The influence of war towards the main character`s personality as seen in E.M. Nathanson`s the dirty dozen - USD Repository



  AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number: 014214089


  I know the lord Will make a way For me T T T h h h i i i s s s u u u n n n d d d e e e r r r g g g r r r a a a d d d u u u a a a




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  M M M y y y b b b e e e l l l o o o v v v e e e d d d p p p a a a r r r e e e n n n t t t s s s




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  T T o o o n n n y y y

  M M M y y y d d d e e e a a a r r r e e e


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t t t b b b i i i g g g f f f a a a m m m i i i l l l y y y i i i n n n

  S S S e e e m m m a a a n n n u u u




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : KOLOMBANUS VEMBRI KRISTIADI Nomor Mahasiswa : 014214089

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul :




  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet ataumedia lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ujin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

  Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 16 Agus tus 2008 Yang Menyatakan



  First of all I would like to say my grateful thanks to Jesus Christ who always gives his blessing on my life so that I can finish my thesis.

  Second it goes to my beloved Mom who never stops encouraging me during my day and for her patience and love. My father who has been Rested in Peace. He made me to become a man. I thank also my dearest brother Tony for his uncountable support and care.

  I would like to thank my advisor Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji S.S., M.Hum and my co-advisor Dra.Th.EnnyAnggraini, M.A who always give me help and guidance during my undergraduate thesis writing. I also thank my academic advisor Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd, M.Hum. and Maria Ananta, S.S. who have given me many worthy upbringings for years during my study in this university.

  My special gratitude goes to all of my beloved friends in English Letters Sanata Dharma University Wawan, Fariz, Oseph, Garry, Sandi, Iksan, Deny, Petrus, Sigit, Endra, Obed, Tito, Yongki, Wisnu, Bimo, Ian, Vanny, Farah, Mila, Ayu, Sinda, Bertus, Erna, Dita, Dian. Thanks a lot Guys for the great memorable memories.

  Last but not least, I thank all English Letters Lecturers and USD staffs, friends, relatives, and all people that I cannot mention one by one who have helped me in writing this undergraduate thesis.


  TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................ ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................... iii MOTTO PAGE ....................................................................................... iv DEDICATION PAGE............................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ vii ABSTRACT............................................................................................ viii ABSTRAK .............................................................................................. ix CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ......................................................

  1 A. Background of the Study..........................................................

  1 B. Problem Formulation................................................................

  3 C. Objective of the Study..............................................................

  3 D. Definition of Terms ..................................................................

  4 CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL REVIEW ......................................

  5 A. Review of Related Studies .......................................................

  5 B. Review of Related Theories .....................................................

  7 1. Theories on Character ...............................................................

  7 2. Theories on Characterization ....................................................

  9 3. Theories on Personality.............................................................

  12 C. Theoretical Framework.............................................................

  14 CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY ..................................................

  15 A. Object of the Study...................................................................

  15 B. Approach of the Study..............................................................

  16 C. Method of the Study.................................................................

  16 CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS ................................................................

  18 A. Captain John Reisman’s Personalities ....................................

  18 B. War’s Influence in Reisman’s Personality ...............................

  34 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION ...........................................................

  49 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................



  KOLOMBANUS VEMBRI KRISTIADI. The Influence of War Towards the

Main Character’s Personality as Seen in E.M. Nathanson’s The Dirty Dozen.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2008.

  Personality and environment are inseparable. Both of them have close relationship in which environment has a big role in shaping human personality. Human beings are dependent creatures, especially with the environment surrounding him. Because of that the environment where he is living will give dominant influence for the building of his personality. It cannot be denied that human personality is a product from the circumstances that is happening around him.

  This thesis discusses two problems. Firstly the writer analyzes the personality of the main character in E.M. Nathanson’s The Dirty Dozen. Secondly the writer analyzes how the war influences in shaping his personality.

  In analyzing this study the writer used library research method, in which the writer searched and read many books and articles related to the study. From the research the writer found that physiological approach is the most suitable in analyzing the novel.

  The result is that the environment circumstances have big role in shaping human personality. The personalities of the character of reisman who is brave, firm, confident, prudent, clever, protective, responsible, obedient, and ambitious are the product of the war circumstances which are happening in his life. War has shown him a lot of human sufferings, and the condition like this has influenced in Reisman’s way of thinking and behaves. As a soldier in Allied Army, Reisman has witnessed many German terrors through their bombing attacks, and a lot of people are killed because of this. He has joined the war for many years. The environment where he is living cannot be separated in building his personalities. Joining the war against the German troops has made him a brave, confident, clever, and responsible. Warfare has taught him how to be a person like that. As a soldier he is often involved in battlefield where his mentally in being tested. He becomes a strong person because of war. So it cannot be denied that war has important role in shaping Reisman’s personalities.


  KOLOMBANUS VEMBRI KRISTIADI. The Influence of War Towards the

Main Character’s Personality as Seen in E.M. Nathanson’s The Dirty Dozen.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2008.

  Kepribadian dengan lingkungan dimana seseorang berada tidak dapat dipisahkan. keduanya mempunyai hubungan yang erat, lingkungan mempunyai peranan penting dalam membentuk kepribadian seseorang. Manusia adalah makhluk yang bergantung, khususya pada lingkungan sekitarnya. Oleh karena itu, lingkungan dimana seseorang berada memberikan pengaruh dominan dalam mambangun kepribadiannya. Hal ini tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kepribadian seseorang adalah hasil dari apa yang terjadi disekitarnya.

  Thesis ini membahas dua permasalahan. Yang pertama penulis menganalisis kepribadian dari tokoh utama dalam novel E.M. Nathanson yang berjudul The Dirty Dozen. Yang kedua, penulis menganalisis bagaimana perang mempengaruhi dalam membentuk kepribadiannya.

  Dalam menganalisis studi ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka, dalam hal ini penulis mencari dan membaca banyak buku dan artikel yang berhubungan dengan pembelajaran. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, penulis menemukan bahwa pendekatan psikologi adalah pendekatan ya ng paling cocok dalam menganalisis novel ini.

  Hasilnya adalah bahwa keadaan lingkungan sekitar dimana seseorang berada mempunyai peranan besar dalam membentuk kepribadiannya. Kepribadian dari tokoh Reisman yang pemberani, tegas, percaya diri, penuh kehati-hatian, pandai, pelindung, bertanggung jawab, taat, dan ambisius adalah hasil dari perang yang terjadi dalam hidupnya. Perang telah banyak menunjukkan padanya terhadap kesengsaran, dan kondisi seperti ini telah mempengaruhi cara berpikir dan perperilaku dari tokoh Reisman. Sebagai seorang tentara sekutu, Reisman telah banyak menyaksikan banyak terror bom yang dilakukan oleh tentara German yang telah membunuh banyak orang. Tokoh Reisman telah banyak melihat banyak kematian, dia telah bertahun-tahun berada di medan perang. Keadaan yang terjadi di sekitarnya tidak dapat di pisahkan di dalam pembangunan kepribadiannya. Perang melawan tentara German telah telah membuat dia menjadi orang yang pemberani, percaya diri, pintar, dan bertanggung jawab. Perang telah mengajarinya bagaimana menjadi seseorang yang mempunyai kepribadian seperti itu. Sebagai seorang tentara, mentalnya teruji karena dia sering bergabung di dalam perang. Dia menjadi orang yang kuat dikarenakan oleh perang. Jadi hal ini tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa perang mempunyai peranan yang penting di dalam membentuk kepribadian Reisman.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Someone’s personality can be influenced by many things that are

  happening around him in his life. The circumstance where someone is living has a big role in shaping his personality. According to Kimbal Young in his book entitled Personality and Problem of Adjustment , it is sated that;

  Social and cultural influences have a place in making differentiation among individuals. The quality of uniqueness is not due to some magic force which operates without regard to the constitutional, personal-social, and cultural factors. ( 1945; 300)

  Human personality is a product of social environment where he is making interaction with the situation around him. Someone who is living under war circumstances will be different from those people who are from a peace place in term of his personality. He will be more prudent and careful towards the situation around him. The environment also forces him to become a person who is not afraid of death, because war has given him a lo t of lesson of deaths.

  Man cannot be separated with the condition where he is being grown. E.M. Nathanson’s The Dirty Dozen is merely a novel which tries to reveal that someone’s personality is influenced by war that is happening during his life.

  Through the character of Reisman, Nathanson explains that World War II has

  World War II was the biggest war ever after until now. This war has made suffering to many innocence people. German’s troops were known as cruel troops where they killed many Europeans, including the British people. They had made many bombings in vital buildings in Europe. For the Allied countries, Germans were the worst people they ever met. They could not forget their cruelty the German’s attack towards his countries and families. Besides the Allied facilities, German also made a bombing to the United States’ ship named U.S.S Saint Marry. This bombing made the United joined the Allied Troops and fought against Nazis. There were many troops the United States sent to Europe to support the Allied countries.

  In The Dirty Dozen E.M. Nathanson is trying to explain how the personality of this soldier influenced by the war circumstances around him.

  Reisman as the main character of the novel was a United States citizen who had been sent to Europe to join Allied Army against the German’s troops. After had joined in many wars and had a lot of experiences in it, he was commanded by his senior to train twelve prisoners to become a secret agent whose mission was to kill the German Generals.

  The reason why the writer uses this novel E.M. Nathanson’s The Dirty in this study, because the writer is interested in the war described in the


  story. It is very interesting to see how the war can influence in human personality, as seen in the character of Reisman in the novel. In this study the writer tries to

B. Problem Formulation

  Referring to the explanation above this study attempts to answer the following two interrelated questions:

1. How is the personality of John Reisman described in the story? 2.

  How is t war influences Reisman’s personality?

  C. Objective of Study

  There are two objectives of study in this thesis; the first how the personality of the character of Captain John Reisman described in the novel, and the second is how the war gives influences towards the personality of the character of Reisman.

  E. Definition of term

1. Character

  According to Abrams, Characters are ‘the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say-the dialogue-and by what they do-the action. The grounds in characters’ temperament, desire, and moral nature for their speech and action are called their motivation. A character may undergo a radical change, either through the gradual process of motivation and deve lopment or as the result crisis’ (Abrams. M.H, 1981:20).

2. Characterization

  Kuiper in Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature states that ‘characterization is the representation in fiction or drama of human character or personality (1995: 229). Moreover, Holman and Harmon in A Handbook of say that characterization is the creation of imaginary persons in fictions


  (drama, novel, short story, or narrative poem), so that they exist for the reader as lifelike’ (1986: 81).

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW This chapter is divided into three parts of discussion. The first part

  contains certain criticism that follows the improvement of the author’s work, W.M Nathanson and the novel The Dirty Dozen.

  The second part is the theories used by the writer to analyze the novel. These theories are the basic guidance in answering the problem. The writer is going to discuss about the main character, in this case is Captain John Reisman, especially how his personalities are influenced by the war.

  The last part of the chapter is going to present the theoretical ground to give some clues to the readers to get description of what will be discussed deeply in the analysis.

A. Review of Related Studies

  In Liverpool Daily post it was stated thatNathanson make no concessions to dramatic to dramatic form, but the novel is a superbly professional work by a man who has a way with words”. It means that E.M. Nathanson has the great way to express the story through his word into the novel. He is able to compose a story that would make the reader enjoy the reading and not bored. Nathanson could make his novel easy to understand, that reader is able to follow

  E.M. Nathanson’s The Dirty Dozen is a novel inspired by a man who joined World War II against the Germans Army.

  The novel, "The Dirty Dozen" was published in 1965 by E.M. Nathanson. Nathanson's story was inspired by WWII OSS officer Aaron Bank. In 1944 Major Bank was given the job of selecting anti Nazi German POW's and then lead them on a mission to whipe out Hitler's high command. (http://www.discussanyt

  It shows that the novel is trying to telling about the struggle of an Allied soldier in fighting against Nazis. World War II has influenced Nathanson in writing his novel. Raising a new perspective about World War II is one of Nathanson’s aims in writing The Dirty Dozen.

  A critic says that E.M. Nathanson’s The Dirty Dozen is a novel which is telling about a group transformation into disciplinary.

  As a preface to the novel, author E.M. Nathanson states that he heard of a legend of men like these, but found no record of it. As stated in both the movie and the book, it would be exceedingly unlikely that anyone would be able to take a group of violent sociopaths with an inborn hatred of all authority and transform them into a disciplined, motivated and highly skilled commando unit that willingly embarks upon what can best described as a suicide mission ( zen)

  The passage above explains that in writing The Dirty Dozen, E.M. Nathanson was inspired by a man who had experience in violence and tries to transform himself into different person who is more discipline than before.

  Another critique about this novel says that The Dirty Dozen has been made into a great movie with same title. E.M. Nathanson’s The Dirty Dozen has inspired some people to make it into an unforgettable movie. The interesting story contains in the story makes them interested in working on it. They transform the novel into a high class war movie.

  In this undergraduate thesis, the writer will be focus on the psychological aspect of the character’s personality. This thesis is different from the other studies on the same work, because the writer sees that there is no psychological analysis on this work. Most of the studies tried to analyze from the cultural points of view especially the World War II and how this novel related to the movie.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theories on Character

  Since this study tries to analyze on the characters in the novel how they reveal the idea that the writer wants to raise the theories of character and characterization are needed. According to Stanton in An Introduction to Fiction, character has two meanings. It can mean the individuals who appear in the story, and it also refers to the mixture of interests, desire, emotions and moral principles that shape each of these individuals (1965:17).

  Not quite different from Stanton idea, Abrams states in his book entitled A


Glossary of Literature terms, that character is the person who appears in dramatic

  or narrative work that has both moral and dispositional qualities. Those kinds of qualities can be seen through his action and speech which constitutes his

  More over Abrams adds that character is “the person presented in a dramatic work, which is interpreted by readers as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional of qualities that are expressed in what they say—the dialogue—and do—action” (1985: 23).

  Both Abrams and Stanton give the basic explanation about what character is. Meanwhile, Holman and Harmon say although a character is created imaginatively, a character is a brief descriptive sketch of a personage, so that a character exists as lifelike (1986: 81). It is important to make the character in the fictions lifelike in order to make the reader can enjoy the story and is not bored with it.

  While Rohrberger and Woods have different opinion about characters, they explain that “character in a novel can be divided into major and minor characters. Major character is the most important character, the central character, the one to whom all the events in the story have relevance” (1971: 20). The same with Rohrberger and Woods, Stanton agrees that major character usually always develops in a story. He said “the events in the story cause some changes either in the central character or in the reader’s attitude toward the major character” (1965: 17). Major character is often called the protagonist or the hero (Van de Laar and Schoonderwoerd, 1963: 164). All the events in the story will focus on the major character. It makes this character develops as the story goes. It is why major character is important in a fiction.

2. Theories on Characterization

  In Reading and Writing About Literature Rohrberger and Woods say that the process by which an author creates a character is called characterization. There are two principal ways an author can characterize his characters. First, he can use direct means to describe physical appearance, intellectual, moral attributes, and the degree of sensitivity of the characters. Second, he can use dramatic means and place the character in situation to show what the character is by the way he behaves or speaks (1971: 20).

  Not quite different from the critique before, but here Holman and Harmon give three methods of characterization; firstly, by the explicit presentation from the author of the character through direct exposition; secondly, by the presentation of the character in action; and thirdly, by the representation from within a character (1986: 81). They also believe the important of lifelike characterization in fictions such as drama, novel, short story, or narrative poem so that the story can be accepted by the reader easily.

  Meanwhile, Van de Laar and Schoenderwoerd state that “scene and environment is as important as the characters themselves, as the characters are determined and shaped by the environment (1963: 172).” The situation where the character is living in the story has a big role in characterizing him. The environment will influence how a character in the fiction story characterized.

   Meanwhile Jones Yelland and Easton explain that characterization is the the real or imaginary people and does not involve more than just in the background. Characterization is meant to help the reader in understanding the character’s reason for doing such thing. Moreover, the readers will be emotionally involved when they read the story (Yellend, 1953:30). It is important for the characters in a fiction lifelike. It makes the readers gets easy to understand the story.

  Klarer’s comment dealing to character is not in contradictory. Nevertheless, he defines character more detail because he divides character into two kinds: flat and round character. Flat character is typified character in literary work which is dominated by one traits. Flat character may remain stable or unchanged in his outlook and dispositions from beginning to end of work.

  Meanwhile, round character is a character with more complex and differentiated features. Round character may make a radical change as a result of a gradual development or of an extreme crisis (1999: 17-21).

  Meanwhile, to see how a character is described by the author, the writer chooses theory of characterization by M. J. Murphy. According to him, there are nine ways to see the characters (1972: 161-173). Those are: a.

  Personal Description How the author described a character’s physical appearance such as the face, body, and clothes. b. Characters as seen by author Instead of describing the character directly, the author can describe the character through the eye of another character. The other characters speak about him or her clearly and giving an additional explanation.


  Speech A character can give the readers clue about himself or herself the person says. Whenever he or she speaks, whenever he or she has conversation with another, and whenever he or she gives his or her opinion, he or she is giving us some clue to his or her personality.


  Past Life The author can give the readers clue to event that helped to shape a person’s characteristics through his or her past life, for example by direct comment or his or her conversation.

  e. Conversation of others The author can also gives us a clue to a person’s characteristics through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him.


  Reaction The author gives us a clue to the person’s characteristics by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events.

  Character also interrelates to another intrinsic element that is setting. The

3. Theory of Personality and Environment

  Personality and environment were very close to each other, where one influences to the other. Human beings cannot be separated with the environment where they are living. Everyday he always makes a contact both mentally and physically. Such contact will give effect towards the development of their personality where they are living. According Lewis R. Aiken, Jr in his book entitled General Psychology says that;

  Personality is the unique organization of characteristics, traits, or ways of behaving that typify an individual and make him recognizably different from other individuals. The factors which influence the development of an individual’s personality may be classified very broadly as hereditary and environmental. (1969.91). Heredity and environment have big role in shaping individual’s personality. How individual make relationship with the society will influence him towards his personality. The external factors where somebody is growing up will give dominant aspect how his personality develops. A child who is growing up in a rich family will behave differently in seeing the environment around him to the child who is born in poor family. Besides that the society or the environment where he is living will be significant in building his personality. Different environment will produce different individual with a unique personality.

  Moreover Stephen Worchel and Wayne Shebilske in their book entitled explain that environment has relationship

  Psychology Principles and Applications

  with human personality. There is correlation in which individual will react

  Personality as a unique set of behaviors (including thoughts and emotions) and enduring qualities that influence the way a person adjusts to his or her environment. In this definition personality is seen as influencing, guiding, and motivating behavior. Presumably, personality is what makes people unique and causes them to act or see situations differently from anyone else. (1989.461)

  Environment has three roles in shaping human personality in which as the influence, the guide and raising the motivation towards human beings. Thus the way of thinking and behave from someone can be analyzed through the environment where he is growing and living. Human being is a dependent creature, where he cannot live by himself. He should make relationship with the environment around him in order to survive. Society and environment give dominant role in patterning his personality. Someone will respond towards what happens around him.

  B. F. Skinner in his journal explains also that human personality is a product of his environment. Someone will respond towards the environment where he is living. He cannot ignore the influence of the circumstances around him. He emphasized the mutual interaction of the person or "the organism" with its environment. ( He also adds that “Under which circumstances or antecedent "stimuli" does the organism engage in a particular behavior or "response”.

C. Theoretical Framework The analysis of this study will be based on the theories mentioned before.

  this analysis. Theory of character is important because the writer wants to show the personalies that the character of John Reisman has in the novel. Another theory that will be applied is theory of personality. This theory is used to find out and identify how war gives influence towards the personality of the main character in the novel.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study The work that will be analyzed in this study is the novel entitled The Dirty Dozen which was written by E.M. Nathanson. The novel was first published by Transwold Publiser Ltd. in 1965 in London, especially in this analysis the writer

  uses the reprinted edition published in the year 1976. This novel is composed of 542 pages divided into 36 chapters, and into four primary parts, they are the gallows, les enfants perdus, the dirty dozen and the last part entitled kriegsspiel. This novel had been made into unforgettable movie with the same title with the original novel.

  The story tells about a man called Captain John Reisman, an United States Army who joined in the World War II in fighting against Hitler and his followers.

  As an Army he often saw the bombings done by the German’s troops. He had witnessed by himself how the cruel of the war. As he had a lot of experiences in war he was ordered by his senior to train prisoners who had Project amnesty for their crimes. The court gave them amnesty to have them a secret mission.

  Reisman took his men to a remote area in Devonshire where no other people who were not in charge in this mission knew about this training. It was not easy for Reisman to get respect from the prisoners in the first month. He had to hard work

  B. Approach of the Study

  In analyzing E.M Nathanson”s The Dirty Dozen the writer uses psychological approach which related to the personality of human being. The interaction that one makes with the circumstance has a big role in producing his personality, because human being is a social creature where he cannot be separated with the social condition that happens around him. It is very important to understand the psychological mind of the character of Reisman in the novel to see how he reacts in dealing with the circumstances around him.

  C. Method of the Study

  In analyzing this study the writer used library and internet research. The writer collected sources and references from the book and from the internet. The writer chose E.M Nathanson”s The Dirty Dozen as the primary sources, while for the secondary sources are taken from the book and references related towards the theories used in the study such as the book of character and personality.

  In doing this study first of all the writer read and re-read until get deep comprehension the novels. In reading these novels the writer found a unique idea about the influence of environment towards human personality in the novel, so he drew a problem formulation related to the idea the writer wanted to analyze. The next step was collecting the data from books and references both in library and internet, the data including the book about personality entitled Personality and

  After read all data the writer made the analysis of the novels based on the problem formulation made before. The final step was making conclusion for the analysis. In this step the writer read and re-read the analysis then made the point what kind of idea he got from the analysis.

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS This chapter covers two main parts, which are aimed to answer the two

  problem formulations. First, it talks about the personalities of the character of Captain John Reisman. Then, the next part will explain how the war gives influence towards Captain Reisman’s personalities.

II. Captain John Reisman’s Personalities

  Physically, Nathanson described the character of Reisman as a good looking man, he looked young but a mature mind was clearly pictured on his face.

  She liked Captain’s looks. He was dark as a Spaniard or Italian without being swarthy. His face was young, yet already set and mature in its lines and hollows, and with tiny wrinkles at the eyes, mouth and forehead that belied his years (p.28).

  This physical appearance was suitable with Reisman’s job who was a soldier. As a commandant in his group he had to look mature so that his men gave respect to him. Meanwhile, mentally Nathanson describes Reisman’s personalities as follows;

1. Brave

  Reisman was a brave man. he did not want to be a coward for himself and for his men. As the leader in the team he must show how to be a good soldier. “He instructors “(p. 408). Even if he never did a parachute jump, he was not afraid to try. He wanted to show to his men that they should be brave just like him. It was no used to be a coward. The war needed their bravery.

  His brave also was shown in his childhood time. The death of Tanner had made Reisman realized that he could not do the same mistake again. Because of his cowardice one life was gone. Tanner died because he was too afraid towards the people who would to shoot him. He could do anything when the killer threatened him. But soon he was aware he must be brave and did not want to be a loser anymore.

  Johnny felt no fear, no sorrow, no sympathy or empathy for a man-only his consuming need for self- vindication, vengeance for Tanner …..he fired again and again and again, knowing what he was doing and exulting in it, stopping only when he realized the gun was finally empty and there was an awesome silence in that confined spaces.(1965,361)

  The passage above shows that Reisman was no a coward anymore, he was brave to shoot the people who had haunted him from his cowardice. He knew what the right thing to do, and it was a kind of self- vindication in which he wanted to payback for what this person had done towards Tanner, his neighbor.

2. Strong Mentality.

  Besides bravery, Reisman also had a strong mentality. He was not afraid of someone’s threaten. Although he was living together with the prisoners in which his life was dangerous for every moment but he was sure that the prisoners

  “I could kill you, captain.” Reisman smiled.”You couldn’t,” he said. “Because I’m the better man, White. I know things about fighting and killing that you don’t know. I’m not offering you life, because I can’t promise you that. But I would teach you things, and give you the opportunity to satisfy our blood lust’ (p.95)

  One of the characters of the prisoners named Napoleon white was physically bigger than Reisman, but Reisman knew that in fighting, mind was more important than body.

3. Leadership

  Reisman’s leadership could not be bargain anymore. His men must obey the rules he made if they wanted to be the real soldiers. This ability to be a leader had been got since Reisman joined the Army. He knew how to treat his men in order follow his order.

  Reisman’s voice was deep and articulate, and he was satisfied by the sound of it as it boomed across the field: “When I tell you to, count off left to right, front to rear!” he like the heady feeling of command: “If I have reason to talk to you, I’ll call you by number. If you have reason to talk to me, the name is captain, or sir! All right now, count off!” (p.87-88)

  Reismen did not try to be angry towards his men, but he just tried to make them pay attention to him, and gave a respect to him.

  For Reisman, a success leader did not measured from the trainees who were scared of him, but how those people gave respect towards him. And from this measurement, Reisman could be called as a success leader in which he could accomplish his job to make those prisoners to be real soldiers who had pride,

  . .pride. . . maybe courage. You trust me. . . I didn’t want to lose that.” (p. 510). Reisman’s leadership had made his men respect towards him. His men had realized that he was a good leader. He had already transformed them into real men who had pride and courage. They were not prisoners anymore.

4. Firm

  Reisman was a firm person. As the trainer Reisman should be firm towards his men. “Anyone who breaks this rule is finished” (p. 161). His words were clearly explained that to become the real soldiers, rules must be obeyed, because in a real war if a soldier did not follow the rules, he would endanger not only himself but also his Platoon.

  “You must not attempt to escape. You must not even think of attempt to escape. You will have enough to occupy your mind without it. For anybody caught attempting to escape, the penalty will immediate execution of sentence. There is no appeal” (p. 161)

  Reisman felt that his act towards his men was right, because he did not want see a failure in the future in this group. If he was not firm to his men, it would destroy the Army mission. And he did not want this happen in this group. It was admitted that to become a real soldier was not as easy as one taught.

  Reisman’s firmness was also shown when one of his men named Franko tried to destroy the construction plan of the camp where they would had an Army training. Reisman did not want his big plan destroyed by one single person. He told Franko firmly that if he did not follow his rules he could finish him by his

  “You dig latrines, Franko,” said Reisman. “You ever try to a stunt like that again and I’ll bury you in one! Put him into work on the slit trenches, Corporal. If he looks slantwise at you, put a bullet in his head” (p.197). Reisman was firm, because he wanted to teach discipline to his men. It could not be denied that soldiers needed firmness in order to follow the rules. As ex- prisoner, a man like Franko needed disciplinary in his life. And it was Reisman’s job to make Franko and the other prisoners to have this disciplinary.

  Reisman was aware that it was necessary for him to be firm to his men. It was his duty and they were under his responsibility. His rule was absolute for the prisoners, if they tried to break this and fight against it, it was his authority to send them back to the marital-court where the gibbet was waiting for them. “You fight me and I’ll break you one by one and send you back where you came from!” (p.213).

5. Confident

  As a person who had many experience in battlefield, Reisman was really confident to challenge Colonel Breed’s troops versus his men in a war game.

  Reismen knew that his men were better that Breed’s, so was sure that his men could win in this war game. Comparing with Breed’s experience in war tactic, Reisman was much better than him, because he had joined the war before the Japan’s attack in Pearl Harbor (p. 332). In a war experience was very useful. And it was benefit for Reisman who had more experience in war. So he was not afraid just needed giving a little bit encouragement towards his men so that they were also confident in undergoing the game.

  “. . .But whatever it is that bugs you, here’s a chance to show Breed and his men and the whole damn Army you’re better soldiers than an of them. Do a job on them just for fun and practice, and then we can go in and do a job on the Nazis for real, because they’re the son-of-a-bitches that brought you over here in the first place.” (p. 458). Reisman knew that this war game was good for his men before they deal with the real war in battle field against the real enemy that was Nazi.

6. Prudent

  Reisman’s prudency was shown in his action introducing war weapons towards his men. Because he did not want to endanger himself and his men and avoiding any risk. When he decided to give the weapons towards his men he had observed and studied that they deserved to handle weapons in their hands. But he reminded his men to use this gun only in an honorable way. They could not use these weapon whatever they liked. But there were rules they had to obey when they hold these weapons.

  “When I hand you this weapon, you are soldiers again, do you understand? The weapon is yours to use in an honorable way in defense of your country under orders from your superior officers. It is not a toy, it is not an object of personal vengeance. It is not a tool to be used in the commission of a crime.” (p.282).

  Reisman did not want these weapons were used in stupid way, because for soldiers, weapons were not symbols of their superiority, but more than that. They

  Reisman’s prudent decision was also shown when he got an explanation about the mission that Reisman and his men were going to have. As the trainer of his men he really knew their ability, and no one else but him. When he knew that the mission was too hard for him Reisman soon told his objection about the mission, because he kne w that his men was not prepared for a mission in which the job was to infiltrate the enemy and strike at every target, kill enemy personnel, pillage supplies, sabotage roads, rail and bridges. For Reisman it was a kind of suicidal mission, so he did not accept this mission because it would endanger himself and also his men. He knew that his men were not trained to do such mission. Three months training for men like them was not enough, he needed more and more time to be professional soldiers. So it was better for him to reject the mission, because they were not ready yet for such mission.

7. Cautious

  Reisman was not only careful in the way of his thinking but also in the way of his behave and saying. As the dirty dozen had a secret mission, so he thought that it was better if he brought them in to a remote area in Devonshire to have the training. He did his job very cautious, and did not want other people who were not in charge in this training was allowed to interfere or come in to the training camp, including Ms. Margot who had the land. Before they used the land for the training, Reisman had asked permission to Ms. Margot that they would use was not allowed to trespasses the area of training. Moreover, She was also forbidden to see the activity in the camp area.

  “ I think it would be best for all of us if you stayed fairly close to the building for a while. I can’t explain why. I wish I could. If there was some way I could make it up to you, I would.” (p.303)

  Reisman did not permit Ms. Margot because he knew that it would endanger their mission. The trainees were prisoners, so he did not want anybody else like Ms.

  Margot knew about it.

8. Clever

  Reisman is a clever man. His cleverness was admitted by his Senior Major Armbruster that then he decided to have Reisman as the trainee for those prisoners to become real soldier who would be ready in battlefield against the Nazis. “Major Armbruster was well aware of Reisman’s deadly efficiency in matters of combat and espionage, and had great respect for his intelligence” (p.45). Major Armbruster believed that Reisman was competent enough for this job, because he knew that Reisman had been in a battlefield for a couple times that had enrich his knowledge of warfare.

  His cleverness could be seen also when he decided to make attack in Chateau de la Vilaine in the night to avoid the recognition of their disguising. He knew that it was not easy to enter the building where many German Generals were there. He also knew that some of his men were not white people, in which skin. Attacking in the night was the only one option, because the Germans would not knew that Reisman and his men were their enemy (p.514).

  Living in the remote area in Devonshire when the war was on made Reisman had to do something to enrich his knowledge in order to get information he needed. Books were important for him, so he decided to borrow from lady Margot. In the books, he could get anything including German’s troops and the development of the war in other places. Knowing the German’s attack and troops made him easy to make a good tactic and strategy to attack the German’s troops. “Not exactly, Lady margot, but I was wondering if I could come up and borrow a few books from your library. Maybe a deck of cards or a checkers set, if you’ve got them, and any newspapers or magazine you’re throwing away.” (p. 300).