The Dreams for Kids Team will Race Across America but not on Sunday

The Dreams for Kids Team will Race Across America-but not on Sunday
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The Race Across America(RAAM) is the most grueling event in the world.
A four man team will race, non-stop, to raise doantions for the Non-Profit children’s charity,
The race begins on June 13 in California and must be completed in New Jersey in less than 9 da
The Dreams fro Kids Team is the only team that will not race on Sunday for religious reasons.

children’s charity, children, nonprofit charity, donations, kids, volunteer, fundraising, disa

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The Race Across America (RAAM) is a 3053-mile race across the country beginning in Oceanside,

RAAM is known as the world´s toughest event. Through deserts and over mountains, in conditions

Those few riders to reach the finish line will have traveled a combined distance equal to circ

There are solo riders, two-person teams, four-person teams and eight-person teams. The four-pe

Dreams for Kids, a 501© (3), non-profit children´s charity, which is volunteer based and raise

The Dreams for Kids cycling team, however, only has 8 days and 19 hours, or 211 hours of ridin
I believe the Bible to be the word of God, and in the Bible it says:

(1) that God created the earth and its inhabitants in six days, that He rested on the seventh
(2) to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy (Exodus 20:8);
(3) if you keep the Sabbath day holy you will ˆeat your bread to the full˜ and that you will l

I believe that we are God´s children, that He loves us, and that when we do what He asks us to
The word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word shabbath, meaning day of rest.

Therefore, to keep the Sabbath day holy, I believe we are to rest from our labors, rest from o

The Sabbath is also the Lord´s day, and thus while it is a day for resting from our labors, it
I truly believe that if I remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, I will prosper far more than
I do not mean to be lofty or obnoxious towards those who do not believe as I do, but as noted

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