"Handling My Difficulties In Communicating With Foreign Clients as a Toefl IBTt Receptionist at Vista International Corporation ".


Topik yang saya angkat di tugas akhir saya adalah kesukaran saya ketika
berkomunikasi dengan klien-klien asing yang berasal dari India, Korea Selatan,
dan Arab. Selama saya magang di Vista International Corporation saya mendapat
pengalaman untuk bekerja sebagai resepsionis. Tanggung jawab utama saya
adalah membantu peserta tes dari TOEFL IBT ketika melakukan registrasi
sebelum tes berlangsung.
Penyebab-penyebab kesukaran yang saya alami adalah, pertama, saya tidak
terbiasa dengan aksen India, Korea Selatan, dan Arab dari klien-klien asing.
Kedua, kurangnya kosakata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang saya kuasai. Masalah
yang saya hadapi berdampak terhadap kinerja saya. Dampak yang saya rasakan
adalah klien-klien asing menjadi tidak puas dengan kinerja saya. Kemudian, saya
menjadi tidak percaya diri saat berkomunikasi dengan mereka. Saya harus
berkomunikasi secara perlahan.
Setelah saya menganalisa permasalahan saya dalam tugas akhir ini, saya
memperoleh tiga solusi yang berpotensi mengatasi masalah saya. Solusi tersebut
terdiri dari: pertama, saya akan menonton film-film dalam bahasa Inggris. Kedua,
saya akan melakukan percakapan dengan orang asing via obrolan video dengan
menggunakan aplikasi obrolan video di komputer. Ketiga, saya akan menerapkan
bahasa tubuh ketika melakukan percakapan dengan mereka. Saya memutuskan

untuk mengkombinasikan tiga solusi tersebut, karena saling menunjang satu sama
lain dalam mengatasi kesulitan saya dalam berkomunikasi dengan klien-klien



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ................................................................. 6
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS .......................................................... 9
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 12

Appendix 1: Flowchart
Appendix 2: Company History
Appendix 3: Confidentiality Statement
Appendix 4: Journal Entries (6 February 2016)
Appendix 5: Journal Entries (13 February 2016)
Appendix 6: Journal Entries ( 20 February 2016)



A. Background of the Study
English is recognized as the international language of communication
throughout the world. Effectiveness of the used of English language depends on
the communication skills. “Communication skills are important to everyone –
they are how we give and receive information and convey our ideas and opinions
with those around us. Communication comes in many forms: Verbal (sounds,
language, and tone of voice); Aural (listening and hearing); Non-verbal (facial
expressions, body language, and posture); Written (journals, emails, blogs, and
text messages); Visual (signs, symbols, and pictures)” (“Mastering Soft Skills for
Workplace Success,” n.d.). In this term paper, I will mainly focus on Verbal and
Aural form of the communication skills related to my problem of difficulties in
communicating with foreign clients.
When I did my Internship as a TOEFL IBT receptionist at Vista International
Corporation, my supervisor gave me a responsibility to assist the clients during
the registration before they took the test. In the first place, I thought that my
responsibility was quite simple. I had to explain the rules in general to the clients,

requested them to sign up the attendances and the statement paper, and asked

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them to wait for further information about the test from my supervisor. On the
contrary, I realized that the reality was different from what I thought. I faced
foreign clients of different nationalities and I experienced difficulties in
communicating with them. As a matter of fact, I found difficulty in listening to
what they said and to express what was on my mind. I thought that this problem
would affect my performance. Therefore, I decided to analyze the topic in order to
find the best solutions which will overcome my difficulties in communicating
with the foreign clients.

B. Identification of the Problem
The problem that I am going to discuss in this paper is formulated as follows:
1. Why did I have difficulties in communicating with foreign clients during my
Internship as an TOEFL IBT receptionist at Vista International Corporation?
2. How did the problem influence me and the clients?

3. How should I overcome the problem?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of the study are to analyze the topic. Then, discover the causes
and the effects of the problem in order to find the best solutions which can
overcome my problem.
The study will benefit the readers, Vista International Corporation and I.
Firstly, the study will provide the readers knowledge and solutions about the
difficulties in communicating with the foreign clients. Secondly, the study will
benefit Vista International Corporation, especially for the TOEFL IBT

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receptionists who have similar responsibility like me in assisting the foreign
clients during registration before they take the test. They can solve the problem by
using the solutions given in this term paper. Finally, for me, the benefit is I will be
able to know how to solve my problem effectively.

D. Description of the Institution

Vista International Corporation established in 1998 (“Company Profile,” n.d.).
VIC vision is to become a market leader in Indonesia, by committing in study
overseas preparation and consultation, well-known for its good reputation and
recognized by various national or international institutions (“Vision and Mission,”
n.d.). VIC mission is giving high quality service of love, commitment, and
professionalism to every student by preparing their English skills and fulfilling
their needs of study overseas. (“Vision and Mission,” n.d.).
Vista International Corporation is engaged in the field of education, especially
in study overseas preparation. There are five divisions in VIC, first, Vista
Education Service/ Vista Education, second, English Courses/VIP, third, Vista
Hospitality X-pert/ VHX, forth, Vista Art and Design/ VAD, and finally,
International Test Center for Test of English as a Foreign Language/TOEFL IBT
and International English Language Testing System/IELTS (“Company Profile,”
Until the year of 2015, Vista International Corporation successfully has opened
ten branches in five major cities in Indonesia (“Company Profile,” n.d.). Based on
Appendix 2, in 1998, VIC has opened the first branch of Vista Education at East
Surabaya. In 1999, They has opened Vista Education and the first branch of VIP


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at North Jakarta. In 2001, They has opened VIP at East Surabaya. In 2004, they
has opened Vista Education and VIP at West Surabaya. In 2005, They has opened
Vista Education at South Jakarta. In 2008, they has opened VIP at Bandung. In
2009 they has opened Vista Education and VIP at Denpasar, and finally, in 2011,
they has opened Vista Education and VIP at West Jakarta.

E. Method of the Study
The data used in this term paper is proccessed by a research from two sources.
I collected theories from book sources and electronic sources. The data is used to
analyze the causes, effects, and to find potential solutions along with the potential
positive and negative effects.

F. Limitation of the Study
The focus of my study is to analyze my difficulties in communicating with the
foreign clients. The subjects of the research are the foreign clients who came from
India, South Korea, and Arab. The internship conducted from 15 January 2016
until 20 February 2016.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
The Term Paper is divided into four chapters with Abstract, Declaration of
Originality, Acknowledgments and Table of Contents as an introductory to the
first chapter. The first chapter is an Introduction, which consist of Background of
the Study, Identification of the Problem , Objectives and Benefits of the Study,
Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and
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Organization of the Term Paper. The second chapter discusses the causes and the
effects of the problem. The third chapter analyzes the potential solutions along
with the positive and negative effects. The last chapter is the conclusion of my
analysis of my problem. In addition, References and Appendices are added in the
end of the Term Paper.

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In this chapter, the analysis of the term paper will be concluded. I would like to
summarize the previous chapters before reaching the conclusion. Firstly, I had the
internship from 15 January to 20 February 2016 and I experienced difficulties in
communicating with foreign clients. The problem appeared because I was not
familiar with foreign accents and I lack of adequate English vocabulary. The
effects of the problem are I failed to satisfy the clients with the service, I did not
feel confident to communicate with foreign clients, and I made slow
communication with the clients. I propose three potential solutions in order to
handle my difficulties. The potential solution is I will watch English movie, I will
have conversation with foreigners using video chat, and I will use body language.
After I analyzed the three potential solutions, I chose to combine all of them as
the best solution. In my opinion, they are supporting one another. To illustrate, in
the first place, I will watch English movies. When I already feel familiar with the
foreign accents, I will try to have conversation with the foreigners using video
chat. I will try to use body language in order to make the communication go
smoothly during the conversation with them. Afterwards, my listening and
speaking proficiency will be improved because of the practices.


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As a final point, improvement on listening and speaking proficiency will have
impacts on communication difficulties. In addition, non-verbal communication
like body gesture will become handy to create effective communication. However,
listening and speaking proficiency will not drastically improve without a lot of
practices. Moreover, there are so many things that I should understand in using
effective body language. By the same token, I suggest that as a front office or
other similiar occupation working with foreign clients, should practice a lot in
order to improve listening and speaking proficiency, and understand in using
effective body language to maintain smooth communication.

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A term paper

submitted to DIII Programme for English
at Maranatha Christian University

Erwin Yonathan

DIII Programme for English
Faculty of Letters
Maranatha Christian University


First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to God for His blessing
because He has given me strength to complete this term paper. I am also grateful
to my supervisor, Dra. Irene L. Kendra, M.M. who has been full of understanding
and supportive, and therefore made it possible for me to work on the term paper.
I would also like to show my thank to my lecturers, Henni, S.S., M.Hum.,
Lewinna Christiani Aguskin, S.S., M.A., and Fenty L. Siregar, Ph.D. for being so
generous to provide me chances to work on my term paper and urged me to do
Furthermore, I would like to thank all of my friends who are also on the same
boat with me. Their supports have motivated me to finish the term paper.
Finally, I am grateful to everyone who had taken part in the completion of this
term paper. Words can never be enough to thank for their kindness.



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