How to Make Gro Apprentices Able To Handle The Complaints of Foreign Guests in Arion Swiss Belhotel.


Topik yang dibahas penulis dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah mengenai
penanganan keluhan-keluhan tamu hotel yang terjadi di Swiss Arion Belhotel.
Permasalahan yang terjadi diakibatkan oleh kurangnya pelatihan terhadap
para pemagang yang diberikan oleh pihak hotel, penguasaan bahasa yang
kurang sehingga mengakibatkan kesalahpahaman antara Guest Relation
Officer (GRO) dan tamu hotel khususnya tamu asing. Hal tersebut berdampak
pada kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh pengunjung hotel dan profesionalisme
dalam bekerja. Solusi potensial pertama untuk masalah ini adalah
memberikan pelatihan kepada para pemagang dan karyawan hotel baik teori
maupun praktek. Solusi potensial yang kedua adalah mengadakan kelas
bahassa inggris lebih sering dari yang telah diadakan untuk memaksimalkan
pemahaman bahasa Inggris untuk para karyawan dan pemagang. Solusi
yang ketiga adalah ketika menghadapi keluhan dari para tamu, pemagang
didampingi pembimbing. Setelah membandingkan efek positif dan negatif dari
ketiga solusi ini, penulis memilih solusi ketiga sebagai solusi terbaik


Maranatha Christian University


TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………..iv
CHAPTER I. INTRIDUCTION………………………………………………….1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION………………………………………………...13


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A. Background of the Study
English is the international language which becomes a bridge for
people from different countries to communicate. In the working field,
English mastery is an important qualification. Mastering English is not
only useful to communicate but also to gain information and transfer
the information to other parties correctly so that misunderstanding in
communication can be minimized.
In hotel industry, English mastery is the most important qualification.
The large number of foreign tourists who visit Indonesia is the main
reason why having English mastery is really needed for those who
work in the hotels. In addition, Sutanto Leo says that “hotels are
grouped by class in the term the overall quality of the accommodation
and service” (17). Thus, it is not only the quality of accommodation that

determines the class of a hotel, but also the quality of service. In other
words, good service can only be obtained when the party who gives
service can understand the needs of the guests and in the particular
context people who give services must have English mastery.


Maranatha Christian University

As for personal background of this study, I am interested in discussing
this problem because of a real experience. When I was doing my
apprenticeship at Swiss Arion Belhotel as a Guest Relation Officer (GRO),
I often do not understand what the guests said. As we know, a GRO is the
person whom the guests seek when they have complaints or questions.
GRO also has a responsibility to chat with guests who seem to be waiting
in the lobby area. In other words, GRO is the job occupation which deals
closely with guests, that is why having English competence is the most
important qualification for the job. Therefore, this study is very important to
improve the services of a GRO.

B. Identification of the Problem
The points to discuss in the term-paper can be identified as follows:
1. What are the problems of the apprentices in handling foreign guests’
complaints in Arion Swiss Belhotel?
2. What are the possible solutions of the apprentices to handle the foreign
guests’ complaint in Arion Swiss Belhotel?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The Objectives of the study are:
1. to know the problems in handling foreign guests’ complaints in Arion
Swiss Belhotel
2. to know the possible solutions to handle complaints from
foreign guests in Arion Swiss Belhotel.


Maranatha Christian University

The Benefits of the study are:
1. for the institution to get critical suggestions so that they can be more

intensive in giving good and effective trainings to the apprentices
2. for the readers to get them knowledge about hotel sector and to
improve the awareness of the importance of English especially for
working as a GRO
3. for me as a writer to broaden my knowledge about handling complaints
of foreign guests in a hotel.

D. Description of the Institution
Arion Swiss Belhotel was established on June 27th 2005. The owner of
Arion Swiss Belhotel is Arion Paramita Holding Company in Jakarta. Arion
Swiss Belhotel has 58 rooms with 4 floors and 1 top roof for hotel facilities
such as swimming pool, spa and sauna, fitness centre and kids club. For
the location, Arion Swiss Belhotel is ideally located in the heart of
Bandung, within walking distance from Bandung’s railway station and 15
minutes from Husen Sastranegara airport. It is near the entertainment
district, offering dining and shopping options and only two hours from
Jakarta by the toll road.

E. Method of the Study
The study is done using cause-effect approach and the technique of

data gathering is done by observation, by library research and internet


Maranatha Christian University

F. Limitation of the Study
The problem that I discussed in this paper happened during my
internship in Arion Swiss Belhotel from 14th of July 2008 – 27th of August
2008. This study is limited to discuss apprentice’s problems in handling
complaints of foreign guests’ in Arion Swiss Belhotel. The study is also
limited only to the ways which are possible to be adapted in Arion Swiss
Belhotel in the near future, and the result of the study is a solution which is
supported by quotations from library research and internet research.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper starts with the Abstract; a concise summary of the
entire term paper. It is followed by the Acknowledgments in which I
acknowledge the work and contribution of the other parties. After that is

the Table of Contents, followed by four chapters.


Maranatha Christian University

Chapter One is the Introduction of the analysis, which is followed by
Chapter Two which explains about the problem analysis and the causes
and effects of the problem. The next chapter contains the potential positive
and negative effects of each solution. It is followed by Chapter Four which
contains the best solution chosen as a conclusion. In the final part, I
present the Bibliography alphabetically.


Maranatha Christian University


In this chapter I would like to discuss the chosen solution for the problem
which is the inability of GRO apprentices in handling the guests’ complaints
especially foreign guests in Arion Swiss Belhotel Bandung. The chosen
solution is determined based on the comparative study of the positive and
negative effects of the three potential solutions.
Among the three solutions I have mentioned in the previous chapter, the
third solution is the best solution which has to be applied. The solution is
when handling complaints from the guests, especially foreign guests, the
apprentices are accompanied by the supervisor. This solution has no costs
for the hotel, and it is faster to take effects compared to the other solutions,
which is giving training to the apprentices and holding English class more
often for the apprentices. Having an apprentice accompanied by the
supervisor when handling complain will make the apprentices more
confident, learn fast directly from the “ role model”, and set feedback which
will build the apprentices ‘skill and knowledge’


Maranatha Christian University

Therefore, I would like to give a suggestion for Arion Swiss Belhotel to get
the supervisor or a senior GRO to assist the GRO apprentices in handling
complaints. The supervisor or a senior GRO should help when there is a
difficult complaint that the apprentices cannot handle, and he or she also has
to give examples of handling complaints for the apprentices to observe. The
English class can be held more often so that the staff can learn and practice
their English to improve the communication skills with the foreign guests. I
also suggest Arion Swiss Belhotel to continue making the internship
cooperation so that the students can get the opportunity to work in an
international hotel where their English can be applied and studies about hotel
field can be more various.


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources

Beaugard, Patris. Effective Communication in the Workplace. New York:
Harper, 2005.
Leo, Sutanto. English for Proffesional Accomodation Services. Jakarta: PT
Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2003.

Electronic Sources

Compernolle, Theo. “Trust.” Ego Zehnder International. 2005.
The Focus Online. 2008. 13 October 2008.
“Complaint Policy.” 30 May 2008. Attorney General’s.
11 October 2008. .
Formby, Carl.” The Important of Communication Skill.”
13 February 2008. 13 October 2008.
Reh, John. “ New Employee Training.” Guide to Management first series.
About .com. 2005. 11 October 2008. <>.
Vithessonti, Chaporn and Markus Schwaninger.” Job Motivation and Selfconfidence for Learning and Development as Predictors of Support for

Maranatha Christian University

change.” Journal of Organitation Transsformation and Social Change
(2008) 141-158 13 October 2008. .
Yuksel, Atika. “ Cross-National Analysis of Hotel Costimer Attitudes
Complaining.” Elsevier. 2004. 13 October 2008.

Maranatha Christian University