The use of movies to improve SD Netral C Yogyakarta students` motivation and vocabulary mastery - USD Repository





  A Thesis Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Dian Himawati

  Student Number: 041214035











  A Thesis Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Dian Himawati

  Student Number: 041214035







  A Thesis on




  By Dian Himawati

  Student Number: 041214035 Approved by

  Sponsor Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. Date June 17, 2011

  A Thesis on






  By Dian Himawati

  Student Number: 041214035 Defended before the Board of Examiners

  On July 14, 2011 And Declared Acceptable


Board of Examiners

  Chairperson : Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. _________________ Secretary : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. _________________ Member : Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. _________________ Member : Drs. Y.B. Gunawan, M.A. _________________ Member : Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. _________________

  Yogyakarta, July 14, 2011 Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University Dean, Drs. Tarsisius Sarkim, M.Ed., Ph.D.

  Especially for Dede Dewol and my sisters, Bunga and Beauty



  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, June 14, 2011 The writer

  Dian Himawati 041214035




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Dian Himawati Nomor Mahasiswa : 041214035

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:





  Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 14 Juli 2011 Yang menyatakan (Dian Himawati)



  Himawati, Dian. 2011. The Use of Movies to Improve SD Netral C Yogyakarta


Students’ Motivation and Vocabulary Mastery. Yogyakarta: English Language

Study Program Sanata Dharma University.

  SD Netral C Yogyakarta has had electronic and sophisticated equipment. However, there is still very limited use of the equipment to facilitate the English teaching learning activities. The English teaching learning activities are mostly teacher centered and textbook oriented. The teachers’ limited creativity and monotonous activities eventually lead to students’ low motivation and low achievement.

  The writer then would like to use movies to solve the emerging problems in the framework of a classroom action research (CAR). Before conducting the research, the writer conducted a very simple survey. The results of the survey reveal that movies have important roles in young students’ life.

  This current research would like to answer two questions which emerged during the practice of the writer’s teaching learning activities. The first question was related to the improvement of students’ motivation in learning English using


Disney Magic English Series . The second question deals with the improvement of

  students’ vocabulary mastery in learning English using Disney Magic English

Series . In addition, the vocabulary being targeted was related to certain topics.

The topics are Parts of Body, Animals, and Colors. In order to answer the research questions, an action research was conducted to the fourth graders class IV-C2 of SD Netral C Yogyakarta.

  The research discovered that there were significant improvements on students’ motivation and vocabulary mastery during the use of movies. In the beginning of the research, there was negative trend on students’ motivation and vocabulary mastery. Related to students’ motivation, there was only one motivation criterion which occurred, attention. The other criteria, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction were unavailable during the lesson. However, at the end of the research, those four motivation criteria were available. Moreover, 83% students showed attention, 36% students’ showed relevance, 96% students showed confidence and satisfaction. Related to students’ vocabulary mastery, in the beginning, the teaching learning activities failed the standard of successful teaching learning activity. However, at the end of the research, students attained 93 for their average mark. In addition, 96% students passed the Minimum Passing Mark (MPM).

  Finally, this research has proven that the use of movies was successful in improving students’ motivation and vocabulary mastery. However, considering the practical problems during the research, language teachers and teacher candidates are suggested to investigate students’ emotional problem. They are also suggested to explore any types of movies and instructional media during the English teaching learning activities. Further, investigating a similar topic to different research participants is also recommended.


  Himawati, Dian. 2011. The Use of Movies to Improve SD Netral C Yogyakarta


Students’ Motivation and Vocabulary Mastery. Yogyakarta: Program Studi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  SD Netral C Yogyakarta telah memiliki berbagai peralatan elektronik and

peralatan canggih, namun penggunaannya dalam menunjang pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris masih sangat terbatas. Kegiatan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

masih terpusat pada guru dan buku teks. Kekurangkreatifan guru dan kegiatan

pembelajaran yang monoton ini pada akhirnya menyebabkan siswa tidak

termotivasi dan berprestasi rendah.

  Penulis kemudian bermaksud menggunakan film untuk mengatasi

permasalahan yang timbul dalam kerangka penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK).

Sebelum melaksanakan penelitian, penulis melakukan survei sangat sederhana.

Hasil survei tersebut menunjukkan bahwa film telah memiliki peran penting

dalam kehidupan siswa.

  Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan yang timbul

selama kegiatan pembelajaran. Pertanyaan pertama berkaitan dengan

peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa dengan menggunakan film seri Disney Magic

  English. Pertanyaan kedua berkaitan dengan peningkatan penguasaan kosakata


Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan film seri Disney Magic English. Kosakata

yang dimaksud dalam hal ini terbatas pada topic tertentu, yaitu Parts of Body,

  Animal, dan Colors. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian di atas, penelitian


tindakan dilaksanakan dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas IV-C2 SD Netral C


  Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa mengalami peningkatan yang

pesat dalam hal motivasi belajar dan penguasaan kosakata selama penggunaan

film dalam pembelajaran. Pada awal penelitian, motivasi belajar dan penguasaan

kosakata siswa menunjukkan hasil yang buruk. Berkaitan dengan motivasi

belajar siswa, hanya kriteria perhatian saja yang muncul. Kriteria lain seperti

keterkaitan, kepercayaan diri, and kepuasan tidak muncul. Namun, pada akhir

penelitian, keempat kriteria ini mucul selama kegiatan pembelajaran. Secara

detil, 83% siswa menunjukkan perhatian, 36% siswa menunjukkan keterkaitan,

96% siswa menunjukkan kepercayaan diri dan kepuasan. Berkaitan dengan

penguasaan kosakata siswa pada awal penelitian, kegiatan pembelajaran gagal

mencapai standar keberhasilan pembelajaran. Namun pada akhir penelitian,

siswa mencapai nilai rata-rata 93. Selain itu, 96% siswa dapat mencapai Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).

  Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan film dalam

kegiatan pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan penguasaan

kosakata siswa. Namun demikian,berdasarkan permasalahan yang timbul pada

saat penelitian, guru dan calon guru Bahasa Inggris disarankan untuk mengkaji

permasalahan emosi siswa. Selain itu disarankan juga untuk menggunakan jenis

film dan media lain. Namun demikian, penelitian serupa terhadap subjek

penelitian yang berbeda juga disarankan.



  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ for his everlasting love, blessing, and for teaching me through this writing that life is very beautiful.

  My deepest gratitude goes to my sponsor, Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd., for her insight, knowledge, solution and support. I thank her for guiding and comforting me every time I was desperate to finish my thesis.

  My sincere appreciation also goes to Dede Dewol for her support, sacrifice, and her prayer every night for me. I thank her for being my best friend.

  I would like to address my thankfulness to my teaching colleague Pak Nurhidayat for supporting and facilitating my research. I also would like to thank my cameramen, Pak Eko Sasmito, Pak Cahyo Purnomo Aji, and Bu Dian Kurnia Primasari. My appreciation also goes to Bu Nurhayati, Bu Gati Indah, Bu Nuraliyah, Pak Haryo Wibowo, B.A., and all my colleagues at SD Netral C Yogyakarta for supporting me. I also would like to thank the fourth graders of SD Netral C Yogyakarta class IV-C2 for their willingness to be participants of this study.

  I would like to thank Yosepha Rini PBI 04, all the lecturers of the English Language Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, PBI Secretariat staff, and LB Secretariat staff for their help, support, and encouragement during my study.

  Finally I could only say thank for everyone, whose name cannot be mentioned, for their support, guidance, and prayers.

  Dian Himawati



  TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGES .............................................................................................. ii DEDICATION PAGE............................................................................................ iv STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ....................................................... v



KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ................................................................................ vi

  ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... vii


ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. viii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................ x LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. xv LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xvi LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................ xviii


I. INTRODUCTION…...…………………………………………………..……1

  A. Research Background............................................................................... 1

  B. Problem Formulation ............................................................................... 5

  C. Problem Limitation .................................................................................. 5

  D. Research Objective................................................................................... 6

  E. Research Benefit ...................................................................................... 6

  F. Definition of Terms.................................................................................. 6



  A. Theoretical Description............................................................................ 9

  1. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) .............................. 9

  2. Teaching English to Young Learners............................................ 13

  a. Enjoyable Learning Activities ....................................... 13

  b. Attention Span................................................................ 14

  c. Opportunity to Have Meaningful Communications....... 15

  d. Multi Sensory Input ....................................................... 15

  e. Curiosity......................................................................... 16

  3. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Students ..................................... 17

  a. Meaning and Use in Communication............................. 17

  b. Pronunciation and Spelling ............................................ 18

  c. Grammar ........................................................................ 19

  a. Learning from Input-Focused Meanings........................ 19

  b. Deliberate Learning........................................................ 20

  c. Learning from Output-Focused Meanings ..................... 21

  d. Fluency Development .................................................... 21

  4. Movies as Instructional Media ...................................................... 22

  a. Potency of Movies ......................................................... 22 1) Instructional Objectives ........................................ 24 2) Suitability .............................................................. 25

  3) Numbers of Audience ........................................... 26

  A. Research Method.................................................................................... 35

  3. Interviews ...................................................................................... 44

  2. Field Notes .................................................................................... 44

  1. Observation ................................................................................... 42

  D. Data Gathering Technique ..................................................................... 42

  C. Research Instruments ............................................................................. 39

  B. Research Participants ............................................................................. 38


III. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................35

  b. Techniques In Using Movies as Instructional Media..... 27 1) Normal View......................................................... 27 2) Silent View............................................................ 27 3) Freeze Frame......................................................... 27 4) Sound Only ........................................................... 27

  B. Theoretical Framework .......................................................................... 32

  d. Satisfaction..................................................................... 31

  c. Confidence ..................................................................... 31

  b. Relevance ....................................................................... 30

  a. Attention......................................................................... 29

  5. Students’ Motivation..................................................................... 28

  4. Assigning Comprehension Task ................................................... 45

  E. Data Analysis Technique ....................................................................... 46

  1. Trends Analysis............................................................................. 46

  2. Data Triangulation ........................................................................ 48

  F. Research Procedures .............................................................................. 49

  1. Identifying ..................................................................................... 50

  2. Exploring....................................................................................... 50

  3. Planning ........................................................................................ 51

  4. Collecting Data.............................................................................. 51

  5. Analyzing Data.............................................................................. 51

  6. Taking Action................................................................................ 52

  7. Writing the Report......................................................................... 52


IV. RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION.............................................54

  A. Research Cycles ..................................................................................... 54

  B. Research Finding.................................................................................... 58

  1. Trend Analysis .............................................................................. 58 a.Observation Checklist ....................................................... 58 b.Comprehension Task......................................................... 64

  2. Data Triangulation ........................................................................ 67 a.The Improvement of Students’ Motivation....................... 67 b.The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery........ 74


V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.....................................................76

  A. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 76

  1. The Improvement of Students’ Motivation................................... 76

  2. The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery.................... 77

  B. Suggestions ............................................................................................ 77


REFERENCES.................................................................................................... 79

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 83



Figure 3.1 Sequences of Action-Reflection Cycles. ............................................. 36Figure 3.2 Trend Analysis..................................................................................... 47Figure 4.1 The Research Cycles............................................................................ 57Figure 4.2 Trend of the Occurrences of Items to Observe. ................................... 60 Figure 4.3 Trend of Students’ Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction.

  ............................................................................................................................... 64

Figure 4.4 Trend of Students’ Average Marks. .................................................... 65Figure 4.5 Trend of Students Whose Marks Passed the MPM. ............................ 66



Table 2.1 Graduate Competence Standard for Elementary School English ......... 11Table 2.2 Possible Implementation of Movies Based on the Instructional

  Objectives ............................................................................................. 25

Table 2.3 Possible Implementation of Movies Based on the Subject

  Characteristics ...................................................................................... 26

Table 2.3 Possible Implementation of Movies Based on the Audience................ 26Table 3.1 Observation Checklist ........................................................................... 40Table 3.2 Triangulation Matrix ............................................................................. 48Table 3.4 English Minimum Passing Mark for the Fourth Graders...................... 49



  Appendix A: Data of Pre-Research Observation .................................................. 83 Appendix B: Data of Pre-Research Survey........................................................... 84 Appendix C: Observation checklists..................................................................... 85 Appendix D: Field Notes ...................................................................................... 91 Appendix E: Interview Transcripts ..................................................................... 107 Appendix F: Catatan Penentuan KKM ............................................................... 138 Appendix G: Table of Comprehension Task Results.......................................... 147 Appendix H: Vocabulary Proposed by the Official Guidelines.......................... 148 Appendix I: Vocabulary Involved in the Movies................................................ 149 Appendix J: Comprehension Tasks..................................................................... 150 Appendix K: Movie Synopses and Transcripts................................................... 158 Appendix L: Lesson Plans .................................................................................. 165 Appendix M: Syllabus ........................................................................................ 195 Appendix N: Surat Ijin Penelitian ...................................................................... 204 Appendix O: Surat Keterangan Berakhirnya Penelitian .................................... 205


  MPM : Minimum Passing Mark A : Attention R : Relevance C : Confidence S : Satisfaction a : available

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the writer’s rationale in doing the research and questions two important problems which arise in the writer’s classroom practice. The purpose, limitation, and benefit of the research are also elaborated in this

  chapter. In addition, there are also the definitions of terms based on relevant sources to avoid misunderstanding.

A. Research Background Due to modernization, technology has penetrated education institutions.

  Many schools have already had electronic and sophisticated equipment. For instance, SD Netral C Yogyakarta has already had electronic equipment such as tape recorder, speakers, television, computer, laptop, viewer, and internet connectivity. However, there is still limited use of that equipment. The limited use of media also happens to English teachers. There are three English teachers in the school besides the writer. Based on the feedback collected through questionnaire


  on 7 of February 2008 and daily informal conversations, the writer learnt that English learning activities were dominated by completing textbook exercises.

  Teachers commonly asked students to do exercise taken up from the textbook and used pictures which were available in the textbook. In addition, lecturing was the main teaching technique in conveying English materials. Hence, English teaching learning activities in SD Netral C are mostly teacher-centered and textbook oriented.

  According to Djiwandono (2006: 359), teachers should be able to encourage students’ interest in the subject materials and deliver the materials attractively. Otherwise, monotonous activities would eventually discourage students to be actively involved in the learning activities. The involvements of the students in the learning activities could indicate their motivation. Keller (1988) promotes some indicators of motivated students. One of the indicators is that motivated students show attention during the lesson. Related to students’ attention, a pre-research observation being carried out on 28 students of Class IV-


  C2, on the 1 of February 2011, reveals that there are only 57% students listen to teacher’s explanation, 39% students take notes independently, 11% students raise questions related to materials, and 39% students focus on completing tasks (Observation, 2011). This result is in a line with the result of an informal interview with the classroom teacher. It is revealed that most boys and several girls of the class like chattering during the lesson. Several of them also commonly do not finish their task since they spend most of the time talking to one another.

  The stronger the motivation that the students have, the better learning results will be accomplished (Angkowo&Kosasih, 2007: 40). Hence, the low motivation of class IV-C2 students might result in their low achievements. The summative test being held on the first semester resulted that 15 of 28 students obtained less than 70 for their English marks. It means that 54% of students fail to achieve the minimum passing mark of English. This poor achievement has emerged as the problem which needs solving.

  In spite of the demand of the official curriculum in which students are to be able to communicate very simple utterances, the writer believes that the students’ vocabulary mastery have to be improved. Heriyawati (2010) argues that students with limited vocabulary would encounter difficulties in learning language skills. Nation (1990) also explains that students’ difficulty in both receptive and productive language use result from inadequate vocabulary. This is in a line with Barra (2005) who states that vocabulary is crucial for getting meaning from written or oral texts. Without knowledge of key vocabulary in a text, students may have trouble understanding messages. Nunan, in Practical English Language


Teaching (2003:87) also further argues that the most important principle to be

  proficient in foreign language conversation is memorizing perfectly the largest number of common and useful words-groups. Related to the students’ achievement, the writer discovers that students attain poor English achievement since they could not grasp the meanings of English language being exposed to them nor express their idea in English. Therefore, emphasizing more on the vocabulary mastery is expected to provide students with additional knowledge to both understand and express very simple English utterances. Eventually, it is expected that adequate vocabulary would facilitate students in communicating in English and fulfilling the official objective of learning English.

  Mulyasa’s in Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (2008: 157) states that teachers should be creative in developing any teaching media which may improve the effectiveness of teaching learning activities. Moreover, Semiawanb (2008: 79) also argues that teachers should be able to manipulate the learning environment to encourage students’ interest in the subject materials and deliver the materials attractively. Therefore, related to the limited use of media, students’ low motivation, and students’ low achievement in learning English, the writer would promote the use of movies to solve the emerging problems.

  In order to obtain data on students’ interest in movies, a simple survey has also been conducted to 56 fourth graders of SD Netral C Yogyakarta. The result of the questionnaires reveals that 86% respondents like cartoon movies, 50% respondents watch movies every day, 64% respondents watch more than two movies in a day, and 54% respondents prefer watching movies to playing with peers (Observation, 2010). Based on the daily observation, movies are interesting topic for the students to discuss both during the lesson and break time. Several children also commonly imitate their favorite movies characters’ behaviors and accents. Those facts reveal that movies have great influence on children. Hence, teachers’ creativity could direct the significant role of movies into potency for the learning activities improvement.

  Considering the students’ motivation, achievement, and their interests in movies, the writer would like to conduct an action research to solve the problems which occur in the teaching learning process. The research is to investigate and solve the problems on students’ low motivation and vocabulary mastery which happen to the fourth graders of SD Netral C Yogyakarta. Hence, the focus of the action research is on the improvement of students’ motivation and vocabulary mastery. In order to facilitate the research, the writer utilizes accurate data analysis and systematic data collection. Eventually, the writer expects the research to give contributions on English language teaching of elementary schools.

  B. Problem Formulation

  The problems of the research are formulated into the following two questions:

  1. How is the improvement of students’ motivation in learning English using Disney Magic English Series?

  2. How is the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery in learning English using Disney Magic English Series?

  C. Problem Limitation

  Due to the limited time, the writer made some limitations of the area of research. Firstly, the classroom activities are intended to promote the English vocabulary mastery related to certain topics. The topics would be parts of body, animals, and colors. Secondly, the media being applied in the research are the movies taken up from Disney Magic English Series. They are about 5-minute-long children movies or important parts of longer movies, in which the characters are


Disney characters. The movies would be selected based on the content which is in

  accordance with the topics has been mentioned. Thirdly, the research would be conducted to the fourth graders of SD Netral C Yogyakarta class IV-C2.

  D. Research Objective

  The objective of the research is to find out the answers to the questions stated in the problem formulation. Firstly, this research is conducted to find out how the improvement of students’ motivation in learning English using Disney


Magic English Series is. Secondly, this research is expected to find out how the

  improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery in learning English using Disney Magic English Series is.

  E. Research Benefits

  This paper is conducted to bring benefits to all English teachers, English teacher candidates, and readers. In general, this paper is expected to help teachers and teacher candidates to use movies in teaching English to elementary schools students. This paper is also to give positive contribution to English Language teaching and learning by providing clear description to on how the improvements of students’ motivation and vocabulary mastery in learning English using Disney


Magic English Series is. Eventually, teachers who have similar problems could

possibly adapt and adopt techniques being employed in this research.

  F. Definition of Terms

  Technical terms which are related to the language teaching and the research are clearly defined based on relevant sources of the related fields to avoid misunderstanding. The following are the definitions of the terms and how the definitions are related to the research.

  1. Movies The term movies in this research refers to the definition being stated by

  Miller&Fellbaum (2011). They state that movie is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. In the research, the movies being used are taken from Disney Magic


English Series . They are about 5-minute-long movies, of which the unecesary part

have been omitted in order to fulfill the instructional requirements.

  2. Motivation Martin Handoko (2002: 9 in Angkowo&Kosasih, 2007: 35) defines that motivation is a power inside the human beings which encourage, direct, and organize their behaviours. Hence, in this research, motivation refers to the power inside the students which encourage, direct, and organize their behaviours in learning English.

  3. Vocabulary Heriyawati (2010) provides the definition of vocabulary as stocks of words in a language that can support students to learn the skills of the language.

  Lehr&Osborn (2011) further define vocabulary as knowledge of words and word meanings in forms of oral and prints and covers both perceptive and productive skills. Lehr&Osborn (2011) further explain that vocabulary is a set of most common words that young students need to be able to recognize quickly as they see them. In the research, the vocabulary is limited to stocks of most common

  English words related to parts of body, animals, and colors which students need to master in order to learn the English language skills.

  4. Vocabulary Mastery Kumala (2011) promotes four indicators of vocabulary mastery as spelling, pronunciation, understanding meaning and using words in context.

  Hence in this research, the term vocabulary mastery refers to students’ ability to spell, pronounce, understand meaning and use words, which are related to a certain topic in context. However, the measurement of the vocabulary mastery in this research is limited to the spelling, understanding meaning, and using words in context.

  5. Elementary School Students Sudibyo (2006) defines Elementary School as part of general education programme which is 6 year-long normally and consists of 6 grades. Furthermore,

  Zudianto (2007) states that children at the ages of 7 to 12 have fulfilled the requirement of being elementary school students. However, 6-year-old children could also be accepted. In a line to both statements, elementary school refers to the first level of official educational institutions for children at the age between 6 and 13 and consists of six grades which could be accomplished in 6 years normally. Particularly, in this research, the term elementary school students are being limited to the fourth grade students class IV-C2 of SD Netral C Yogyakarta whose ages are between 9 and 11 years old.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter offers a discussion of the related literature as a theoretical

  foundation of the research. The two major concerns are the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. The theoretical description presents a detailed discussion of some important concepts related to the research. In addition, the theoretical framework presents discussion on how to use the theory to answer the research questions.

A. Theoretical Description

  It has been mentioned that the theoretical description presents a detailed discussion of some important concepts related to the research. The concepts discussed here are (1) Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), (2) Teaching English to Young Students, (3) Teaching Vocabulary to Young students, (4) Movies as Teaching Media, and (5) Students’ Motivation.

1. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP)

  Since the research is conducted to Elementary School students, it is important to understand how the national education system facilitates the English teaching to elementary schools students. The understanding is to ensure that the research does not diverge from the official regulations. Hence, the research is considered to be valid and applicable.

  English has been one local content subject based on The Policy of Education and Culture Department of Republic Indonesia Number 0487/4/1992 in which schools could add any subjects as long as it is in a line with the objectives of national education. Furthermore, the Decree of Education and Culture Minister Number 060/U/1993 on 25 February strengthened the position of English as one subject being taught in elementary school. The decree enabled the teaching of English to the fourth, fifth, and sixth graders.

  Nowadays, a new curriculum has been proposed by government in order to be the basis of National Education system. The curriculum is called Kurikulum


Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Further, it is stated in the Regulation of

  National Education Minister Number 24 Year 2006 that basic and middle educations develop KTSP according to the needs of each educational unit. Hence KTSP is a set of operational plans, rules about purposes, contents, subject materials and the guidance in carrying out instructional activities to accomplish certain objectives which is being arranged, and carried out by each educational unit. (Tim Pustaka Yustisia [TPY], 2007: 3). Although schools have the privilege to develop KTSP based own their own needs, the novel curriculum also provides the official guideline for teaching English to the fourth, fifth, and sixth graders.

  English teaching to elementary schools is expected to promote language skills mastery such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Sudibyo, 2006 as compiled by TPY, 2007: 96-97). Hence, government regulates the Graduate Competence Standard as parts of KTSP. Graduate Competence Standard refers to graduates’ minimal requirement which covers attitudes, knowledge, and skills aspects. (TPY, 2007: 3; 96-97). This standard could be the means to measure the students’ success in learning and eventually to measure the effectiveness of the instructional activities. The Graduate Competence Standard for Elementary School English is formulated as follows:

Table 2.1 Graduate Competence Standard for Elementary School English (Sudibyo, 2006)

  Listening Understand very simple spoken instructions, information, and stories in the context of classroom, school, and surrounding environment

  Speaking Express very simple interpersonal and transactional discourse orally Reading Read aloud and understand very simple written instructions, information, short functional texts, and descriptive texts in the context of classrooms, school, and surrounding environment

  Writing Write very simple words, utterances, and very short functional text with correct spelling and punctuation The Graduate Competence Standard is eventually being narrowed and simplified in forms of competence standard and basic competence. It is to make it more applicable and suitable to the students’ capabilities. Furthermore, the indicators, materials, and learning experiences are drawn to form a syllabus.

  The National Education Department (2007) promotes the English syllabus for elementary schools. However, based on the characteristics of KTSP, schools are free to develop their own syllabus based on their own needs. In practice, SD Netral C had developed its own syllabus. The materials to teach are based on the material agreement among the English Teachers of West Yogyakarta.

  Furthermore, all the competence standards, basic competences, indicators, materials, and learning experiences are formulated into an official syllabus of SD Netral C Yogyakarta. (See Appendix M)

  In order to have an obvious and practical measurement on the achievement of the Graduate Competence Standard, SD Netral C Yogyakarta has formulated Minimum Passing Mark (MPM) of English achievement. MPM refers to the minimum mark to be attained by students in learning English. Otherwise, they would fail the English learning. Particularly for the fourth graders of class IV-C2 SD Netral C, the MPM of English is 70. Furthermore, the learning activities are considered to be successful when 70% students could pass the MPM. The formulation of MPM could be seen in Appendix F.

  Although teaching English to elementary school is expected to promote communication skills, teaching vocabulary is unavoidable. The National Education Department (NED) also agrees that vocabulary is a significant element in learning English. Hence, teachers are allowed to introduce novel vocabulary to students. However, it should be integrated to the teaching of language skills and used in suitable contexts (National Education Department [NED], 2007: 50). This is to avoid misunderstanding of the meanings of vocabulary being learnt.

  NED also suggests a vocabulary list that students have to master in order to support the communication skills mastery. The vocabulary is grouped based on its topics. The suggested vocabulary is the most common vocabulary being needed by students in English communication (NED, 2007:136 – 141). However, it was admitted that the numbers of vocabulary being suggested are limited. The limited numbers of vocabulary is intended to ensure that the vocabulary could be effectively understood and used. In the research, the writer would conduct research on three topics. The topics are parts of body, animals, and colours. Hence, the vocabulary being learnt was taken up from the vocabulary list being promoted by NED based on the related topics. (See appendix H)

2. Teaching English to Young Students

  Children’s development and characteristics emerge different learning style. Hence, in teaching English to young students, teachers should be aware of their development and characteristics as proposed by some experts. The understanding is important to ensure the research being conducted is suitable for the fourth graders who are in the age between 9 and 11 years old. The followings are the principles of teaching English to young students.

a. Enjoyable Learning Activities