B1J009103 9.

Sargassum polycystum merupakan salah satu jenis rumput laut penghasil
alginat yang banyak dimanfaatkan pada berbagai industri. Kualitas alginat yang
ditentukan oleh bobot, kadar air dan warna rendemen. Alginat S. polycystum adalah
hasil fotosintesis yang digunakan sebagai cadangan makanan dan untuk tumbuh dan
berkembang. Proses fotosintesis membutuhkan cahaya matahari yang dipengaruhi
oleh metode budidayanya. Metode akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan talus dan
penyimpanan alginatnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh metode budidaya dan
pemakaian bagian talus yang diekstrak terhadap kandungan alginat, sehingga dapat
ditentukan metode budidaya dan bagian talus yang menghasilkan kandungan alginat
tertinggi. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak
Lengkap. Variabel bebas adalah bagian talus (daun, batang, dan vesikel) dan metode
budidaya (Apung dan Lepas dasar). Pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali sehingga diperoleh
18 unit percobaan. Variabel tergantung yang diamati adalah kandungan alginat.
Hasil analisis Annova menunjukkann variable kombinasi metode budidaya
dan bagian talus S. polycystum tidak berpengaruh terhadap produksi alginat. Namun
secara mandiri bagian talus berpengaruh terhadap kandungan alginat. Perlakuan
metode apung dengan talus bentuk batang memperoleh bobot alginat tertinggi
dengan nilai 78,88% sedangkan kandungan alginat terendah dari perlakuan metode
lepas dasar dengan vesikel nilainya 29.13%. Rata-rata kadar air pada kedua

perlakuan berkisar 8,68%-13,91%. Warna alginat yang dihasilkan kategori standart
mutu III yaitu berwarna coklat dan coklat kehitaman.

Kata kunci : Sargassum polycystum, talus, alginat




Sargassum polycystum is one many several types of seaweed that producer
alginate widely is an important material in various industries. The quality alginate is
determined by its weight, water content and color yield. In the S. polycystum alginate
is produced through photosynthesis and used as food reserves resulting from
photosynthesis in S. polycystum to be used of each growth and development. The
process photosynthesis requires sunlight which is influenced by culture technique.
Such a methods in culture may cause thallus development as well as total alginate
deposit on it.
The study was aimed to learn the effect of culture method and utilization of

thallus part for extraction toward alginate contain. By duing so, it many be conclude
which culture method and part of the thallus would be applied in order introduce the
highest most of alginate part of the thallus (leaves, stems, and vesicles) were applied
and culture methods (Floating and “lepas dasar”) was independent variable, where as
the dippentdent one was be alginate contens. Used repeated 3 times to obtain 18 units
The annova analysis of combination variable of culture method and part of
the thallus and long this study, showed that these combination variable did not affect
the alginat production. However a solely variable of part of the thallus effected
alginate production. The floating method apply rod thallus produced the highest
alginat of 78,89%, but the alginat contents which was cultured using a “lepas dasar”
method as vesicles showed the lowest production of alginate it 29,13%. In average,
water contents of both method were 8,68%-13,91%. The alginat colour of both
culture method in chategories as standart III level i.e. brown and brown blakies in

Keywords: Sargassum polycystum, the thallus, alginate

