Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in the English Department of Education Faculty,

  State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga



NIM. 113 01 014





  JL Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd Ruwandi, S.Pd

  The Lectures of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

  ATTENTIVE COUSELAR'S NOTE Salatiga. September 20th 2005 Case : Dewi Setya Wati

  Graduating Paper Dear The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute Salatiga Assalamu 'alaikum, Wr, Wh.

  After reading and correcting Dewi Setya Wati’s graduating paper entitled





  2005/2006". We have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty, we hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu'alaikum, Wr, Wb.

  Consultant Assistant Consultant



  JL Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website : ] E-mail: administrasi^









NIM. 113 01 014

Has been brought to the board of examiners in January,

07th 2006 M / Dzulhijah, 07th 1426 H, and hereby considered to

completely fullfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana in The English and Educational Faculty.

  January, 07th 2006 M Salatiga, ------—---------------------- Dzulhijah, 07th 1426 H



  SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp. (0298) 323706, 323433 Fax 323433

  Salatiga 50721 h Website: u vi . situf isalo./ ctc. td

  Email * administrasi ■ a s*, amsal ah. y a. ac. id




  Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah diterbitkan. Demikiran juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang lain, kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

  Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang lain di luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup mempertanggungjawabkan keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan sidang munaqasah skripsi.

  Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

  Salatiga, September 2005 Penulis

  Dewi Setya Wati 113 01 014

  ♦> ♦> MOTTO

  (Do n o t e v e r g iv e up w h e n y o u fa iC ‘E xp erien ce is th e 6est tea ch er y?

  6 u rn t chiCd dreads th e f i r e

S o m e w o r h ^ th a ty o u do, d o n 't sto p 6 e fo re g e ttin g th e

p ro d u c t


  1. M y d ea rest m o th er a n d f a th e r

  2. M y d ea rest siste rs a n d 6ro th ers

  3. M y d ea rest n ep h ew s

  4. M y d ea rest sp e c ia l f r ie n d


5. J 4 d m y f r ie n d s in d n g tis h d e p a rtm e n t o l esp ecia d y




  First and foremost, the writer whishes to thank God .Almighty for His blessing. So she is able to finish her graduating paper and realizes her dream. Without His blessing it is impossible to do so.

  The writer has got much guidance and helps from several figures, to conduct this research and arrange it. For the reason, she shares thanks to :

  1. Drs. Badwan, M. Ag as the Rector of STAIN Salatiga who has recommended the research permission for her thesis.

  2. Drs. Sa'adi, M.Ag as the Head of English Department, thanks for your suggestion.

  3. Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd who has educated, directed and given the writer, criticism and suggestion for completion of this thesis from the very beginning to the end.

  4. Ruwandi, S.Pd, who gives her support, guidance, useful advice, and criticism during arranging this thesis.

  5. Drs. Joko Anis. S the Head of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga who gives permission for the writer to conduct her research.

  6. Her lectures Hammam, S.Pd, Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, Norwanto, S.Pd, M.Hum.

  7. Her parents (Mr. Djunaedi and Mrs. Nikmah), who have taught her every thing, facilitated and encouraged her to study. Thanks for their supports and pray for me. She really loves them.

  8. Her sisters (Mbak Rus, Mak In) and her brothers (Mas Hadi, Mas Agus); thanks for everything.

  9. Her sweet nephews (Puput, Aslam, and Iwa) thanks for their kindess.

  10. Her special friend thanks for his love, patience, trust, support and pray.

  Because of him she has motivated to finish her thesis and she hopes he is the one she is sharing her life with.

  11. All her friends in English department 01 who have helped her make this thesis, especially for Mbak Amien, Anies, Uswatun, Husna, Mardiyah and Wahid.

  12. All of her sweet friends, in KKN STAIN 05, Anies, Nunung, Mamix, Ratih, Mbak Kembar, Wahid, Bobo, Adin, and Syam.

  13. Dot. Comp Groups Mas Gondrong, Mas Ali, Mas Arief, and Lilik; thanks for their helps.

  Finally, this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge to the readers. And the writer is very pleased to accept more suggestions and contributions from the reader for the improvement of the thesis.












































CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study The goal of teaching learning of English in curriculum 1994 is to

  develop students' English communication skills, which consist of reading, listening, writing and speaking. One of the foreign language skills, namely reading is essential for senior high school curriculum.

  Although English teaching gives emphasis on reading skills, it does not mean that the reading mastery of senior high school graduates is satisfactory. They are still poor in reading comprehension. The students still have difficulty in reading comprehension, for their vocabulary is limited and their grammar is still low.

  Vocabulary items having to be mastered are noun, adjective, pronoun, verbs, and adverb. Those items must be taught as clear as possible so the students may enlarge knowledge by studying the items. Those who have enough English vocabulary and are skillful in grammar do not find the difficulties in expressing their idea. Conversely, they will find a lot of difficulties in expressing their idea in English if their vocabulary and grammar are poor.

  In addition, English will not be difficult for students who have enough time for learning, but it will be difficult for those who do not have chance to study. They can overcome their reading difficulties by increasing additional


  reading activities outside classroom. They can improve their reading skill by reading more texts in hand books, reference books, journals, newspapers and magazines. The students who have more read can increase their knowledge or information. Reading English also enriches vocabulary to understand the other skills.'

  Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting a research entitled "The difficulties in comprehending texts adopted from Hello Magazine faced by the second year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the academic year of 2005-2006".

  B. Limitation of the Problem

  In this thesis, the writer will limit her study as the following:

  1. The English magazine which is used as the primary data source is “Hello Magazine ”.

  2. The language items that will be more emphasized are vocabulary and grammar dealing with texts adopted from Hello Magazine, edition of April 2005.

  C. Statement of the Problem

  The statements of the problem are formulated as follows:


1. Whit are difficulties faced by the second year students o f SMK

  Diponegoro Salatiga in comprehending text adopted from Hello Magazine?

2. How are the ways to overcome the difficulties faced by the second year students o f SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in comprehending texts

  adopted from Hello Magazine?

D. Objective of the Study Considering the problems that have been formulated above the objective o f research can be specified as follows:

1. To find out the difficulties in comprehending text taken from Hello

  Magazine faced by the second year students o f SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the academic year o f 2005 / 2006.

2. To find out the ways used to overcome their difficulties.

E. Benefits of the Study

  1. Practically The findings o f this research will be useful to the reader who is devoted on English reading comprehension.

  2. Theoretically The findings o f this research will enrich students' strategies in

  4 F. Report of the Previous Research

  In this thesis, the writer presents several former researches dealing with the themes above. The first previous report is a thesis research entitled “THE INFLUENCE OF STUDENTS’ INTEREST TOWARD THEIR ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION MASTERY”,2 that had been researched by Siti Rohmatin, the student of State Islamic Studies Institute

  (STAIN) Salatiga in 2004. In this thesis, she analyzed about the influence of interest in learning and the factors which influence reading comprehension.

  She concluded that socioeconomic, cultural, intelligence, and sex differences influence reading comprehension.

  The second previous report is “THE INFLUENCE OF STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ABOUT ENGLISH TEXT COMPREHENSIBILITY TOWARD THEIR READING COMPREHENSION SKILL”,3 which had been researched by Annis Primadani, the student of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2004. In this thesis she analyzed the strategy and the techniques used for improving reading comprehension. She concluded that there are six ways for improving comprehension : pay attention to word, utilize context clues, use the five W’s and the one H in all readings, learn to read phrase and examine the structure of paragraph.

  The Influence o f Students’ Interest Toward Their English 2Siti Rohmatin. 2004. Reading Comprehension Mastery. Unpublished thesis. Salatiga.

  5 The third previous research is “UTILIZING ENGLISH BULLETIN

  BOARD AS A MEDIUM OF EXTENSIVE READING FOR THE 3rd, YEAR STUDENTS OF SMU 1 KARANG GEDE IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2001- 2002”,4 that was researched by Alifah Wijayanti, the student of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga in 2002. In this thesis she analyzed the supporting factors for utilizing English bulletin board for extensive reading.

  She concluded that there are several factors that influence reading master. Among others are the background of the teacher’s quality, facilities and students motivation.

G. The Organization of the Thesis The writer divides the thesis into five chapters.

  Chapter I introduction consists o f : background of the study, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study, benefits of the problem, report of the previous research, and thesis organization.

  Chapter II the review of related literature that clarifies : reading (the definition of reading, method of reading, aspect of reading, SQ3R (formula for reading), models of the process), reading comprehension (the definition of reading comprehension, factor affecting comprehension, level of comprehension, purpose of reading, principles for developing comprehension, developing comprehension in the classroom, causes of the comprehension difficulties), and factors that influence reading comprehension.

4 Alifah Wijayanti. 2002. Utilizing English Bulletin Board As A Medium O f Extensive

  6 Chapter III research report and data presentation consists o f : research

  approach, types of the research, population, sample, technique of the sampling, variables, data collection method and data analysis.

  Chapter IV discussion and presentation consists of : description, data analysis, and solution. Chapter V closure consists o f : conclusion, and suggestion The last part is Bibliography and Appendixes

CHAPTER II THE REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The writer is fully aware that in analyzing the problem of this research, she

  needs some basic theories to support her opinion. In line with the problem, she has chosen and used some basic theories which will be explained below.

A. Reading

  1. The Definition of Reading The 1994 curriculum of English for Senior High School says that reading is one of the language skills, which should be emphasized in teaching and learning of English. There are two main skills in reading decoding and encoding skills. Some linguists give some other different definitions that may help us to get clearer description.

  Reading is the most important activity in any language. It is not only as a source of information and pleasurable activity, but also as a means of consolidating and extending one’s knowledge of the language.1 Shah Mahmoud says that reading is the ability to comprehend, not simply to recognize letters, forms, and symbols.1

  2 A student who stands up in class and enunciates in a conventional way the sound symbolized may be conceded to be “reading”. The reading may be comprehension to listener, without the reader drawing much in the

1 Rivers Wilga. M. 1981. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago and London: The University o f Chicago Press. Pg. 259.


  way if meaning from what is he or she is enunciating. Such an activity is one of fact of reading for which the student may usefully be trained, but it is a minor goal. The student must also be thought to derive meaning from the word, combination in the text and to do this in a consecutive fashion at reasonable speed, without necessarily vocalizing what is being read. This is reading for comprehension.3

  Eddie C. Kennedy says that reading is an integrated process involving the development of the technical skill necessary in seeing like nesses and differences in words, associating words with their sound and meaning and interpreting the ideas represented by words, sentence and paragraphs. Reading is not a skill but a process composed of many different skills. It is defined as the ability of an individual to recognize a visual form with a sound or meaning he has learned in the past and on the basis of past experience, understand and interpret its meaning.4

  In line with Martha Dallmann, Danniel Hittelman defines, reading is a verbal process interrelated with thinking and with all other communication abilities such as listening, speaking and writing. Specifically, reading is the process of reconstructing from the printed patterns on the page of the ideas and information intended by author.3

  ' Rivers Wilga. M. Op. cit. Pg. 261.

4 Eddie C. Kennedy. 2001. Methods in Teaching Developmental Reading. New Delhi.

  Longman. Inc. Pg. 3.

  9 From the definition above it can be concluded that reading is

  language process to get meaning of the text or understanding text and the result of interaction between the perception of graphic symbols and knowledge of the world. Besides that, reading text also provides opportunities to study language vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and text.

  2. Method of Reading Reading skill can be distinguished at least six methods namely6 :

  a. Previewing Previewing is an advance evaluation and brief examination of the material. Previewing is used for looking over a chapter in a textbook before studying it.

  b. Skimming and Scanning Skimming and scanning are also called survey reading. They are appropriate when the reader has much of time to read an entire selection. In skimming it is helpful to become familiar with the words used by the author. A person with a larger vocabulary has and advantage in skim reading and comprehension.

  c. Reading for Study Study reading is necessary schooling and training for a special job, or preparing for examinations. It is characterized by the reader's ability to comprehend and retain key ideas and information from the

6 Shah Mahmoud. 1992. Research and Writing. United States o f America : Butter way


  material. A well known formula for study reading involves the memory enhancing characters “SQ3R” (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review).

  d. Reading for critical evaluation Reading for critical purposes can be classified in two stages: introductory stage and intensive stage. The introductory stage includes previewing articles, books, and other material in order to gain necessary background information on a subject. In the intensive stage the reader looks for specific information that will be used in research and writing.

  e. Reading speed Speed reading is ability to read at a high rate of speed while comprehending the material being read.

  3. Aspect of Reading Reading skill can be distinguished into at least three aspects namely:7 a. Word Recognition

  The degree of excellence in reading is determined, to a large extent, by the ability to recognize and pronounce words.


  b. Comprehension The effective reader needs to have learned the code used in written communication so that he can translate the written symbols into sound or meaningful language sequences.

  c. Reflection Many educators have pointed out that word recognition and comprehension do not comprise the total of the reading act. Gray, for example, says reflection includes reaction and fusion. By reaction he refers to the reaction of the reader to what he has read. By fusion he refers to assimilation of ideas gained through reading with the reader's former experiences. During the process of reading, when it is defined as gaining meaning from the printed page, it is necessary to be able to hold ideas as they occur and conceptualize meaningful interpretation through reflection.

  4. SQ3R is formula for reading. It stands for words: Survey Question, Read, 8 Recite and Review.

  a. Survey Survey is glance over the headings in the chapter to see the few big points that will be developed, also read the final summary paragraph if the paragraph has one. This survey should not take more than a minute and will show the three to six core ideas around which the discussion will cluster. 8

8 H. Douglas Brown. 2001. Teaching by Principles. New York: Addison Wesley


  b. Question The second formula is question. Turn the first heading into a question. This will arouse your curiosity and thereby increase comprehension. The question also will make important points stand out the same time that explanatory detail is recognized as such.

  c. Read The third formula is read. Read to answer that question for example to the end of the first headed section. This is not passive plodding along each line, but an active for the answer.

  d. Recite Having read for the first section, look away room this book and try briefly to recite the answer to your question.

  e. Review When the lesson has been through in this way, look over your notes to get a bird's eye view of the points and their relationship and check your memory as to the content by reciting the major subs points under each heading. This checking of memory can be done by covering up the notes and trying to recall the main points.

  5. Three Models of the Reading Process There are three models of the reading process that will be discussed here.9

9 Christoper N. Candlin & David R. Hall. 2002. Teaching and Researching Reading,


  a. Bottom-up models The bottom-up models of the reading process is a mechanical pattern in which the reader creates a piece by piece mental translation of the information in the text, with little inference from the reader's own background knowledge.

  b. Top-down models The top-down models deal with the general notion of reading as the reconstruction of meaning based on skillful sampling of the text.

  In the top-down models, the process of comprehension deals with the background knowledge to predict the meaning of the text. It means that a reader will need a text by reading the sentences, and then tries to find the information by guessing the meaning.

  c. The interactive models of the reading process It deals with a particular type of cognitive behavior, which is based on certain kinds of knowledge.

B. Reading Comprehension

  1. Definition of Reading Comprehension Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process. It is an effect, not a single skill, but a collection of skill. This process consists of determining what a source says literally (translation), what the author means by what he or she says (interpretation) and what the source means to the reader (extrapolation), application, synthesis or evaluation. In


  reading we seek to identity and make relationship by using the type of analysis and synthesis in two ways: on the one hand by relating one sentences to another and the other hand by relating what we read to what we already know and expect or wish to find. We infer positive meaning relationship and uncover bids and unstated assumption. We evaluate what we read and seek meaning in terms of our self perceptions and past knowledge.

  Comprehension is a thinking process, it is thorough on whole reading. As such, it is dependent upon the learner’s basic cognitive and intellectual skill upon the background of experience (vocabulary, knowledge, concept and ideas) and upon their language skills (knowledge of morphology, syntax and grammar).10 11

  In according with Wilga M. Rivers, frank smith defines reading comprehension is not decoding to speech, but precedes decoding to speech.11 For the reason, reading aloud of an unfamiliar passage can demonstrate the student's ability to relate rules of sound symbol correspondence to graphic material, accompanied by the activation of appropriate articulators, without indicating a high degree of comprehension that will be evident in occasional misapplication of stress, juncture, and intonation rules in particular, since it indicates the appropriate allocation of words to meaningful segments in the comprehension phase which preceded oral production.

10 Dechant Emerald V. 1982. Improving the Teaching o f Reading. United States of America: Prentice Hall Inc. Pg. 75.

  15 Based on the definition above, it can be understood that reading

  comprehension is catching the meaning of written text by interpreting, evaluating, reflecting it, and understanding what the writer means.

  2. Factor Affecting Comprehension

  a. Lack of skill word recognition The person who has difficulty in recognizing words quickly and accurately is likely to be slow reader.

  b. Lack of sufficient practice in reading at different rates An error of omission in some instructional programs is the lack of emphasis on differential rates of reading.

  c. Lack of interest and purpose The ability to read rapidly is only in part, a matter of habit and skills.

  3. Level of Comprehension

  13 Reading comprehension has three levels namely,

  a. Factual Level Factual level of comprehension is fundamental reading skills at any level because a reader must first understand what the another writes before he/she can draw the inferential. Factual comprehension refers to understand what is actually written on the page.

  Understanding this level is related to the ability to read inferentially and critically. 12 13

12 Martha Dallmann. Op.Cit. Pg. 168-170.


  b. Inferential Level One must read between outlines to get inferences from the reading material. Through reading between outlines one is able to understand what is implied in out text. Inferences are ideas of a reader when he/she summarizes, puts facts and ideas together to make conclusion and generalization. Making inferences does not only depend on the author but also depend on the personal insight.

  c. Critical Level Critical reading is one of the most significant comprehension skills. Critical reading is making evaluation what is read and inquiring minds'. Creatively, looking for false statement. It means questioning, comparing and evaluating.

  Reading comprehension on all levels, but especially, when it involves unit larger than a single word, it is obviously a complex of abilities. The good comprehending possesses the ability to:14

  a. Associate a meaning with the graphic symbol (have an adequate vocabulary) b. Understand word in context and select the meaning that fixs the context.

  c. Give meanings to units of increasing size; the phrase, clauses, sentences, paragraph and the whole selection.

14 Dechant Emerald. 1992. Improving the Teaching o f Reading, United States of


  d. Develop literal and denotative meaning (be able to answer the question and information explicitly) e. Develop an understanding of the organization (be able to answer the question calling for an analysis, synthesis or organization of ideas and information explicitly)

  f. Develop inferential interpretative, or connotative of the material read.

  g. Make judgments or critical evaluation about the material

  h. Read for learning i. Read for appreciation

  4. Purpose of Reading Shah Mahmoud states that the purposes of reading are:15

  a. Reading for specific information Reading for specific information is a common form of reading used to discover specific or limited information.

  b. Reading for application Reading for application is used to accomplish a special task

  c. Reading for pleasure and entertainment It includes reading popular magazines, newspapers, novels, and other similar material.


  d. Reading for ideas This type of reading requires paying special attention to main ideas and concepts and the nature of the presented information. The reader skims through major topics, headings, illustrations, and conclusions in order to obtain a general idea of the content. Reading for specific ideas is enhanced through familiarity with the overall knowledge of the subject.

  e. Reading for understanding It requires comprehension of the relationship between the information introduced and overall knowledge of the subject. Then, it requires understanding the relationship of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main ideas. The reader must observe the associations between facts, data, and other details.

  5. Principles for Developing Comprehension There are five instructional approaches that can be used affectively to develop comprehension skills:16 a. Encouraging the use of oral language

  Any activity that increases facility in speaking and understanding spoken language will aid in developing a background for learning specific comprehension skills. Reading teachers should devote much time to class discussion, conversation, and oral reporting.


  b. Stressing vocabulary development Recognition vocabularies make comprehension difficult. One of the ways to increase comprehension is to plan program of vocabulary development and increase understanding of words.

  c. Building background for understanding Background building should be a part of all reading instruction. Experiences can increase knowledge to make the application of comprehension skills much less difficult.

  d. Stressing motivation Motivation is a necessity for developing comprehension.

  Extensive reading of interesting materials, followed by discussion, result in vocabulary improvement, more accurate reading, and greater assimilation of ideas.

  e. Encouraging purposeful reading A major reason students often comprehend is that they do not have specific purpose in mind when they have no incentive to remember the content. At reading instruction, students need guidance in setting up specific goals for most reading assignments. Thus, they become more independent in arriving at their own purpose.

  6. Developing Comprehension in the Classroom The widely accepted requirements for the development of comprehension in the classroom are:


  a) Establishing a purpose, during and after the reading b) Asking question before, during and after the reading.

  Other technique for developing comprehension includes:

  a) Having pupils show by an illustration of the event by retelling the story or by demonstration.

  b) Having pupils identify and state the topic sentence, write a title for the paragraph or story on sequence of material read.

  c) Having pupils summarize what have they read

  d) Having pupils provide the ending for a story which has not been read to completion.

  e) Having pupils match the pictures with sentence.1'

  7. Causes of Comprehension Difficulties The factors which are most often responsible for children to

  18 comprehend include: a. Inadequate Instruction

  Many teachers are poorly prepared to teach the basic skills of reading. Methods are often too general or to concentrate on techniques that apply only in specific situations, thus failing to prepare teachers to devise methods and techniques of their own which can be adapted to local needs. As a result, teachers give the general instructions in teaching manual, teach as they were taught or use no systematic plan. * b. Lack of pupil interest Lack of interest causes the mind to wander, eliminates any desire to excel, encourages a dislike for the task and reduces conscious effort.

  c. Unsuitable materials Such required materials may be too difficult or too easy.

  Stressing the wrong skills have little relationship to pupil's interest or generally be of poor quality. If unsuitable materials are used exclusively, interest lags; skills development is unbalanced and all forms of comprehension are discouraged.

  d. Vocabulary Difficulties The vocabulary of reading materials is virtually uncontrolled.

  Each assignment usually contains many new terms that are difficult to understand. An excessive vocabulary burden makes context clues practically useless and forces the reader to rely on the dictionary. If vocabularies seem to be the cause of comprehension, the students must choose less difficult materials.

C. Factors which Influence Reading Comprehension

  Eddie C. Kennedy formulates factors which influence reading comprehending texts. There are: verbal capacity, educational experience and

  19 purpose.


  1) Verbal Capacity Verbal capacity is the innate ability to learn symbolic language and to understand abstract concept. The skills necessary for reading comprehension are generally dependent on verbal capacity of language ability. When adequate experiences are provided for developing a spoken language, comprehension ability increases in proportion to the understanding vocabulary which students acquires. In general language development, reading depends heavily upon verbal capacity and educational experiences. Students who have adequate verbal potential can be taught to read and to comprehend. 2) Educational Experience

  Educational experiences include all the ideas, understandings and practical knowledge gained through personal contact with the environment. Students who have not appropriate personal experiences may be having difficulty to comprehend the written materials because they have no opportunity to acquire the knowledge. 3) Purpose

  Purpose is directive in the sense that helps students focus their mental abilities upon learning particular thing. Comprehension is not often acquired by accident, it is usually deliberate.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Approach The main purpose of research, is namely to discover, develop and

  verify the science by using scientific procedures. To discover means to try to find out things, to develop means to widen to sciences that exist before and to verify is to prove the truth.

  Sutrisno Hadi explains in his book “Statistic II” that research can be defined as efforts to develop and clarify the truth of science, done by using methodology of research (1986 : 220). Method is basically a guide which is used to investigate and solve a problem. The mistake of determining a method causes the mistake in collecting the data and drawing the conclusions.

  Corresponding the theme that will be observed in the research field, this belongs to quantitative research. Quantitative method type consist of surveys and experiments, while qualitative method type covers ethnographies,

  . 1

  grounded theory studies, case studies and phenomenology studies This research can be grouped into quantitative approach.

B. Types of the Research

  There are some kinds of methods, which can be used in research. The use of the method depends on the aim of the research. The research method

1 Creswell W. John. 1994. Research Design Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches.

  California : Thousand Dask. SAGE Publication Inc. International Educational and Professional


  can be classified into historical method, developmental method, experimental

  2 method and descriptive method.

  In this research the writer uses descriptive method. Descriptive method is aimed to the problem solving, which includes many kinds of descriptive technique, namely: to describe,’ to classify, to analyze of the research by survey technique. He also says that generally, the descriptive method of the research is not limited to the collecting and arranging data but covers analyzing and interpreting the meaning of the data. In this descriptive method of the research, the writer will describe: The difficulties in comprehending texts adopted from Hello Magazine faced the second year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2005-2006.

C. General Discription of SMK Diponegoro

  1. The history of SMK Diponegoro SMK Diponegoro Salatiga is under the supervision of Yayasan

  Imaratul Masajid Wal Madaris (YAIMAM), established in 1997, with notarical document number 010/Yaimam/12/1997.

  The location of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga is on Jl. Kartini No. 02 Salatiga. It is 5000 meters square.

  2. The profile of teachers and staffs 2 3

2 Surachmad W. 1982. Pengantar Penelitian Ilmiah. Bandung: 132-139.

  25 TABLE I TEACHERS AND STAFFS OF SMK DIPONEGORO No Name Degree Discipline/Profession

1 Drs. Joko Aris Suwantoro


  Bank Accounting

  19 Anggraeni, S.Pd SI Mathematics

  18 Tutik Yuliati. S.Pd SI History

  17 Sutari, S.Pd SI Entrepreneurship

  16 Tri Murbani, S.Pd SI English Language

  15 Trajunigtyas Morojati, S.Pd SI Mathematics

  14 Umi Mazroah, S.Pd SI Mathematics

  13 Wahyuningsuh, S.Pd SI Accounting Cycle


  12 Drs. Sensus Sumartono SI

  11 M. Shobirun. S.Pd SI

  SI Head Master

  10 Heny Kristiana SI Economics

  9 Ja'far Shodiq. S.Pd SI PAI

  SI Finance Accounting

  8 Suryo Suwandito

  7 Dra. Amrih S SI Economics


  6 Widi M, S.Pd SI

  5 Siti Faizah SI Accounting skill

  4 Agus Kimo, S.Pd SI Indonesia Language

  3 Siti Winarsih, S.Pd SI Gales Promotion

  2 Munawir, S.Ag SI Computer

20 Dwi Susanti, M.SE SI

  26 No Name Degree Discipline/Profession

  21 Liany Wulandari, S.Pd SI Computer

  22 Suwanto, S.Pd

  SI Accounting Skill

  23 Nining Maryaningsih, S.Pd SI Computer

  24 Riana Hardiyanti, S.Pd SI English Language

  25 Qoiriyah, S.Pd SI Mathematics

  26 Wiwik Alfiminati, S.Pd SI Sport

  27 Ema Fasiati, S.Pd SI English Language

  28 Khoiru Rahman Abidin, S.Pdi SI English Language

  3. The physical facilities of SMK Diponegoro



1 Class rooms


  2 Head Master office


  4 Administration office


  5 Library


  6 The school healthy unit


  7 Mosque


  8 Consulting office


  9 Cooperative


  3 Teacher office



  1 Computer laboratory


  2 Teachers' toilet


  7 Students' toilet

  13 Language Laboratory

  1 D. Population

  Suharsimi Arikunto states that population is all members of the research subjects4. Population is all individuals from whom the data are collected. In this case, the population of the research is all the second year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in Academic Year of 2005-2006. There are 160 students. Most of the students graduated from Junior High School (SLTP), by which their English skills are still poor. Most of the students come from the institution's surrounding community as Kalibening, Tingkir,

  Tengaran, etc.

  E. Sample Sample is a number of all populations that are determined as a group to be investigated and it must represent the characteristics of all populations. In this research, the samples are the second year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga. There are four classes and every class consists of 40 to 45 students.

  Suharsimi Arikunto. 1989. Presedur Penelitian (Suatu Pendekatan Praktek). Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Pg. 115

  28 Here, the writer takes 40 students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga as the sample of the research.

  F. Technique of Sampling

  The technique of taking sample is called sampling. Basically, there are two techniques of sampling, random sampling and non random sampling. The writer used a random sampling technique in collecting data because the population is homogenous. To get 40 sample out of 160 students on population, she took the procedure called lottery method. Each group of the population was presented by small piece of paper. The small piece of paper was placed in a box and well mixed. A paper was dropped out of the box. This became the sample of the research. By doing such technique of sampling, the writer hoped the sample would be sufficiently representative. The writer used lottery method since it is easy to carry out and it does not need to follow difficult procedure. Thus, the writer could conduct the research easily.

  G. Variables

  In this research, there is one variable namely: The difficulties in comprehending texts adopted from Hello Magazine.

  H. Data Presentation

  The samples of research are the second year students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga. There are 40 students taken, as follows :


  9 Endang Pujiyati

  2 Agustin Ermawati

  3 Atik Mustikasari

  4 Budi Ridayanto

  5 Cahyaningrum

  6 Deni Cahyaningtyas

  7 Dewi Lestari

  8 Effi Novita

  10 Esti Riyana

  21 Novi Purwani

  11 Fitri Wijayanti

  12 Ira Ismiyati

  13 Kas tam

  14 Laily Fitriyah

  15 Maryati

  16 May Ema Safitri

  17 Muhamad Mahfud

  1 Agus Nugroho

  39 Winda Anggiani S

  19 Muhamad Yuliyanto

  29 Ratmi Sutari

  22 Nunung Nur Hidayah

  23 Nur Hayati

  24 Nur Sidik

  25 Nurul Aryati

  26 Nurul Huda

  27 Panggih Rahayu

  28 Purwaningsih

  30 Ratna Windami

  38 Vuri Suciyanti

  31 Rina Wijayanti

  32 Romeliyawati

  33 Setyaningsih

  34 Sita Mutiya Ningrum

  35 Siti Arafa

  36 Sri Wulandari