The Concept of Refractive Errors and their Corresponding Vision Correction

The Concept of Refractive Errors and their Corresponding Vision Correction
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The Concept of Refractive Errors and their Corresponding Vision Correction

refractive errors vision correction eye care health fitness opthamology

Article Body:
The eyeball is a spherical organ situated in a bony cavity called the orbit. The muscles are l

Based on this primary description of the anatomy of the eye, it can be deduced that the eye is

Since many problems and health habits begin in childhood, sound principles of safe care need t

Complaints such these need to be investigated: headaches, dizziness, tiredness after close eye

Unusual behavior also should be noted such as holding a book too close, frowning, blinking, et
Vision and Vision Correction

Just as the eyes often reflect a systemic problem, an eye weakness may affect the total well-b

On the other hand, any visual disturbance must be dealt with properly and should be given full
Vision correction is applied to people whose normal vision had elapsed.

Normally, humans have

However, the concept of vision is not primarily focused on the object, rather humans see the ˆ

Vision correction is applied if there is an abnormality in the usual method of transporting th
Hence, any kind of refractive errors need vision correction. For instance, nearsightedness or

Rays from objects situated at shorter distances or less than 6 meters require a ˆstronger˜ len

To understand more, here are some of the common refractive errors that require vision correcti
1. Presbyopia

With increasing age, the elasticity of the lens decreases, and accommodation for near vision i
ˆReading eyeglasses˜ is the common form of vision correction prescribed for these patients to

2. Astigmatism

This type of refractive error results from uneven curvature of the cornea ˙ instead of curving

Two foci, thus, occur instead of one and, as a consequence, the patient is unable to focus hor
Considering these few examples of refractive errors, external and internal examination of the

Indeed, vision correction may range from simple to most complicated form of treatment. Whateve

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