
Journal of Education for Business

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Using the Major Field Test for a Bachelor's Degree
in Business as a Learning Outcomes Assessment:
Evidence From a Review of 20 Years of InstitutionBased Research
Guangming Ling, Jennifer Bochenek & Kri Burkander
To cite this article: Guangming Ling, Jennifer Bochenek & Kri Burkander (2015) Using the Major
Field Test for a Bachelor's Degree in Business as a Learning Outcomes Assessment: Evidence
From a Review of 20 Years of Institution-Based Research, Journal of Education for Business,
90:8, 435-442, DOI: 10.1080/08832323.2015.1095703
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08832323.2015.1095703

Published online: 29 Oct 2015.

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Date: 11 January 2016, At: 19:44

Copyright Ó Educational Testing Service
ISSN: 0883-2323 print / 1940-3356 online
DOI: 10.1080/08832323.2015.1095703

Using the Major Field Test for a Bachelor’s Degree
in Business as a Learning Outcomes Assessment:
Evidence From a Review of 20 Years of InstitutionBased Research
Downloaded by [Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji] at 19:44 11 January 2016

Guangming Ling, Jennifer Bochenek, and Kri Burkander

Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

By applying multilevel models with random effects, the authors reviewed and synthesized
findings from 30 studies that were published in the last 20 years exploring the relationship
between the Educational Testing Service Major Field Test for a Bachelor’s Degree in
Business (MFTB) and related factors. The results suggest that MFTB scores correlated
moderately with overall grade point average (.45) and ACT or SAT scores (.56) across the
studies, before accounting for imperfect reliability or range restriction issues, which supports
the claim that the MFTB is a valid assessment tool to gauge information about businessrelated learning outcomes for a variety of colleges and universities that are similar to those
included in the studies.
Keywords: correlation, grade point average, learning outcomes assessment, Major Field Test
in Business, multilevel model, validity

Standardized tests have been widely used for gauging information about college students’ learning outcomes in the last
several decades, accompanied by a variety of assessment
tools typically developed by local institutions. Discovering
the test’s reliability and validity for such uses, such as to
what extent these tests can truly reflect what students have
learned during their college educations, and whether the

test scores can objectively and reliably reflect the knowledge and skills students have mastered, is critical to the
assessment of college learning outcomes and to the understanding of consequences of using test scores.
Among the standardized tests that are used in practice,
the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Major Field Test for
a Bachelor’s Degree in Business (MFTB) is probably the
most popular (e.g., Green, Stone, & Zegeye, 2012). A brief
survey in the literature revealed that many researchers have
investigated the MFTB scores and different factors (e.g.,
students’ characteristics) related to the test scores (see
Correspondence should be addressed to Guangming Ling, Educational
Testing Service, Research & Development, Turnbull R131 (MS 07-R),
Princeton, NJ 08541, USA. E-mail: gling@ets.org

Bielinska-Kwapisz, Brown, & Semenik, 2012; Green et al.,
2012). However, these studies differed greatly from each
other in terms of institutions and samples included, types of
factors or characteristics, and statistical methods. Most of
these studies focused on the relationship between the
MFTB and student characteristics, but no study was found
to synthesize published studies and provide evidence that

could support the use of MFTB as a valid learning outcomes assessment tool. If we assume grade point average
(GPA) as an adequate indicator of college learning outcomes, as seen in the literature of test validity research, a
moderate or high level of correlation between the MFTB
score and students’ senior year or graduating GPA would
be plausible supporting evidence for such purposes. Thus,
summarizing published studies regarding such a relationship would provide useful evidence in support of the use of
MFTB as a learning outcomes assessment tool.
With this in mind, we searched the literature and recoded
and summarized those studies in which the relationship
between the MFTB and GPA was reported, applying multilevel models. We expect that such an approach and the statistical summary could inform users and researchers in their
practices of using standardized tests for the purpose of measuring college business students’ learning outcomes.




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Measuring Learning Outcomes
The emphasis on measuring learning outcomes of higher
education can be traced back to at least the 1970s (Barak,
1977; Folger, 1977; Peterson, Erwin, & Wilson, 1977).
Since then, institutional effectiveness and its assessment
and evaluation have gained in importance with the push
from federal agencies, national and regional governing
boards, accreditation agencies, and other higher education
stakeholders (U.S. Department of Education, 2006). In
1988 the U.S. Secretary of Education, William Bennett,
issued an executive order requiring all federally approved
regional accreditation organizations to include evidence of
institutional effectiveness in their accreditation criteria
(Palomba & Banta, 1999). As a result, six regional accreditation organizations, including the international Association
to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB),
began to review the program’s learning outcomes for
accreditation purposes. In 2002 the AACSB explicitly
included in its accreditation criteria the assurance of learning and assessment of learning outcomes (Black & Duhon,
2003; see also AACSB, 2013; Shaftel & Shaftel, 2007).
These changes in related policies and accreditation criteria have also contributed to the development and adoption

of standardized large-scale outcomes assessment. Among
the approaches that could directly assess or evaluate learning outcomes, standardized test seems to be the most popular choice across disciplines (Black & Duhon, 2003).
Standardized tests provide objective and reliable measures
about what individuals know and can do, and help stakeholders allocate educational resources or opportunities efficiently and appropriately. Standardized tests help to put
everyone, regardless of their educational experience, socioeconomic background, and schools or programs, on the
same scale to facilitate an objective comparison among
institutions and cohorts. They reportedly also have been
used as the external criteria for evaluating the learning outcomes of students in a given school or program, in contrast
to GPA, which is subject to grade inflation and difficult to
compare across institutions (Ewell, 1987; Nichols &
Nichols, 2000).
Among the few standardized direct assessment tools
of business-learning outcomes, the MFTB (ETS, 2014a)
is widely used by business programs in the United
States and around the world (e.g., Martell, 2007; Pringle
& Michel, 2007). Green et al. (2012) reported that more
than 180,000 students from 685 business programs took
the MFTB between 2006 and 2010. About two thirds of
these programs were accredited by the AACSB. The
official website lists 385 U.S.-based business programs

using the MFTB during the 2013–2014 academic year
(ETS, 2014b); most of these programs are AACSBaccredited programs.

About the MFTB
The MFTB is a comprehensive outcomes assessment
designed to measure the critical business-related knowledge
and skills commonly obtained by college students in a business major. The test also evaluates students’ ability to analyze and solve problems, understand relationships, and
interpret material typically seen in the business context
(ETS, 2014a). The MFTB covers nine subdomains of business-related knowledge and skills, including accounting,
economics, management, quantitative business analysis,
information systems, finance, marketing, legal and social
environment, and international issues. Each of these nine
subdomains is measured by 12–18 multiple-choice items,
totaling 120 items for the whole test. Each question has
four choices, among which only one is correct (there is no
penalty for guessing the answer). The total number of correct answers (between zero and 120) are converted to a
scale score between 120 and 200, with an internal consistency of .90 in terms of Cronbach’s alpha. In addition to the
total scaled score, scores at the group level (e.g., class, program, cohort) are also reported for each business subdomain, named as the assessment indicator. Institutions
within and outside of the United States (Ling, 2014) typically use the MFTB to measure students’ mastery of their
business study, assess the effectiveness of business programs, improve curricula and student learning (Kimmell,

Marquette, & Olsen, 1998), and satisfy specific requirements set by accrediting agencies.
Earlier Reviews of the MFTB and Related Factors
Two studies were found to summarize across studies and
institutions, mainly regarding the relationships between the
MFTB scores and student background variables. For example, Bielinska-Kwapisz et al. (2012) and Green et al.
(2012) summarized 17 studies at 14 universities and colleges. They found that several factors, including the overall
GPA (OGPA), the major course–related GPA (MGPA), and
ACT or SAT scores were significantly associated with the
MFTB scores. A mixed pattern of relationships was found
between the MFTB score and gender or age. Great variation
(between 29% and 79%) was found in terms of the MFTB
score variance being explained by different sets of variables. The wide range of these percentages across studies
suggest that the relationship between MFTB score and
GPA is likely to vary greatly across studies as well and it is
necessary to conduct a meta-analysis study to synthesize
such relationship. However, because different sets of factors were included in these studies, it seems challenging to
make a direct inference regarding whether the MFTB is a
valid assessment of business learning outcomes. From this
perspective, it is necessary to focus on the relationship
between MFTB score and other measures of college learning outcomes (e.g., GPA) and leave out the other factors


considered in different studies. Finally, there were more
than a dozen other studies that were more recently published but had not yet been synthesized or reviewed.

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GPA as a Measure of Learning Outcomes
Measures of learning outcomes can be divided into several
categories, including local measures and external or standardized measures. Local measures include student’s GPA
based on all courses or a subset of courses (e.g., majorrelated courses). The GPA is traditionally considered an
acceptable measure of college student outcomes (Burton &
Ramist, 2001; Means, Toyama, Murphy, Bakia, & Jones,
2009; Prentice & Robinson, 2010; Zwick, 2007), though it
is far from a perfect indicator (e.g., Klein, Kuh, Chun,
Hamilton, & Shavelson, 2005). For example, GPA is
widely considered to be dependent on course-taking patterns and grading policies that vary among schools or programs (Rojstaczer & Healy, 2010; Stricker, Rock, Burton,
Muraki, & Jerele, 1994). The variations on the course-taking patterns include general education versus major-related
courses, basic versus more advanced courses, and courses

focusing more on quantitative versus qualitative skills,
whereas grading policies may vary by major, institution,
and faculty member. The grade inflation effect may also
differ among institutions, which makes the comparability
of GPA across institutions more questionable.
Local measures such as GPA can be considered to be
measures of constructs or content areas similar to those targeted by standardized outcomes measures such as the
MFTB. The GPA is averaged across course grades provided
by multiple faculty members for courses (general education
courses and major-related courses) taken in multiple semesters, whereas the MFTB covers nine content areas of the
business major and is developed by business faculty members based on periodic large-scale curriculum surveys. The
fact that close to 400 business programs use the MFTB as
an outcomes assessment also suggests that the test overlaps
to a great extent with the curriculum of many programs. In
addition, most students take the MFTB during their senior
year or near graduation, when their course requirements
have been met. Thus the MFTB and senior-year GPA overlap in terms of the time point at which the student outcomes
are measured.
As was suggested by Messick (1989), the validation process can be realized by surveying the relationships between
the test scores and other measures of similar constructs or

content. If we acknowledge the GPA as an acceptable measure of college learning outcomes, a moderate-to-high correlation between MFTB scores and GPA would help to
support the claim that MFTB can also be used to measure
learning outcomes (e.g., Ewell, 1987; Nichols & Nichols,
2000). Alternately, evidence could be collected by examining longitudinally whether the MFTB can appropriately
capture what students have gained or learned in terms of


business-related knowledge and skills after completing the
college-level business education program. However, we did
not find a study in our review that took such an approach
and decided to focus on the former approach.
With these considerations, we surveyed the literature for
MFTB-related studies published over the last 20 years and
reviewed and summarized the validity-related evidence.
Quite a few studies (see Green et al. (2012) for a summary)
also reported the correlations between MFTB scores and
other admission test scores (e.g., SAT or ACT). We believed
that these admission tests may also overlap to some extent on
the skills or knowledge that are required to answer the questions in MFTB, and decided to also include them here.

Search and Study Inclusion Criteria
Two different sources were consulted in the first stage of
the study, using MFTB as the keyword, through Google
Scholar and ResearchGate. The records obtained were then
reviewed to screen out those with limited or no empirical
data, which left 34 articles that involved the empirical test
data of MFTB. Four1 of these studies were conducted at the
ETS on issues different from those of the other articles and
thus were excluded from this article. The review and summary in the next section are based on the remaining 30
articles (see the Appendix for a complete list). Among
them, 10 were from the Journal of Education for Business,
four were published in the American Journal of Business
Education, three were from the Academy of Educational
Leadership Journal, two were dissertations, and the remaining articles were from other journals (see Table 1). The fact
that about a third of the articles came from the same journal
(Journal of Education for Business) on the one hand indicates that this journal is probably the main channel through
which business faculty members share and communicate
their views and research related to business education and
outcomes assessment; on the other hand, it may lead to findings being heavily impacted by these institutions and may
add some limitations when generalizing the findings to
business schools that differ from those who had faculty
members published in this journal.
Study Characteristics
The institutions where these studies were based varied by
the Carnegie Classification type, including three from baccalaureate colleges of arts and science, 15 offering master’s
degrees (including 11 with larger master’s-level programs),
and seven research universities. Sixteen institutions were
public colleges and universities, and nine were private and
not for profit. The institutions were located in different
regions of the United States, including five from the



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List of Sources for the Studies Included


Journal of Education for Business
American Journal of Business Education
Academy of Educational Leadership Journal
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal of College Teaching and Learning
Journal of Instructional Psychology
Journal of Private Enterprise
Journal of Academy of Business and Economics
Research in Higher Education Journal
Review of Business Research
American Economic Review
Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education
Research Gate


Mid-Atlantic region; seven from the Southeast region; three
from the Great Lakes, Plains, and Southwest regions; two
from the Rocky Mountain region; one from the New
England region; and one from the West Coast region. All of
these institutions were accredited by regional associations.
There were several types of GPA variables in these studies, all considered as similar measures of general college
academic achievement or business-related learning outcomes, a common practice in the context of meta-analysis
(Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). For convenience, we divided
the studies into two groups based on the types of GPAs: the
first group with OGPA, including cumulative GPA and
overall course GPA (12 studies); the second group with
OGPA that excludes the transferred credit (OGPAnT; 16
studies). Only one study had the MGPA, we decided to
drop it in the synthesis because the interpretation with
MGPA would have been different from the interpretation
with GPAs that include non–major-related courses. The
analyses were based on the 12 studies with OGPA first,
then the 16 studies with OGPAnT, and finally the two sets
together by adding a study-level indicator of the GPA type.
Twenty-two studies examined the relationship between
the MFTB scores and standardized tests such as the SAT
(six studies) and ACT (16 studies). We grouped the studies
by the test type (SAT or ACT) separately first in the analysis and then analyzed all the studies together by adding a
dummy variable indicating test type.
A two-level unconditional model was applied to estimate
the effect size, or the association between MFTB scores
and GPAs (Hafdahl & Williams, 2009; Hedges & Vevea,
1998; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). The correlation reported
in each study was first transformed in the scale of effect
size using Fisher’s z transformation and then decomposed

as the sum of study-level effect size and a random residual
(see Equation 1).
Unconditional Model (noted as Model hereafter)
Level 1 (within study):
dj D dj C ej

(Equation 1)

where j stands for a particular study and dj is the transformed effect size of the correlation between MFTB and
the criterion variable GPA.
The school-level effect size was decomposed as an overall mean effect size across all studies plus a study-level random effect. No predictor at the study level was considered
in the unconditional model.
Level 2 (between studies):
dj D g 0 C uj

(Equation 2)

where g 0 is the mean effect size across the J studies and uj
is the study-specific component in terms of the effect size
(or deviation of a study’s effect size from the grand mean
effect size across studies).
Compared to a simple arithmetic average across all studies on the targeted correlation coefficients, the approach of
a multilevel model with random effects has the capacity of
accounting for a large number of studies that may differ
dramatically in the effect size of interest and can flexibly
account for the differences among individual studies in
terms of sample size and effect size (e.g., Hafdahl &
Williams, 2009; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). When the variance of the study-level random effect is significantly different from zero, a more complex model can be considered
to account for study-specific characteristics. For example,
study characteristics such as sample size, proportion of
male students, or proportion of minority or English learners
can be added to Equation 2 as predictors of the within-study
effect size and to test if any of them can explain the
between-study variation of the effect size.

Overall Effect Size in Terms of Correlation Between
MFTB Scores and GPAs
For the 12 studies that reported the correlation between
the MFTB scores and OGPA (inclusive of transfer credits), the average effect size was estimated as .47 (se D
.08; see Table 2), which was significantly different from
zero, t(11) D 5.86, p < .001. The effect size of .47 corresponds to a correlation of .44, which had a variance estimate of .004 that was not significantly different from
zero, x2(11) D 3.45, p > .500 (see Table 2).
The estimated mean effect size was .48 (se D .07) for the
correlation between MFTB and OGPAnT, which is



Hierarchical Linear Modeling Results for Correlations Between MFTB and GPA

Correlation (MFTB-OGPA)

Correlation (MFTB-OGPAnT)

Downloaded by [Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji] at 19:44 11 January 2016

Correlation (MFTB-GPA)

Fixed effect
G10 dj(a)
Random effect
Fixed effect
G10 dj(a)
Random effect
Fixed effect
G10 dj(a)
Random effect




t ratio





































Note. G10 dj is the parameter representing the fixed mean of correlation;
u1 is the parameter representing a random part of the correlation unique to individual studies;
This is the chi-square value to test whether the variance was significantly different from zero. GPA D grade point average; MFTB D Major Field Test in
Business; MGPA D major course–related grade point average; OGPA D grade point average; OGPAnT D overall grade point average that excludes the transferred credit.

significantly different from zero (see Table 2). Again, the
variance of this correlation coefficient among the 16 studies
was found to be not significantly different from zero (see
Table 2). The estimated mean effect size of .48 corresponds
to an MFTB-OGPAnT correlation of .45 after transformation, which was slightly higher than that for the MFTBOGPA correlation.
Based on these results, it seems that there was no large
difference between the two types of GPAs (including or
excluding the transfer credits). We pooled all 24 studies
and dummy-coded the two types of GPA in a variable that
was entered as a study-level predictor in the Model. An
average effect size was estimated to be .49, regardless of
which GPA type was used. The average effect size estimated corresponds to a correlation coefficient of .45. No
significant difference was found between the two types of
GPA, nor was the variance found among the 24 studies in
terms of the effect size of the MFTB-GPA correlation (see
Table 2).
Overall Effect Size (Correlation Between the MFTB
and SAT/ACT Scores)
For the 16 studies reported correlation between MFTB and
ACT scores, the effect size was estimated as .58 (or .52 in
terms of correlation), t(15) D 8.86, p < .001. However, its
variance was not significantly different from zero, x2(15) D
7.99, p > .500. Similarly, the estimated mean effect size for
the MFT-SAT correlation was .74 (or .63 in terms of correlation), which is higher than that for the correlation between
MFTB scores and ACT scores. (See Table 3).
Finally, the studies using ACT and those using SAT
were combined (22 studies), with a dummy variable indicating the type of standardized test as the between-studylevel predictor. The average effect size was estimated to be

.63 (or .56 in terms of correlation). The coefficient associated with dummy-coded test type (SAT or ACT) was not
significantly different from zero, meaning there is no testtype related difference on the effect size associated with the
MFTB-SAT/ACT correlation. Again, the variance among
these 22 studies was very small, x2(21) D 10.91, p > .500,
so we determined that it was unnecessary to move forward
with the analysis using the study characteristics as predictors added to Equation 2 (See Table 3).

In summary, the MFTB scores appeared to have a moderate
level of correlation with GPA (.45), which suggests that the
knowledge and skills measured by GPA are also likely to
be captured by the MFTB scores to a reasonable extent
(with about 20% variance being explained). It needs to be
noted that there are several factors that were not considered
when summarizing the MFTB-GPA correlations across
studies. First, the correlations studied are attenuated
because neither the MFTB nor GPA is perfectly reliable.
The observed correlation between the MFTB and GPA (or
an average estimate across many such correlations among
different studies and institutions) is likely to be even higher
if taking into account the measurement errors of each variable. Second, the GPA, regardless of which courses are
included, are likely to have been affected by grade inflation
issues as observed in other studies (Rojstaczer & Healy,
2010). A direct effect of grade inflation is that it leads to a
smaller range of GPA and a smaller variance of the GPA as
well, which in the literature is often called the range restriction issue. This range restriction issue is also likely to result
in an underestimation of the MFTB-GPA correlation. Both
types of issues, if taken into account, would have resulted


Hierarchical Linear Modeling Results for Correlations Between MFTB and SAT/ACT

Correlation (MFTB-ACT)

Correlation (MFTB-SAT)

Downloaded by [Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji] at 19:44 11 January 2016

Correlation (MFTB-ACT/SAT)

Fixed effect
G10 dj(a)
Random effect
Fixed effect
G10 dj(a)
Random effect
Fixed effect
G10 dj(a)
Random effect







t ratio


































Note. G10 dj is the parameter representing the fixed mean of correlation;
u1 is the parameter representing q random part of the correlation unique to individual studies;
This is the chi-square value to test whether the variance was significantly different from zero. MFTB D Major Field Test in Business.

in a greater MFTB-GPA correlation, which would provide
even stronger support to the validity claim for using the
MFTB as an outcomes assessment.
Although both GPA and other standardized test (i.e.,
SAT and ACT) scores correlated moderately with the
MFTB scores, caution is needed when trying to interpret
them, as the same or similar coefficient values estimated
may have different meanings. First, the ACT and SAT necessarily happen before college admission, which is about
three to five years earlier than when the MFTB is taken. It
seems hardly a convincing argument that the content or
construct measured can be carried over for such a long
period of time, amid other changes such as the teaching and
learning environment. It seems likely that the shared variances between the SAT/ACT and MFTB are affected by
two sources: the same measurement method using the multiple-choice items and the similar types of reasoning ability
required to answer questions. On the other hand, the GPA
consist of ratings and grades provided by multiple faculty
members for about two dozen (or more) different business
and nonbusiness courses. They seem to be more comprehensive representations of students’ college performance
and learning outcomes, beyond the abilities and skills that
are measured by the SAT and ACT. Thus, the shared variance between the GPA and MFTB are more likely to be
related to the critical skills and knowledge that students
have gained during the college business program. Future
research may be necessary to control for students’ admission test scores on the SAT and ACT and examine how
much extra variance in GPA could be accounted for by the
MFTB scores. This type of analysis would help to disentangle the relationships among the three variables and help to
obtain cleaner and more robust evidence in support of the
use of MFTB as an outcomes assessment.
The little variance that was found among the studies in
terms of the MFTB-OGPA correlation was different from

meta-analysis studies on the relationship between standardized test scores and college GPAs, which seems desirable
to have further studies to confirm such findings.
To conclude, based on a review studies published in the
last two decades, we found that the MFTB scores are moderately correlated with the students’ college academic performance as indicated by GPA, which supports the claim
that the MFTB is a viable measure of college business
learning outcomes. This finding not only helps assure those
programs that have already adopted and used the MFTB
with regard to the appropriateness of using such a standardized test as a learning outcomes measure, but also provides
empirical evidence and better inform the other programs
that may consider using it in the near future.

1. Two studies were related to the subscore issue; one was
about using response time to detect test-taking motivation
issues, and the fourth one was a rejoinder article in response
to a article by an external researcher. Because these four
articles had different objectives from the other studies, we
excluded them in this review.

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