Teknik analisis fisikokimia yg mengamati ttg interaksi atom atau molekul dg radiasi elektromagnetik (REM)



  en ci S


  of y

  • INDRI K.D.,M.Sc.,Apt---

  Teknik analisis fisikokimia yg

mengamati ttg interaksi atom atau

molekul dg radiasi elektromagnetik (REM)


  Akibat Interasaksi atom/molekul dg REM,


  ada 3 kejadian:

  ci S

  1. hamburan (scattering),


  2. absorpsi (absorption)


  Hamburan REM o/ atom atau molekul 

  • Spektofotometri Raman Absorpsi REM o/ atom atau molekul 
  • ce spektrofotometri UV-Vis & IR en

  Absorpsi yg disertai emisi REM o/ atom

  • ci

  atau molekul  fotoluminesensi


  (flouresensi &fosforesensi)

  of y ce

Spectrofluorimetry Lecture

  en ci S of y

  • Images used in this work are distributed under the GNU Free Documentation
  • Solution structure of a trans-opened (10S)-dA adduct of +)-(7S,8R,9S,10R)- 7,8-dihydroxy-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-

  y of S ci en ce

  Copyright Statement

  License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;

  LUMINESCENCE The emission of radiation from a species

  • ce after that species has absorbed radiation.

  en ci


  S of






  Absorption first -

  en ci S of

  Followed by emission


  in all directions , usually

  • In favorable cases, luminescence methods are amongst some of the most sensitive

    and selective of analytical methods

  • Detection Limits are as a general rule at

  y of S ci en ce


  ppm levels for absorption

  LUMINESCENCE Collectively, fluorescence and

  • ce

  phosphorescence are known as

  en photoluminescence. ci

  A third type of luminescence -


  • of

  Chemiluminescence - is based upon


  emission of light from an excited species

  LUMINESCENCE Most chemical species are not naturally

  • ce luminescent.


  Derivatisation reactions are often

  • ci

  available to form luminescent derivatives

  S of

  of non-luminescent compounds.



However, this extra step lessens the

  • Fluorimetry is the most commonly used

  • The terms fluorimetry and fluorometry are used interchangeably in the chemical

  y of S ci en ce


  luminescence method. Phosphorimetry usually requires at liquid nitrogen temperatures (77K).

Energy Level Diagram





  en ci



Fluorescence and

  Following absorption of radiation, the

  • ce

  molecule can lose the absorbed energy by several pathways. The particular

  en ci

  pathway followed is governed by the

  S kinetics of several competing reactions. of

  (Note: in the next slides 1- 10 you need to


  identify each slide with its place with the

Fluorescence and

  One competing process is vibrational

  • ce

  relaxation which involves transfer of energy to neighbouring molecules which


  • -13 ci

    is very rapid in solution (10 sec).


  In the gas phase, molecules suffer fewer

  • – of

  collisions and it is more common to see the


  emission of a photon equal in energy to that

Fluorescence and

  • In solution, the molecule rapidly relaxes to the lowest vibrational energy level of the electronic state to which it is excited (in this case S
  • 2 ). The kinetically favoured

    reaction in solution is then internal

    conversion which shifts the molecule

      y of S ci en ce

    • Following internal conversion, the molecule loses further energy by vibrational relaxation. Because of internal conversion and vibrational relaxation, most molecules in solution will decay to the lowest vibrational energy level of the lowest singlet

      y of S ci en ce

      Fluorescence and

    Fluorescence and

      When the molecule has reached the

    • ce

      lowest vibrational energy level of the


      lowest singlet electronic energy level


      then a number of events can take place:

      S of y

    Fluorescence and

      the molecule can lose energy by internal

    • ce

      conversion without loss of a photon of


      radiation, however, this is the least likely



      S of y

    Fluorescence and

      the molecule can emit a photon of

    • ce

      radiation equal in energy to the difference


      in energy between the singlet electronic


      level and the ground-state, this is termed



      of y

    Fluorescence and

      the molecule can undergo intersystem

    • ce

      crossing which involves and electron spin


      flip from the singlet state into a triplet


      state. Following this the molecule decays


      to the lowest vibrational energy level of

      of y

      the triplet state by vibrational relaxation;

    Fluorescence and

      the molecule can then emit a photon of

    • ce

      radiation equal to the energy difference


      between the lowest triplet energy level


      and the ground-state in a process known

      S as phosphorescence. of y

    Fluorescence and

      In fluorescence, the lifetime of the

    • ce

      molecule in the excited singlet state is -9 -7

      en 10 to 10 sec. ci S

      In phosphorescence, the lifetime in the

    • of
      • -6 y

        excited singlet state is 10 to 10 sec

      • Fluorescence, phosphorescence and internal conversion are competing processes. The fluorescence quantum efficiency and the phosphorescence quantum efficiency are defined as the fraction of molecules which undergo

        y of S ci en ce

        Quantum Efficiency


      • The power of fluorescent radiation, F, is

        proportional to the radiant power of the excitation beam absorbed by the species able to undergo fluorescence:

        y of S ci en ce

        F = K'(P - P) where P is the power incident on the sample, P is the power after it traverses a length b of the


        Beer's law can be rearranged to give:

      • ce
        • -bc

          P/P = 10

          en where A = bc is the absorbance. ci

          Substitution gives:


        • - bc of

          F = K'P (1 - 10 )




        This expression can be expanded (Taylor series):

        • ce
        • 2 3

             (

          2 .

          3 bc ) ( 2 . 3 bc )   


             F = KP 2 . 3 - bc

               



            2! 3 !  


            To a good approximation if bc is small (< 0.05) the


            higher-order terms are nearly zero, we have:



            which demonstrates two important points:

            ce en

            that at low concentrations fluorescence

          • ci

            intensity is proportional to concentration;

            S of

            that fluorescence is proportional to the





            en ci S of

            For a







            The fluorescence is often viewed at 90°

          • ce

            orientation (in order to minimise


            interference from radiation used to excite

            ci the fluorescence). S of y

            The exciting wavelength is provided by


          • Because An intense monochromatic light source is required ...
          • >

            Lasers are an almost ideal light source for

            fluorimetry (laser-induced fluorescence) but are

            too expensive and/or impractical for most

            routine applications.

            y of S ci en ce

          Types of Fluorescent Molecules

            Experimentally it is found that fluorescence is

          • ce

            favoured in rigid molecules, eg., phenolphthalein and fluorescein are structurally

            en ci

            similar as shown below. However, fluorescein


            shows a far greater fluorescence quantum

            of efficiency because of its rigidity. y

          Types of Fluorescent Molecules

            It is thought that the extra rigidity

          • ce

            imparted by the bridging oxygen group in


            Fluorescein reduces the rate of


            nonradiative relaxation so that emission


            by fluorescence has sufficient time to

            of y



            ce en ci S of y


          • Benzo[a]pyrene, is a 5-

            ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon that is


            mutagenic and highly carcinogenic

            en ci

          • It is found in tobacco


            smoke and tar


            The epoxide of this


            molecule intercalates in


            Excitation and fluorescence spectra for benzo(a)pyrene


            in H SO . In the diagram 2 4 the solid line is the


            excitation spectrum (the Benzo(a)pyrene


            fluorescence signal is


            measured at 545 nm as the exciting wavelength is


            varied). The dashed line is


            the fluorescence spectrum


          • Many drugs possess high quantum efficiency for fluorescence. For example, quinine can

            y of S ci en ce

            B. Fluorimetric Drug Analysis

          • In addition to ethical drugs such as quinine, many drugs of abuse fluoresce directly. For example lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

            y of S ci en ce



          • Because LSD is active in minute quantities (as little as 50 g taken orally) an extremely sensitive methods of


            analysis is required. Fluorimetricaly LSD is usually determined in urine from a sample of about 5mL in


            volume. The sample is made alkaline and the LSD is


            extracted into an organic phase consisting of n-heptane


            and amyl alcohol. This is a "clean-up" procedure that

            of removes potential interferents and increases sensitivity. y

            The LSD is then back-extracted into an acid solution