
Call Paper
Seminar Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan Indonesia Jawa Tengah

Academic Supervision Management
The State Primary School Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak
Mufarikin, S.Pd. M.Pd
Instansi: SD Negeri Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak
HP.081226927337 / 085848887392.

Dr. Bambang Ismanto, M.Si
Program Pascasarjana MMP UKSW Salatiga

The focus of this study is to investigate the management of academic supervision at
State Primary School Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak. The goal is to obtain an overview of the
characteristics of supervision planning, implementation supervision, feedback supervision by the
principal. This study used a qualitative approach to the subject is the principal and teachers Mijen
2 Public Elementary School Kebonagung Demak. Methods collection of data using observation, an
interview, The focus group discussions, and documentation. Data analysis techniques consists of

reduction data, presentation data, and conclusions. The validity test data using credibility,
tranferabilitas, konfirmabilitas and dependabilitas. This research are (1) Planning supervision
academic planning goals, time, place, and instrument for development has been done by teachers
learning situation in the classroom. (2) Implementation supervision academic done with a visit to
class regularly, carrying out activities that involve teachers and students, the execution new
curriculum, upgrading performance evaluation teachers and reward promised; (3) feedback form
of providing a strengthening supervision academic, satisfaction, cooperation, motivation
intervention to help didactis or guidance, supervision for yourself and given further knowledge. A
follow-up supervision result form academic gains, with the objective analysis teaching, target
analysis skills learning, conclude the result of what he had acquired during supervision academic,
encourage teachers to planned exercise, as well as set next plan.
Key words: supervision, management, learning.

1. Mufarikin,S.Pd. M.Pd. Gr SD Negeri Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak, mufarikin@gmail.com
2. Dr. Bambang Ismanto, M.Si. Kaprodi Program Pascasarjana MMP UKSW Salatiga


Pengelolaan Supervisi Akademik

di SD Negeri Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak
Mufarikin, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Instansi: SD Negeri Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak
HP.081226927337 / 085848887392.

Dr. Bambang Ismanto, M.Si
Kaprodi Program Pascasarjana MMP UKSW Salatiga

Fokus Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengelolaan supervisi akademik di SD
Negeri Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai
karakteristik perencanaan supervisi, pelaksanaan supervisi, umpan balik supervisi oleh kepala
sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan subjeknya adalah kepala
sekolah dan guru SD Negeri Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak. Metode pengumpulan data
menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data terdiri dari; reduksi
data; penyajian data, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan kredibilitas,
tranferabilitas, konfirmabilitas dan dependabilitas. Hasil penelitian ini berupa (1) Perencanaan
supervisi akademik berupa perencanaan tujuan, sasaran, waktu, tempat, dan instrumen untuk
pengembangan situasi pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru di kelas. (2) Implementasi supervisi
akademik dilakukan dengan kunjungan kelas secara rutin, melakukan kegiatan yang melibatkan

guru dan siswa, pelaksanaan penataran kurikulum baru, penilaian kinerja guru dan reward yang
dijanjikan; (3) Umpan balik supervisi akademik berupa pemberian penguatan, kepuasan, motivasi,
kerja sama, intervensi memberi bantuan didaktis atau bimbingan, supervisi terhadap diri sendiri
dan diberi pengetahuan tambahan. Tindak lanjut hasil supervisi akademik berupa penguatan,
meganalisis pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran, menganalisis target keterampilan pembelajaran,
menyimpulkan hasil dari apa yang diperolehnya selama supervisi akademik, mendorong guru
untuk merencanakan latihan-latihan, sekaligus menetapkan rencana berikutnya
Kata kunci: pengelolaan, supervisi, akademik

1. Mufarikin,S.Pd. M.Pd. SD Negeri Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak mufarikin@gmail.com
2. Dr. Bambang Ismanto, M.Si. Kaprodi Program Pascasarjana MMP UKSW Salatiga


Teachers as agent of learning, occupies a strategic position in improving
the quality of primary school graduates. Its activities conducted from planning,
managing teaching and learning process, and assess the achievement of the
objectives of education. The development in information technology and the pace
of global life will not change or negate the educators in the education process. As

professionals, to improve supervision duties performed. This shows the
commitment of the teachers in performing their functions as learning agent.
Supervision is always refers to activities improve the learning process. Such
activities can not be separated from each school's ultimate goal, which are
producing quality graduates.
Preliminary studies in Public Elementary School Mijen 2 Kebonagung
Demak shows that planning is done in less attention to the performance of the
previous year. The dynamics of the development of education and changes outside
the school at any time to change. Plan that is prepared in the next year there
should be a change for the better from the previous year. Along with the dynamic
development of education, the teacher must change the planning of teaching each
year. Improving education is currently reflected in the development of technology,
the planning and the learning process should take advantage of the technology.

The Main Tasks of the Principal
The key to the success of the school lies in the efficiency and
effectiveness of a school principal. Basic skills that need to be owned by the
principal that is reflected by traits: honesty, confidence, responsibility, risk-taking
and decision, high-minded, emotionally stable and exemplary. Basic properties
such as that by itself would be followed by a teacher or staff work. With regard to

the duties and functions of the principal, there is a concept that is easy to
remember EMASLIM (Educator, Manager, Administrator, Supervisor, Leader,
Innovator, Motivator). From the professional leadership also means a move
process, influencing, motivating and directing people in educational institutions.
Surely it would be easier to achieve the goals that have been formulated. Other
demands associated with the principal task of having good basic personal
competence, managerial, supervisory and entrepreneurship. Managerial
competence is also needed a school principal. Among of these competencies,
which is no less important is the competence of supervision. Customized
implementation procedures and techniques as appropriate.

Professional Competence of Teachers


In order to carry out the responsibilities and duties well, the teacher is
required to have certain skills and abilities. It is the embodiment of the
professional competence of teachers. Referring to the law no.14 of 2005 on
teachers and lecturers, the teacher must have a four competencies, namely
professional competence, pedagogical, personal, and social. Of the four

competencies can be interpreted as the roundness of knowledge, skills and
attitudes which are manifested in the act of intelligent and responsible in their
duties. At the national education minister's decision no. 045/U/2002 also
mentioned that competence is a set of intelligent action and full responsibility to
perform duties in accordance with the specific job. Emphasized again more from
the education minister pursed in regulation 16 of 2007 on the national standards of
academic competence and the competence of the teacher, that teacher competency
standards consist of the core competencies of teachers and professional
competence of teachers. From the bottom of the purposes of the professional
competence of teachers is the ability and authority of the teacher in carrying out
his profession as a teacher.

Management of Academic Supervision
Academic supervision is a series of activities to help teachers develop
the ability to manage the learning process for the achievement of learning
objectives. It did not assess the performance of teachers in managing the learning
process, but to help teachers develop their professional capability. It is not solely
focused on improving teachers' knowledge and skills, but also on increasing the
commitment or willingness or motivation of teachers, because by increasing the
ability and motivation of teachers, the quality of learning will increase. Efforts to

improve the quality of learning, the necessary data sources supervision known as
the target of supervision. Implementation of academic supervision is done by way
of discussion, training, and consulting. The process is done in several stages,
including the stages of planning, implementation, and feedback.
Planning Academic Supervision
Planning is one absolute requirement for any organization or agency and
for any activities, either individually or in groups. Planning starts from the initial
meeting, class observations, interviews and follow-ups to the discussion. Related
to this is that planning include: planning purposes, the time, place and the
instruments necessary for the smooth process of supervision. Details of planning
developed jointly between the superintendent, principals and teachers. It is
intended to create coordination between the two, so that the implementation of
supervision do not overlap. In planning the instructional supervision of teachers
and principals bring together supervisors discuss the work plan for a certain
period, in one year and then divided into quarterly plans and months.

Implementation of Academic Supervision

Activity is the execution of the academic supervision of the

implementation plan has been prepared. Implementation of academic supervision
can be done in various ways according to local circumstances. Supervision
techniques can be grouped into two, namely the technique of individual
supervision and group supervision techniques. This classification is to facilitate
reaching goals. In its implementation need to adjust local conditions and
situations. The influence or effect of the moment on the pitch should be noted to
find a solution, as well as the subsequent supervision of repair materials.

Feedback Academic Supervision
Meetings feedback immediately after carrying out teaching observations.
But first perform an analysis of the results of observation. Feedback meeting is an
important step for developing a teacher's behavior by providing specific feedback.
This feedback form of reinforcement, satisfaction, motivation, collaboration,
intervention didactic aid or guidance, supervision of myself and given the
additional knowledge. Follow-up in the form of reinforcement, analyze achieving
goals of teaching, learning skills to analyze the target, summed up the results of
what they have learned during the academic supervision, encouraging teachers to
plan the exercises, as well as set the next plan. The provision of feedback by
Dharma (2004 : 8) can be described as follows:

formative feedback




Feedback motivation

Figure 1 Scheme Providing Feedback

Based on this, it can be concluded that the feedback function in the
conduct of supervision is to communicate the results of the supervision of the
teacher, as opposed to correct the error with the follow-up. Given this feedback
can affect the desired learning (feedback motivation) and affect the shape of the
desired learning (formative feedback). Feedback is expected to have improved the
learning process.

Method of Research


Looking at the issues and objectives of this study, it was seen as a
pattern type is interactive relationship. Therefore, this study used a qualitative
approach. This is evident characteristics that are descriptive, not reduce the
number, and the data in the form of words or images. The author would like to
reveal human behavior in the context of natural or natural, rounded, thorough and
candid. The subjects were principals and teachers. The location of this study at a
public elementary school Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak in Central Java province of
Indonesia. The technique used in this study is the observation through
participation, observation, interviews, documentation, and focus group discussion.
1. Observation through meaningful participation of observer participation in
research activities.
2. The observations in this study focused on the implementation of academic
supervision and other supporting data necessary.
3. The interview was used to obtain data related to academic supervision.
Technical interviews are conducted openly.
4. Documentation as complementary, in the form of writing, recording,
handbooks, diaries, and official reports of meeting minutes.
5. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is to explore the more specific term. It relates

to the topics discussed, so this technique avoids the wrong meaning of the
researchers on the problem under study.
Data Analysis Techniques and Checking the Validity of Data
The analysis technique used in this study is a descriptive analysis. Data
were analyzed using the interactive model, namely data collection, data reduction,
data display and conclusion drawing/ verification. To obtain the appropriate
interpretation, implementation is based on (1) the degree of confidence
(credibility), (2) transferability, (3) dependability, (4) confirmability.
Triangulation is used in a variety of ways, namely: triangulation;
triangulation method; confirmation; and dependability.
Research Results
Planning academic supervision carried out by a public elementary
school principals Mijen 2 Kebonagung Demak to provide services and assistance
to teachers, the goal in order to develop learning situations that teachers do in the
classroom. In addition, to coordinate, stimulate, encourage
towards teaching
profession and improve the process. The results obtained growth in this study a
planning purpose, time, place, and instruments. Of the four results need to be
developed according to the learning situation that teachers do in the classroom.
Implementation of concrete measures academic supervision is done by:
class visits, observation learning, teachers and administration. The next step is
communicated with the teacher. Meetings are held periodically evaluate the
implementation of academic supervision. Supervision carried out according to


schedule or plans that have been communicated to the teachers. The head of the
school set up in accordance with the schedule drawn up, then held a class visit and
observation. Results of the implementation of this academic supervision in the
form of visits classes regularly, doing activities that involve teachers and students,
the implementation of the upgrading and work-soap curriculum, teacher
performance appraisal and rewards promised. On the whole process of results or
feedback supervision carried out by the principal in a public elementary school
Mijen 2 can be summarized or illustrated in the schematic drawings as follows:

conditions of

The learning

Results are


Figure 2
Feedback scheme results supervision
The results of this study for the provision of reinforcement, satisfaction,
motivation, collaboration, intervention didactic aid or guidance, supervision of
myself and given the additional knowledge. Follow-up results of academic
supervision in the form of reinforcement, analyze achieving goals of teaching,
learning skills to analyze the target, summed up the results of what they have
learned during the academic supervision, encouraging teachers to plan the
exercise, as well as set the next plan.
Discussion of Research
The purpose of planning academic supervision in public elementary
schools Mijen 2 is to provide services and assistance to teachers in developing
learning situations that teachers do in the classroom. Management planning
process begins with the beginning of each school year by the principal.
Supervision planning program prepared and submitted to the goals of supervision
that teachers and students. One of its agenda of determining the supervision
schedule tailored to the academic calendar and activities involving teachers. Its
implementation is based on a program that has been developed and agreed upon
by the entire school. Planning means used in academic supervision at a public
elementary school in the form of the making Mijen 2 academic supervision
format, the point to take note of what is seen during the implementation of
learning systematically.


Implementation of academic supervision by observation and
communication with the teacher. A concrete steps by way of classroom visits,
observations of learning, teacher administration, then communicated with the
teacher, if required principals to participate in providing solutions for successful
learning. Meetings are held at regular intervals to evaluate the implementation of
academic supervision.
Feedback from the academic supervision conducted by the principal
form of reinforcement, satisfaction, motivation, collaboration, intervention
didactic aid or guidance, supervision of myself and given the additional
knowledge. feedback is a series of talks with the head of school teachers, in this
case the principal attempted to teacher motivation. This feedback is given directly
after completion supervising principals. If an agreement has been communicated
and shared the appropriate follow-up is a problem faced by every teacher.
Follow-up of academic supervision in the form of reinforcement,
analyze achievement of the objectives of teaching, learning skills to analyze the
target, summed up the results of what they have learned during the academic
supervision, encouraging teachers to plan the exercises, as well as set the next
plan. This attitude aims to prepare skill or ability of the teacher in the learning
activities so as to form a professional teacher. Increasing the performance of
teachers look of teacher attendance rates, increased vigor and students gain
maximum results after evaluation.

Academic supervision is a series of activities to help teachers develop
the ability to manage the learning process for the achievement of learning
objectives. In sequence obtained was: (1) academic supervision planning an initial
plan to provide services and assistance to teachers, namely planning objectives,
time, place, and instruments for the development of learning situations that
teachers do in the classroom. (2) Implementation of academic supervision is the
realization of planning supervision. Concrete implementation of the supervision
mechanism of learning is done by classroom visits regularly, doing activities that
involve teachers and students, the implementation of the new curriculum
upgrading, teacher performance appraisal and reward promised. (3) Feedback
academic supervision for the provision of reinforcement, satisfaction, motivation,
collaboration, intervention didactic aid or guidance, supervision of myself and
given the additional knowledge. (4) Follow-up results in the form of strengthening
supervision academic, analyze achievement of the objectives of teaching, learning
skills to analyze the target, summed up the results of what they have learned
during the academic supervision, encouraging teachers to plan the exercises, as
well as set the next plan.


First: the teacher must always be ready also capable of performing the
task responsibilities properly, can maintain and enhance the value of work
performance in the lesson plan, implementation of the learning process, evaluation
and discipline of learning tasks, so that the result is always increasing teacher
performance and competent. Second: the principals should use methods that vary
in supervising the implementation of learning so that all teachers feel motivated
always ready to fix its shortcomings. Third: For the supervisors are expected to
assist in the supervision of academic programs at the school in the form of
reinforcement, analyzing skill objectives, analyzing the target achievement by
facilitating feedback programs as an effective coaching activities.

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