindo are they get some advice about making small
talk and they know more about how small talk is important in making a
deal with new clients. Lastly, the benefit for the readers who have the
same difficulties in communication skills especially in making small talk
with new people from different countries, they can get some inputs on how
to overcome the problem.

D. Description the Institution
Based from the interview with Marco Devian, the owner of CV
Acopindo, CV Acopindo was established in 2002. The owner of CV
Acopindo is Marco Devian. CV Acopindo is a garment industry which

Maranatha Christian University

produces jackets, t-shirts, bags, and kind of products for advertising. It is
located in Jl. Aksan no 24, Bandung. There are many Big Label’s
promotional goods that are produced by CV Acopindo. They are Djarum
Super, Gudang Garam, “3”, Gold’s Gym and many more. CV Acopindo
has four divisions, they are marketing, administration, accounting, and
production. The Marketing division has sales people to help them market
the products and The Production division has two purchasing divisions to
help them buying the needs. CV Acopindo has 100 workers in the
production division. CV Acopindo started running an export and import
business in 2005 and the first place for export was Europe.

E. Method of the Study
In doing the study, I did a library research to find theories from Internet
sources and books concerning information about communication and
small talk. Not only that, but I also made observation when I had an
internship in which the data was written in the internship journal. The last
method applied was the interview to get more data and more information
about my difficulties in making small talks with buyers from Manila.

F. Limitation of the Study
Limited to this study is the problem that I encountered is making small
talks with buyers from Manila when I had an internship in CV Acopindo

Maranatha Christian University

from July 16th 2012 until August 4th 2012. The subject of the research is

G. Organization of the Term Paper
The term paper starts with the Abstract that contains the summary of
the term paper in Indonesian. It is followed by Chapter I, the Introduction,
which provides us with information about the problem analyzed. Chapter
II, the Problem Analysis, explains the causes and effects of the problem,
using theories from various sources. Chapter III, the Potential Solutions
provides three potential solutions that might solve the problem along with
the analysis of the potential positive and negative effects of each solution.
The final chapter, Chapter IV, the Conclusion, discusses the chosen
solution to overcome the problem. The term paper ends with Bibliography
and Appendices containing the flowchart, interview of the analysis
questions, and transcriptions of the interview.

Maranatha Christian University


Based on the analysis on the previous chapters, I find out that it is
hard to make small talk with buyers from Manila because of some
reasons, such as I did not know much about the buyers from Manila and I
had a lack of vocabulary. The problem also has some effects, they are I
was nervous when speaking with the buyers from Manila and I looked
unprofessional when having conversations. There are some potential
solutions for that problem, such as I will search for information about small
talk in the Internet or books, prepare some questions about what we can
talk about during the small talk and be aware of cultural differences. In this
chapter, I am going to explain the chosen solutions from the three
potential solutions mentioned above.
The best potential solution for handling difficulties in making small talks
with buyers from Manila is combining all the potential solutions. By
searching, about small talk in the Internet and books, I know how to make
small talk in a good way, which can make me be professional in doing the
small talk. Besides this, I can find out about topics that can be of interest
for the buyers. After I know the information about small talk, I can make a

Maranatha Christian University

list of questions. This is useful because when I meet the buyers, I do not
have to be afraid of not having any idea about what to talk about when
making small talk. By having a questions list, the small talk will be
organized well and the conversation will going smoothly. Moreover, the
cause of the problem about my lack of vocabulary can be eliminated by
doing this preparation. In order to avoid misunderstanding, especially
concerning the nonverbal cues, I should find specific information about the
buyers’ cultures and focus on the differences of their cultures and mine.
By doing so, I will feel confident and comfortable when making small talk
with the buyers.
Based on the above explanation, I can say that the three potential
solutions are related one after another. Thus, by applying the solutions
given, it is expected that I can do the small talk well and make a good
business conversation with the buyers from Manila and from other
countries as well.
I suggest that the administration staff at Acopindo Company increase
their knowledge about small talk, so when he or she has to meet new
buyers from other countries, he or she can know how to deal with them
and how to make small talk with them. For the next interns who want to
have internship and take the same position with me as an administration
staff in CV Acopindo, I suggest that they learn more about small talk so
that it will be easier for them to make small talk with the buyers from any
country which have different cultures.

Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Carducci, B.J. The Pocket Guide to Making Succesful Small Talk. New
Albany: Pocket Guide Publishing Reader Services.1999.
Oliver, David. 101 Ways To Negotiate More Effectively. London. 2000

Electronic Sources
Beare, Kenneth. “ Making Small Talk ”. About.com. 2012. 5 October 2012.
< http://esl.about.com/od/speakingenglish/a/smalltalk.htm >
Boorn, Cassie. “Surviving Small Talk”. TheGridstone.com. 2012. 15
September 2012.
Brown, Mariah.J. “How Can Cultural Differences Affect Business
Communication”. Chron.com. 15 September 2012.

Maranatha Christian University

< http://smallbusiness.chron.com/can-cultural-differences-affectbusiness-communication-5093.html>
Gabor, Don.“Mastering the Art of Small Talk”. Talking With Confidence for
the Painfully Shy. 15 September 2012.

Real, Royane. “Learning to Make Small Talk With Strangers”.
PositiveArticles.com. 5 October 2012.

“Small Talk”. English Club. 2007. 5 October2012 .

Devian, Marco. Personal Interview. 4 October 2012.
Devian, Marco. Personal Interview. 10 October 2012.
Devian, Marco. Personal Interview. 14 November 2012.
Devian, Marco. Personal Interview. 14 January 2013

Maranatha Christian University