JURNAL PENELITIAN PENDIDIKAN IPA (JPPIPA) Science Educational Research Journal

  Vol. 4 No. 2, July 2018 e_ISSN :2407-795X p_ISSN : 2460-2582



Science Educational Research Journal

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) - Science Educational Research Journal

  published by Master Program of Science Education Graduate Program, Mataram University, contains scientific articles form of research results that includes science, technology and teaching in the field of science. Science Educational Research Journal is published twice in a year in the January and July editions. The editors receive writing in Indonesian or English, either from the University or from outside the University.



Aris Doyan

  Mataram University, Magister of Science Education, Indonesia


Managing Editor


  Mataram University, Magister of Science Education, Indonesia


Board Editorial

Aliefman Hakim,

  Mataram University, Study Program of Chemistry Education, Lombok Strait, Indonesia


Muhammad Taufik,

  Mataram University, Physics Education Study Program, Mataram, Indonesia


Saprizal Hadisaputra,

  Mataram University, Faculty of Education, Mataram, Indonesia


Assistant Editors


  Mataram University, Magister of Science Education, Indonesia


Address: Jalan Pendidikan No. 37 Mataram

Third Floor, Master Program of Science Education Graduate Program

Mataram University

Email :




JPPIPA Peer Reviewer

Elias Saion, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Department of Physics, Serdang, Malaysia., Malaysia

Khalid Ahmad Rabaeh, Hashemite University, Medical Imaging Department, Zarqa, Jordan


Azlan Kamari, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Department of Chemistry, Malaysia,

Huda Binti Abdullah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Department of Electrical, Bangi,



Kuwat Triyana, Gadjah Mada University, Department of Physics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Ruth Rize Paas Megahati, STKIP PGRI Sumbar, Padang, Indonesia, Indonesia

Aripin, Siliwangi University, Faculty of Learning Teacher and Education Science, Indonesia

Retna apsari, Universitas Airlangga, Department of Physics, Surabaya., Indonesia


Anna Permanasari, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Departemen Kimia, Bandung., Indonesia

Siti Zubaidah, State University of Malang, Department of Biology, Malang., Indonesia

Agus Abhi Purwoko, Mataram University, Magister of Science Education, Indonesia

Dedy Suhendra, Mataram University, Department of Chemistry, Indonesia


A Wahab Jufri, Mataram University, Magister of Science Education, Indonesia

Erin Ryantin Gunawan, Mataram University, Department of Chemistry, Indonesia.

Muhamad Ali, Mataram University, Faculty of Animal Science, Mataram, Indonesia

Lalu Zulkifli, Mataram University, Faculty of Learning Teacher and Education Science,



Susilawati, Mataram University, Physics Education Study Program , Indonesia

Ahmad Harjono, Mataram University, Physics Education Study Program, Mataram, Indonesia

Gunawan, Mataram University, Physics Education Study Program, Mataram, Indonesia,



Yayuk Andayani, Mataram University, Magister of Science Education, Indonesia




  1. The Target of Science Education Research Journal (JPPIPA) is to publish original research, thinking, views and dissemination of science in the field of science education and applied science 2. The manuscript for JPPIPA can be submitted directly by OJS system or sent to email address:

  3. The type of script received is a result of research, science development outcomes.

  4. Manuscripts submitted are manuscripts that have never been published, or are not being considered for publication in other publications.

  5. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English.

  6. The manuscript is written in English with the length is about 6 to 20 pages.

  7. The title of the manuscript is written in English (Times New Roman, size 12, bold) and Indonesian (Times New Roman, size 12, bold).

  8. The author's name (without title) must be accompanied by the fullname, full address of the affiliation (specific location, department, institution name, street, city, and country), and the email of each author.

  9. Abstract is in the form of a paragraph, consisting of (maximum) 200 words, and written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Abstract uses Times New Roman, size 12, Italic. This abstract is a summary of the manuscript, including description and result of the research.

  10. Keywords (maximum 5 words) are located under the abstract and written in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

  11. The manuscript (Introduction, Research Method, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion) uses Times New Roman size 12, line spacing 1 line, A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm) with the margin is 2 cm on each side except the left side (2 cm).

  12. The paragraph is written in justify. Inter-paragraph is given 5 character for left indentation.

  13. The title of the figure uses Times New Roman size 11, center alignment, 1 line spacing, and placed at the bottom of the picture. The image file(s) is in .jpg, .bmp, or .png format must be attached in separate file(s) with the Article.

  14. When quoting pictures, tables or photos from other publications, the author is required to name the source. Tables are typed 1 spaced, decimal point is used as position reference (alignment) and zero is listed (eg: 0.333 and not, 33). Columns and table rows need to be titled. The title is capitalized for the first letter only, in line with Indonesian grammar. The title of the image below and the title of the table above.

  15. Tables are typed in 1 line spacing, decimal places are used as position references, and zeros must be stated (e.g., 0.333 and not .33). Columns and rows in the table should be titled. The title of the table is capitalized for the first letter of each word. The table title is placed at the top of the table. The font size is 11 pt or adjustable.

16. The formulas are numbered with numbers on the right, in parentheses. The International

  System (SI) and its standard abbreviations should be used. Decimal signs using commas. 2 alenia are written on indent and justified. Abbreviations should be avoided, unless they have been defined previously or are a commonly used abbreviation. Footnotes are not allowed.

  17. The library is placed at the end of the manuscript, the library is numbered by numbers and referred to in the script by listing the number as superscript. Numbering libraries synchronize with the sequence of referrals for the first time in the script. The literature in the form of scientific articles is detailed in the following order: a.

  Author's name, with first name initials placed behind; b.

  The title of a scientific article (if deemed necessary to end and end with quotation marks); c. The name of the scientific journal that contains the article (abbreviated according to existing customs with italics). Use the ibid abbreviation if referring to the same magazine for authors who write several articles; d. Volumes and volumes (if necessary) scientific journal in bold, starting page; e. Year published scientific articles.


  The reference list is arranged down alphabetically by the author's last name.


  How to refer to the reference list is done by writing the first author's name and publishing year in parentheses, for example (Ohara et al., 1996)

  Vol. 4 No. 2, July 2018 e_ISSN :2407-795X p_ISSN : 2460-2582



Science Educational Research Journal


  Pembuatan Arang Aktif dari Limbah Ampas Tebu Sebagai Adsorben Ion Fe2+ dan Co2+


  Faucut Sarah Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Melalui Simulasi Physic Education Technology (PhET)


  Khaerunnisak Khaerunnisak Uji Mekanik Material Komposit Serat Pinang


  Pathul Hapiz, Aris Doyan, Prapti Sedijani Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Peserta Didik


  Lia Nurmayani, Aris Doyan, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu verawati Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri dan Problem Based Learning (PBL) Terhadap Keterampilan Generik Sains Biologi ditinjau dari


  Kemampuan Akademik Siswa Muhamad Taofiq, Dadi Setiadi, Gito Hadiprayitno The Learning Tools Based on the REMAP TMPS Model (Reading Concept Map Timed Pair Share) and The Effectiveness of Students Critical Thinking


  Skills Sariah Sariah, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Dadi Setiadi Ekstraksi Selulosa Batang Tembakau Sebagai Persiapan Produksi Bioetanol


  Sri Seno Handayani, Amrullah Amrullah The Effect of Temperature on the Conductivity of Polymer Films


  Susilawati Susilawati Validitas Handout Berbasis Penemuan Terbimbing Pada Perkuliahan Evaluasi Proses dan Hasil Belajar Biologi


  Siska Nerita, Yulia Sri Hartati, Annika Maizeli, Aulia Afza