The Implementation of Clustering Technique to Improve Students Writing Skill of Recount Text (A Classroom Action Research of the Second Year Students of Mts Al UswahBergas in Academic Year 2015/2016) - Test Repository

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION . A. Background of the Study In English teaching and learning there are four skills which are

  very important for english learners, the forth skills are reading, speaking, listening and writing. Reading and listening are called receptive skill while speaking and writing are productive one. As one of the four language skills, writing has always occupied a place in most English language course. One of the reasons is that more people need to learn to write in English for occupational or academic purposes. In terms of students’ needs, writing occupies an equal role with the other language skills (Fauziyati 2005:147).

  Among the skills, writing is the most difficult skill. People need to learn english writing because it is a proses of expressing idea, opinion, experience, and information in the form of written language. In fact student still get some difficulties when they are asked to write english text, especially recount text. Most of them get low score in writing, it caused by the student’s lack of knowledge how to write, what to write, grammar, vocabulary and technical writing. And Many students get some difficulties to write a sentence and explore it to be a paragraph.

  Writing is a very complex activity that involves not only the ability to string sentences in a language but also to express ideas. Pranoto (2004: 9) in zhaminang (2013) stated:

  “Writing means pouring ideas into written form or tell something to others through writing. Writing can also be interpreted as an expression of feeling or expression as outlined in the written form. In other words, through the process of writing we can communicate undirectly.”

  Despite it, in the writing process the writer has to pay attention about the grammar, spelling, and punctuation in order to produce a good written.

  The problem above are also faced by students of Mts Al Uswah


  Bergas. According to the interview held on 7 of October 2015 with Mr.Mochamat, S.Pd.I as English teacher in Mts Al Uswah Bergas. The writer asked some questions to the teacher, the question are about general condition in teaching learning process of English material especially in writing subject, about the students and their participation and also the strategy that used by the teacher in writing. The teacher gives some arguments, which are as it knows that writing skill is considered difficult by the students for some reasons, those reason are that the students usually get difficulties in starting their writing

  , they don’t have an idea about what they want to write, or sometimes they have an idea, but they are still confused how to develop it as the correct one so they can’t make a good paragraph. That will cause many student waste valuable time just for getting started.Some students also get some difficulties to write a sentence and explore it to be a paragraph.Beside,the student have problemtodevelop the paragraph with a good stucture and text component.Another reason why the students difficult to write is the students have lacked of grammar knowledge and vocabulary, and the students have low motivation to write.

  To solve the problems the teachers need to use an appropriate methods and a media in teaching and learning process which make the students interest andenthusiastic. There are severals methods or technique that can be used in teaching and learning English. One of them is clustering technique. Clustering technique is one of the prewriting activities that can help man to generate the idea. According to Noel (2005 :6) Clustering is a method of “Mapping” your ideas as they come into your mind. Clustering technique is a good technique to help students to develop their idea in writing text, especially Recount text. As Regina L. Smalley and Marry K Ruetten said that clustering is making a visual map of the ideas and this way allows the stundents to think creatively. After introduce this method to Mr. Mochamat, S.Pd.I as english teacher in Mts Al Uswah Bergas. He agree to be my partner to do this research.

  The writer choose clustering technique because there are several pusposes such as students can enchance their writing skill and try new solution to create an effective note to make a text. Clustering technique help students to write easier and interested in writing activity so student can increase their motivation to write

  According to those considerations, the writer is interested in doing action reasearch entitled




B. Problem of Study

  The problem of study can be stated as follows:

  1. How is the implementation of clustering technique to improve students’ writing recount textof the second year students in MTs Al Uswah Bergas in the academic year of 2015/2016?

  2. Does clustering technique improve the students’ achievement on writing skill of recount text after being taught using clustering technique in the second year students of MTs Al Uswah Bergas in the academic year of 2015/2016?

  3. How far is clustering technique imp rove students’ writing skill in writing recount text in the second year students in MTs Al Uswah Bergas in the academic year of 2015/2016? C.

   Objectives of the Research

  In line with formulation of the problem of study above, the objectives of the study are :

  1. To describe the implementation of clustering technique to improve students’ writing skill of recount textof the second year students in MTs Al Uswah Bergas in the Academic Year of 2015/2016.

  2. To describe the improvement of students’ writing skill of recount text using clustering technique in learning process of the second year students of MTS Al Uswah Bergas inthe Academic Year of 2015/2016.

  3. To find out what extent of the use clustering technique in improving students’ writing skill of recount text in the second year students of MTs Al Uswah Bergas in theAcademic Year of 2015/2016.

  D. Limitation of the Study

  This st udy is focusing on the students’ writing skills of Recount text of the secondyear students in MTS Al Uswah Bergas. In this research, the writer takes one class of the secondyear students. The action research is used to know the ability in writing of the secondyear students by using clustering technique as a method of English language teaching.

  E. Significance of the Research

  The result of the study is expected to bring some significance and contribution in teaching and learning english as follows :

  1. Students, the result of this study will give benefit to the students to improve their ability in learning recount text.

  2. Teacher, the result of this study will give an input for the teacher in teaching recount text, and as an alternative technique to enrich their teaching technique.

  F. Definition of the Key Term

  The study is a classroom action research with the title of “Improving Students’ Writing Recount Text by Using Clustering techniquein Language Teaching”. it was carried for the second grade students of MTS Al Uswah Bergas in academic year 2015/2016. There are the key term of this research

  1. Recount is the simplest text type in the genre of narrating. Formally, recount is a sequential text that does little more than sequence a series of events. (Knapp and Watkins, 2005:223) in Fitri, Refnaldi and Rusdi (2013:75). According to Siahaan and Shinoda (2008:9) in Saragih, Silalahi, & Pardede (2014:57) recount is to tell “what happened”. A recount text has a social function is to retell an event with a purpose to inform or entertain the readers.

  2. Clustering technique is the basic of natural writing, can be use to generate ideas for writing of any form : essays, poem, short stories, business report, song lirics, even novels. It means clustering technique can be use in developing student’s descriptive writing achievementRico (2000 : 38). Clustering is another prewriting technique. It is visual way of showing how your ideas are connected using circles and lines. When you cluster, you draw a diagram of your ideas (Richards and Renandya, 2002:316).

G. Review of Related Literature

  In this paper the writer takes review of related literature from another thesis as comparison of this research.

  The first research has been conducted by Dwi Afdhila Sari, a student of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga 2013. Her research title is:

  “TEACHING DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH THROUGH CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE(A Classroom Action Research At Eighth Grades Students Of SMP Islam Sudirman Tengaran In Academic Year of 2013/2015). The writer used classroom action research (CAR) as the method of research technique. This study consisted of three cycles, each cycle consisted of four steps, there are: planning, action, observation and analyze the data. The instrument that used in this research are the English test sheet (consist of pre-test and post-test), observation sheet, and interview. The result of the study showed that the student achievement in pre-test and post- test showed an improvement. The students’ mean in cycle 1 was from 64.78 up to 72.73 in cycle 2 was from 67.04 up to 77.73 and in cycle 3 was from 69.55 up to 79.55. Based on the research result, the writer concluded that teaching descriptive writing using clustering technique can improve students’ writing skill.

  The other study was conducted by Ismatul Maula (UIN Syarif Hidayalullah Jakarta, 2010) the title is


  IN TEACHING WRITING OF NARRATIVE TEXT AT THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA PGRI 56 CIPUTAT ”.This study is categorized as an experimental research, because it is intended to know the effectiveness of clustering technique in teaching writing of narrative text at the tenth grade students’ of SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat. An experimental study focuses on treatment and outcome. the experiment was done in two classes (X-1 and X-2), total population in this research is about 80 students from both two classes and

  20 students out of each class (experimental class and control class) through random sampling as a sample of this study. The writer conducted pre-test and post-test. The writer used clustering technique to teach writing skill of recount text. Based on result of pre-test and post test,the students who used the clustering technique in learning writing of narrative text (experiment class) were higher than the students’ score who learned without it (control class). The clustering technique can help the student to improve their ideas. It means that the clustering technique had positive effect in teaching writing of narrative text.

  From the previous studies above, the writer interest in the prewriting technique that has been used in previous study. Many previous studies used clustering technique for teaching writing and the result proof that clustering technique can help the students to improve their writing skill.

  Therefore, the writer gets an idea to do a further research about teaching writing using clustering technique, but the writer will do the technique in different text types. The writer wants to use the technique in teaching writing of recount text.

H. Graduating Paper Outline

  This research is organized into five chapters as follows :

  Chapter I present the introduction. It explains the background of the study, problem of study, objective of the study, limitation of the study, significance of the research, definition of the term, review of the related literature, and graduating paper outline.

  Chapter II describes the theoritical framework. It consists of definition of writing, purpose of writing, effective writing, writing process, teaching writing, assessing writing, definition of recount text, generic structure of recount text, language feature of recount text, definition of clustering technique, and teaching procedures of clustering technique.

  Chapter III is description of the research setting consist of general situation of MTS Al Uswah Bergas, setting of time, description of research schedule, and subject of study. Research methodology, researh procedure, data collection technique, research instrument, data analysis technique.

  Chapte r IV is data analysis, it’s consist of pre-test and post test. Field note consist of cycle 1 and cycle 2. The last discussions consist of process of teaching writing recount text using clustering technique, analysis of students improvement and the extent of using clustering technique.

  Chapter V is closure that consist of conclusion and suggestion. for the attachment there are appendixes and bibliography.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE In this chapter the writer tries to give clear information of theoretical

  framework which is covering writing including definition of writing, purpose of writing, teaching writing, effective writing, writing proces, and then about recount text including definition of recount text, kind of recount text, generic stucture of recount text, language feature of recount text, and the last about clustering technique including the definition of clustering technique, advantages and disadvantages using clustering technique, and teaching procedure of clustering technique.

A. Writing 1. Definition of Writing

  Writing is a process of expressing ideas or thoughts in words should be done at our leisure. How can we do something that we do not enjoy? Writing can be very enjoyable as long as we have the ideas and the means to achieve it. Writing becomes significant aspect to communicate.There are three basic principles, namely, content, register, and topic, which need to be considered in a piece of academic writing.

  Referring to content, it should be made clear, specific, and relevant. However, register should be formal, to the point, and concise. Topic, on the other hand, should be free from offences, and should avoid sensitive issues in most cases.( Leo, 2007:1 )

  Writing is one of the language skills which is important in our life. Through writing, we can inform others, carry out transaction, persuade, infuriate, and tell what we feel. However, we know that writing or learning to write especially in a second language is not simply a matter of “writing things done”. It is one of the four basic skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) that are very complex and difficult to learn. There are some characteristics of a good writing. A text or paragraph may these for to be understood as visible division of the subject method. (Saragih, Silalahi, & Pardede, 2014:57)

  White (1981 : 2) in Nunan (2003:36) state that writing is not a natural activity. All physically and mentally normal people learn to speak a language. Yet all people have to be taught how to write. This is a crucial difference between the spoken and written forms of language.

  There are other important differences as well. Writing, unlike speech, is displaced in time. Indeed, this must be one reason why writing originally envolved since it makes possible the transmission of a message from one place to another. A written message can be received, stored and referred back to at any time. It is permanent in comparison with the ephemeral ‘here one minute and gone the next’ character of spoken language

  • – even of spoken language that is recorded on tape or disk.

  Writing is a good thing to do, According to Wendy and Lisbeth (1990:69) Even if there are diffiiculties in writing in the foreign language, it is still a useful, essential, integral and ejoyable part of the foreign language lesson.

  a. It adds another physical dimension to the learning process. Hands are added to eyes and ears.

  b. It lets pupils express their personalities.

  c. Writing activities help to consolidate learning in the other skill areas. Balanced activities train the language and help aid memory.

  Practice in speaking freely helps when doing free writing activities. Reading helps pupil to see the rules of writing and helps build up their language choices.

  d. Particularly as pupils progress in the language, writing activities allow for conscious development of language. When we speak, we don’t always need to use alarge vocabulary because our meaning is often conveyed with the help of the situation. Lots of structured in the language appear more frequenty in writing, and , perhaps most important of all, when we write we have the time to go back and think about what we have written.

  e. Writing is valuable itself. There is a special feeling about seeing your work in print, and enormous satisfaction in having written something which you want to say. Never underestimate the value of making pupils’ work public – with their consent, of course.

  Inexpressing their ideas the writer usually uses certain writing types to give clear information to the readers. Pardiyono

  (2008:1-4) stated that every form for written text should have clear objective that all information, messages or ideas must be packaged in one particular type of text. The types intend are narrative, description exposition recount, procedure, anecdote, news item and discussion and report.

2. Purpose of Writing

  The purpose of writing is not merely about product oriented including content, organization, vocabulary use, spelling, and punctuation error. It is the process of how the students can express what they really want to communicate with someone else as offer by Setiyabudi (2012:12). The purpose of writing have to do with goals or aims of writing. Thinking about purposes of writing, a writer should think to motivate people to write.

  a. To express idea A writer expresses his feeling, expressions, personality, likes, and dislikes in his writing in order to make readers understand something within the materials.

  b. To provide information It means to give information and explain it. This purpose is to focus on the materials being discused.

  c. To persuade readers It means to convince readers about a matter of an opinion.

  This also focuses on the readers’ point of view. d. To create literary work It means that a work which is based on one’s point of view

  (opinion, attitude, and observation) of other matters occurring in one’s environment.

  When we do our writing, we certainly have some purpose. We have to consider the purpose of our writing not only to the type of text that we produce but also the language that we will use and the information that we choose because it will influence our writing. According to Nunan (1991:84), written language serves a range of functions in everyday life, including the following : a. Primarily for action

  Public signs, e.g on roads and stations; product labels and instructions, e.g on food, tools or toys purchased; recipes; television and radio guides; bills; menus; telephone directories; ballot papers; computer manuals; monitors and printouts.

  b. Primarily for information Newspaper (news, editorials) and current affairs magazines; hobby magazines; nonfiction books; including text books; public notes; advertisement; political pamplets; scholastic; medical; etc. reports; guide books and travel literature. c. Primarily for entertainment Light magazines; comic strips; fiction books; poetry and drama; newspaper features; film subtitles; games, including computer games.

3. Effective writing

  According to Langan (1979:13) in sentence skill`s book there are four goals of effective writing: a. Make a point

  Topic sentence is the sentence that expresses the main idea or point of the paragraph. It is better if it is stated in the first sentence.

  Besides the details of the paragraph will be unified if they support the point in the topic sentence.

  b. Support the point In supporting the point, the writer requires to contribute particular reasons, examples, and other elements that describe and develop it. It is more clear if the readers are able to `see ` ,`hear`, and `feel`.

  c. Organize the support Listing order and time order are two ordinary methods of organizing support in a paragraph.

  Listing order by providing a list of two or more reasons,

  example, or details, it helps the writer in arranging the supporting evidence. Moreover, the most interesting item is better if it is placed in the last because some readers will remember the last which is read. The examples of transition words that point out listing order are: one, for one thing, first of all, second, third, next, also, another, in addition, next, moreover, furthermore, last of all, finally.

  Time order . It is the supporting details which present the order in which they happened. It tells story a series of directions.

  There are some examples which indicate the relationships such as: first, next, as, before, during, soon, after, now, later, when, while, often, then, until, finally.

  d. Write error-free sentences The sentences will be clear and well written if we utilize the correct spelling and obey the rules of grammar, punctuation, and usage. Therefore, we need these understanding in our head. So that we require a good dictionary and grammar handbook as some reference materials in order to crate good writing.

4. Writing process

  The writing process is a way of exploring possibilities, realizing your concerns and hopes, working out problems, presenting arguments, and entertaining, informing, and persuading others. To be done well, writing, like all activities, requires practice. Rewriting is not a punishment but rather a chance to gain greater proficiency, flexibility, and understanding ( Beene and Kopple, 1985:67).

  Writing a paper is a process that can be devided into the following steps: getting started through prewriting, preparing ascratch outline, writing the first draft, revising, editing and proofreading (Langan,1979:16). According to Polette (2012 : 104) there are five recursive steps in the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and sharing/ publishing.

  In the other hand, white and arndt (1991:5) in Harmer (2004:258) stated that process writing is an interrelated set of recursive stages which include: drafting, structuring (ordering information, experimenting with arrangements, etc), reviewing (checking context, connections, assessing impact, editing), focusing (that is making sure you are getting the message across you want to get across), generating ideas and evaluation (assessing the draft and/or subsequent drafts).

5. Teaching Writing

  Writing is an important part of the curriculum in the schools from the earliest grade onward, and most children in countries that have a formal education system will learn to write , at least at a basic level in that setting. in this sense, we can say that first language writing instruction is relatively standardized within a particular culture (Weigle, 2002:5). Why teach writing? According to Harmer (2001:79) The reason for teaching writing to students of english as foreign language include reinforcement, language development, learning style and most importantly, writing as askill in its own right. We will look at each of these in turn.

  a. Reinforcement : Some students acquire languages in a purely oral/aural way, but most of us benefit greatly from seeing the language written down. The visual demosnstration of language construction is invaluable for both our understanding of how it all fits together and as an aid to committing the new language to memory. Students often find it useful to write sentences using new language shortly after they have studied it.

  b. Language development : We can’t be sure, but it seems that the actual process of writing (rather like the process of speaking) helps us to learn as we go along. The mental activity we have to go through in order to construct proper written texts is all part of the on going learning experience.

  c. Learning style : Some students are fantastically quick at picking up language just by looking and listening. For the rest of us , this may take a litle longer. For many learners, the time to think things through, to produce language in a slower way, is invaluable. Writing is aprropriate for such learners. It can also be a quiet reflective activity instead of the rush and bother of interpersonal face to face communication.

  d. Writing as skill : By far the most important reason for teaching writing of course, is that it is a basic language skill, just as important as speaking, listening and reading. Students need to know how to write letters, how to put written reports together, how to reply to advertisements

  • – and increasingly, how to write using electronic media. They need to know some of writing’s special conventions (punctuation, paragraph construction, etc) just as they need to know how to pronounce spoken english appropriately.

  According to Seth (2008:123),the reason why writing is taught in English teaching and learning are as follows: ` a. Good writing task get learners using their English to communicate to others and to express their creatively, either can be very motivate the learners.

  b. Writing gives students time to develop their thoughts.

  c. Writing can create a beneficial time of quite where all are working simultaneously on a beneficial task.

  d. Written work gives the teachers hard evidence of level and progress.

6. Assessing of writing

  In analytic scoring, scripts are rated on several aspects of writing or criteria rather than given a single score. Depending on the purpose of the assessment, scripts might be raten on such features as content, organization, cohesion, register, vocabulary, grammar, or mechanics. Analytic scoring schemes thus provide more detailed information about a test taker’s performance in different aspects of writing and are for this reason preferred over holistic schemes by many writing specialists.

  Weigle (2002:116) said that one of the best known and most widely used analytic scales in ESL was created by Jacobs et al. In the Jacobs et al scale, scripts are rated on five aspects of writing : content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.

Table 2.1 List of Component Evaluation of Writing Jacobs

  et al.’s scoring profile

  ESL COMPOSITION PROFILE Component Score Criteria

  EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD Knowledgeable, substantive, thorough

  30-27 development of thesis, relevant to assigned topic

  GOOD TO AVERAGE: Some knowledge of subject, adequate range, limited 26-22 development of thesis, mostly relevant to

  Content topic but lacks detail.

  FAIR TO POOR :Limmited knowledge of 21-17 subject, little substance, inadequate development of topic

  VERY POOR :Does not show knowledge 16-13 of subject, non-substantive, not partinent, or not enough to evaluate

  EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD :Fluent expression, ideas, clearly stated/supported, 20-18 succinct, well-organized, logical sequencing, cohesive

  GOOD TO AVERAGE: Somewhat Form/ choppy, loosely organized but main ideas

  17-14 organization stand out, limmited support, logical but incomplete sequencng

  FAIR TO POOR :Non-fluent, ideas 13-10 confused or disconnected, lack logical sequencing and development VERY POOR :Does not communicate, no 9-7 organization or not enough to evaluate

  EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD :Sophisticated rang, effective word/idiom

  20-18 choice and usage, word from mastery, appropiate register

  GOOD TO AVERAGE: Adequate range, 17-14 occasional errors of word/idiom form

  Vocabulary/s choice, usage but meaning not obscured. tyle

  FAIR TO POOR :Limited range, frequent 13-10 error of word/idiom form, shoice, usage, meaning confusd or obscured

  VERY POOR :Essentially translation, little 9-7 knowledge of english, vocabulary, idiom, word form, or not enough to evaluate

  EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: Effective, complex construction, few error

  25-22 of agreement, tense, number, word, order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition

  GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple constructions, minor problems in complex constructions, several errors of

  21-18 agreement, tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns, preposition but meaning seldom obscured.

  Languageuse/ FAIR TO POOR : Major problem in

  Grammar ` simple/complex construction, frequent error of negation, agreement, tense,

  17-11 number, word, order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition and or fragment, run-ons, deletions, meaning confused or abscured

  VERY POOR :Virtually o mastery no mastery of sentence construction rule, 10-5 dominated by errors, does no communicate, or not enough to evaluate

  EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD :Demonstrate mastey of conventions, few

  5 errors of spelling, puntuation, capitalization, paragraphing Mechanic

  4 GOOD TO AVERAGE: Occasional errors of spelling, puntuation, capitalization, paragraphing, but menaing not abscured

  3 FAIR TO POOR :Frequent errors of spelling, puntuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting, meaning confused or abscured

  2 VERY POOR :No mastery of conventions, dominated by errorsof spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting ilegible, or not enough to evaluate

  From the explanation above the reseacher conclude that the criteria of scoring are

Table 2.2 Criteria of Scoring

  No Score Criteria 1 89-100 Exellent 2 79-88 Good 3 66-78 Fair 4 46-65 Poor

  5 0-45 Very Poor B.

   Recount Text 1. Definition of recount text

  Recount text is a text that tell us about a part of experience. A recount text has an orientation, a series of events in chronological order, personal remarks on the events, and a reorientation that rounds of the sequence of events ( Priyana, 2008:19 ).

  According to knapp (2005:224), recount text basically it is a written out to make a report about an experience of a series of related event. A recount is written out to inform an event or to entertain people. Recount text is text function as for telling an incident in the past.

  From the explanation above the writer conclude that recount text is kind of text or story that retell about real experience or event that happened in the past. The purpose of recount text is toinform an event or to entertain people.

2. Generic Structure of recount text

  According to Lewis (2002:4) recount text usually consist of :

  a. Orientation (a scene setting opening) Introducing the participant, place and time. Example: I went on a visit to the moseum. Our class planted some seeds. b. Events Describing series of event that happened in the past.

  Example: I sat with Sarah on the bus. We pour soil in four pots.

  c. Reorientation (a closing statement) It is optimal. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story. Example: when we got back from the trip we wrote about it.

  The seeds with soil, light and water grew best.

3. Language Feature of Recount Text

  Boardman, 2008:287 in Saragih, Silalahi, & Pardede (2014:57) statedthat the language feature usually found in recount text include: a. Use of nouns and pronouns to identify people, animals or things involves.

  b. Use of past action verbs to refer the events.

  c. Use of past tense to located events in relation to speaker’s or researcher’s time.

  d. Use conjunctions and time connectives to sequence the event.

  e. Use of adverb and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time.

C. Clustering Technique 1. Definition of Clustering technique

  Clustering, also know as diagramming or mapping, It is another strategy that can be used to generate material for an essay.

  This method is helpful for people who like to do their thinking in a visual way. In clustering, you use lines, boxes, arrows, and circles to show relationships among the ideas and details that occur to you (Langan, 1979:18). Diagramming or maping same as clustering, it can help the student to generate idea before they try to start writing.

  Clustering is a kind of technique which can be used in pre- writing stage. It is introduce by Gabrielle Lusser Rico, a professor of english and creatifity at San Jose State University, California in 1980s. It is a techique which provides an alternative way for writers to do the brainstorming before starting to write. Rico also claims that clustering is a kind of technique in brainstorming which benefits greatly from the right brain (which she called ‘design mind’), the part of the brain in which non-linier partern and images production occur (Rico,2000). Likewise, Pica (1986 as cited by Baroudy, 2008) defines clustering as a non-linier brainstorming process that generates ideas, images, and feelings around a stimulus word until a pattern becomes discernible.

  Reid (1993 : 6) mentions that the invention of clustering helps writers to generate develop, and arrange their ideas. It can be said that clustering helps the learner in developing their idea. The goal of clustering is to determine the intrinsic grouping a set of unlabeled data. It can be shown that t here is no absolute “best” criterion which would be independen of the finalaim of the clustering.

  From the devinition above, the writer conclude that clustering is making a visual map or new association that allows thinking more creatively and to begin with clear idea. Clustering is a kind of technique which can be used in pre-writing stage. Clustering will help the students how to associate the ideas and write down the ideas that exist in their minds, and how to develop the ideas into a good paragraph.

2. Teaching Procedures of Clustering Technique

  Clustering is a powerful tool because it taps into the right brain, which drives creativity. The right brain is where fresh ideas and original insights are generated. The left brain, in contrast, is more logical and orderly. Both are essential to good writing, but if the left brain is too dominant when starting writing, it inhibits the free flow of thought. According to Proett & Gill,1986,p6 in Jack and Willy (2002) in clustering, the students form words related to a stimulus supplied by the teacher. The words are circled and then linked by lines to show discernible clusters. Clustering is a simple yet powerful strategi: “its visual character seems to stimulate the flow as association... and is particularl good for students who know what they want to say but just can’t say it”. Maede (2010) (in http://www.maedecomm.

  Com/clustering.html) mentions that there are some procedures to do clustering technique : a. Write a word or phrase on a clean piece of paper;

  b. Circle the word and let connections flow, writing down each new word or phrase that come to mind, circling it, and connecting it with a line; c. Keep hand moving all the time;

  d. Cluster for a while;

  e. Continue adding to the cluster; f. Write a piece without worrying abour perfection.

  According to Langan (1979:18) in clustering, you begin by stating your subject in afew words in the center of a blank sheet of paper. Then as ideas come to you, put them in ovals, boxes or circles around the subject, and draw lines to connect them to the subject. Put minor ideas or details in smaller boxes or circles, and also use connecting lines to show how they relate.

  To cluster ideas, begin with a blank sheet of paper. Write the word or phrase that expresses the broad subject you want to write about in the center and then circle it. For example you want to write about unforgetable holiday. Think of ideas and details related to this subject. Write around it all the word that come to your mind as you think about unforgetable holiday. Write quickly, circling each word, grouping words aroud your central word. Connect your new words to previous ones with lin

  Figure 2.1Application of Clustering Technique

  From the figure 2.2 above, we can see that the topik (a memorable holiday) is put in the centre and of the key words should be related to the topic. The students can write the key word as many as possible. Then, the students can choose which key words should be written to make a good text.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the description of the research method used in this

  study.It consist of research setting, subject of the research, research methodology, research procedure, data collection technique, research instrument, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Setting 1. General Description Of MTS Al Uswah Bergas


  MTS Al Uswah Bergas established on January 14 1917 under the name MMP ( Madrasah Menengah Pertama ). This school was established on the initiative of Islamic religious education teachers districts Klepu (before becoming district Bergas). In 1947 MMP (Madrasah Menengah Pertama) turned into SMP Islam Karangjati, in 1980 until 1987 for the specification of agencies under the ministry of religious affairs SMP Islam Karangjati become MTs Karangjati. Then began in 1988 changed its name to MTs Al Uswah Karangjati and finally in 1990 became MTs Al Uswah Bergas until now.

  The location of Mts Al-Uswah Bergas is at Jl. Masjid Tegalsari, Bergas Lor, Semarang regency. This school land area is 4500m and building area is 1800m. This school has 20 classrooms for teaching learning process. The students of MTs Al Uswah Bergas in academic year 2015/2016 are 790 students. They consist of 248 students of seventh year, 235 students of eight and the students of nine year are 307.

  2. Setting of Time

  The research was carried out at MTs Al Uswah Bergas in academic year 2015/2016. This research has been done at February 2016. Mr. Mochamat, S.Pd.I as English teacher in Mts Al Uswah Bergas was observed by the researcher.

  The writer conducted this research by applying classroom action research which consisted two cycles, each cycle consist of four steps, and they were: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Each cycle was conducted in two meeting.

  3. Description of Research Schedule

  The research was conducted in February but the process during the pre-research began from October. Here the writer as an observer and the collaborator, Mr. Mochamat S.Pd.I as the teacher in teaching learning process. The table bellow will show the schedule of the research:

Table 3.1 Research Schedule

  No Date and Time Activities


  1 October 7 2016 observation : interview to the teacher Make some agreement with Mr.

  Mochamat about the teaching learning


  2 October 9 2016 process. He agree play as teacher and the researcher as observer. th

  3 January 4 2016 permit aplication permit validator aplication and


  4 January 12 2016 validating the instrument


  5 January 15 2016 consultation of the research schedule Consulting the research instrument and


  6 January 20 2016 validating the instrument


  7 January 28 2016 first meeting before cycle. Pre-test


  8 February 2 2016 cycle 1 (first meeting)


  9 February 4 2016 cycle 1 (second meeting)


  10 February 5 2016 Validating the instrument


  11 February 9 2016 cycle 2 (first meeting) cycle 2 (second meeting) and giving


  12 February 11 2016 post test The process of teaching and learning recount text writing using clustering technique was going smoothly and most of the students are enthusiastic. Although, there was no one of the students interested to make a question about the material but the students very enthusiastic answer the teacher’s question.

4. Subject of this study

  The researcher conducted this classroom action research in the second grade students of MTS Al Uswah Bergas in academic year 2015/2016. The second grade students consist of seven classess,but the reseacher took VIII A class. This class consists of 36students, 8 male and 28 female. They come from high and middle economy families and most of them have high motivation to study.

B. Research Methodology

  In this research the researcher used classroom action research (CAR). Action research is a systematic investigation conducted by practitioners to provide information to immediately improve teaching and learning. The emphasis is on teachers, counselors, and administrators designing, carrying out and using the results of the study in their immediate work environment (James, 2008:329). According to Arhar, Holly, & Kasten(2001) as quoted by Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle (2010:313) Action research is a type of resarch that has been used in many disciplines, including education. Action research, as its name implies, within education is a type of research that aims to enact immediate changes in an educational setting. It has the potential to produce change quickly because the research is carried out by educators in their own work setting. Action research borrows techniques and ideas from all other types of research but differs from the purely quantitative or qualitative approaches in that its orientation combines professional practice, research, and reflection on o ne’s own educational practices.

  According to Stringer (2008:1) action research, however, is a distinctive approach to inquiry that is directly relevant to classroom and learning and provides the means for the teachers to enhance their teaching and improve student learning. Far from an “extra” that teachers must somehow cram into an already challenging work schedule, action researchcan be integrated into regular classroom activities to assist them to enhance student learning and improve their professional practice.

  Classroom action research are coming from three words. They are research, action and class. It can be describe are as follows

  1. Research is an activity to find out accuracy some object using methodology to get data or information which benefit to improve something which interest and important for researcher.

  2. Action is some activities deliberately done by having several aims, in the research in form activities cycles.

  3. Class is a group of students in same time and have same lesson from teacher From the definition above, the writer conclude that classroom action research is research which is done by the teacher in teaching learning process to understand the situation and to improve the skill of the students in learning process

  Classroom action research is a method of finding out what works best on your own classroom so that you can improve student learning but every teaching situation is unique in terms of content, level, student skills and learning style, teacher skills and teaching style, and many other factors. To maximize student learning, a teacher must find out what works best in a particular situation. ( Mettetal, 2001)

  One of the aims of action research is to identify a ‘problematic’ situation or issue that the participants

  • – who may include teacher, students,
managers, administrators, or even parent- consider worth looking into more deeply and systematically. The term problematic does not mean that the teacher is an incompetent teacher C.

   Research Procedure

  In this action research, classroom action research (CAR) activities carry out a series of activity cycle. They were cycle I and cycle II. The activities of each cycle were as follow:

  1. Cyle I :

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