Quit Smoking using Natural Herbs 6 Secret Home Remedies

Quit Smoking using Natural Herbs- 6 Secret Home Remedies
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There are many methods used today to help you to stop smoking, a method thati is becoming popu

stop smoking, quit smoking, using herbs, natural herbs,nicotine addiction

Article Body:
Smoking is an addiction that is difficult but not impossible to stop. Everyone is aware that i

To quit smoking using natural herbs is becoming very popular among many people and have been a

Mimosa tea (mimosa hostilis) an evergreen shrub, native to Brazil and Mexico, uses the bark to
The Chinese Cao Su herb diminishes the desire to smoke also.

Lobelia or indian tobacco is popular for smokers, many believe it makes the taste of tobacco r

These stop smoking natural herbs help to quit smoking if you are ready to do so. Some of the m
* Avena Sativa
* Garcinia Cambogia
* Gotu Cola
* Skullcap
* Valerian
* Parrot’s Beak
* Willow
* Oak
* Oregon Grape Root
* Goldenseal
Home remedies are also used as part of your plan to stop smoking.

Home remedy #1- Honey is the best food source that is rich in vitamins, enzymes, proteins, and
#2- Eating high alkaline foods and taking grape seed extract to repair damaged lungs.

#3-Mix fresh grated radish with 2 teaspoons of honey and drink it as a juice.This is a good qu

#4- Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) in a glass of water and drink it

#5- O.J. is acidic in nature and the 1st step to stop smoking and eliminates the nicotine from
#6- Chewing a licorice stick is a good substitute for a cigarrete.

When you are feeling the urge to smoke eat something salty or place a bit of salt on your tong

You should also follow a natural detoxification plan to cleanse yourself of as many toxins and

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